
Mr Forgotten

New Member

Jan 16th 2014, 5:16:05

There I was, bored out of my mind at my job coming up on the busiest time of the year. It was too easy, and I thought, well, let's see what's out there. Oh, EE again? Haven't played that in 8 months. Let's do it.

I come back, I play like any regular folks. I had never had a good finish, but this set, I was on a roll, I knew that I had good potential to finish T10 again, other than the cheaters who are getting FAed and tech leeching, I should finish a solid top 5. What a thrill!

And then it happened, I was pulling in after driving around town all day, just going to park and then go home to buy up some more because of the suiciders that are rampant.

I don't know who you are, I don't really care who you are, honestly.

You guys are organized, you guys know what you are doing, and have knowledge of when to do it.
I can probably guess why you guys targeted LaF in a heartbeat. But that is all within the game, the politics, the warfare, the fun stuff in the game, even if you got killed 15 times in a war set, because it was fun being able to hangout with your Alliance mates.

This is where some troll will come in, claim it was from the farming of untags, or some random handle will show up and claim it was just him.
The amount of planning and stock storing required a skill player who knew exactly what he was doing, and when to do it, and how it would hurt someone the most.

Congratulations, you guys have renamed the server to Suicider Server, qzjul will rename it soon, just as soon as he can get this game up on Facebook, it's coming, trust him guys, it will be the best thing in the world and we will all be farming Milai Chung from Chung Hing Province in China, and her 7 other Facebook accounts.

qzjul will be by shortly though, to confirm that the current mechanics that was introduced is 'working as intended'. (For those of you that never played WoW, go Google it). And that only LaF countries exclusively have been suicided, including seven countries that were locks for T10, just happens to be an odd statistic. And points out that many other countries this reset have been crippled, but does not go further to explain the difference between Alliances at war and Alliance being suicided, because it is working as intended.


Just kidding.

Mr Forgotten

Sov Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 5:32:02

I saw you being suicided in the news bud, was ridiculous. I think this post is only encouraging them though. It is best you ignore them.

I note the country who suicided was tagged in DK earlier in the set, maybe they would be willing to reveal the identity of the suicider to LAF.

Don't quit the game again though, don't let them win.

albob Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 5:48:57

LOL hypocritical of you! You whinge because for years LAF have farmed the absolute fluff out of every small tag and untagged country in this game. Yes its not only LAF, but collectively as an alliance LAF has practiced bottom bottomfeeding for years. Small tags, get flammed on AT for asking for a break...

The changes don't make it easier for suiciders, the changes make it easier for one single country or smaller tag, to get pay back... don't like it. Too bad. For years smaller tags have been asking for a break to be told 'too bad, join a larger alliance'. Now smaller tags and untaggs can do more damage and you whinge about it...

Don't like it? Too bad. Perhaps you should of thought about that whilst you were hitting the war room camping DR on untaggs and small tags to rape them for every mm of growth potential and land they have.

Suck it up, you had it coming!



" You can never have too much cheese... unless your... "

En4cer Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 5:51:50

Like you told me bro... Chin up!

prankster Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 5:53:22

So are there more suiciders this set or just more whiners? If it is indeed organized suiciding I would presume RD. They don't like Eugene after all.

Sov Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 5:55:10

Not sure if the suiciders are RD, but a possibility. I don't see any evidence of it though at this stage. We know one of the suiciders is Jayr who is a serial suicider. I do not know who the others are, but LAF sound like they know.



Jan 16th 2014, 5:57:27

Sorry your country got exploded.
Your clans policies are part of the catalyst for this current trend.
but what do i know?
I only play this game for fun!

bstrong86 Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 6:04:26

I have had some interaction with a few LaFers regarding the previously mentioned former DK country and member. The country is acting upon himself and not as a DK member anymore.

I talked with req, i believe it was yesterday. He has been made aware of the individuals indentity
The Death Knights


locket Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 6:04:34

Originally posted by prankster:
So are there more suiciders this set or just more whiners? If it is indeed organized suiciding I would presume RD. They don't like Eugene after all.

You would presume wrong but hey.. assumptions are fun arent they? RD either quit or joined other alliances.

And there are a LOT of suiciders/being more effective this set against Laf so that is why you hear more. Normally they can be dealt with fairly easily. Apparently that is no longer the case.

locket Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 6:09:07

Originally posted by SakitSaPuwit:
Sorry your country got exploded.
Your clans policies are part of the catalyst for this current trend.

I am curious. Honestly. What do you want people to do?

1) Do you want people to be all explore? Everyone?

