Nov 18th 2019, 14:24:17
Al Gore won florida and Merrick Garland should be on SCOTUS. If the dems had a backbone W would have never been president and the courts would not be stacked with conservatives. The courts are the GOPs bread and butter and theyve won control of them for potentially the next 4 decades by stealing picks away from a spineless Democratic party. But all of that is irrelevant to the point here, of which GO notes in a proper manner.
When faced with the 'professionals' of the justice department who refuse to even investigate some pretty obvious implications shouldn't unorthodox channels be used to try and find out the truth? Even more so if that former VP stands a chance of getting elected President? Shouldn't ALL aspects of evidence be thoroughly investigated? Isnt that important? At the very least to clear Biden if he really didnt do anything?
So if the 'official' state department guys refuse to do anything then hell yeah call in an outsider. And if officials of another government purchased (or knew of the purchase) influence with the highest US officials then when a more friendly government comes to power we SHOULD actually DEMAND any evidence they have... Thats not partisan politics its protection of our Republic....
Do we know that for sure? The short answer is no. There's just enough probable cause to make it worth investigating. Do i want to know for sure if they are compromised? Yes. A million times yes.
Blocking investigations and refusing subpoenas gives me more reason to believe they're guilty. Same with the dems refusal to investigate biden in china and Ukraine. But either way, even if they are 100% innocent of all crimes, I'd just like to know that for sure.
Maybe the general populace is just paranoid, but we still should want all investigations into the leader of the free world reach an end based in fact and documentation, not an end of conjecture and partisan politicking. It's important to our republic.
And you can't just want the "bad guys" investigated but say the claims against your "good guys" are baseless. You either have to want it all investigated thoroughly or you essentially want no transparency in politics which is......anti american...
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