
Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 2nd 2010, 2:09:52

All your troops are belong to omega!
- Premium Patron Member

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Dec 2nd 2010, 16:42:07

Evo has never done a buyout as far as I remember; I think we attempted one in RED but it failed due to lack of member interest... who want's to boost somebody else's country when you could boost your own ;)
Finally did the signature thing.

M m i x X Game profile


Dec 2nd 2010, 17:40:15

w00t!! 101m ANW!! :)
-=(M m i x X)=-

SMz Game profile


Dec 2nd 2010, 18:40:14

very very nice Evo :) but sadly your avg nw is not legit as well.

you farmed countries in your tag then detagged them , if u kept them in ur tag , your anw would be lower :)

still a very good job!

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Dec 2nd 2010, 18:43:28

just turn off detagging the same time that you turn off vacation mode, then they wouldn't be able to legitimately raise their avg nw by dropping countries.
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NukEvil Game profile


Dec 2nd 2010, 18:43:59 mean like what pretty much every alliance does with inactive countries? Methinks you're grasping at straws here.

Also, we don't detag countries after 2 weeks before a reset ends. Being that ANW is the main crown we go for, dropping countries in that fashion cheapens the achievement.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Dec 2nd 2010, 18:45:17

no, just tired of people complaining that playing within the rules of the game isn't a legitimate strategy.
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NukEvil Game profile


Dec 2nd 2010, 18:46:47

I added the bit about not dropping countries close to the end of a reset in my last post, probably right after you posted last, dibs.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

NukEvil Game profile


Dec 2nd 2010, 18:50:58

Also, I'm not very sure why market buyouts are suddenly considered 'legitimate' by people who not only aren't very familiar with netting, but who also chastised Llaar and others for doing the exact same thing back in Earth:2025.

To each his/her own, I guess...
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Dec 2nd 2010, 18:52:51

it doesn't cheapen it anymore than convincing somebody to join your tag would heighten it. the game is too dynamic for it to actually have any value.
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NukEvil Game profile


Dec 2nd 2010, 18:55:45

Dynamic? Only because the admins are changing stuff around...

And it only takes one person to detag a bunch of low-net countries, and that person can do them all simultaneously, very easily, with no input from anyone else. It takes more than one person to tag a bunch of countries to a specific alliance. Hence, the cheapness of dropping countries just to get an ANW crown.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

M m i x X Game profile


Dec 2nd 2010, 19:01:52

lol @ SMz

As what Nuke said... what will you do to a country that is inactive and is still a month away till the end of set? Detag them right? But before you detag them, you don't want those precious acres gone to waste or go to the other alliances right?
-=(M m i x X)=-

d324rans Game profile

New Member

Dec 2nd 2010, 19:03:05

smz would sell his grandmother for top10.. dead or alive..

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Dec 2nd 2010, 19:05:20

Originally posted by NukEvil:
Dynamic? Only because the admins are changing stuff around...

And it only takes one person to detag a bunch of low-net countries, and that person can do them all simultaneously, very easily, with no input from anyone else. It takes more than one person to tag a bunch of countries to a specific alliance. Hence, the cheapness of dropping countries just to get an ANW crown.

LOL, no, the game has always been dynamic because of the choices and temperment of the players. it's not static because people can change tags.
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SMz Game profile


Dec 3rd 2010, 3:32:47

all i wanted is to prove a point...

if Evo's avg nw is legit , and their top 10 country who got aided land is legit....

Then SoF's win is legit , and my top 10 this set is legit too :)

SMz Game profile


Dec 3rd 2010, 3:34:29

aw and for the record , oats and damatt could outnet any evo member , so i wouldn't say they donno how to net :)

SMz Game profile


Dec 3rd 2010, 3:36:46

M m i x X - when ppl in TIE quit the game and begged me to farm them before they quit , i said yes and showed everyone the logs in mirc of them asking me to farm them , yet ppl like evo members called me a cheater and un-legit.

im showing u all how hypocrit u are. espically Evo.

