
brujodale Game profile


Jun 13th 2021, 15:57:15

I had a blast, my restart had over 1000 defends, got off around 180 missiles, got kilt, killed about 2.6m civs, love it. moved me up in the top 100's its all good.
now we need a nice server war.. we could call it the aRRow wars revisited lol.

brujodale Game profile


Jun 6th 2021, 2:19:03

task you should that BS your spreading. me and groot are best buds, you have any?????
fluff you

brujodale Game profile


Jun 6th 2021, 2:18:14

sym Lol what are you going on about? You guys suck so bad that no one wants to war with you on there side. Is that better?
well maybe its because u suck so bad we dont want anything to do with you this is a game. wtf!!! some of u have ur heads up ur ass so far you see your mouth.

brujodale Game profile


Jun 6th 2021, 2:16:44

I remeber that chat when you made groot cry,he hasn’t played since symbolic you bully lol

bullfluff task that is pure bulllllsheet and u know it. if u cant post something of truth then frick off.
and spelling is not your thing I can tell.

brujodale Game profile


Jun 6th 2021, 2:13:19

frick u wussies I am so not fluffing impressed.

brujodale Game profile


Jun 1st 2021, 3:15:12

hey maybe sof still sucks?

brujodale Game profile


Jun 1st 2021, 3:14:59

ohhh sym what a great retort, huge clan does fs on small clan. roflmao. so if no one wants to war with us, so a fs is ok huh/ doh. logic to an imbecile is nonsense
your statement lacks warranted premises, and no valid conclusion.

brujodale Game profile


Jun 1st 2021, 3:12:23

gotta watch those all lesbian clans. they sneaky and smell like old sardines roflmao.
/me soooo impressed by a large clan doing a FS on a small clan. roflmao.

brujodale Game profile


Jun 1st 2021, 2:39:38

ahhh ok, whatevers. farts on sof TOORGMI so is this the all lesbian clan????

brujodale Game profile


May 31st 2021, 0:28:39

hey I sold antiques for decades, my partner was gay, he had a rule he waited on all the guys, I waited on all the gals, life was good. and at his parties I sat we the lesbians as we had a blast and we had similar interests.
I may not be able to break any country, but you better believe I would be up the ass end of your kilt with my spies and have my way. I so love that back door. no Sui not that back door the game back door.
just want to bring some spirit back into the game. miss those dang arrow wars now those were so much fun. just how long ago was the arrow wars? 2002/2003?

brujodale Game profile


May 30th 2021, 1:16:48

it has been 3 sets of war ready and netting. it is just plain boring. I am even all in to attack sui and that all lesbian clan even. what clan is that again??? but we do need to war.
still like the idea of like a bowling league. these clans vs. these other clans in both wars and in netting.

brujodale Game profile


May 27th 2021, 1:33:41

MAN that was a fast year. bomber loved this game, made his nights.

brujodale Game profile


May 11th 2021, 1:13:06

gal I have underwear older than you!!! good to see someone from the old days, arrow wars and such checking in. I got drug into alliance from turny of 3 years into laf, seems I had to get up at 5 am and such then later was taught much by son goku. then about 10 years later i got to refresh his memory on the game. by the way sardine pies are still the favorite food of the game in alliance.
/me jumps off soap box, trips over bong, falls into sardine pie, farts and walks away.
burma shave

brujodale Game profile


May 3rd 2021, 20:24:44

science has proven that the older you are the longer your stick is!!! so that means that taker is the long dong of the game but bru is close behind. my nick was triPOD.
have to bring this up, they were saying who had the largest wood. of all the people it was
Milton Burl.
but the best was when we were in vegas in the 70s they were building the liberache museum which was under construction and t he sign sez enter thru rear. so arc ur doing fine.

brujodale Game profile


Apr 27th 2021, 20:34:39

Part of my family is from there. they took off during the trail of tears and got away around cairo illinois, they had an old trading post there and steve sanook would dress up for the tourists. we became great friends and spent lots of time together. also great rock hunting to the east of yah, that is if u like rubies, emeralds, sapphires and such.

brujodale Game profile


Apr 19th 2021, 13:50:41

sardine pies rule

brujodale Game profile


Apr 13th 2021, 15:37:52

got to hit my first mine shaft since last fall. went down to level 3 and got some great copper and silver specimens. plus our snow is gone but getting more later this week. our winters go till may 15th, then they give us our snow totals for year. yeah it snows here in may sometimes.
also gal, you have to try the scalloped white squash. they are huge plants. some ppl call them pattie pans cause they pick em while little. but let them get about 10" diameter, peel slice bread deep fry, they are awesome. they have like a steak texture to them. you put one plant on a 2 foot diameter mound, like I said they are huge. why their leaves are even bigger than sui's head!!! I know!!

also polished up my HuMping Saddle to get on ppl's backs easier. gives major the LQQk

brujodale Game profile


Apr 5th 2021, 22:11:42

wow what a game between ucla and the Zags. zags played like cRAP and ucla was hot. but that last second shot.... tonight should be a great game


brujodale Game profile


Mar 29th 2021, 16:02:56

I have proposed a way to do wars in the past, and get to meet everyone in the game.

