
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 10th 2019, 19:56:15

Based on musings of what is to occur in the upcoming round I've received, and rumblings on these forums, I hereby propose the following:

From what i understand there is popuparity amongst a variety of tags to target suiciders early and often, especially amongst the heavily suicided tags. If said tags work together to do so, those who choose to net in those tags will have solid finishes.

Clans of the server put forth their seasoned dogs for EE's ultimate all star game. Elders/Mercs vs EE All Stars for elders 10th straight.

Clans who had been proposing some players for suicider hunting could work together to police the war and eliminate all other griefer types together. This will largely mitigate, or completely eliminate, their effect on players still planning to net.

Elders/Mercs is usually around 12 players, so clans should not expect to need to put forth a large variety of players. Just the ones necessary to topple the neverending winning streak.

I've seen in no uncertain terms Maki muse about the idea, and I'm aware of laf and sof's sentiment about suiciders at the moment. This seems to obviously be every tag's best case scenario, and an opportunity for a war of the ages.

I hereby cast my sword into the center of the ring, and ask the server for the royal rumble we all deserve. Lets do this thing.

Red X Game profile


Dec 10th 2019, 20:02:47


Winner should be based on ending NW, no outside FA either =]
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Dec 10th 2019, 20:36:36

I dont think it should be next set since its holiday season.

That said I think it should work like this:

If 4 tags compete it should be 2 wars.

For instance something like this
Round 1:
war1: LaF vs Elders
war2: SOL vs SoF

Round 2:
Winner of war1 + loser of war2 vs winner of war2 + loser of war1.

That way you get a clear winner out of 4 tags, and theres no tactical play or collusion since you will still war your opponent in round 1 also in war 2.

A clear definition of winning parameters need to be set for war 1, so that it can end in something like 1 week (long before tagkills). A short recess for growing back and stocking up turns would have to occur between the wars.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 10th 2019, 20:38:39

Winner of war 1 pwns tho. Must be all star game. LES GOOOO. Santa gonna come down yo ass chimney with a sack of fluffin tanks.

Red X Game profile


Dec 10th 2019, 20:38:51

Originally posted by Gerdler:
I dont think it should be next set since its holiday season.

That said I think it should work like this:

If 4 tags compete it should be 2 wars.

For instance something like this
Round 1:
war1: LaF vs Elders
war2: SOL vs SoF

Round 2:
Winner of war1 + loser of war2 vs winner of war2 + loser of war1.

That way you get a clear winner out of 4 tags, and theres no tactical play or collusion since you will still war your opponent in round 1 also in war 2.

A clear definition of winning parameters need to be set for war 1, so that it can end in something like 1 week (long before tagkills). A short recess for growing back and stocking up turns would have to occur between the wars.

That is legit
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 10th 2019, 20:42:03

I dont think thats wise tho because then youd need like 12 laffers to participate rather than just a few. The idea here is grief prevention and all star game, not a variation on a server war that excludes a handful of people out of the war.

For a clan like sol, that would mean youd have to say these 12 get to participate while these 8 don't. That kinda stinks imo.


Edited By: DerrickICN on Dec 10th 2019, 20:51:41
See Original Post

sinistril Game profile


Dec 10th 2019, 23:03:03

Originally posted by Gerdler:
I dont think it should be next set since its holiday season.

That said I think it should work like this:

If 4 tags compete it should be 2 wars.

For instance something like this
Round 1:
war1: LaF vs Elders
war2: SOL vs SoF

Round 2:
Winner of war1 + loser of war2 vs winner of war2 + loser of war1.

That way you get a clear winner out of 4 tags, and theres no tactical play or collusion since you will still war your opponent in round 1 also in war 2.

A clear definition of winning parameters need to be set for war 1, so that it can end in something like 1 week (long before tagkills). A short recess for growing back and stocking up turns would have to occur between the wars.

Why put the finals in the first round? Everyone knows Laf beats Sol and Sof and Elders beats Sol and Sof. The question is does Laf or Elders win
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Dec 10th 2019, 23:17:28

Well I would suggest random draw... but the point is that we have 2 wars and only one tag wins both wars so we then know who is the winner. Also no one wants to be last so the losers of the first war will be on different teams fighting each others

So it can be
Elders vs SoF
LaF vs SOL

LaF vs Elders
SOL vs SoF

LaF vs SoF
Elders vs SOL

Those are the 3 possible draws.

and then the second round would depend on the outcomes of the first round.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 10th 2019, 23:36:26

Still like all star game better. Fite me.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Dec 11th 2019, 0:05:39

how would that look like?

We would just put up 12 non-elders against elders?

TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 11th 2019, 0:16:37

What about stones and Imag? we need a couple of easy beats in there for the points system 🤣and why can’t a large alliance enter 2 teams?
Witness the fitness!

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 11th 2019, 1:06:45

Originally posted by Gerdler:
how would that look like?

We would just put up 12 non-elders against elders?
yeah. It works well for next set because lots of clans want to target suiciders and some netting tags have people who wish to fight.

