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He literally walked out of the conversation with me and I kept chasing him instead of you or Nole.
That was on a previous FA issue, which was resolved after speaking to another PDM FA at the same time. Check your logs.
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I am sorry Dustfp, if Thomas does not realise what he said was a threat of war he should not be doing FA.
telling people to go "suck a fluff" and walking out on a conversation are also, threats of war. even if you dont like the other alliance you treat FA's with respect and act with diplomacy regardless of the situation. If your FA's act rude, obnoxious and show a complete lack of respect then that will cost your alliance. It would even be a good enough reason for an FS if you ask me!!!
Once again, another bullfluff quote. Please show me the log where I told a PDM FA to suck a fluff?
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Also, this is an honest question I've brought up to a few LCN'ers in private: are you guys claiming that PDM hit you guys and that LCN wasn't planning to FS PDM in defense of Sanct like an hour and a half later? I haven't really seen any posts which concretely state your reasons for war/opinions either way.
Funny how you brought that up. Not that I didn't know you guys have had a spy in Sanct for several resets, but it just reassures us that's how you have to play. For PDM to know which country belongs to who etc etc. every set was enough for us to know. But thanks for confirming our "suspicions".
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regarding interpreting what thomas said, unless you are new to the game and have no idea who thomas is or are a sanct member you would have no reason to believe what thomas said was not threatening war. when someone who you know doesnt like your alliance threatens you, you dont assume hes "just joking"
And my dislikes for alliances has never caused me to intentinally cause a war, or decide to FS a tag out of hatred. I haven't liked PDM for a while, because of fluff like this, and that hasn't caused me to ever FS them. Although at this point I do regret not following my heart when it comes to that.