Jul 1st 2019, 21:41:15
Time has come for me to switch off the lights in my ee career. I took a minute to access how much time I'm actually spending in this game and if I'm still enjoying it and it's just not the same game for me anymore. I came to PDM when there was 1-2 tagged each set, I'e been insanely active, always positive and recruited hard to see pdm at 6-8 members each set. I love PDM, I love the players, and I've met a few half decent people across the server. But the ratio between nice people and absolute toxic fluffwits is about 1 / 10.
This game has such a toxic nature to it that its actually unhealthy. You can clearly see the devide between players and its incredibly bad for your health. People are enraged, harrasing, threatening and bringing wives and kids into discussions. It has to stop, in the end this game has 20 years of grudges and this 'text game' is now being used as a tool to carry out grudges, that is it.
The game hasn't changed, in fact its gotten progressively worse and there is no change you can develop that will fix peoples stale bitter attitudes here. I am a nobody here, but I also represent the best of the game. I've always been positive, happy to help, happy to help growth of the game but in the end it doesn't matter.
This game is a habit that people have that needs to be stopped and filled with something that will make you happy. We've gotten into a habit of creating a country and running turns just because. Because we've all being doing it for years.
If you look at the actual toxic nature of what is going on here I think the person who actually owns the game, for the good of the community needs to turn the server off. Even for 6 months, and let everyone take a break...