
Eric171 Game profile


Feb 23rd 2012, 4:31:30

meh. I hate shows/movies/books that need to turn people stupid to work.

Eric171 Game profile


Feb 20th 2012, 2:19:49

I see TAN people!

Eric171 Game profile


Feb 19th 2012, 3:16:33

hi hi.

it is a metaphorical dance, iscode...

Eric171 Game profile


Feb 18th 2012, 1:34:24

hey, so many people I miss on this thread! Hi hi fluffers!

Anyway, a whole thread and no one said dance dagga dance! yet? What happened to you people?!

Eric171 Game profile


Feb 17th 2012, 4:22:53

RP has some positions that are quite attractive to left leaning people, mostly thanks to Obama being such a big fail, but...
damn, all the gold fetishism and economic wackery is simple nuts.

Upside to that is that the US political system is easy to block so nothing is done. That does away with a lot of the down side of RP.

Eric171 Game profile


Feb 17th 2012, 4:06:29

Originally posted by iScode:
Eric!!!! they gave you the wrong site

its bro.

*fluffes iScode*

No fluff for the BoltaRD, though!

Eric171 Game profile


Feb 16th 2012, 1:52:43


Eric171 Game profile


Feb 16th 2012, 1:44:35

I am back for this set. I need the link for the website, though...


Eric171 Game profile


Jan 29th 2011, 8:39:13

most of the market share is among the big ones really.

anyway, I doubt there is much difference between a robo signer and the way they actually work fluff there.

btw, the costs of this smaller bank would likely be higher with personalized service. this means higher interest rates.

nvm the too big to fail advantage big banks enjoy in the USA because, in the end, it will be the insurance company (or the feds, if the problem is too big) that will be shafted by the default.

Eric171 Game profile


Jan 29th 2011, 2:48:39

Banks usually huge corporations, with tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of employees, tens of millions of clients, hundreds of billions (sometimes even trillions) of USD in assets, often with thousands or even tens of thousands of branchs.

Customer service is not that personal, even more with the rush toward automatization these past couple of decades.

Eric171 Game profile


Jan 16th 2011, 5:23:19

Originally posted by NOW3P:
What Klown said + the original intent/design of the founding documents of the US were very intentionally designed to be liquid as far as legal implication. Hence the vague and broadly defining language.

Of course the founding father's couldn't anticipate the directions society would go 200 years after their initial works. If you look at the historical documentation though, I think you'll see that one of their primary concerns was building a set of guidelines that could be adjusted to the needs of society as it changed and evolved - which makes both the thought process and the documents themselves incredibly important.

In the US, courts spend thousands of man hours per year determining what the INTENT of the law is to determine how it should be enforced. NO system is perfect, or even close for that matter, but the good ones recognize that they will change over time and must allow themselves to do so based on some core principles/common beliefs.

I am perfectly aware that discussion about what your courts do is stuck in an endless "constructionism" vs "judicial activism" rethorical fight.

If you can't see the major differences in political parties, you're either incredibly uneducated on the issues and the various approaches to solving them (don't think this is your case), just not looking hard enough, or getting some incredibly crappy/slanted news (my odds on pick).

eh, nah. I try to avoid all the rhetorical fluff and focus on what the government actually is doing. For example:

sucking up to big banks.
indefinite detention.
black sites with likely torture.
presidential ordered assassinations on citizens.
declaring everything state secrets.
implementing a health insurance program that republicans from 10-20 years ago would embrace/propose.
tax breaks as an economical tool.

Stuff like that are all shades of gray when we compare the two mentioned governments and I actually am missing Bush because at least he was authentic. =D

Eric171 Game profile


Jan 16th 2011, 5:04:01

Originally posted by Klown:
Thats just false Eric. There is more of a difference between the two parties now perhaps more so than at any other time in our history. No, there isn't a socialist party, which maybe is what you consider left, but there are clear ideological divides between the parties.

there isn`t even a center left. what you guys consider clear divides between the two parties usually is minor stuff for the rest of the world. The biggest difference I have seen so far is don`t ask don`t tell repeal, so I will concede there.

Note that I am talking about people in power (a Bush government vs. Obama government comparison), not what this or that isolated member of congress think.

