
leech Game profile


Apr 3rd 2013, 15:56:39

+1 for sir balin, i LMAO so hard. you made my day!

Sir Balin Game profile


Apr 3rd 2013, 15:57:59

haha. netting in a vacuum is a fun thought experiment. laf's politics have always been lame.

BigBen Game profile


Apr 3rd 2013, 16:22:28

At this point I'd like to go ahead and ask the PDM'ers to stop posting in here. This thread is starting to degrade into petty arguments and they aren't necessary.

As for addressing everyone else I'll point out that nothing posted by anyone other than me is to be taken as any official view from PDM.

NukEvil Game profile


Apr 3rd 2013, 16:26:34

Back in my early E:2025 days, I would regularly make top10 with my rainbow countries.

Of course, that was usually near the beginning of each reset, but still.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

SolidSnake Game profile


Apr 3rd 2013, 16:28:44

Originally posted by Sir Balin:

pdm has several (granted, not as many) that could go toe-to-toe w/ your best on an even playing field.

I dont know who you consider laf's "best", but knowing pdm's top netgainers ability as netgainers I can only imagine you're referring to laf's middle tier, because pdm dont have anyone that could go toe to toe with say goku, xin, eug, hash, chun, bakku, lt, ds, en4cer, chewi and well... that's just me naming 10 people off the top of my head i've probably missed out a dozen others.

That said, I can understand it's hard for you to judge considering you dont have much competition in pdm as their best netgainer, and a massively inflated idea of how good a netgainer you are (I know you might say pot kettle black, but well, I am as good as I think I am).

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Apr 3rd 2013, 16:29:45

The way I see it, is land trading is completely over powered and very easy. It's also very easy to play on limited time.

In the past competing for top spots running techer/farmer bottom feeders, I've had to set alarms to make grabs at odd hours, hover over my computer and spend a lot of time. That said it was a struggle to hit 220-230m NW, and those finishes would have you vying for a top spot. I stopped trying when certain guys came in who market camped way beyond what I was willing, and maximizing strata to push beyond 300m. I didn't have the time, and wasn't as skilled to boot, so I stopped trying.

This set is my first netting set in 2 years about. I started off not paying attention and was fairly behind. I started trying to catch up to the leaders, land trading being very easy.

The circumstances around my country: started behind, lost turns from overflow
Never traded before
Started stocking earlier than others as I had no one to trade wkth(leaders done/ahead, second tier too far behind)
Lots of the second tier passed me by making a couple extra trades after I converted

All that said I was set to finish above 300m NW which wouldn't have been t10 until I made a couple booboos, not knowing new destocking strategies that are within the past couple years, and accidentally buying up my bushels in my PM by clicking the number playing from my phone

Even then with an Eos resell I can finish 300m maybe

The best players in the game, playing a perfect techer in good conditions might have a chance at competing for the 10th spot, and if more good land traders start playing, they'll have no chance.

tellarion Game profile


Apr 3rd 2013, 16:43:48

Originally posted by Lord Tarnava:
The way I see it, is land trading is completely over powered and very easy. It's also very easy to play on limited time.

In the past competing for top spots running techer/farmer bottom feeders, I've had to set alarms to make grabs at odd hours, hover over my computer and spend a lot of time. That said it was a struggle to hit 220-230m NW, and those finishes would have you vying for a top spot. I stopped trying when certain guys came in who market camped way beyond what I was willing, and maximizing strata to push beyond 300m. I didn't have the time, and wasn't as skilled to boot, so I stopped trying.

This set is my first netting set in 2 years about. I started off not paying attention and was fairly behind. I started trying to catch up to the leaders, land trading being very easy.

The circumstances around my country: started behind, lost turns from overflow
Never traded before
Started stocking earlier than others as I had no one to trade wkth(leaders done/ahead, second tier too far behind)
Lots of the second tier passed me by making a couple extra trades after I converted

All that said I was set to finish above 300m NW which wouldn't have been t10 until I made a couple booboos, not knowing new destocking strategies that are within the past couple years, and accidentally buying up my bushels in my PM by clicking the number playing from my phone

Even then with an Eos resell I can finish 300m maybe

The best players in the game, playing a perfect techer in good conditions might have a chance at competing for the 10th spot, and if more good land traders start playing, they'll have no chance.

Let's all suicide qz every set until he changes the code!