2) Do you want only landtraders? I see plenty of people who advocate against bottomfeeding also hate on landtraders.

3) you want Laf and others to limit their hits on a country to a certain number in a period of time?

There are no other options other than Laf style WR feeding which people hate too.

Want to know what is funny about option three though? If we all limited our grabs to one per country for every 72 hours or something like that, all the untagged countries would still get hit 7-9 times a day. There would just be more people doing it instead of a small group.

So again. What are your fluffing suggestions for how people should play?

You me and everyone else knows that basically no one who is untagged is a new player. New players are also directed to play servers like Primary. So if you are on an alliance server where teamwork is the point, then why pray tell, should someone who tries to play on their own get special protection from being grabbed? If anyone gets protection it should be those playing within the spirit of the ALLIANCE server.

albob Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 6:24:34

Locket its quite simple. If we take untags out of the question any new tag or small tag is farmed unless they manage to be playing for sometime and have pacts.

The suggestion is for LAF to NOT pact out the entire server and for other more established clans to be hit and exchange hits. Without most clans being pacted, you would eliminate the issue of extreme bottom feeding, mid tier tags could benefit from retaling, and it would encourage everyone to play and actual have the right defense to defend the acres they did have.

The 12 x rule is just bullfluff. How should a 12m networth country be able to grab a 1m nw country when the 12m country has 8m turrets?

There is no PERFECT answer, however there are HEALTHY suggestions that will benefit the game overall. This attitude of win at any cost, screw over anyone to get a good finish this set and worry about next set attitude just kills it.



" You can never have too much cheese... unless your... "

albob Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 6:28:21

You also have the attitude that new tags should not be able to retal. This isn't clan policy, but its certainly the attitude of offending members of tags who are bottom feeding excessively.

1. Big clan members double taps, or triple taps smaller clan member.
2. Smaller clan member retals 1 or 2 hits and makes back even or greater land.
3. Big clan member triple taps or quad taps smaller clan member.
4. Smaller clan member is by policy entitled to a kill / farm of big clan member. Mostly likely will retal according to policy.
5. Big clan member cannot handle or has the attitude small clan does not deserve to reclaim land..
6. will set clan to FARM..

REPEAT over.



" You can never have too much cheese... unless your... "

locket Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 6:33:34

Every single tag on the site has the ability to retal. The only ones who cant are untagged. DANGER could retal everyone when they had 3-4 members.

You encourage landtrading but landtraders get suicided too. There are groups that hate it and target them.

You also cant simply ignore the fact that there are untagged countries unless there is a rule in place that they cant use special attacks or that everyone must be in a tag on the server. If they dont get grabbed then more than likely a few of them will simply go bonkers and attack someone for no reason. Not all, but many of these suiciders are only playing to suicide. They dont care about growing their country. If they werent touched they would still hit someone. Is this game ONLY about growing? No. But unless you have a reason to fight someone or are fighting someone that wants to fight then you are just a griefer because you are forcing others to play your style and ruining their experiences and this game already has too many griefers.

Perhaps tightening up the NW gap could work but how tight is fair? Up to a certain point and the country still cant retal so it is pointless. Take it too far and your targets are severely limited.

If people want to protect tags that dont really have issues retalling or protect the untagged then they have to consider it on all sides and actually give a decent suggestion. As it stands now if someone actually wants to grow their country they should either play a solo server or join an alliance.

En4cer Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 6:33:53

the reason people suicided LaF in the first place was because LaF players could do as u suggested and grab other alliances and be skilful enough to outrun the retals...

A country played with the intention to suicide can suicide anyone at any point during the set also... i could play a 2-3k acre country that is grabbed 10 times a day and still take out the countries going for the top spots even if they had 20m defense points.

locket Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 6:35:48

Originally posted by albob:
You also have the attitude that new tags should not be able to retal. This isn't clan policy, but its certainly the attitude of offending members of tags who are bottom feeding excessively.

1. Big clan members double taps, or triple taps smaller clan member.
2. Smaller clan member retals 1 or 2 hits and makes back even or greater land.
3. Big clan member triple taps or quad taps smaller clan member.
4. Smaller clan member is by policy entitled to a kill / farm of big clan member. Mostly likely will retal according to policy.
5. Big clan member cannot handle or has the attitude small clan does not deserve to reclaim land..
6. will set clan to FARM..

REPEAT over.

Every clan with a functioning FR department doesnt deal with this. Only the spam tags do. There is a huge difference between HGWT or whatever they are and DK for example. Not to mention that if anyone triple tapped DK they would actually be able to retal all those hits 95% of the time and that in itself would stop all further farming.

