Nov 20th 2011, 13:29:10
Pain, there was a rumour circulating in Europe for a long time that the EU had passed a law that bananas could not be sold if their curve was too large (I have no idea where the line was).
For the most part, it was treated as an urban-myth and many people went to great efforts to prove that there was no such law.
I'm not actually clear on whether or not the law did indeed exist -- however, the EU did see fit to repeal it, whether it ever existed or not.
The water thing isn't quite so far fetched as it seems, it is stupid, but it's grounded in real facts. That article just doesn't try to explain it.
Effectively there are three types of dehydration. "Hypertonic", which is a lack of water, "hypotonic" which is a loss of electrolytes and "Isotonic" which is when both happen.
Drinking water will effectively prevent hypertonic dehydration. However, hypotonic dehydration is still a risk. In fact, because water flushes electrolytes out of your system, drinking water in isolation increases your risk of hypotonic dehydration.
For example: If you run a 3 hour marathon without drinking anything, you'll be in a state of isotonic dehydration. If you drink a large quantity of water, you'll be in a state of hypotonic dehydration. If you drink enough electrolyte giving fluid, you can usually avoid dehydration.
In the same vein, if you work out vigorously for 30 minutes without drinking, you may not be in a state of dehydration at all. However, if you drink large quantities of water during that time, you may actually end up in hypotonic dehydration.
If you're in a situation where dehydration is a risk and you'll have to treat it/prevent it yourself, it's important to know these things. If water is allowed to say "prevents dehydration" people who don't know any better may not take into account the other factors, and that could have serious ramifications.
It's still a stupid law, but it has some basis in reality. There are situations where it can be very bad to think that water alone will prevent dehydration.
Guy with no clue.