BobbyATA Game profile


Dec 3rd 2010, 5:34:25

Originally posted by SMz:
aw and for the record , oats and damatt could outnet any evo member , so i wouldn't say they donno how to net :)

There is no way to describe this post other than fluffING STUPID. I'm gonna make bold claims that diez and Slagpit could outwall anyone in SOF they just choose not to every set (meanwhile diez has put up the #1 nonaided NW in EC two sets in a row and has to listen to stupid fluff like other people could beat him every set they just choose not to?)

That said EVO does have problems. Namely, I don't like EVO interfarming. I also didn't like EVO having "friendly" relations with certain untaggeds. Thats why I left and severed ties. I'm drunk enough tonight to admit that heh...

And I know that I've been trolling the boards recently a lot just for fluffs and giggles but this post is actually serious FWIW heh...

Edited By: Slagpit on Dec 3rd 2010, 6:08:36
See Original Post

locket Game profile


Dec 3rd 2010, 5:39:58

Some recent laffers would have had good competitions with diez or beaten him if they didnt end up dead :P Not saying theyd win every set or anything. But I very much doubt the retards from sof in this thread could do anything.

BobbyATA Game profile


Dec 3rd 2010, 5:45:11

locket the point is that on any given set to guarantee that anyone would beat diez is stupid. Its a much much much bolder claim than so and so is better at netting than diez, and I'm on a mini campaign (with Slagpit it seems based on previous threads) to make this distinction.

That said with back to back EC "wins" even if LaF wasn't given the chance to net this set (As a member of SOL this set, your welcome for that beat down btw) I would support diez as the best "netter" in these netting conditions. That said these netting conditions absolutely suck and being good at netting really equates to a basic competenecy in the game (which ok true very very few people have but more than just diez) and an ability to be online alot...

locket Game profile


Dec 3rd 2010, 7:30:55

Yah i agree that them saying that is dumb :P war clan people dont tend to make much sense so meh. And i'd put Son Goku enshula or solid snake up there at the top. Plenty who could win any given set anyways...SS's techer was killer last set when sol killed it. Unless that was this set..they blend together :P

And yah just to ensure u dont think im dissing diez I said could win and at the top :P i'd say unless they all netted against eachother its hard to pick. A pity goku isnt played now

Loafer Game profile


Dec 3rd 2010, 9:18:38


I sure thought one of the developers could find that page on their own.

diez Game profile


Dec 3rd 2010, 10:11:44

to be honest there are a few honest netters whom I rate very highly. These elite few plays honestly and has a true netters pride - unlike a select few who think of themselves really highly (but actually suck in netting and had to get FA packages/help from buyouts)

Slagpit, solid snake, son goku, enshula, afaik, and samxz would rise the t10 NW bar by a mile.

I can't wait for the set when laf and evo finally nets in the same set.

Without any stupid buyouts and FAs of course.

Edited By: diez on Dec 3rd 2010, 10:19:51
See Original Post

dustfp Game profile


Dec 3rd 2010, 10:33:37

just to get collab in the mix, trep and ley are both awesome netters and have several top 10 finishes unaided (with trep also having a #1)
SancTuarY President
icq: 123820211
aim: fudgepuppy6988

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 3rd 2010, 12:13:06

Hell a lot of others could get T10 if they didn't go all explore... Myself included. Sometimes its a matter of motivation :D
- Premium Patron Member

diez Game profile


Dec 3rd 2010, 13:34:05

no offense, but I would like to see proofs instead of all the would and coulds :p

sorry if I don't credit collab enough, it's only my second set in EE and I haven't seen collab netgain at all, all I've seen was a colossal war performance :D

SMz Game profile


Dec 3rd 2010, 13:51:51

rofl diez ur such an idiot , top 10 can be done by anyone today , u can all-x to top 10 it takes no skill.

i outnetted slagpit in the club , is he so good? rofl

LaF'ers own u.