Mr. Copper


Apr 3rd 2013, 17:26:11

Originally posted by Sir Balin:
hey if you pull your face off your fluff for a sec you'll notice no one's disputing that laf can net ;)

pdm has several (granted, not as many) that could go toe-to-toe w/ your best on an even playing field. agreed, it's the lack of good players that restricts the strategy. you had RD's land to take advantage of all set. thankfully for you the majority of RDers don't see themselves getting played, and as long as chump and tits can t10 they don't mind letting the rest of the tag flounder.

if chump's boner for tisya wasn't so rigid as to lobby daddy to cut off pdm's land, or if laf/rd wasn't so inbred, eug would have less justification in fellating himself.

Balin, you can't seriously believe this? This came about because of MY discussions with tisya, nothing to do with chump. Until tisya and BB "pull their head out of their fluffs" PDM will continue to see fewer and fewer trading partners. As an FR you get sick of hearing your members complain repeatedly how trading with a PDMer has screwed up their country.



Apr 3rd 2013, 17:41:53

You guys keep annoying SS and he might play seriously,

then I might get to see a 500m country!

~LaF's Retired Janitor~

NukEvil Game profile


Apr 3rd 2013, 17:43:02

Nah, you annoy SS, he'll FS your alliance out of the blue, breaking uNAPS, and claiming he's the best at everything...and still get 500m nw.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

Sir Balin Game profile


Apr 3rd 2013, 17:50:28

sent you a PM copper.

SS, hate to dignify your condescension with a direct response, but i don't think i'm PDM's top netter, though at times i have been. we might be talking past each other here, but what i meant to say was that, all things being equal (if we were playing in the same alliance), i'd definitely put myself, wari, ben, and perhaps one or two other PDMers up against anyone in laf playing a landtrading strat.

i'm not saying any of us would beat you playing a techer. you guys have that market cornered and a wealth of knowledge capital for bottomfeeding, news/market camping, and overwhelming smaller tags with retals, etc. although there was one set in 1a that i beat every laf country in a netting set by camping DRs and the market. i don't know who was or wasn't playing that set, i'm just saying that categorically dismissing PDM because you run server politics is silly.

i agree with LT's perspective completely. landtrading takes way less time than bottomfeeding and camping. that's why i love it. i'm pushing 30, with a family, and though it's nerdy and sad enough that i still play the game at all, if i can find a way to the top that doesn't involve dedicating my life to browser games, sounds cool.

tellarion Game profile


Apr 3rd 2013, 17:57:34

Originally posted by Sir Balin:

i agree with LT's perspective completely. landtrading takes way less time than bottomfeeding and camping. that's why i love it. i'm pushing 30, with a family, and though it's nerdy and sad enough that i still play the game at all, if i can find a way to the top that doesn't involve dedicating my life to browser games, sounds cool.

I like it :)

Xinhuan Game profile


Apr 3rd 2013, 18:13:37

Originally posted by Sir Balin:
SS, hate to dignify your condescension with a direct response, but i don't think i'm PDM's top netter, though at times i have been. we might be talking past each other here, but what i meant to say was that, all things being equal (if we were playing in the same alliance), i'd definitely put myself, wari, ben, and perhaps one or two other PDMers up against anyone in laf playing a landtrading strat.

You sir, are laughable. We are going to have multiple players who have never ever made top 10 before in LaF, finish in the top 10 simply because they landtraded this reset with no prior experience in it. Your "top tier" PDM players are maybe tier 2 in LaF at best.

Land trading in itself is a broken strategy, finishing t10 in it in a previous reset (where LaF did not take part in it) doesn't mean much.

locket Game profile


Apr 3rd 2013, 18:38:32

Originally posted by Sir Balin:
hey if you pull your face off your fluff for a sec you'll notice no one's disputing that laf can net ;)

pdm has several (granted, not as many) that could go toe-to-toe w/ your best on an even playing field. agreed, it's the lack of good players that restricts the strategy. you had RD's land to take advantage of all set. thankfully for you the majority of RDers don't see themselves getting played, and as long as chump and tits can t10 they don't mind letting the rest of the tag flounder.

if chump's boner for tisya wasn't so rigid as to lobby daddy to cut off pdm's land, or if laf/rd wasn't so inbred, eug would have less justification in fellating himself.

No way PDM has anyone to compete and no way is it not Tisya's fault. Next time deal in a more friendly manner. The only fluffty dealings I had this set were with PDM.

Oh and I will comment and say that I have no issue with trading itself, however, I think it is way overpowered and needs a bit of a nerf. I also think we need land bots which would be part of balancing the strats perhaps.