Eric171 Game profile


Jan 15th 2011, 23:34:26

Originally posted by Link:
that guy was pretty fluffed up..

oh yeah. It is hard to actually understand what the fluff he is saying.

Eric171 Game profile


Jan 15th 2011, 23:29:53

Originally posted by BobbyATA:
I'll try to tie this to another related event that was big in the news a few months ago, the suicide of a Rutgers student, Tyler Clementi, after his "sex acts" were captured by his roommate on his computer webcam and then broadcast out.

IMO the roomate should have been punished for his crime as harshly (and no more) as he would have been had Tyler merely reported the crime instead of committing suicide. The fault of taking one's own life was Tyler's alone, but that does not mean that other people were not at fault for other actions.

Similarly Jared is ultimately the only person responsible for the shootings in Tuscon. BUT others are responsible for creating such a toxic political atmosphere REGARDLESS of whether it even affected Jared. And they should have been held responsible for creating such an atmosphere on the day before the events in Tuscon as well, but sometimes it takes a tragedy to spur our country to action...

out of curiosity, what was the exact crime committed by the roommate?

Eric171 Game profile


Jan 15th 2011, 23:21:32

Originally posted by NOW3P:
You can't properly address the present without a firm grasp of the past.

You're not actually suggesting that the founding principals of a country and their application in modern society aren't "contemporary issues" are you Eric?

Actually, I don`t think what the legislator (in this case the founding fathers) thought or wrote is in any way as important as what actually ended up being the written constitution.

What the "founders" thought or did is historically important, but far from the perfect or ultimate method of law interpretation.

It is just one among many different methods of interpreting the law of the land, and far from the best one at that, since, like I hinted at, their solutions and dogma were suited to dealing with a society that lived under the thumb of Imperial England, built upon slave labor, with a very different set of human behavior, economical and technological circumstances.

Moving on to another topic, regarding what Klown said about highly polarized politicians being elected... come on, the whole political specter in the USA goes from center right to right. That is not polarized. We from the outside have to really think hard to note a REAL (instead of imaginary) difference between democrats (Obama) and republicans (Bush) in power. It mostly turned into a shades of gray distinction now.

Eric171 Game profile


Jan 15th 2011, 4:44:49

people should be less stuck on what the founders supposedly thought and more concerned with contemporary issues. You don`t live in the 18th century under the thumb of Imperial England anymore.

Eric171 Game profile


Jan 15th 2011, 4:39:14

Originally posted by mrford:
Actually, it's exactly the same, if not more valid.

You are interperting a photo of political targets to be a death list. A pretty harsh and large leap in logic.

"my congress woman is dead to me" is a much harsher action IMO and has very little room for interpertation.

If you can interpert a simple political tool as a death list, then by that logic you can absoluetly not ignore the "she is dead to me" statment.

I'm sure even you can follow that line of logic.

Actually, I am pretty sure most actually can`t follow that sort of twisted moral equivalence line of reasoning.

Eric171 Game profile


Dec 17th 2010, 6:31:15

Europe isn`t a country and there isn`t an European public broadcast channel. Some countries have them, others don`t, and only God knows if they actually show/showed the respective premiere league of each country, nevermind the exceptional claim that they actually lose/lost money doing it.

If you want to go that way, you should at least put out the evidence for that.

Football as an organized big sport isn`t that old either. First World Cup was in the 1930s, then we had an interval due to WW II and after that it started to really matter. Few big clubs are older than 100 years.

Eric171 Game profile


Dec 17th 2010, 6:21:37


Eric171 Game profile


Dec 15th 2010, 2:06:24

*fluffes martian*

Eric171 Game profile


Dec 15th 2010, 2:05:56

in rational coutries yeah, healthcare would be a public service that would be financed by taxes. But that obviously is not the case of the USA Dibs.

And that still does not make what is happening overthere be a "tax" legally speaking.

Eric171 Game profile


Dec 14th 2010, 21:44:35

it is the fact that it isn`t a tax that would make it unconstitutional here in Brazil.

it boggles my mind that a federal law is forcing you to buy a private service.

Eric171 Game profile


Dec 14th 2010, 0:41:49

true enough :D

Eric171 Game profile


Dec 14th 2010, 0:40:43

Originally posted by NOW3P:
I honestly don't see what all the hubbub is other than the guy releasing some low level classified documents.