Have a war league. like a bowling league. this clan and this clan vs. this clan and these clans.
We get to mix it up, chat with new weird ppl not the usual weird ppl u are used to talking with.

I like the diff ways the wcl's use, in deciding targets, how to use those ppl who are fricking spies hehehehe. and attacking.
I recruited for TIE for decades, had two full notebooks full of isp numbers, banned isp's etc. I have never really caRed who won a war or not, it was always about keeping ppl in the game.
I think there are still some players in the game that I recruited. hell I recruited nero out of middle school, (was not trolling), major, gambit=DD etc. so would love to see anything to keep this game alive. I think we should run an ad in the Lesbian magazines!! then that would generate a high demand for d00ds to join too. maybe galleri can get some of her friends to join ...rofmao. /me jumps off soapbox, grabs his sardine pie and walks off

brujodale Game profile


Mar 22nd 2021, 2:09:54

this has been the weirdest march madness EVER!

brujodale Game profile


Mar 17th 2021, 0:34:57

lets start up as many march madness contests we can join. name the team earth empires and post the site. I know places like cbs, espn, etc have them set up. ok who is the best.
considering Gonzaga won by default last year, and is gonna kick ass this year I am so readyyyyy fur the madness.
winner gets free sardine pies for a year. I know!!!
so list some sites peeps

brujodale Game profile


Mar 15th 2021, 3:02:59

I had to quit carrying my pistol in my crotch. had too many college chicks following me out of walmart. plus would wear my bunny boots lol they look like size 25.
Loved the old german mauser, have a browning special 20 gauge special addition 1950s magnesium breech, gold trigger, plus some civil war rifles. and my fav is a savage/mossburg 12 gauge with poly chokes. you put the choke on depending on what u are hunting.
I still am not sure what gun to use when I go mushroom hunting.. can someone give me a hint?
each comment gets a fresh sardine pie with braunsweiger (ground liver) topping

brujodale Game profile


Mar 8th 2021, 16:18:30

ahhh the ole box fart

brujodale Game profile


Mar 1st 2021, 16:49:50

been here 22 years been in-breeding with sui, and sov and such.

brujodale Game profile


Feb 23rd 2021, 0:39:07

licks gall and sov

brujodale Game profile


Feb 15th 2021, 1:42:58

oil for a GS? sucks

brujodale Game profile


Feb 11th 2021, 21:58:49

I stay away from any bits of coins, but tripled my stock profit 3x in 3 months doing small bio med stocks and others like that. It is weird they added another sector to the market for all the blank check companies. They are the sharks and will eat up all the closed biz's for pennies on the dollar. bought navx at $2, it is now at $300. bought zom at .20 now around 2.50, thats the things I love.
dont rely on robin da HooD or such. do your research, check it out,

brujodale Game profile


Feb 1st 2021, 22:18:49

shoot me up will bring my bong.

brujodale Game profile


Jan 25th 2021, 3:12:01

There is an old old book by vince packart, called the hidden persuaders. it explains that yeah the higher priced stuff is at eye level and easier to buy etc etc. this is just a come on for a person to hit the pot shop. Up here in north michigan, as far as you can go unless you have a steel hull boat, and no one hardly buys from the hemp stores they are robbers without masks. I have a card but still buy black market.
/me humps KOH and drools

brujodale Game profile


Jan 13th 2021, 23:02:16

In Idaho, you can buy topo maps from state offices, and they show where active gold claims are and their boundaries. you can buy up to 5 claims of 100 acres each at $100 per each claim. im like wow

brujodale Game profile


Jan 13th 2021, 23:00:16

first look for old topo maps, check out the site that shows you every mine in the world. so you can focus in on WV area or other close areas. also get with the group that is all about gold searching. then are many gold panning types but if u join you can go to any of their properties all over. site is but after 911 the antique biz went into the toilet so started nugget shooting in north idaho. Murray Ideeehoe still has about 90% of its gold still there. it was absentee mine owners loads of high staking, (stealing), so all were rich. but its better to get off the grid once you find the right formations. you can always have them contact me, give me a holler will give you my email. would post it here, but get sooo many young groupie rock chicks hitting on me. u know how it goes. oh yeah

brujodale Game profile


Jan 11th 2021, 14:53:40

wow KOH, I lived in spokane, otis orchards, wa and rathdrum idaho, Derrick I live about 25 miles from copper harbor.
There is multiple forms and types of native copper up here, also ag, au, mb, li. ch, pb, fe etc etc.
for the copper it ranges from the basaltic flows to fissure formation and even copper in sedimentary formations of conglomerates and sandstones.. unreal. actually the most tons of copper mined was from the conglomerate formation which is mainly rocks and pebbles compressed then copper is heated and infused into the rock. we find seam, nuggets, sprays of copper. a big thing is float copper, that copper that was removed and ground down to just solid copper and silver. These we find up to about 5000 lbs. I am starting up a new llc company to find the larger float. you have to go east for more of the sulfide type metals. but each mine has such a unique blend of mineralization you have to document where the copper is from. I am more of a kearsarge amyguloydial copper infused agate guy. It is the oldest and rarest agate in the world and only place you can find copper infused agate. It is 1.1 billion years old, almost as old as taker. we buy sell rocks do guide service etc. hope to see some rockhounds up here. I am now also the head mogumbo of the quincy mine rock swap in hanfluff mich aug 4th.I am still searching for that elusive fossilized sardine formation.