Maki has already said hes down. The best 12 that feel like war against elders. All star game. Ee all stars vs elders.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Dec 11th 2019, 1:13:58

I like that because then I don't need to participate. :)

allbymyself87 Game profile


Dec 11th 2019, 1:16:15

so... who can be the star?
All by myself
Don't wanna be
All by myself anymore

major Game profile


Dec 11th 2019, 1:35:18




Dec 11th 2019, 1:57:30

Get over yourselves
SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 11th 2019, 2:14:46

Welcome back Chevs!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 11th 2019, 2:43:58

Originally posted by Gerdler:
I like that because then I don't need to participate. :)
exactly lol. And not only that but those in sof who dont play in will help you kill suiciders, which is a massive problem for both of you atm. Its win win for both of your tags in a big way.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Dec 11th 2019, 2:48:41
See Original Post

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 11th 2019, 2:45:53

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Originally posted by Gerdler:
I like that because then I don't need to participate. :)
exactly lol. And not only that but those in sof who dont make the cut will help you kill suiciders. Its win win for both of your tags in a big way.

Hellrush will claim bullying.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

braden Game profile


Dec 11th 2019, 5:26:29

High school popularity contest?
fluffing losers. The fluffing lot of you.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 11th 2019, 5:44:47

Lol. The server is just too suicided rn not to have the ffa response of killing them all. It sets up well for a server cleaning set during an all star game. Thats my take.

Suicidal Game profile


Dec 11th 2019, 13:34:58

Derrick and a few others still think they control of flow in Alliance.
I find it fascinating that Derrick would suggest an all star game. Guessing he wants to take a break from the game because he sure as hell would not be in it. :P



Dec 11th 2019, 14:29:45

Derrick can’t run a country to save his life his only redeeming quality is he is online 24/7 to wall..change my mind
SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m

Red X Game profile


Dec 11th 2019, 14:58:55

another idea, put a pool of players in it and draft them to sides =p
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

Red X Game profile


Dec 11th 2019, 14:59:03

Team captains and what not
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

Sov Game profile


Dec 11th 2019, 15:06:19

Originally posted by Red X:
another idea, put a pool of players in it and draft them to sides =p

Been done before. All Star challenge in 2015. There were 2 captains and a pool of players and the captains picked their teams. For a few reasons it totally failed for one side.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 11th 2019, 17:28:44

Originally posted by Chevs:
Derrick can’t run a country to save his life his only redeeming quality is he is online 24/7 to wall..change my mind;page=0&highlight=10;page=0&highlight=12;page=0&highlight=16

How many wins you got bro? I have 26 top tens and multiple wins to your likely 0 and 0. And not only that, but ive been playing ee for less time than you. Funny you'd mention that. I felt like bragging.

Originally posted by Suicidal:
Derrick and a few others still think they control of flow in Alliance.
I find it fascinating that Derrick would suggest an all star game. Guessing he wants to take a break from the game because he sure as hell would not be in it. :P

*looks at ee all stars VS Elders and clearly notes one side says elders while the other side says all stars*
GREAT READING COMPREHENSION DUMBASS. Also everyone is pretty astutely aware that suiciders currently control the flow of this server. Not war tags. My suggestion is merely working around that flow.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Dec 11th 2019, 17:56:06
See Original Post

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 11th 2019, 23:54:12

If Gerdler doesn’t war in LaFs tag it’s no all-star war. I wouldn’t want to vs a LaF tag win then let him have an out! That’s my take.
- Premium Patron Member

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Dec 12th 2019, 0:19:52

He is not saying that LaF has a tag he is saying that sol laf stones sof imag monsters put up 12 of their best and together face Elders/merc...

Thats why I say I'm not needed. Not only will they beat Elders pretty easily without me there will also be a bunch of people who dont get along with me in that all-star team.

Or are you saying that the main benefit of this challenge is that I dont get to netgain?

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 12th 2019, 0:21:43

No I’m saying if you want to war the best and you’re not on the team it’s not the best!
- Premium Patron Member

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 12th 2019, 0:23:01


Edited By: Requiem on Dec 12th 2019, 0:35:43
See Original Post
- Premium Patron Member

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 12th 2019, 0:24:30


Edited By: Requiem on Dec 12th 2019, 0:36:05
See Original Post
- Premium Patron Member

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 12th 2019, 0:24:35

Its not a laf tag. *sigh*

Can you guys read?

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 12th 2019, 0:26:06

Apparently I can’t read. I blame Derrick.
- Premium Patron Member

Sov Game profile


Dec 12th 2019, 0:28:28

There are many logistical problems to forming an “all-star team” that will inherently have disadvantages. Organization being a big one.

Especially with only have such small sides of 12 people each, you essentially can only run one warchat per day. You would need 12 players who can be on for the same warchat every day.

You would need a leader who the 11 other people are prepared to trust and follow.

Having played in the last “All Star Challenge” it is not as easy as it seems. It is better if a good portion of players come from one Alliance to provide a basis from which to operate from.

Sov Game profile


Dec 12th 2019, 0:29:56

Originally posted by Requiem:
Gerdler post disappear? That’s weird.