I doubt he'll be arrested OR assassinated. Just harassed by several intelligence agencies until he quits doing his thing.

He should probably be tried for treason with the whole releasing classified documents thing, but that's not likely.

On a related note...Happy World Press Freedom Day! ROFL!\

treason? ffs, the dude is not an USA citizen, he does not work in the USA, he does not live in the USA, he does not have knowledge of USA fluff due to a job or contract he has with the USA government.

Despite wishes to the contrary, there is no single world government and it is not the USA.

Eric171 Game profile


Dec 9th 2010, 0:20:37

Originally posted by mrford:
I didn't read the whole thread, so forgive me.

As far as the new healthcare bill, my family and family friends all own their own small buisnisses. We/they have laid off 20% of our employees and cut the pay of the rest. Some was because of the economy, mut most was in relation to the new bill.

One instance. My friend owns a few meinikes. Their employees were fluff happy about the healthcare reform. They were pretty ignorant about it and only looked at the positives. What they didn't understand was that they bad to take a sizably paycut when the new healthcare rules hit their buisness. This is playin out all over the country.

I forget the exact number, but the majority of workers in the united states are employed by small buisness. Passing legislation that cripples these buisnisses in the midst of a massive recession was a incredibly stupid move. It is one that I can't believe more people are talking about. It is one that I think will define obamas short legacy.

Apparently the middle class doesn't fluff as much as the poor or rich. I have no other explination


dude, seriously, most of the health care reform for suckers in the USA didn`t take effect yet.

Eric171 Game profile


Dec 9th 2010, 0:12:07

I don`t disagree there. But the problem is with the specific market, not the sport itself.

It is amazing how some people still argue that the most successful and popular sport in the World is not good business.

Eric171 Game profile


Dec 8th 2010, 6:02:03

*touches mrford*

Eric171 Game profile


Dec 8th 2010, 5:55:24

Fooglmog is missing all the money that is made with real football in Europe.

Also, why would anyone care about Australia`s market, Dragonlance? :D

anyway, sure, any type of corruption should go down. Even more if it ends up with a new person managing the brazilian football association...

PS: the USA didn`t win because it is not the time for the world cup to rotate back to the America`s continent, you fluffheads. It will be interesting to see how the rotation politics plays now with World Cups in Asia and Africa, though.

Eric171 Game profile


Dec 8th 2010, 4:08:30

threads like these makes me want to quit even before I fully come back...

Eric171 Game profile


Nov 3rd 2010, 19:50:39

Originally posted by cypress:
Eric: still at the bank yeah? Hhehe, can't be that bad a connection - don't think you need a great connection to be on IRC :P

it is not a speedy issue, it is a DNS and disconnection issue (like I get disconnected once per minute sometimes).

Eric171 Game profile


Nov 3rd 2010, 19:48:42

Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by Eric171:
if Obama wasn`t so incompetent and such an electoral fraud, this discussion wouldn`t even be happening.

Way to make a completely baseless accusation! Obama's competencies are debatable but electoral fraud is an absolute lie.

sure it is a lie. Go tell that to the democrats that stayed home because they had buyers remorse and didn`t want to elect another bunch of democrats that will run the government as republicans would.

Change we can believe in. haha. Suckers we can believe in is more like it.

Eric171 Game profile


Nov 3rd 2010, 7:12:08

well, 2008 is the price republicans paid for electing inept people back in 2000 (and 2004). I don`t disagree with you there either.

That doesn`t make the people elected in 2008 any less inept or an electoral fraud, though.

Eric171 Game profile


Nov 3rd 2010, 7:09:14

work is light again :)

my internet connection is too crap this past month for real IRC iddlying.

Eric171 Game profile


Nov 3rd 2010, 6:19:20

Fed spending in the USA bellow 10% of GDP when the military spending is over 800bi USD? hahahaha.

anyway, gripping about deficits during a recession is stupid. It is also stupid to compare microeconomics scenarios (how to run a business) with macroeconomics problems (how to fix the country`s economy).

Last but not least, now you in the USA will pay the price of electing incompetents and electoral frauds to run your country back in 2008.

Eric171 Game profile


Nov 3rd 2010, 6:08:50

the idea that a nuclear power would sell out for 2bi USD is a bad joke, isn`t it?

