
Trife Game profile


Nov 8th 2012, 14:53:17

Originally posted by Frodo:
Originally posted by Trife:
Originally posted by Frodo:
Originally posted by Trife:
Oh noes, allowing women to make decisions over their own body and treating homosexual couples like humans! WHATEVER WILL WE DO?!?!

4 more years, Klownie-bo-brownie!

all other issues aside do you really think that Obama is going to turn this economy around? I for one do not believe that you can spend your way out of debt which it appears Obama believes...

To be honest, I mainly voted for Obama because of the right trying to remove the choice from women for an abortion, and the right trying to create a second class citizen in homosexual couples.

Ignoring the economy, I think we should first focus on the human right's side of thing. Once we make it so that all citizens are treated equally and are given the ability to make decisions over their own body, THEN we can focus on the economy.

So.... we will never deal with the economy? Just what Utopian society are you referring to? Call me a cynic but people will never be treated "equally".

No, we will need to address the economy, duh. My point is that in regards to the economy, there are so many ideas floating around on how to fix it that it'll require a bunch of debating/compromises to get it done and that will take time. People have many different opinions on how to go about fixing that. However - there's something that people shouldn't have any problem with and that's gay marriage. why are we treating some of our own citizens as second class citizens? it's a pretty simple problem to fix! just give them the rights that other citizens have. if you happen to disagree with that, then you can fluff right off because you obviously don't care for the declaration of independence and that famous line of 'all men are created equal'. if you don't like gays, why do you hate america?

Trife Game profile


Nov 8th 2012, 14:57:16

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by incin22:
Originally posted by Klown:
When 30% of the country votes for the other party automatically with no regard for the issues, you have no chance. Not to mention the biased media.

Have you heard of the south?

What the heck does that mean?

u srs question?

Incin's stating that a good majority of the south votes for one party automatically without even considering the issues, countering the subtle race card that Klown played.

Trife Game profile


Nov 8th 2012, 14:58:43

Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
lol@the republicans who are planning to stop working because living on welfare is so nice

at least that means that in a few years, we'll have more democratic voters because they realize that it's not a vacation

it's quite hiliarious. WHARRRRGRBLE GRRBLE GRRBLE, WE HATE WELFARE *loses election* WELFARE HERE I COME! lol

Trife Game profile


Nov 8th 2012, 15:08:44

i asked my grandpa back in 1992 when he came back from casting his vote in the presidental election who he voted for. it kind of caught him off guard - and he said 'thomas, there are two things that your grandmother and I will not discuss with anyone other than ourselves. those two things are religion and politics. we've learned that in our experiences, nothing good tends to come out of those discussions. everyone always ends up hurt or not liking the other person even more. and i've never seen a political or religious discussion change anyones mind. we instead like to focus our energy on something positive, i like to tend to my garden, and your grandmother enjoys telling me what to do all the time.'

as i get older and older his answer gets more and more truer. grandpa was a wise man.

trumper Game profile


Nov 8th 2012, 15:18:39

Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
lol@the republicans who are planning to stop working because living on welfare is so nice

at least that means that in a few years, we'll have more democratic voters because they realize that it's not a vacation

Concession that going to welfare turns someone Democratic? ;)

I don't have a problem with the reformed welfare program. I do laugh when some folks here try to credit Clinton neglecting to mention he only signed it on the third go around after being forced to by the then-new majority Republicans. Folks bemoan Gingrich and Co, but if you go back and look at the Contract with America and what they did and that first session then you will see a lot of reforms people talk about today. Clinton was just wise enough to triangulate and seize credit for the initiatives.

My big beef is with the common misperceptions about our budget/deficit scenarios. The reality is our entitlement (Medicare, Medicaid, SS, tax deductions we all enjoy, etc) and defense spending are driving the deficit. We can't solve it by taxing the rich (unless you adopt 80% tax rates on everyone over $150k and you tax all investments as income...which of course will chase of them away) or as some folks on my side of the aisle believe through simply slashing domestic spending. It's going to cost everyone money and Obama and Romney claiming it won't hit the middle class is laughable, at best.

