
Sov Game profile


Jul 22nd 2019, 16:58:39

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
When you tried to speedkill(tm) me the other day and chevs rage quit, you could have gone for an original. This whole thing I'm doing is working.

It is? 3 months of crying about me is working for you because Chevs ragequit? Okay then.

Does it make me cooler that I have my own personal stalker?

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 22nd 2019, 17:02:06

So in your head you think I'm right behind you. Keep checking those shadows bro. I might just POP OUT AND SPOOK YA.

Sov Game profile


Jul 22nd 2019, 17:05:51

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
So in your head you think I'm right behind you. Keep checking those shadows bro. I might just POP OUT AND SPOOK YA.

I don’t think you are right behind me. I know you are posting on the forums daily about me because you are. One only need look at your post history to see that.

Posting day after day, crying about the same old crap.

Still waiting for those logs... Or were you busted lying?

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 22nd 2019, 17:12:34


No one wants to read drab about us being pissed about you removing our access. Quit being so dry. Have some fun bro. It's a game ffs. Loosen the tie a bit, pull your clans outta bad wars and have some fun with us...

...or be a better villain. Whatever you're feeling. I don't really care. I'd just like the war to be a bit shorter or more competitive. Especially if you arent even going to be active for it.



Jul 22nd 2019, 19:35:49


Makinso Game profile


Jul 22nd 2019, 21:01:04

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Originally posted by Boltar:
u realize when u called ur self #2 derrick, u just called urself fluff... take a shower man!

Makinso called himself Duque for years. Maybe we are all just pieces of fluff. Lol

I'm not showering until i get a cf. You can deal with the smell.

How the fluff did the two of us get involved in this bullfluff thread ? LOL

You got the incentive really really wrong there buddy. I never called myself Duque. People assumed I was Duque and vice versa. We played that game along for a while.

Makinso Game profile


Jul 22nd 2019, 21:04:12

Oh and let's not forget MakDuque! Was a great burger and person!

mdevol Game profile


Jul 22nd 2019, 21:14:11

i just wan to see the logs so i can judge for myself. i don't want to have to defend Xyle if I dont have to, but you cant throw threats like that out there and not have the balls to follow through with posting the logs you say you have. it makes your argument look invalid.

even I used to post logs when I said I would. my word was my word, and it proved me right.
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

Sov Game profile


Jul 22nd 2019, 21:14:38

Originally posted by DerrickICN:

No one wants to read drab about us being pissed about you removing our access. Quit being so dry. Have some fun bro. It's a game ffs. Loosen the tie a bit, pull your clans outta bad wars and have some fun with us...

...or be a better villain. Whatever you're feeling. I don't really care. I'd just like the war to be a bit shorter or more competitive. Especially if you arent even going to be active for it.

You are the one who has been spewing the same garbage every day for the past 3 months, I suggest you re-read your own content and take your own advice.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 22nd 2019, 21:23:28

Originally posted by mdevol:
i just wan to see the logs so i can judge for myself. i don't want to have to defend Xyle if I dont have to, but you cant throw threats like that out there and not have the balls to follow through with posting the logs you say you have. it makes your argument look invalid.

even I used to post logs when I said I would. my word was my word, and it proved me right.

Yeah. It'd be easier on me if I didn't talk so fluffin much to be honest. I remember distinctly a conversation i had that was pretty unpleasant but i forget if it was while he was still in laf 2 sets ago or last set. So it puts a window of looking for it at like 3 or 4 months. Not only that but i don't remember if it was PM, elderswar or laf.war. So I'd basically have to go thru about 200,000 lines of text to find it.

I said originally I'd provide that convo, and i did start to look for it honestly. Once i realized how big the task was and how meaningless it really is at the end of the day, i got bored and started playing xbox.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 22nd 2019, 21:31:35

Proper context tho, i was already super annoyed from listening to him talk about how he is the best of all time and how laf wouldnt exist without him all set, so our interactions had already declined significantly.

Sov Game profile


Jul 22nd 2019, 21:50:16

[quote poster=DerrickICN; 47360; 905748]
Originally posted by mdevol:
So it puts a window of looking for it at like 3 or 4 months. Not only that but i don't remember if it was PM, elderswar or laf.war. So I'd basically have to go thru about 200,000 lines of text to find it.

You know just as well as I do that these logs don’t exist. If they did you would take the 5 minutes needed to run appropriate searches to find them. You’ve proven your tenacity over these past 3 months of regurgitating the same goal crap about me for 3 months, yet you can’t take a few minutes to search logs? Yeah right.