Yes apparently I have a bad habit of accidentally deleting things when browsing AT on my phone.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 12th 2019, 0:33:32

- Premium Patron Member

tfm0m0 Game profile


Dec 12th 2019, 0:34:33

Originally posted by Gerdler:

Thats why I say I'm not needed. Not only will they beat Elders pretty easily without me there will also be a bunch of people who dont get along with me in that all-star team.

Name 1 person that doesn't like you

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 12th 2019, 0:35:08

I think it would be more fun the way I mistakenly thought it would be... each alliance puts up 10-12 ppl to face off in either a single elimination or round robin type of thing.
- Premium Patron Member

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Dec 12th 2019, 0:35:28

I think the main issue is running warchats with only 12 people you can realistically do 2 kill runs a day only as long as the enemy doesnt wall, otherwise it will be 1 a day. And everyone will wall in such an event. So theres no point changing targets as its just another waller that isnt already low pop. Finding 12 people who can always do the same warchat time is harder than the war itself.

I do not share Sovs concern over trusting others to lead, however, as I have been in many wars together with people I think are trash as human beings and who no doubt regard me the same way but it has almost always worked since people generally dont want to lead so they will follow anyone as long as they dont have to lead themselves, and that goes for me too. :P

tfm0m0 Game profile


Dec 12th 2019, 0:41:13

Let's do war tags by country/region to resolve time zone issues

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 12th 2019, 0:46:36

I think anyone who has participated in smaller wars or oop wars is uniquely aware that kills are often not the way to get ahead. Maybe with the restart bonus gone they become more effective, but i do think you'd have to be pretty nuts to try to kill one of the games best wallers in a primetime chat with only 450 turns.

Lots of wardogs seem to believe kills are the only way to outgrow their opponents, and thats what made laf so blisteringly effective in the oop war 3 sets ago.

I think most of the war would involve strategic hitting and growth with some kills sprinkled in. I dont think either side would get a tag kill at least until nw is severely in one sides favor. Assuming the war would be based on kill chats at all is a sure way to lose it.

Re: Gerdler, honestly i think elders would have a tough time winning it too. If even the 2nd tier builders paired with the 2nd tier wallers we'd be on our back foot. But considering both laf and sof have mentioned killing all the untaggeds this set, i decided it'd be a good time to attempt to sprinkle a war in that at least has a shot to upset our winning streak.

I can say for sure that it'd be tough to win. But ive been saying that since last summer and we haven't lost yet. If people think we can actually be beaten without 3x numbers blindsiding us (our last loss 2 years ago), then i don't understand why they can't make it happen. Gerdy seems confident, but there's no 💪there's just hot air.

Sov seems to believe that the community could not put forth a crew to beat us thats our size. Thats how i read it. Gerdy does. That's called intrigue.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 12th 2019, 0:53:28

Idk whether yall should be embarrassed or if i should feel like the greatest of all time that people believe as an entire community that no one could put 10-12 together to beat us.

Not only are we the greatest lb for lb warclan all time, but the community as a whole can't even put together something close. Noted.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Dec 12th 2019, 0:56:54
See Original Post

Sov Game profile


Dec 12th 2019, 0:53:53

It depends on the timing of the war. In a late war like last set there is no chance of outgrowing a fully stocked war country. For example, look at my country last set... no one could outgrow that. I started the war with the equivalent of $40b on hand. No tech stealing from bots or ABs will change that.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 12th 2019, 0:58:28

Yeah itd have to be midset (week 5 at the latest) to make sense. I agree. It wouldnt make sense as a gs war so you'd need the building aspect to be a part, absolutely.

tfm0m0 Game profile


Dec 12th 2019, 0:59:51

This thread actually may be the key to solving the issues of the last few months.

Remove GS, BR, and AB.
Stop allowing attacks from one tag to another.
Declare elders best of all time
Create a digital shrine of Derrick

Bot bukakke forever.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 12th 2019, 1:06:00

Originally posted by tfm0m0:
This thread actually may be the key to solving the issues of the last few months.

Remove GS, BR, and AB.
Stop allowing attacks from one tag to another.
Declare elders best of all time
Create a digital shrine of Derrick

Bot bukakke forever.

Tfm gets it. Buncha fluffin 🐔💩s

They should build a digital shrine but just make it a giant vagina made of beach sand and label it ee community.

Killing all untaggeds means netters will be land trading and wardogs get no adrenaline rushes. It's going to be the worst fluff ever. My bad for trying to make at least something decent out of the god awful propositions I've heard about this set.

If that truly happens, elders will return to isolation and run pactless. Y'all are too fluffin lame for us. We're currently considering an honorary FDP with the untaggeds (limited to non-lg and non-retalitory strikes) and otherwise running pactless, because fluff it. At least we will get to wall. Been long enough we ain't lost anyways. We're due

Edited By: DerrickICN on Dec 12th 2019, 1:54:15
See Original Post



Dec 12th 2019, 2:41:10

This thread has me imaging people telling their grand kids how much of an online bad ass they were.
Dev encouraging it

DruncK Game profile


Dec 12th 2019, 14:53:08

Jesus guys just take your best 5 and go fight on team. Outside FA is impossible.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 12th 2019, 15:27:46

All i hear is a buncha 🐔💩 excuses.