I could go into more depth, but probably not worth it given I don't think most folks understand the Medicare system let alone federal budgeting.

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Nov 8th 2012, 16:30:00

Originally posted by trumper:

Concession that going to welfare turns someone Democratic? ;)
More of a comment on how actually being on welfare would probably help them realize it's not a government funded luxury vacation but instead a system that will help you just and just get by
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

trumper Game profile


Nov 8th 2012, 16:47:03

Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
Originally posted by trumper:

Concession that going to welfare turns someone Democratic? ;)
More of a comment on how actually being on welfare would probably help them realize it's not a government funded luxury vacation but instead a system that will help you just and just get by

Quoting a astute liberal friend of mine, dependence is a strong tool in the arsenal of political weaponry.

I have nothing against helping people with a leg up. I just hate the notion of creating dependency. Quite frankly we also need to revisit our tax structure for the deductions (for all, not just the wealthy--aka, something that should have a geographic component given my income in Alabama is almost twice the purchasing parity as it is in DC). It may mean axing some popular deductions, but really they're all paid for on borrowed money.

Cabrito Game profile


Nov 8th 2012, 23:25:44

Originally posted by Dibs Ludicrous:
that's funny. nice to have a 4 year job. how you float a 30 year mortgage if your job is dependent on who gets elected President?

For one I hope to god I aint alive in 30 years because if I am that means I still have to keep working because of the idiots in DC keep spending all the money and have left nothing for me to retire on.

Second I own my place now so why do I need to worry about that?

Third I only care about being able to pay my bills today because who knows how much longer I have in this life. No one is guaranteed tomorrow. But if I die tonight I know at least my wife has some money to pay the bills till she gets on her feet.
When the white man discovered this country,
Indians were running it.
No taxes,
no debt,
women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Cherokee proverb



Nov 9th 2012, 5:00:46

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Klown:
Enjoy what is coming

I'm shutting down my business on Dec 31st, can't afford another break even year.

LMAO!!! A small business owner that actually wanted Romney?
You do realize that Obama more than doubled the funding for the SBA under his first term right? You do realize that Obama has lowered taxes on small businesses and not raised them?

Your business only managed to break even because of you and your absolute lack of knowing and using the resources that are available to you. Or it could just be that you have no clue what you are doing business wise and because you are an uneducated redneck that doesn't want the gerverment in ur bizness.

Pain Game profile


Nov 9th 2012, 5:11:42

Originally posted by Anonymous:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Klown:
Enjoy what is coming

I'm shutting down my business on Dec 31st, can't afford another break even year.

LMAO!!! A small business owner that actually wanted Romney?
You do realize that Obama more than doubled the funding for the SBA under his first term right? You do realize that Obama has lowered taxes on small businesses and not raised them?

Your business only managed to break even because of you and your absolute lack of knowing and using the resources that are available to you. Or it could just be that you have no clue what you are doing business wise and because you are an uneducated redneck that doesn't want the gerverment in ur bizness.

i believe he is an owner/operator trucker. there are more factors then simply taxes that are probably hurting his business. blaming obama for that im not sure is correct.
Your mother is a nice woman



Nov 9th 2012, 5:52:24

Well I have no idea how that type of business would operate, but still I can't see how Obama would be the cause of such things.

If it is purely economical condition, then why not blame Bush. While the economical growth has been slow, it has been steadily rising every year that Obama has been in office.

Pain Game profile


Nov 9th 2012, 6:58:06

in that business its all the regulations that kill you. it costs a ton of money to keep a truck like that on the road (ins,maint,etc), not even counting the fact that they get 6 MPG and diesel is $4/gal+
Your mother is a nice woman

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 9th 2012, 7:12:53

For a trucking company to function properly you need to factor few vital things
1) fuel cost.
2)maintanance cost.
3)transportation rate.