This is why you rather spend hours posting here trying to deflect the topic instead of going to find them.

So keep trying to lie. Keep being a cry baby drama queen. I’ll keep being boring and calling you on it.

Sov Game profile


Jul 22nd 2019, 21:50:52

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
So it puts a window of looking for it at like 3 or 4 months. Not only that but i don't remember if it was PM, elderswar or laf.war. So I'd basically have to go thru about 200,000 lines of text to find it.

You know just as well as I do that these logs don’t exist. If they did you would take the 5 minutes needed to run appropriate searches to find them. You’ve proven your tenacity over these past 3 months of regurgitating the same goal crap about me for 3 months, yet you can’t take a few minutes to search logs? Yeah right.

This is why you rather spend hours posting here trying to deflect the topic instead of going to find them.

So keep trying to lie. Keep being a cry baby drama queen. I’ll keep being boring and calling you on it. [/quote]

Sov Game profile


Jul 22nd 2019, 21:51:10

[quote poster=Sov; 47360; 905755]
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
So it puts a window of looking for it at like 3 or 4 months. Not only that but i don't remember if it was PM, elderswar or laf.war. So I'd basically have to go thru about 200,000 lines of text to find it.

You know just as well as I do that these logs don’t exist. If they did you would take the 5 minutes needed to run appropriate searches to find them. You’ve proven your tenacity over these past 3 months of regurgitating the same vial crap about me for 3 months, yet you can’t take a few minutes to search logs? Yeah right.

This is why you rather spend hours posting here trying to deflect the topic instead of going to find them.

So keep trying to lie. Keep being a cry baby drama queen. I’ll keep being boring and keep calling you on it.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 22nd 2019, 21:55:50

Lol, you up at 5am? Losing sleep over this fluff now eh? I guess not quite enough for your country to live tho lol. I figured you might finally wall. You seem mad. Lol

And not only that but i don't think people find it all that hard to believe we have unpleasant interactions. Let's be real here bro.

I actually can't even figure out how to find on page a text file on my android 7 phone because I'm such a tech whiz. I was going thru it line by line. Not interested in 4 months of that sorry.

anoniem Game profile


Jul 22nd 2019, 22:12:11






Sov Game profile


Jul 22nd 2019, 22:13:55

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Lol, you up at 5am? Losing sleep over this fluff now eh? I guess not quite enough for your country to live tho lol. I figured you might finally wall. You seem mad. Lol

And not only that but i don't think people find it all that hard to believe we have unpleasant interactions. Let's be real here bro.

I actually can't even figure out how to find on page a text file on my android 7 phone because I'm such a tech whiz. I was going thru it line by line. Not interested in 4 months of that sorry.

One would think my personal stalker would keep better track of my time zone. You are like 3 hours off.

Convenient that not only can’t you search for the logs, you can’t find anyone else out of all the people in LaF’s IRC to produce logs or validate your claims. Hmm

One would think that if you are going to be so butthurt for 6 months about things I supposedly said you would be able to post what I said.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 22nd 2019, 22:19:04

Lol you said like 40 posts ago that you deleted our access to sof due to unpleasant interactions with me/us on IRC. Why don't you find them bro? You seem to remember them just fine.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jul 22nd 2019, 22:25:04
See Original Post

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 22nd 2019, 22:22:39

Originally posted by Sov:
I had reason to delete your accounts from SoF site. You were always trying to start fluff with me in IRC. That's all the reason I need.

Sov Game profile


Jul 22nd 2019, 22:25:06

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Lol you said like 40 posts ago that you deleted our access to boxcar due to unpleasant interactions with me/us on IRC. Why don't you find them bro? You seem to remember them just fine.

I’m not the one who promised to post them weeks ago.... and several times since.

Come on. Show everyone all the mean things I said to destroy relations between SoF and Elders. Show everyone how I hurt Elders’ fragile feelings.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 22nd 2019, 22:41:20

I havent really offered to post them since i looked for them for 20 mins a month ago. I'd really rather not. It's so much text.

I guess people can believe these conversations we've now both referenced were just me being a huge asshole while you were being a super pleasant nice guy if they want. That sounds really believable.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 22nd 2019, 23:21:11

Actually does anyone know how to find on page a text file on an samsung j7? I've been wanting to reread some old conversations I had with Vicvixvi but honestly it's just so much text...

I'm still mourning and it would really be helpful.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 22nd 2019, 23:24:47

Can u ask hanlong for me xyle? I bet he knows.