Laf as an example doesnt protect their members from people that they farm. If the farmed target hits someone else then they act but not until then. That is usually their polciy anyways.

Sov Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 6:39:15

If you believe that if LAF stopped farming untagged countries or small tags that they would prosper because LAF is no longer farming them then you are living in a wonderful dreamworld where everyone holds hands together and shares everything they have. The fact is that LAF just gets in first, but those countries would be farmed right to the limit of their DR. Of course this is not applicable to all players as they are many who are skilled enough to play untagged and not be farmed.

This problem will not be fixed without sufficient changes to the mechanics of the game. The game has always been this way. You cannot expect that in a game where people want more land that everyone is just going to adapt a policy of not hitting untagged or small tags just because they want to play nice.

bstrong86 Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 6:45:36

Albob, DK rose up from being a 5 man squad. We got spanked around a little bit, here and there. Takes time and a little bit of respect. Retal. And hold true. Build a legit player base. Announce an FR. Have serious talks. AT doesnt work.
The Death Knights


Warster Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 6:51:30

the problem is laf sometimes chooses to ignore FA's from certain alliances
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 16th 2014, 6:52:11

Originally posted by bstrong86:
I have had some interaction with a few LaFers regarding the previously mentioned former DK country and member. The country is acting upon himself and not as a DK member anymore.

I talked with req, i believe it was yesterday. He has been made aware of the individuals indentity


LaF getting suicides......SHOCKING!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Yippie Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 7:06:11

Every player in this game wants to get even everytime they are attacked, which makes sense.

The reason you have suicideres targetting a particular clan is because this clan must have pissed several individuals over their course of existence and now these individuals want to get even.

Some clans have changed their policies about farming untagged because of suiciders and they FORCE these changes unto each MEMBER of the clan.

My view, LaF deserve it.

edit, the title of this thread should be Congratulations! You have won against LaF! Suiciders

Edited By: Yippie on Jan 16th 2014, 7:08:22
See Original Post



Jan 16th 2014, 7:21:06

Tighteing the 12x NW gap was suggested many months ago by me. It was never taken seriously by the admins, because I also tend to post controversial posts for fun.

And again, Alliance server should be Alliance based. Untags do not belong.
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

tellarion Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 7:37:34

albob, as bstrong pointed out, if you start acting like a REAL alliance, people will stop farming you. If you want some actual pointers on how to be a successful alliance, please hit me up. Otherwise you are just a spam tag providing free land to other alliances like Laf.

And Laf isn't the only alliance that does this. They're just the best/fastest at it, that's all.

locket Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 7:48:55

albob is part of one of the spam tags?

tellarion Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 7:49:26

Gambino, I believe



Jan 16th 2014, 7:53:00

Stop derailing my thread.

This is my thread declaring that they have successfully won the game.
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

albob Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 7:53:05

Whilst i do represent a small tag i am not actively playing 1a.

my point here is its hypocrisy when you actively farm small tags and untags for years, then when those players you piss off have payback you whinge. .lol



" You can never have too much cheese... unless your... "

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 16th 2014, 7:58:32

I find all this extremely amusing, I haven't had this much fun reading the forums since the mehul vs bot FAIL days LOL
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!



Jan 16th 2014, 8:07:12

Im not saying laf would prosper if they stopped their rape mentality towards untagged. They will be suicided on for many sets before anybody would give up the grudge.
But I believe that many of the people who do not like them have legitimate reason.

Having said that. There will always be people that just want to watch the earth burn.

I have played this stupid game way to long. Aboout half my sets were as untagged, or part of the UnClanned (there can be alot of fun playing independent)

Last 2 sets I gave been in a clan (I always follow clan rules for sets I commmit)

I am just happy not everyone plays this game the same way.
but what do i know?
I only play this game for fun!

iScode Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 8:50:56

haha i hope you quit.
God of War




Jan 16th 2014, 9:00:44

Originally posted by Mr Forgotten:

I come back, I play like any regular folks. I had never had a good finish, but this set, I was on a roll, I knew that I had good potential to finish T10 again, other than the cheaters who are getting FAed and tech leeching, I should finish a solid top 5. What a thrill!

LaF have FA'd and tech leeched God knows how many people in too the top ten.

I'd be happy for the Admins to release details of "EVERYONE'S" country names associated to AT account what a joy that would be. While your at it, release all AT persona's as well. Lets start a real fluffstorm.

tellarion Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 9:32:32

You first, WahWahWah :D

GodHead Dibs Game profile

New Member

Jan 16th 2014, 9:32:44

Congratulations! You're a winner, err, whiner, err, weiner!
Dibs Ludicrous was here.