brujodale Game profile


Jan 4th 2021, 15:36:51

was great seeing u back in the game! I had you listed in my two full notebooks of isps. was glad to catch up with u on all the changes in da game.
Big Red wants to do a TIE reunion set next set.

brujodale Game profile


Dec 28th 2020, 3:37:15

rofl like KOH's also. it is only found in the greenstone basalt formation up here. it is gemmy when u see a turtle back pattern on it. have two boulders on greedbay for sale for $400 in matrix. big sellers due to their uniqueness. get ur ass up here next summer. I have 50 lbs of old maps that show all the mines including the un named and unknown mines. cu ag li pb au mb ch etc

brujodale Game profile


Dec 21st 2020, 14:51:02

we try to keep ratski from playing nekked, so far it has not worked. sorry for those pics he sent yah Mr. Gainsboro

brujodale Game profile


Dec 14th 2020, 15:18:56

yeah elp, been listing to oldies like wishbone ash, jd blackfoot and such

brujodale Game profile


Dec 11th 2020, 17:06:01

roflmao @ galleri

brujodale Game profile


Dec 2nd 2020, 21:34:36

I sent the total op on 179 to everyone in the game in game hahahahahhaha as garls barkley would say in crazy. so yeah no prob.
ok ppl get set we are going to bring back TIE for a reunion kick some ASS set stay tuned.....

brujodale Game profile


Nov 30th 2020, 22:48:41

they are like cross dressing libertarians. no you cannot play both sides of a war, and then split up and be asshats.
that is all

brujodale Game profile


Nov 30th 2020, 22:47:33

new op up on wusshead #179. just send me a message in game will give u the details. I think that avoids the restrictions on posting ops heh. I am # 360

brujodale Game profile


Nov 30th 2020, 22:45:36

well the asshat did it again even with a pact with us. so yeah I am calling out this asshole.
11/30/2020 11:39:54 Vredesvavd (#179) Mercs Darkside (#11) Stones PS 841 Acres / + 623 Acres
you know, this game is all about honor, backing your packs, etc. you show what we hate the most in real life. assholes. there are so many of them. thats why we play this game is to get away from anusheads like you.

brujodale Game profile


Nov 30th 2020, 1:20:44

I only showed part of the op I did. not what he had in jets, nor any pics of his tiny penis

brujodale Game profile


Nov 27th 2020, 21:36:29

Message from Vredesvavd (#179) sent on Nov 26, 23:56
Report this message
Lol you get an op yet?


Edited By: Primeval on Nov 29th 2020, 3:33:26

brujodale Game profile


Nov 27th 2020, 21:18:17

Message from Vredesvavd (#179) sent on Nov 27, 0:04
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Lol thats an awesome story. but you should tell farmer hes going to need more then 26m jets. Reply

Message from Vredesvavd (#179) sent on Nov 27, 0:21
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Yeah I guess I'm not a really nice person, that besides the point that I hit the biggest guy in your clan and he can't even retal me back. Really green noobs there.

first you piss me off by calling us knobs hey frick off, we are not in a war, and not war set. so what the fluff u expect. and yeah u were listed as friends. great friends u are. so he got pissed and deleted. I could give a fluff about who wins and such but when ppl act like asshats it makes ppl leave the game. so yeah that SUCKED

brujodale Game profile


Nov 23rd 2020, 4:52:19

farmer does have the best organic turkey milk you can get

brujodale Game profile


Nov 17th 2020, 1:22:09

I am buying a lawn and garden shirt, farmer what size t shirt are yah? aye! :) and one fur me

brujodale Game profile


Nov 11th 2020, 1:00:02

not posting on this thread, as I have worked for both sides, well actually 5 sides and see from a totally different aspect. the world as we knew it is no longer, life as we knew it is no longer. normal is no longer normal. the thing now is just to work together as a team. think of this world pandemic as the enemy and we all join together to kick it's fricken arse. we we team up nothing can beat us.
If someone needs help or a hand up, we dont ask what party they are for, we do it because we care.
We must learn to live with each other or go down together.
The problem is that americans are way way too short sighted, while other nations are looking ahead by decades. What china, and others are doing are now something that cannot be undone.
I pick my friends neither by political affiliation, religion, Qnon does not count, but the type of person they are. farmer and major may be on opposite sides on somethings, but! I love them like a brother from another mother. What America will become will be a change for sure. we just need to hang in there and help, and fluff when and where needed. glad I did not post on this thread.
/me takes hit, eats some sardine pie, farts and leaves........... /me grabs soap box

brujodale Game profile


Nov 2nd 2020, 22:59:45

maybe its Ant or Sir Mao or maybe Lucifer??

brujodale Game profile


Oct 27th 2020, 0:11:54

u leave betty white alone she only likes youngins archaic.