Edited By: locket on Apr 3rd 2013, 18:43:28
See Original Post

Sir Balin Game profile


Apr 3rd 2013, 18:40:03

What were your crappy dealings, locket? PDM had LaF on DNH all set, so we were only taking retals on your grabs. :P

SolidSnake Game profile


Apr 3rd 2013, 18:45:31

Originally posted by NukEvil:
Nah, you annoy SS, he'll FS your alliance out of the blue, breaking uNAPS, and claiming he's the best at everything...and still get 500m nw.

You give me too much credit, as good as I am, I cant time travel back in time to break a uNAP that evo had already broken weeks earlier.

Originally posted by Sir Balin:

SS, hate to dignify your condescension with a direct response, but i don't think i'm PDM's top netter, though at times i have been. we might be talking past each other here, but what i meant to say was that, all things being equal (if we were playing in the same alliance), i'd definitely put myself, wari, ben, and perhaps one or two other PDMers up against anyone in laf playing a landtrading strat.

i'm not saying any of us would beat you playing a techer. you guys have that market cornered and a wealth of knowledge capital for bottomfeeding, news/market camping, and overwhelming smaller tags with retals, etc. although there was one set in 1a that i beat every laf country in a netting set by camping DRs and the market. i don't know who was or wasn't playing that set, i'm just saying that categorically dismissing PDM because you run server politics is silly.

Honestly balin, if any of wari, ben or you came to laf and could finish within 100mnw of me landtrading I would be impressed, and I've never landtraded before or even calculated how best to landtrade, I just see how inefficient everyone is at it currently.

Son Goku Game profile


Apr 3rd 2013, 18:51:08

Originally posted by Sir Balin:
What were your crappy dealings, locket? PDM had LaF on DNH all set, so we were only taking retals on your grabs. :P

Except when wari grabbed me ;)

Sir Balin Game profile


Apr 3rd 2013, 18:52:51

what if pdm and laf did in-tag trading for a set to see who's most efficient? like wari said, you guys already started doing that this set, though i'm sure it wasn't sanctioned. i'd be so down for that, particularly since we know GA will be nerfed eventually.

Sir Balin Game profile


Apr 3rd 2013, 18:53:21

yeah, except that SG ;)

it's "just wari being wari" i guess.

Sir Balin Game profile


Apr 3rd 2013, 18:54:43

btw, i'm not even PDM senate anymore, so i'm just shooting from the hip here.

SolidSnake Game profile


Apr 3rd 2013, 18:54:45

What do I get when I beat everyone in pdm by over 100m nw?



Apr 3rd 2013, 18:58:09

For every NW you beat PDM by, PDM has to donate $1 to a charity of SS's choice.

SS I know a quick way to start a charity.
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

SolidSnake Game profile


Apr 3rd 2013, 19:01:15

The teach pdm how to netgain charity is a worthy, albeit in the end futile, cause.

H4xOr WaNgEr Game profile

Forum Moderator

Apr 3rd 2013, 19:03:22

locket isn't in LaF and hasn't been all reset.

Sir Balin Game profile


Apr 3rd 2013, 19:07:28

my bad h4

ok, i gotta stop posting, but if there was really a way to arrange an in-tag landtrading netting war, i would absolutely man up to your challenge, SS.

pele Game profile


Apr 3rd 2013, 19:10:58

then do it... maby rd is game on that aswell?

locket Game profile


Apr 3rd 2013, 19:17:52

Laf wont do it. SS would have a hernia for one :P



Apr 3rd 2013, 19:18:59

qzjul would fix the game before it would happen because EVO has to have a shot at t10,durrr
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

wari Game profile


Apr 3rd 2013, 19:22:55


but we must not concern ourselves with what is fun, we have a very very serious and important game to play here.

Newworld Game profile


Apr 3rd 2013, 19:26:51


pew pew pew

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 3rd 2013, 23:06:39

SS don't fall for Balin's reverse physiology. PDM wants intra-tag trading to be the norm. By agreeing to that you just become his pawn to achieve his end goal.

Chewi Game profile


Apr 3rd 2013, 23:10:10

Originally posted by SolidSnake:
What do I get when I beat everyone in pdm by over 100m nw?

