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I’ve been saying the same maki. You can’t code attitude fixes.
This is correct. It's not a code problem, or a game mechanic problem, it is a societal problem.
Imagine a society where people can get away with whatever they want without any accountability. Imagine what that would look like.
If you cant imagine one then I give you the phenomenon of "anonymous on the internet".
If you can't infer what I am saying, then I'll spell it out. Remove anonymity, and you create an actual community. The upsides far outweighs the downsides. It means the adults will be in charge, and the children will learn how to behave properly.
hmmm... most would not want their anonymity removed, personal privacy in a wargame is probably a good thing to keep. Last thing want is someone knocking on my door asking me why I land grabbed their country.
to grow the base in a situation where you have players playing in such a way that they will end up being the last 5 players suiciding on each other is not good.
fact we do not currently have enough players now to sustain this type of societal built in behavior. Solution is game mechanics very much like we have the humanitarian function. the changes being suggested are limited to the war room and spy center. They can be coded in as added error functions, a handful of checks and the game makes it possible for newer players to get their feet wet without getting destroyed out of the gate.
I am not trying to take away the warring or risk aspects, but adding in accountability. Also adding in controls for clan leaders so they do not have the headache of some member using their tag to create chaos from. if a country detags they lose their ability to do damage as an untagged country. from within the tag leaders can determine if they want to declare war. while still allowed a clan member would need to enter a captcha to attack non-bots including another alliance the clan is not at war with. No mistakes, no excuses, establish up front it was absolutely deliberate. Leaders can then determine if this member is worth keeping or too much of a risk. This is where accountability for actions taken occurs.
It can be coded in, but it needs buy in and it needs to be balanced so it provides an environment for both warring and netting clans while being as new player friendly as possible. This game has a deep rooted and very well earned reputation of being highly abusive to new players. This as you say is a part of this game's underlying social interaction. Newer players would at some level need to given the time to get across the learning curve. As the player base shrank this became darn near impossible. Asking the current player base to play nice with new tags, and new player has been futile for a very long time.
Accountability is a very powerful tool, and there are ways of acquiring this without giving up personal privacy. Coding it into the game is the easiest way.
while netting is good, any good clan leader also understands to maintain, grow membership levels, they need to create an and sustain membership group activity. the clan membership needs to be active, and warring is the key to get members to interact with each other and increase clan activity levels. Winning wars provides the boost needed for new members or even a bit of pride among members i.e. they will be back for the next reset. However perpetual war is also detrimental to moral, especially for smaller clans trying to grow membership.