Jul 13th 2011, 2:25:03
I think part of the question is what is an appropriate retal for an untag. Most alliances allow them to retal of course, but some times only for L:L corresponding to all farming within the last 48 hours. That is, even if they were hit 6 times for 100 acres a piece, they only get one retal when it is for 2000+ acres.
Some untags have done this and been successful. BobbyATA is one of them, though even then there were "FA" issues and mishaps; he definitely wasn't killed though and ended up placing at least top100 which is pretty impressive for no real tag protection.
This untag was clearly not doing this as he multi-tapped that Omega country gaining a lot of stock. Granted, policies differ between alliances, but if he had hit the guy once and sent a message, "hey I retal'd you, can you put me on DNH with your alliance" then of course things probably would have worked out a bit differently. That's just my guess though. Also, as has previously been mentioned, the only reason he was getting farmed SO much preceding his death is because of the threatening messages which bumped him to farm status.