Eric171 Game profile


Nov 3rd 2010, 6:05:35

if Obama wasn`t so incompetent and such an electoral fraud, this discussion wouldn`t even be happening.

Eric171 Game profile


Nov 3rd 2010, 6:04:08

<3 cyp! you are back!

regarding chevys beating brazil, only thing I can say is... join the team!

Eric171 Game profile


Nov 3rd 2010, 5:58:46

read a little about Joseph Goebbels, pang.

Eric171 Game profile


Nov 3rd 2010, 4:54:17

Honda > ford

Eric171 Game profile


Nov 3rd 2010, 4:06:14

bah, ivan should have told me it would be NA. I probably would have made a country...

anyway, chaz sucks, aponic blows and martian humps little green women, just like murf, though they aren`t from the same planet, is all.

Eric171 Game profile


Sep 4th 2010, 3:23:32

Originally posted by dixiechick:
Imag everyone knows you don't really care about SOF. You just like to war and could not find a real one of your own so you jumped in on someone elses. well we are not at war with you. you should find your own toys.

Ivan you I am surprised at. I seriously thought you believed in yourself and your clan better than having to sell yourself out for help. I know we were winning but are you that sore of a loser? TBH i thought you had more pride than that. seriously I did.

Wars between a clan where dixie is a leader and a clan where ivan is also a leader have become so common from 2008 or so to now that I doubt you two can surprise each other (or me) anymore, even if the tag name in our side changed a little.

Pacts broken, spies, threatening each other in FA talks, OOP FS, last week of the set FS, middle of the set FS, trumpeting each other with allies and more allies, all of that and even more have been done.

So, no claims of false surprises here please. :)

This set SOF took a chance in hoping ICN would let bygones be bygones, but we are not totally stupid, that is all. It is almost like ICN wants to be the new SOL in SOF`s history, but without all the things that made SOL shine.

Eric171 Game profile


Aug 23rd 2010, 7:08:37

all of this started because a bunch of flufftards wanted to lg like it is an end by itself.

Live with the consequences.

I am not really joking when I say I favor nuke retals on the best set or largest country in the tag that made the landgrab. Collective responsibility ftw.

Eric171 Game profile


Aug 21st 2010, 22:02:06

yeah zip, I would say you fail badly at trying to troll SOF.

Eric171 Game profile


Aug 21st 2010, 20:46:06

imo, the retaliation policy should be multiple nuking of the fattest or on the best set country in the tag that made the hit. I believe in collective responsibility.

Eric171 Game profile


Aug 5th 2010, 1:51:38

Originally posted by de1i:
Makes checking for stonewallers great :)


Eric171 Game profile


Aug 5th 2010, 1:45:01

you guys should bring back the attack bonus bug that dict had in earth2025 as a feature in EE.

THAT is what made dicts so popular again in war tags during 2007-2009. ;)

Eric171 Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 7:13:20

if you tell me it is a black hole where no one has no right, like Guantanamo supposedly was under the Bush administration, ima lulz, btw. :P

being self-governed isn`t the same as being a sovereign (and recognized) nation, btw.

further, I doubt that you can find a democratic nation that is really democratic that blockades their own citizens for years and years. It is an oxymoron, martian. On the other hand, you do know history a lot. :)

Eric171 Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 7:08:31

Originally posted by martian:
Eric: at this point in time this is true. Note that Gaza is not part of israel, nor is it administered by it.

really? is it a sovereign nation? no-man`s land or what? I mean it in Israels vision.

Eric171 Game profile


Jun 1st 2010, 4:28:29

Yes, I will watch it.

Traditionally, whenever a World Cup isn`t played in Europe, a south-american country wins it. So I am betting on argentina or brazil for this one.

Eric171 Game profile


Jun 1st 2010, 4:26:39

Originally posted by martian:
interesting but falacious reasoning.
Running a naval blockade usually gets you killed.
Or in the case of the soviets.. nearly starts ww3.

The problem is that there is no agreement on what "international waters" vs "sovereign waters" is in the mediteranian, nor has there ever been (this doesn't just relate to israel but may other countries who I won't list).

You try to do this to any country and the results would be similar.

Anyway politics are typically allowed on these boards as long as they don't degenerate into personal attacks on individuals

And all I have to say is that you need more fluff

I doubt you will find that many democracies doing a blockade on their own citizens, though. :P