Sov Game profile


Jul 23rd 2019, 0:14:21

Funny thing is, no matter what Hanlong had done in this game he is still a more honest person than you lol

But keep trying to find those logs for us, we won’t hold our breath for it though.

Karnage XZ


Jul 23rd 2019, 0:23:25

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Actually does anyone know how to find on page a text file on an samsung j7? I've been wanting to reread some old conversations I had with Vicvixvi but honestly it's just so much text...

I'm still mourning and it would really be helpful.
normally you need the drivers installed and sometimes a specific application so your computer can read and open the device.
Do as I say, not as I do.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 23rd 2019, 0:25:33

Wow this thread blew up. For the record I am choosing not to play Alliance due to the gameplay not because of anyone in particular.

If I don’t have fun I don’t spend my time playing it’s really that simple.

- Premium Patron Member

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 23rd 2019, 0:55:49

Originally posted by Karnage XZ:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Actually does anyone know how to find on page a text file on an samsung j7? I've been wanting to reread some old conversations I had with Vicvixvi but honestly it's just so much text...

I'm still mourning and it would really be helpful.
normally you need the drivers installed and sometimes a specific application so your computer can read and open the device.

This implies i have a computer, which i dont. I'm cellphone player only. I'm really SOL? (Hehe)

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jul 23rd 2019, 0:57:55
See Original Post

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 23rd 2019, 1:00:02

Originally posted by Requiem:
Wow this thread blew up. For the record I am choosing not to play Alliance due to the gameplay not because of anyone in particular.

If I don’t have fun I don’t spend my time playing it’s really that simple.

I dont blame you. It's a never ending blowout over ego. Even imag wants sof to cf. That's kind of impressive.

Hardy Game profile


Jul 23rd 2019, 1:28:55

SOAD - Cigaro

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 23rd 2019, 2:31:52

Originally posted by Hardy:
SOAD - Cigaro

Another great reference to how much my poop stinks. Lol.

But yes. More or less.

Karnage XZ


Jul 23rd 2019, 2:35:12

Originally posted by Requiem:
Wow this thread blew up. For the record I am choosing not to play Alliance due to the gameplay not because of anyone in particular.

If I don’t have fun I don’t spend my time playing it’s really that simple.

Then why you giving us a hard time on AT? Cry for attention much Req:P
Do as I say, not as I do.

breeze Game profile


Jul 23rd 2019, 2:39:36

It's time for the war to be done.

Karnage XZ


Jul 23rd 2019, 4:15:00

Originally posted by breeze:
It's time for the war to be done.
Can't trust anything sof says, they will just build up and suicide at the end of the reset. Haven't you people learned anything about sof?
Do as I say, not as I do.

Neil Game profile


Jul 23rd 2019, 5:21:20

So did we find out who 811 is ?

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 23rd 2019, 5:39:52

Originally posted by anoniem:





Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

sinistril Game profile


Jul 23rd 2019, 9:59:23

Originally posted by breeze:
It's time for the war to be done.

I don't know. it wouldn't be so bad if this net set wasn't interferring with my war set. Do I need to join LaF to get a war set in or something? Has 1a inverted?
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Red X Game profile


Jul 23rd 2019, 10:27:42

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Actually does anyone know how to find on page a text file on an samsung j7? I've been wanting to reread some old conversations I had with Vicvixvi but honestly it's just so much text...

I'm still mourning and it would really be helpful.

Copy paste the whole log. Email to your computer do a ctrl+f

If you are talking about finding key words. If you need the file itself chances are it's in documents.
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

Red X Game profile


Jul 23rd 2019, 10:29:20

I just saw where you said you dont have a computer. If you email it to me and tell me key words I'll give it about 5 mins lol
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

Dutchy Game profile


Jul 23rd 2019, 11:21:09

Originally posted by Neil:
So did we find out who 811 is ?

Seemed Derrick stopped caring once it was clear it wasn’t a SoF player.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 23rd 2019, 11:27:08

I'm american folks. Insomnia is a fluff but I catch a few hours most nights.

That said, I'm not going to repeat myself a bunch of times because you guys, who seem very interested in me going thru hundreds of thousands of lines of text, can't read page two of this thread.

It's like seriously 4 posts below where Neil makes an educated guess, right before Xyle starts catfighting with me about how he doesn't catfight with me.