Jan 16th 2014, 10:23:08

RD were not revealed and they were an alliance full of cheats, bot runners etc etc. Yet, people are calling for people running single countries within the rules of the server to be revealed.

MrForgotten, honestly the whole whimpering from 50+ alliance members because of a handful is countries is WEAK. Your weren't so sorry or meek when you thought you had the backing of your alliance. Sucks when you get let down. We didn't do this to YOU, LaF did this too you. Don't like being attacked play in an alliance that can protect or will protect you, simple! Other then get more defense each of your countries has 12X Resources to use but you choose not too.

Too bad my objectives in this game are different to yours but that's the world for you. If having the highest NW is the goal of your alliance prevent other alliances from getting there. Such boring people. This may be the most interesting times in the last 15years. As all you old flufftards have to change the way you play. You forced us to change our style now we force you to change yours. Sucks Huh!

tellarion Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 10:35:26

Would you say 2.5M tanks is an adequate level of protection?



Jan 16th 2014, 10:52:10

Not if they can break it.
but what do i know?
I only play this game for fun!



Jan 16th 2014, 11:00:20

Originally posted by WahWahWah:
I'd be happy for the Admins to release details of "EVERYONE'S" country names associated to AT account what a joy that would be. While your at it, release all AT persona's as well. Lets start a real fluffstorm.

ok and my other forum handle is quaxbi.
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.



Jan 16th 2014, 11:11:45

Originally posted by tellarion:
Would you say 2.5M tanks is an adequate level of protection?

Originally posted by SakitSaPuwit:
Not if they can break it.

+1 SakitSaPuWit

tellarion Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 11:17:27

Originally posted by WahWahWah:
Originally posted by tellarion:
Would you say 2.5M tanks is an adequate level of protection?

Originally posted by SakitSaPuwit:
Not if they can break it.

+1 SakitSaPuWit

And that is exactly why that argument is ridiculous. There is NEVER going to be enough defense to protect oneself.



Jan 16th 2014, 11:36:00

Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by WahWahWah:
Originally posted by tellarion:
Would you say 2.5M tanks is an adequate level of protection?

Originally posted by SakitSaPuwit:
Not if they can break it.

+1 SakitSaPuWit

And that is exactly why that argument is ridiculous. There is NEVER going to be enough defense to protect oneself.

Tella, you know as well as I that the only reason the argument is ridiculous is due to the fact that Laf are appealing for people to feel sorry for them.This argument is a PR war to force admins to change the rules. Honestly unless tagged LaF why would anyone give a fluff?Laf has done anything/everything possible to win set after set. I'd be happy for my alliance that Laf were getting hit. Honest netters may have a chance this set. Laf need to grow up, is like a heavyweight boxer crying after being KO'd by a midget then whinging about being bullied.

Laf could do something about the suicider's they choose not to. You have 50+ members co-operating, make a 15 man kill squad an deal with it. Hell invite Cerb back to the game and have him start up Mercs Inc. Maybe Laf leadership should go grovelling back to Sof or actually carry some defense across the board and make it too expensive for your countries to be hit. Once again single countries do not have the resources to compete. Laf allow this to occur by insisting there is only one measure of winning the server and that is extremely high NW the only way to achieve that is to run low defense. You reap what you sow.

WOW, Look four possible solutions.

Edited By: WahWahWah on Jan 16th 2014, 11:39:56

GodHead Dibs Game profile

New Member

Jan 16th 2014, 11:36:49

Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by WahWahWah:
Originally posted by tellarion:
Would you say 2.5M tanks is an adequate level of protection?

Originally posted by SakitSaPuwit:
Not if they can break it.

+1 SakitSaPuWit

And that is exactly why that argument is ridiculous. There is NEVER going to be enough defense to protect oneself.

run a commie indy strat and you'll always have enough defense.
Dibs Ludicrous was here.

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 16th 2014, 12:39:44

Anyone who actually cares to think would see the lantrading meta plus the restart changes created a perfect storm.

I think it would be funnier if suiciders continually took out the likely set winner but its probably too late now since people could be stocking and could raise defense.

I landtraded in ffa losing countries to kills and cripples. Its kind of fun to compete against that and still get decent tnw. 4bish from memory. But its more complicated to catch up in alliance.

tellarion Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 12:48:37

I'm just pointing out that one of the most common reactions from some people is 'get more def'. I think ANYONE could agree that 2.5m tanks is much much more than reasonable. Despite that particular suicider already being hammered by Laf for days, he was able to buy up enough tanks to flatten someone who had 2.5m on hand at the time. While many countries skate by with less than adequate defense, this one certainly doesn't fit that description, and all that def didn't stop someone who decided to ruin his day.



