
ponderer Game profile


Aug 27th 2011, 20:36:13

I'm worried about the flooding and the trees more than anything else, we've had a lot of rain here in Jersey this past week, so the ground's pretty saturated. I also expect a lot of roof membrane blow-offs, and I'm not confident that my office will survive the storm (mainly due to shoddy construction).

The trees could knock the power out for a while, and the flooding could knock out the drinking water.

ponderer Game profile


Aug 26th 2011, 1:51:45

if you're untagged, it means join an alliance with tag protection.

otherwise, depends on your alliance's policies.


ponderer Game profile


Aug 21st 2011, 22:47:04

Klown: I'm a moderate democrat myself, but I believe the liberal argument about forward looking is more concerned with the reduction in the burning of non-rapidly renewable fossil fuels, or the burning of fossil fuels, depending on how chewy granola they are. The main mainstream argument against off-shore drilling is more related to risk/reward than forward looking. If the gulf fishing industry rebounds quickly, we will probably see an equally quick relaxation on drilling in the gulf. If it doesn't, you'll have to wait for it to slip from the collective consciousnesses of the American electorate, which should take anywhere from 144 characters to 5 or so years.

Personally I take a longer term approach, and my own opinion is that we should be subsidizing alternative energy sources rather than the oil industry, because the fact is that we will run out of oil, and when that happens, this country had better not only have a plan 'B', but be in a position to implement it. I would also point out that as the world oil supply shrinks, having our oil resources will be a major plus for this country. Let the middle east and south america tap themselves out.

As far as the gas price goes, if we get too close to peak oil, there will be another clamor for alternative fuel sources, and the Saudis (mainly fearing more countries will go the route of Brazil and actually implement alternative fuel sources instead of talk and pilot programs), will flood the market with cheap oil. This will happen much sooner than any return on drilling.

ponderer Game profile


Aug 21st 2011, 22:27:50

I had a good experiences with Camping Alouette, but I don't know if that's a chain, or if their campground near montreal is their only location.

ponderer Game profile


Aug 21st 2011, 20:48:30

bring back inferno...

ponderer Game profile


Aug 21st 2011, 16:27:03

Originally posted by Deerhunter:
Ya, you loose your argument any time you come up with a list of high social welfare states and CA is not #1. After all it is the GREECE of America.

Greece's problems are as much on the revenue end as the expenditure end. Tax evasion is the national sport. I believe the comparison you're looking for is either Germany or France - California is going broke paying the bills for the rest of the county, and didn't cut its own bills fast enough.

Edited By: ponderer on Aug 21st 2011, 16:32:35
See Original Post

ponderer Game profile


Aug 21st 2011, 15:59:01

DH: that food would a hell of a lot cheaper if we weren't paying massive subsidies to maintain a price floor.

Also, you'll note that Texas is not on that list. Alaska is mainly on that list due to the expense of providing services to a large area with low population density. Louisiana is on that list for many reasons, but disparate distribution of wealth is a big one. I pumped "cheap" gas today at $3.73/gallon, but that gas was probably refined within 20 miles of that pump. Then again, I use public transit for my work commute, and aside from the 400 miles I drove yesterday for a family reunion, I typically drive less than 15 miles a week.

Finally, CA would not be in the hot water it's in if the state wasn't losing 22% of it's federal tax money.

Edited By: ponderer on Aug 21st 2011, 16:06:52
See Original Post

ponderer Game profile


Aug 21st 2011, 2:08:45

G.O.: just out curriousity, which states do you consider to be high social welfare states?

My list would be as follows (states that get back atleast $1.10 for ever $1 paid in federal taxes):

New Mexico
North Dakota
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia

24 states that the rest of the country has too support, and coincidentally mostly states with strong tea party movements.

The fact is that the "Red" states and Hawaii are the welfare states in this country.

22 of the 24 voted for Bush in 2004
19 of the 24 voted for McCain in 2008 (Utah, Texas, and Georgia are the only states not on this list that went to McCain, and Utah barely missed the list)

Now take a close look at that list - Almost all of those states are "low regulation" states. The most regulated states - CA, CT, MA, NJ, and NY all get back around or less than $0.80. Perhaps the states with reduced regulation are doing better because the rest of us poor saps are subsidizing the hell out of them.


ponderer Game profile


Aug 21st 2011, 1:41:18

total number of spies seems to trump SPAL these days.

also, when you have much more military than your country can support, being able to cash those readiness turns really helps delay the inevitable sell off of war material during a long war

ponderer Game profile


Aug 20th 2011, 11:23:44

My experience is that large corporations only want more regulation of their industries when it benefits them - ie regulations specifically intended to protect their market share and hamstring potential competition, not to make their products or manufacturing process safer.