You get to talk even more fluff!

synoder Game profile


Apr 4th 2013, 0:15:59

Originally posted by En4cer85:
Synoder this set got Land Fast and that is all... He was poorly built for a large portion of his trading (no fault of his own as he was often hit because he was fat). There are many other factors that make a good land trading country that we are aware of now and honestly 400m should be our new par Benchmark for landtrading finishes.

yeah I learned a good bit this set. Like you said, I got hit a lot early and got really fat (which at the time I figured was good) but after a while I was having trouble even making enough cash to build and getting my BPT up was difficult being hit so much. I would do things very differently if I could do it over.

SolidSnake Game profile


Apr 4th 2013, 0:23:16

Originally posted by Chewi:
Originally posted by SolidSnake:
What do I get when I beat everyone in pdm by over 100m nw?

You get to talk even more fluff!

Is that even possible?

joe2 Game profile


Apr 4th 2013, 2:57:31

I've rarely seen anyone give their self a blow job as well as SS does to up his ego.

KriSatZ Game profile


Apr 4th 2013, 5:48:01

The easiest way to balance out trading is either

1) Have a Tech that increases land explored %.
2) Have Land as a buyable option on private market. The value per acre would increase the more land a person gets in an increasing amount.

At the moment, from what I can see, the amount of camping you have to do, and time spent to try and run an all x to even lace the boots of a trader just is not worth it.

I really do hope QZ changes things.
Success is in the mind. You must believe you are the best and then make sure that you are.

LaFamiglia - zKriSatZwpn - LaFamiglia



Apr 4th 2013, 9:27:50

Originally posted by Sir Balin:
hey if you pull your face off your fluff for a sec you'll notice no one's disputing that laf can net ;)

pdm has several (granted, not as many) that could go toe-to-toe w/ your best on an even playing field. agreed, it's the lack of good players that restricts the strategy. you had RD's land to take advantage of all set. thankfully for you the majority of RDers don't see themselves getting played, and as long as chump and tits can t10 they don't mind letting the rest of the tag flounder.

if chump's boner for tisya wasn't so rigid as to lobby daddy to cut off pdm's land, or if laf/rd wasn't so inbred, eug would have less justification in fellating himself.

I'd say it has more to do with my "lack of a bonor for tisya" as you would put it that lead to PDM being so skinny this reset. I don't tolerate stupidity nor people trying to take advantage.

RD was PDM's largest source of land however, Tisya wanted PDM to come away with Win/Lose situations rather than Win/Win.

Instead we formed stronger ties with alliances that were willing to take a John Nash approach to playing rather than an Adam Smith. The results speak for themselves.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Apr 4th 2013, 9:43:55

Originally posted by joe2:
I've rarely seen anyone give their self a blow job as well as SS does to up his ego.

i question the need to up one's ego if they're capable of blowing themselves.
There are no messages in your Inbox.
Elvis has left the building.

locket Game profile


Apr 4th 2013, 9:54:50

Dont make me google those people Silver.

Sir Balin Game profile


Apr 4th 2013, 12:56:06

Originally posted by Requiem:
SS don't fall for Balin's reverse physiology.

Would reverse physiology be something like the functional actions of biological systems gaining form and sentience to study their surroundings?

Originally posted by Mr.Silver:
RD was PDM's largest source of land however, Tisya wanted PDM to come away with Win/Lose situations rather than Win/Win.

I was having fun being theatrical in my post because eug is silly, but having seen both sides this set, though Tisya did stand up for PDM's policy when we might otherwise let things slide for a more amiable alliance, the fault in the Win/Lose exchanges was mostly bad grabs on RD's part. Can you deny that? There was no sandbagging or "we're going to screw RD!" or anything like that on PDM's part.

Having seen your chat logs with Tisya and how you talk to her, it's unsurprising that she didn't want to go out of her way to accommodate you. And I've heard plenty of your "starve Tisya, starve!" comments to know you at least have a chub for her. ;)

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Apr 4th 2013, 13:16:47

Originally posted by Mr.Silver:
Instead we formed stronger ties with alliances that were willing to take a John Nash approach to playing rather than an Adam Smith. The results speak for themselves.
laf and RD both hit on ugly chicks, lowering the hot chick's self-esteem and driving her straight to PDM

you have a beautiful mind
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

tellarion Game profile


Apr 4th 2013, 14:51:20

Originally posted by Forgotten:
qzjul would fix the game before it would happen because EVO has to have a shot at t10,durrr

We have a shot every set regardless :)

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 4th 2013, 14:59:11

God damn it balin... I'm going yo blame auto correct :p

lymz Game profile


Apr 4th 2013, 23:12:24

Originally posted by Requiem:
reverse physiology

Tuck it between your legs?