SMz Game profile


Dec 3rd 2010, 13:53:35

and btw all the great netters of this game used come from SoF (m0m0) , so before you ran you mouth on SoF members think abit :)

damatt and oats are 2 great netters :)

diez Game profile


Dec 3rd 2010, 14:00:14

ever finished t10 in EE?

without aid?

quit running your mouth and start let your skill do the talking.

anoniem Game profile


Dec 3rd 2010, 14:00:47

why, did sof go to the effort of aiding you? wouldn't it have been easier for you to go all explore and get an easy t10 finish?

oh right, i forgot we're dealing with an idiot namely SMz. i see these boards are still swarming with trolls who could do this and could do that, but don't because they've done it all before in some fantasy world.

grow up.

NukEvil Game profile


Dec 3rd 2010, 14:01:22

Originally posted by SMz:
rofl diez ur such an idiot , top 10 can be done by anyone today , u can all-x to top 10 it takes no skill when you have clanmates willing to help you do buyouts.

Fixed it for you...
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

NukEvil Game profile


Dec 3rd 2010, 14:14:30

Originally posted by SMz:
all i wanted is to prove a point...

if Evo's avg nw is legit , and their top 10 country who got aided land is legit....

Then SoF's win is legit , and my top 10 this set is legit too :)

Too bad your point holds no water, mostly due to the fact that most netting alliances have agreed that farming inactive countries before detagging is considered a legitimate form of netting, due to reasons already posted in this thread ("would you want acres your alliance has worked so hard to get and keep just going to other alliances?")

Originally posted by SMz:
M m i x X - when ppl in TIE quit the game and begged me to farm them before they quit , i said yes and showed everyone the logs in mirc of them asking me to farm them , yet ppl like evo members called me a cheater and un-legit.

im showing u all how hypocrit u are. espically Evo.

I'd like to see those logs, please. And where Evo members called you a cheater and un-legit. I'm not doubting you on that issue; I'd just like to see for the record.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

dustfp Game profile


Dec 3rd 2010, 14:19:40

Originally posted by diez:
no offense, but I would like to see proofs instead of all the would and coulds :p

sorry if I don't credit collab enough, it's only my second set in EE and I haven't seen collab netgain at all, all I've seen was a colossal war performance :D

(current set - ley)
6 Boobies (#127) 40,331 $167,658,524 DG Sanct51

(4th set - ley)
7 rLey (#146) 51,620 $153,802,881 HG SancTots

(1st set - trep)
1 whats this here (#405) 24,968 $105,393,012 HG SANCulT
SancTuarY President
icq: 123820211
aim: fudgepuppy6988

diez Game profile


Dec 3rd 2010, 14:24:54

In case you misinterpreted it, my first comment wasn't directed at collab, btw! Sanct's actually one of my favorite tag out there.

I'm hoping sanct nets more in the future then!

Edited By: diez on Dec 3rd 2010, 14:27:42
See Original Post

NukEvil Game profile


Dec 3rd 2010, 14:29:03

Originally posted by BobbyATA:
...I also didn't like EVO having "friendly" relations with certain untaggeds. Thats why I left and severed ties. I'm drunk enough tonight to admit that heh..

Just because we don't LG certain untaggeds doesn't necessarily mean we're bring friendly with them. For example, if an untagged country is LGing other alliances and/or retalling hits made by other alliances on that country, don't you think that, to preserve your land and netting set, you may not want to hit that untagged country as well?

I believe it was the reset before last, that there was a group of players, playing untagged, and coordinating hits with each other, and I believe most of them ended with a pretty respectable networth. I believe someone even said something about them being suiciders (and I do believe they were put on suicide watch as well). Do you really think that we'd want to risk our netting set for a couple thousand free acres at the risk of having far more land taken back from us? Really?
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.



Dec 3rd 2010, 14:35:06

Originally posted by NukEvil:
Originally posted by BobbyATA:
...I also didn't like EVO having "friendly" relations with certain untaggeds. Thats why I left and severed ties. I'm drunk enough tonight to admit that heh..

Just because we don't LG certain untaggeds doesn't necessarily mean we're bring friendly with them. For example, if an untagged country is LGing other alliances and/or retalling hits made by other alliances on that country, don't you think that, to preserve your land and netting set, you may not want to hit that untagged country as well?