The problem with allowing business to regulate itself (talking on a large scale here, not some dentist who hangs a shingle on his house or some mom and pop restaurant), is that businesses are a) inherently anti-competitive, and b) interested in their bottom line - increasing revenue, decreasing expenses, and limiting liability exposure - as a result, they can be counted on only to do the right thing for them (or more specifically, the thing that will increase short term growth), and not for the long term viability of their business, the market, the consumers, or the nation.

The main problem cause of the recent financial sector crash and resulting recession is deeper than the real estate bubble, hedge funds, and credit default swaps, and goes to the heart of the corporate culture in this country. One of the main things that separate small businesses from the large corporations is that the officers of large corporations are rewarded solely for short term growth, rather than long term stability and profitability.

That culture has ruined most of our big industry and is eroding this country's greatness.

ponderer Game profile


Aug 13th 2011, 2:34:25

hippy bird day!

ponderer Game profile


Aug 9th 2011, 0:55:25

must've been after my time in Omega

ponderer Game profile


Aug 7th 2011, 1:27:52

Originally posted by Iovan:
What's the appeal of Alliance or Team servers?
What's the appeal of stifled activity?

Originally posted by Iovan:
Originally posted by NOW3P:
what's the appeal of whining when no one cares?

Where was I whining? I asked questions. Also I haven't run a alliance or team country in a long time so it isn't being butthurt either. Rockman is the only one who attempted (I stress that word) to answer the questions. Even if his answers were abusive rather than informative.

By the way the defensive knee-jerk reaction was hilarious :)

Well, you framed your questions a way to attract negativity.

Good troll though, you got responses.

ponderer Game profile


Aug 6th 2011, 18:40:19

Unequivocally yes. One of the main factors in the demise of earth 2025 was the disinterest and apathy on the part of it's admin. It is to the advantage of the player base to have admins that are actively involved in our community and game.

ponderer Game profile


Aug 3rd 2011, 1:44:30

Originally posted by EasTPaK:



ponderer Game profile


Jul 31st 2011, 15:12:53

if Ivan sent it, and it's not in English, chances are its in Swedish.

ponderer Game profile


Jul 29th 2011, 1:35:56


ponderer Game profile


Jul 28th 2011, 13:36:19

although i have to say that bacon is only my second favorite breakfest meat (taylor ham out ranks it)

ponderer Game profile


Jul 27th 2011, 16:36:38




ponderer Game profile


Jul 23rd 2011, 3:50:36

I remember you. #softsheep is still around on gamesurge

ponderer Game profile


Jul 21st 2011, 10:47:11

I thought voltron was 5 robot lions

ponderer Game profile


Jul 20th 2011, 1:13:47

Originally posted by hanlong:
or another way to look at it i'll say it from a personal experience from someone who netted since the 90s to now:

in the 90s and early 2000s there's no way that i would get t10 without trying my ass off. all the t10s i had in that era required full dedication. if you didn't give your all you aren't making t10. even when you give your all you might not make t10 in some resets. and if you got suicided on, then forget about it, you aren't going to sniff the t10. to make top 10 required 3 things: 1) willingless to try your ass off 2) be lucky and not get suicided 3) play flawlessly and choose the right strat for the reset based on the market prices that happened to fall that way.

after 2005, everything changed though. i remember one reset in 2006 i played half-assed (wasn't trying at all) and somehow i was rank 1. then i quit and came back and played again like a few resets later for 1 reset and got rank 1 again... back then such half assed efforts would be t25 or t50 at best. i doubt my skills increased that much (it certainly has improved but i don't ever think back then anyone could get t10 without actually trying to do it)

it hasn't changed in EE, i somehow made rank 4 last reset with a country in a situation that wouldn't have even belonged in t50 in the old days. and i see people getting t10 now with strats that aren't optimal for the reset (for example last reset the tech prices were super strong, back in the old days all the t10 would been techer on a reset like that, as a farmer/casher you wouldn't be getting top spots because you just happened to be unlucky and chose the wrong strat for the reset). the difficulty level certainly has decreased and the smaller player base is obviously the reason why.