If 1/2 your check goes for fuel, you have a BIG problem, we have a BIG problem, not only the fuel, but also the cost of maintaining your equipment has gone up so fast, we are being choked, 1 example, tires jjumped by $150 in the last year alone, oil jumped $3 a gallon (trk engines use 11 to 12 gallons per oil change once a month) repairs in last year also jumped from $65per hr to over $100per hr of labor, our operating taxes have also jumped from last year, and guess what, our rate (what we get paid) has been same for over a decade....dont tell me its my fault i cant even break even, bro!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 9th 2012, 7:20:05

And that's just the tip of the iceberg, you should see the environmental laws the California EPA is come up with, don't get me started....
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!



Nov 9th 2012, 7:52:18

I still don't see why Obama hurts this for you?

Do republicans seriously believe that the economy is the fault of Obama?!

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 9th 2012, 7:55:31

Wow..., good night!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Nov 9th 2012, 8:03:33

Originally posted by Anonymous:
I still don't see why Obama hurts this for you?

Do republicans seriously believe that the economy is the fault of Obama?!

i blame it on the Baby Boomer Woodstock generation. though, maybe they just didn't teach Accounting back then.
There are no messages in your Inbox.
Elvis has left the building.

Trife Game profile


Nov 9th 2012, 15:42:15

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
dont tell me its my fault i cant even break even, bro!

but it's obama's fault that the price of tires and gasoline has gone up?

weird, i had no idea that setting the price of tires and gasoline was one of the presidential duties.

TIL the president sets the price of tires and gasoline!

your posts are a bunch of herpderp, KoH



Nov 9th 2012, 18:18:48

Trife, I've never strictly blamed him personally, but his policies are restrictive to new drilling and exploration. However, just for comparisons sake...

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 9th 2012, 18:21:38

You libs are so ignorant, anything good happens, "oh ya, that's Obama policy effect, yay for Obama!" Anything and everything bad, "oh, how is that Obama doing it?" Haha, you leftist always spin master it to make your guy look like a god, i just smacked you with my realistic today ffor real Obama policy afecting an entire industry and you blatantly defend the guy behindd it all....

Holy fluffing fluff! You people are either tarded or ignorant!

Edited By: KoHeartsGPA on Nov 9th 2012, 18:23:47
See Original Post
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!



Nov 9th 2012, 19:18:27

What policy change?
Please show the law, policy, or what you believe has raised your prices on stuff.

Pain Game profile


Nov 9th 2012, 19:27:06

fuel prices are high because of the stock market. if oil could not be traded as a commodity you would see significantly lower prices.
Your mother is a nice woman



Nov 9th 2012, 19:40:28

Anon, not going to go into specifics too much, but a couple stick out...

Stopping new drilling and exploration(which will raise prices down the road too) are things he has done during his 4 years. Did it have a huge effect? The price of oil is probably more driven by futures than the current situation and his policies lower our output into the future, creating possible shortages as countries around the world use more oil.

I don't blame him only or anything, but as my previous link was about how he blamed Bush, should he get to escape blame now?

Trife Game profile


Nov 9th 2012, 19:43:19

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
You libs are so ignorant, anything good happens, "oh ya, that's Obama policy effect, yay for Obama!" Anything and everything bad, "oh, how is that Obama doing it?" Haha, you leftist always spin master it to make your guy look like a god, i just smacked you with my realistic today ffor real Obama policy afecting an entire industry and you blatantly defend the guy behindd it all....

Holy fluffing fluff! You people are either tarded or ignorant!

oh wow. that was a well thought out, factual, mature response to my questions. thanks!

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 9th 2012, 19:59:38

Originally posted by CKHustler:
Anon, not going to go into specifics too much, but a couple stick out...

Stopping new drilling and exploration(which will raise prices down the road too) are things he has done during his 4 years. Did it have a huge effect? The price of oil is probably more driven by futures than the current situation and his policies lower our output into the future, creating possible shortages as countries around the world use more oil.

I don't blame him only or anything, but as my previous link was about how he blamed Bush, should he get to escape blame now?

Yes, yes, blame bush and spin, that's our strategy for the next 4 years.

Signed: The Left.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!