
Nydhog Game profile


Mar 8th 2019, 6:00:59

I am trying to figure out how land grabbing works and am having a bit of trouble understanding. I keep getting hit for 2x or 3x the amount I am able to hit others for. I looked through the wiki and realize that there are diminishing returns, so the times I hit a single empire multiple times makes sense to me. I can't, however, figure out what is causing such a big difference between the amount I am able to take from a single land grab vs the amount I lose.

The empires I hit all had more land than me at the time and many of the people who hit me had more land than I did when I was struck. The tech bonus alongside the Tyranny bonus doesn't seem to be sufficient to explain the discrepancy to me. It also appeared, if I was reading the report correctly, that some or all of the bonus attack gains from tech/tyranny were applied after or separately from the value that I lost. Is there another factor I am missing involved in determining the amount of land gained from a single attack?

Here is my empires news so far for reference:

PS Mar 6, 18:37 King Gorilla (#110) Nydhog (#53) 261 A
PS Mar 6, 21:03 c3lph1 (#14) Nydhog (#53) DH
PS Mar 7, 02:21 Werewolves of London (#102) Nydhog (#53) 424 A
PS Mar 7, 18:05 XxxFODxxX (#22) Nydhog (#53) 579 A
PS Mar 7, 19:25 Beauty under the sea (#55) Nydhog (#53) 566 A
PS Mar 7, 19:25 Beauty under the sea (#55) Nydhog (#53) 399 A
PS Mar 7, 21:38 Nydhog (#53) Princess Gabriella Vicious (#65) 224 A
SS Mar 7, 21:41 Nydhog (#53) Princess Gabriella Vicious (#65) DH
PS Mar 7, 21:46 Nydhog (#53) Zio Wider (#85) 267 A
PS Mar 7, 21:50 Nydhog (#53) Zio Wider (#85) 163 A
PS Mar 7, 21:54 Nydhog (#53) Zyneste (#80) 108 A
PS Mar 7, 21:59 Nydhog (#53) Zyneste (#80) 77 A
PS Mar 8, 01:31 Nydhog (#53) Andonna (#68) 208 A
SS Mar 8, 01:32 Nydhog (#53) Andonna (#68) 99 A
SS Mar 8, 01:32 Nydhog (#53) Andonna (#68) 73 A
SS Mar 8, 01:32 Nydhog (#53) Andonna (#68) 56 A
PS Mar 8, 01:35 Nydhog (#53) Sleepy Scarecrow (#36) DH
PS Mar 8, 03:36 Nydhog (#53) Seriously Red Ibis (#25) 232 A
PS Mar 8, 03:43 Nydhog (#53) Seriously Red Ibis (#25) 149 A
PS Mar 8, 04:58 Little Blue Bug (#62) Nydhog (#53) 610 A

sfbob Game profile


Mar 8th 2019, 8:21:12

Hi, DR accumulates from all hits not just yours so those bots you hit were already in DR from grabs by other players

sfbob Game profile


Mar 8th 2019, 8:24:00

Have you got this:

You can see how much DR a country is in on there.

Other factors > you get more from a bigger country, you gain more if you have military strategy tech, tyrannies gain more. That's it I think.

bug03 Game profile


Mar 8th 2019, 9:21:56

You gain most when your land and net worth are equal. If you have more land or more nw, you get less. Under on both is usually preferred

trumpoz Game profile


Mar 8th 2019, 9:59:07

Nydhog - it is generally not worth grabbing a human player if you are playing to netgain. On express it is virtually impossible outrun a retal.

Grabbing humans to deliberately be annoying can be fun.

trumpoz Game profile


Mar 8th 2019, 10:10:07

Originally posted by bug03:
You gain most when your land and net worth are equal. If you have more land or more nw, you get less. Under on both is usually preferred

That last statement is somewhat incorrect. Gains are not based on attacker's land. It is only NW based.

Max gains are gained when the defender is 95-100% of your nw.

Marshal Game profile


Mar 8th 2019, 15:26:39

don't think eestats shows correct dr but still it shows which bot has dr and which not.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Nydhog Game profile


Mar 8th 2019, 16:05:27

Ah, cumulative DR makes sense. Awesome, thanks guys!

trumpoz Game profile


Mar 8th 2019, 23:28:38

DR on express is 8 hours.

Also there is country:country DR which reduces ghost acres