I guess i shouldn't have assumed he wore pants. My country name is invalid. Blouses are elite.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jul 23rd 2019, 12:02:25
See Original Post

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 23rd 2019, 11:53:18

Originally posted by Red X:
I just saw where you said you dont have a computer. If you email it to me and tell me key words I'll give it about 5 mins lol

The keywords would just be his name and i would want to read most every conversation. It's not any one in particular. So I'd be passing a full ass project over to you.

Maybe I'll do it on my brothers computer the next time I see him. Thanks for offering tho red.

Boltar Game profile


Jul 23rd 2019, 12:53:25

dont they have libraries in philly? cant u plug in via usb on ur phone?

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 23rd 2019, 13:47:25

Originally posted by Boltar:
dont they have libraries in philly? cant u plug in via usb on ur phone?

Yeah i suppose but i doubt collecting everything i want would be a short process. The 30 allotted minutes might not be enough to read thru dozens of convos.

Either way, solid suggestion.

breeze Game profile


Jul 23rd 2019, 16:09:26

Here's a solid suggestion SOF Cease Fire. Let me take a wild guess that next set you will be back and there will be another war that's lasts a whole set again. I mean hell iMag loves to war but when you're beat you're beat. Hell even I admit that and will ask for a CF.

MauricXe Game profile


Jul 23rd 2019, 16:44:50

[quote poster=DerrickICN; 47360; 905748]
Originally posted by mdevol:

I said originally I'd provide that convo, and i did start to look for it honestly. Once i realized how big the task was and how meaningless it really is at the end of the day, i got bored and started playing xbox.

Yet you have time to continue to post here.

In other don't have anything.

He has an XBOX and yet doesn't know how to search through documents and or doesn't have the means to do so.

Not buying it.

This has been one funny exchange. Thanks for the laughs.

Edited By: MauricXe on Jul 23rd 2019, 16:47:54

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 23rd 2019, 17:16:10

Yeah, mdevol. Get your fluff together lol

Dude is not buying i dont own a pc because i own an xbox. Pretty funny. Lol

All day long I'd biddy-biddy-bum
If I were a wealthy man

Xbox first gen used was like $70 on black friday. Pro tip.

I basically would have no use for a pc other than earth (and apparently finding things in my text files lol) and I'm not buying one because the last time i owned one i had facebook open constantly and wanted to die. I'm good on that. It's all just trash, social media, bullfluff news and solitaire on there anyways.

I do enjoy the hangup tho. I did not bring up my text files in this convo. In fact that had nothing to do with the content of this post. Some egotistical maniac (47 down, 553 to go) just got hung up on some comment i made 2 months ago about something that was said to me at the beginning of the year. It's basically all he has on me tho so he just keeps regurgitating the same fluff.

I have plenty of time to sit here and have some fun. Combing thru hundreds of thousands of lines of text for a few negative statements is just a way I'm choosing not to spend my day. Like i said. Anyone who wants to believe xyle was super cordial with me while i was being a huge asshole can believe that. I'll just have to live with it. People who actually know both of us probably have some idea of how it actually went down.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jul 23rd 2019, 17:40:11
See Original Post

MauricXe Game profile


Jul 23rd 2019, 18:23:19

Well it's not so much that I don't believe you can't afford a PC, it's that you are trying to sound completely inept with technology.

You've used irc, play this game, play xbox, and waste way too much time on this forum obsessing about SoF and Xyle. Yet...somehow I'm supposed to believe you can't use the search function on your machine? Come on man.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 23rd 2019, 19:07:42

Look at the responses. There's legit no way to find on page a text file on this model of phone lol

tfm0m0 Game profile


Jul 23rd 2019, 19:28:37

There are apps in the app store to do this. Alternatively open file in chrome and use the "find in page" tool. It's not that hard.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 23rd 2019, 19:37:56

Seems like a lot of work to find a conversation of grown men bickering. Tell you what, i kinda want you guys to think I'm some kinda dirty so and so, or else there's completely no point in continuing this war, so imma let this fluff be a mystery. If you liked me like most players who were here in the years before y'all came back, you'd probably just quit because you'd see how brutally honest I'm being about this war being over one persons ego.

You can build me up as a horrible person. A deeply insane miserable bad dude.

Hopefully it gives you motivation to do better in these wars if they're truly going to be endless. Im not mad there's warchats everyday. I'm bored because the war is well decided. If this is motivation to do a better job in warchats against us, and play a more solid all around game, thereby making future wars more competitive, then i can be happy about it. I'm a big old fat fluffin liar. The reason our access was removed is because i was being mean to xyle while he was being an upstanding gentleman to me. Believe it if it helps ya.