I believe it was the reset before last, that there was a group of players, playing untagged, and coordinating hits with each other, and I believe most of them ended with a pretty respectable networth. I believe someone even said something about them being suiciders (and I do believe they were put on suicide watch as well). Do you really think that we'd want to risk our netting set for a couple thousand free acres at the risk of having far more land taken back from us? Really?

The issue was the untags not hitting EvO, and not retaliating EvO's farming while aggressively going after the other tags that farmed them.

NukEvil Game profile


Dec 3rd 2010, 14:57:30

If someone could remind me of the correct reset, and the untagged countries involved, I'd appreciate it. Because I just did a search over the past few resets, and I can't seem to find which countries were involved.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

Servant Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 3rd 2010, 16:49:30

I would add Jofel to the list of top netters.

He has a good number of top 10's, in his history. And I can only imagine what he could do if he wasn't doing all explore's.

Z is #1

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 3rd 2010, 17:06:16

I never played in the club. Make up another lie to make yourself feel better, smz.

Thomas Game profile


Dec 3rd 2010, 18:21:42

Originally posted by dustfp:
Originally posted by diez:
no offense, but I would like to see proofs instead of all the would and coulds :p

sorry if I don't credit collab enough, it's only my second set in EE and I haven't seen collab netgain at all, all I've seen was a colossal war performance :D

(current set - ley)
6 Boobies (#127) 40,331 $167,658,524 DG Sanct51

(4th set - ley)
7 rLey (#146) 51,620 $153,802,881 HG SancTots

(1st set - trep)
1 whats this here (#405) 24,968 $105,393,012 HG SANCulT

I'm not sure about all the other woulda, couldas out there, but if Collab were to pact out the server and tell our allies they're on their own for a reset, trep and ley would both contend for the #1 spot without a doubt. Both of them are excellent netters and this set was another less-than-ideal netting set for us due to alert statuses etc etc.

SMz Game profile


Dec 3rd 2010, 18:30:32

u didn't ? its not a lie... maybe i remmber worng :)
god slagpit you talk like a 4yr old... seriously get over yourself :)

nuke - i don't have the logs saved ofcorse but i showed them to SS from laf and he can confirm if he even remmbers hehe

keep talking trash , i was the one who showed you how to play this game heh.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 3rd 2010, 18:34:01

EVO members: please stop responding to SMz's trolling.

SMz Game profile


Dec 3rd 2010, 18:41:43

im the troll yes.

Slagpit might have been a clan named diffrent? what was before the club? i can't remmber , im sure i played with u in the same clan , made by elite netters along with kingme and some more players.

btw your the first troll admin i ever saw =p

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 3rd 2010, 18:43:20

I just have very little patience for players who benefit from massive market buyouts, claim that it takes skill, then try to insult honest players like #37.

BobbyATA Game profile


Dec 3rd 2010, 18:43:56

Originally posted by SMz:
made by elite netters along with kingme

Tis good to differentiate kingme from the elite netters lol:P. Are you referring to SKA btw? I don't recall you being there, but its possible.

Thomas Game profile


Dec 3rd 2010, 18:48:23

Originally posted by Slagpit:
I just have very little patience for players who benefit from massive market buyouts, claim that it takes skill, then try to insult honest players like #37.

The only people that believe that SoF's finishes were legit are tagged SoF. Just set him to ignore.

SMz Game profile


Dec 3rd 2010, 18:55:05

#18 from Evo lost nw not from reselling... did he FA one of your guys? oooppps :)

running a buyout takes more skill then running an all-x , sorry bro.

SMz Game profile


Dec 3rd 2010, 18:56:36

no one belives its legit finishes , but some of Evo finishes are not legit as well , thats all im saying here Thomas.

Thomas u should come again next set for SoF's mirc begging for a pact like a little puppy , we like it :)

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 3rd 2010, 19:05:20

#18 has lost NW 7 times over the last 24 hours. Do you believe that he sent 7 FA packages?

SMz Game profile


Dec 3rd 2010, 19:09:49

no as i was saying he was reselling... and now he lost too much nw , he should have had ALOT more nw... he should be at least 170m , unless he FA'ed some one ;]