but i also don't think you can compare the past to present. i doubt all of those old guys would do well now and vice versa (for example landgrabbing is much much harder now, but stocking was much much harder back then). different skillsets. someone like LT (just picking on him since he's posting here :P) who i would say is decent at landgrabbing but not the strongest in destocking would have a harder time finishing t10 back then compared to now (and he didn't back like the way he's doing now), because the game now is geared towards LT's strength (in the scarcity of land) than his weakness (in how to maximize the land you have). one of those old school players who's horrid at grabbing but really good at squeezing out the land wouldn't do well because he would be too thin to be a contender, while back in the days the easy land masked his problem.

and the guys who's placed top spots in both eras can certainly be in the equation but part of that is because they just had no life and stuck around for this long. i don't necessary think that is something to brag about either =/

I'm not an elite player (in either era - I never cracked the top 100 in the old days (I had a couple top 125 finishes), and my best finish here was 45th), but I would imagine orders and constantly updating market status available out of game, in addition to all of the news camping tools would make it easier for the guys who excelled because of shear hard work, and harder on the ones who relied solely on being smarter than everyone else.

Add in the lack of bots to ruin resets and the prevalence of specialized netgaining alliances, and a lot of the luck has been removed from the equation.

ponderer Game profile


Jul 20th 2011, 0:11:55

Hombre, Kenneth, Budvar, Eduard

ponderer Game profile


Jul 20th 2011, 0:08:34

Originally posted by spawn:
and how would you making a suggestion make you a game mod?

even fuzzy logic doesnt apply here ;)

fuzzy logic was a swirve forum mod, but I haven't seen him around much lately (which might explain why he hasn't applied to be a game mod)

ponderer Game profile


Jul 19th 2011, 1:05:29

happy birthday. I hit 1/2 your age just under a month ago

ponderer Game profile


Jul 18th 2011, 0:44:04

there are a few titans still around ...

Samoan just came back with MD, I'm in SoF...

ponderer Game profile


Jul 16th 2011, 14:08:00

does the google + allow apps?

ponderer Game profile


Jul 16th 2011, 1:54:30

Originally posted by iTavi:
"Servant facing strong resistance from his wife"

replace "wife" with "master" and it works better :P

beefmaster - now that's a name I haven't seen in a long time

ponderer Game profile


Jul 14th 2011, 1:42:20

AC units inherently act as dehumidifiers unless the air moisture content is below to maximum the air can handle in contact with the coils (which is rare unless you live in a desert). They don't specifically drop the relative humidity of the air, but the drop in the moisture content in terms of water molecules to air ratio, and then the reheating of the air after it leaves the unit has the generally effect of reducing the relative humidity (which is the water being carried by the air divided by the total water carrying capacity of the air at the temperature and atmospheric pressure of an area, and also how we experience humidity - what feels humid at room temperature feels almost dry at 35 celcius).

In regards to the makeshift AC, you're taking advantage of a double phase change - ice to water, and then water to water vapor (your window AC typically relies on one phase change - liquid to vapor). However, since you are cooling by creating by using heat to warm and cause phase change in water/ice, and pumping the water vapor laden air back out into your environment you are introducing more moisture, and raising the relative humidity, which in turn lowers the temp you need to cool to to achieve comfort, so it isn't more efficient. Also, you are not getting as much air flow across through the cooler as you would with an AC, so while you are cooling some air, you aren't cooling enough to make a dent in a decent sized room.

Separating the air circulating in the room from the water vapor would create a more efficient system, especially by using a system of small pipes that the air is blown across, but we've just described half of an air conditioner.

The use of evaporation of water to cool air is an old and effective technique in dry climates, where the relative humidity can go up a long way before the effect becomes noticeable, but in the eastern half of North America, our heat comes with humidity, so systems that cool by evaporating water directly into the environment (like this cooler and our bodies) are less effective at increasing comfort.

Since evaporation consumes almost 10x the heat of melting, you're better skipping the cooler, small piece of pipe, and ice in favor of cold tap water, and spending more money on a larger fan, set in a window, so you are getting constant air changes - therefore lowering the amount, or even removing entirely the water vapor you are introducing into the air (I recommend setting the fan to blow out through a window, blanking off the the rest of the window around the fan with blankets and/or duct tape, and opening another window across the space 6-8 inches). Apply the water directly to your person, and stay in the air flow of the fan, which will speed the evaporation of the water, and in turn remove the heat from your person.

