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I wonder who has been telling you that 'LaF changed the spy calculations'. The last change to spy ops was ~2014 and it was a big fu to anyone that isn't land thin ie all netters.
Didn't we just have a huge discussion about the spy calculations about a month ago, and spies are going to equalized in some way for coutries that are huge? Or did I just imagine that?
I and a few others argued to basically revert the change that punishes war countries for becoming larger than their enemy's. It does make suiciders job harder as well if the main source of damage is spy ops, tho it generally isn't so it would likely have negligible effect.
Key things to understand here are that
A) people from SOL, Monsters, PS, Elders, Mercs basically argued for the same things as I did.
B) NO CHANGES WERE MADE. And the devs have not even indicated that they are looking to change that in any way.