Jan 16th 2014, 13:05:33

Originally posted by tellarion:
all that def didn't stop someone who decided to ruin his day.

Why should it? Unless you have the most Tanks on the server you should be vulnerable to every country on the server with more.

pele Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 13:46:28

sorry to hear Mr F
you had a Nice country going :(

Atryn Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 13:58:06

Originally posted by Sov:
If you believe that if LAF stopped farming untagged countries or small tags that they would prosper because LAF is no longer farming them then you are living in a wonderful dreamworld where everyone holds hands together and shares everything they have. The fact is that LAF just gets in first, but those countries would be farmed right to the limit of their DR. Of course this is not applicable to all players as they are many who are skilled enough to play untagged and not be farmed.

This problem will not be fixed without sufficient changes to the mechanics of the game. The game has always been this way. You cannot expect that in a game where people want more land that everyone is just going to adapt a policy of not hitting untagged or small tags just because they want to play nice.

LaF stopping those farming actions wouldn't save the untaggeds... the point would be to save LaF. If LaF doesn't want to be the target of suiciders, don't piss so many people off.

Do you see the parallel here to the worldview of the United States? Why do you think we are so concerned about "greifers" in the real world? We have pissed a lot of people off for a long time. We also get the occasional person/group who just hates that we're "ahead" and not more generous with our nation's wealth.

You cannot change the rules in rl. Either you piss less people off or you get more defense. I prefer the former but our politicians prefer the latter.

Atryn Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 14:00:33

Originally posted by WahWahWah:
Originally posted by tellarion:
all that def didn't stop someone who decided to ruin his day.

Why should it? Unless you have the most Tanks on the server you should be vulnerable to every country on the server with more.

I agree with this EXCEPT that I think on the alliance server allies should factor in more and DA's should be counted in special attacks.

tellarion Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 14:06:55

Originally posted by WahWahWah:
Originally posted by tellarion:
all that def didn't stop someone who decided to ruin his day.

Why should it? Unless you have the most Tanks on the server you should be vulnerable to every country on the server with more.

Pretty sure at 2.5M tanks, he had the most on the server. And a small country that had been hammered already by Laf and suicided on several other countries was able to get enough tanks to level the guy who had the most tanks. That's a bit unbalanced...Even having the most def on the server doesn't matter to a dedicated griefer.



Jan 16th 2014, 14:52:55

Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by WahWahWah:
Originally posted by tellarion:
all that def didn't stop someone who decided to ruin his day.

Why should it? Unless you have the most Tanks on the server you should be vulnerable to every country on the server with more.

Pretty sure at 2.5M tanks, he had the most on the server. And a small country that had been hammered already by Laf and suicided on several other countries was able to get enough tanks to level the guy who had the most tanks. That's a bit unbalanced...Even having the most def on the server doesn't matter to a dedicated griefer.

He obviously did not have the most tanks. The griefer did, he was able to break afterall. Tella, this shows the stubborn refusal of Laf to change their playing habits. They could easily have more then 2.5mil tanks but they choose to chase artificially high NW as the benchmark of a good country/.Tella you net well you know the only way the can achieve the extremely high nw is to run with low costs and low def. At will Laf could have more then enough tanks.

tellarion Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 14:56:10

2.5m is NOT low def. Be realistic if you insist on pushing that argument...The issue I see with suiciders right now is that for a handful of turns, they can cause hundreds of turns of damage. It's unbalanced right now.

oldman Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 15:12:59

so when will the admins start revealing who these 'new members' are?

I think it's lame for us to be able to post under different aliases in this new forum system. Man up and use your original handle.

We have a WahWahWah on this thread, a Yippie on the other one, a JAYR watcher too etc

Anyway back to LaF has lost 7-8 people now to these suicides...all these while the rest of the game remains unharmed. The fact remains that it wasn't LaF alone who're farming these untaggeds (not this set, not any other sets). Many other alliances were also involved. We may have the most hits on them, but that's cuz there're lots of news camper around in LaF but other alliances are also equally guilty of this. I see this whole argument that LaF farms them the most, so they should get suicided ridiculous. If we are not the ones farming then, someone else would have, I guarantee you that. The fundamental cause is the lack of land in this server. So unless everyone sits down and signs pact with each other stating that members should only explore for their land, this problem is not going to change.

Edited By: oldman on Jan 16th 2014, 15:20:09
See Original Post