Edited By: ponderer on Jul 14th 2011, 10:39:32
See Original Post

ponderer Game profile


Jul 12th 2011, 1:07:05

fluffbud... fluffBUD!!!

ponderer Game profile


Jul 10th 2011, 22:10:41

best of luck Recka!

ponderer Game profile


Jul 10th 2011, 13:57:38

I consistently root against the Yankees, and still appreciate the milestone.

ponderer Game profile


Jul 10th 2011, 2:43:41

netgaining farmers shouldn't be selling bushels right now. Oil is too expensive as an alternative stock.

Wargaining farmers on the other hand are selling, and if Imag and Sanct war, I would expect to see alot of destocking and a drop in the food price.

ponderer Game profile


Jul 5th 2011, 23:52:25

Originally posted by SuperFly:
oh snap! This looks like its going to be good.

So if this is going to be in Jersey, will there be fake tans, hair gel and fist pumping?

I can totally see Detmer yelling grenades!!!!

Only if a bunch of Staten Islanders show up...

Recka: how do you stand the Sleazeside crowd this time of year?

ponderer Game profile


Jul 4th 2011, 20:56:53

Maplewood : )

ponderer Game profile


Jul 4th 2011, 15:39:16

SoF gives good take protection, but we're more about wargaining than netgaining.

ponderer Game profile


Jul 4th 2011, 15:35:52

Madison, NJ - I'm all over that. I'm only about 15 minutes from Madison.

ponderer Game profile


Jul 4th 2011, 15:35:14

Originally posted by martian:
ok but then you have a 1 in 5 chance of getting 100 chems unloaded on your country (per hit)


random missile/ab retals by a random # of the untagged countries, with the chance of a reaction greatly increased by multiple untagged countries, so there's some risk involved.

Also, randomise the strats just enough to make it hard to tell what is a AI country, and what is a newbie.


ponderer Game profile


Jul 4th 2011, 13:08:33

I would buy the android app.

ponderer Game profile


Jul 3rd 2011, 15:17:08

if you want to netgain, we probably aren't the best place for you, but if you want to wargain, apply at

ponderer Game profile


Jul 3rd 2011, 15:10:46

I definitely miss the musings of bad carpet and croaker.

ponderer Game profile


Jul 2nd 2011, 4:53:41

Originally posted by Cerberus:
Screw all the pacting. Let's just fight.

Cerberus of the MI

That's just the sort of sentiment that would fit right in at SoF. Join us for next set,

What're you doing in an alliance with "netters" in its name anyway?

ponderer Game profile


Jun 28th 2011, 23:40:17

Originally posted by Samoan:
Originally posted by iNouda:

That's a nice way of putting the spin on things. It still doesn't change the fact that US companies that make BILLIONS in profit, pay barely anything in taxes (compared to the profits they make). Even though it's "legal", it still doesn't change the fact that they're using the system to get out of paying the American people the money they're owed.

Err hold on a sec...which "people" do you refer to, and what are they being owed? I thought in the land of opportunity people were supposed to work for a living, not sit back and do nothing, and collect a check from the government (like my drug dealing neighbor across the street?)

And these companies that make BILLIONS...isn't that what the purpose of a company is? To make money for its employees and shareholders? What incentive is there in having a company that breaks even all the time, after taking into account all of the risk it takes to do business? For the companies that report a gigantic loss every quarter should the government pay them a "reverse tax" to subsidize them?

Are not the companies making "all of this money" actually using that money to grow their business (creating jobs, creating products, creating money for its investors)? Or do we want to totally drive companies out of America by making it too expensive to do business here...then who will employ Americans? Do you think standing in line for bread and toilet paper is an alternative solution?

I can potentially see some of this argument for companies that make money shearly out of money manipulation (and not producing anything, ala the movie Wall Street), but in the end those types of companies are also injecting capital into the credit markets that is the engine that enables the system to run, so if such companies no longer are incentivized to offer credit, how will you get a car, a house, how will someone turn a small idea into a brilliant business? Do I need an angel investor if I want to own a home? Or maybe government can supply me a house too while they are at it (I hear Cabrini-Green is lovely this time of year!)

yes, because oil futures sure pump money into our economy.