
Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 11th 2013, 2:53:10

Originally posted by Rockman:
I'm not an expert on the tea party, so that may be true.

However, I would relate calling them 'teabaggers' to be similar to using the n-word against black people. Even if a minority of black people use that term themselves, when used by non-black people it is being used in a derogatory insulting manner, and few would argue that when liberals use the term 'teabagger' that they do not mean it in an insulting and degrading manner.

It is really sad that liberals preach tolerance, yet so many of them are so intolerant and hateful. It is almost as sad as Christians preaching non-violence, yet not seeing the hypocrisy in supporting violence in so many situations like so many of them do.

BTW liberals didn't free the slaves... A republican did.
- Premium Patron Member

Cougar Game profile


Jan 11th 2013, 2:56:45

Seriously Rockman, teabaggers have been nothing but insulting and degrading (from day one...... fluff, even before day one) to our TWICE duly elected president. If their little feelings get hurt when someone else uses a word that they willingly gave themselves, then that's just too darn bad.

And it is nothing at all similar to the N-word. I'm gonna spare both of our time by skipping the dissertation, but both you and I know that is a completely BS argument.

Cougar Game profile


Jan 11th 2013, 2:58:23

BS argument #2.... Today's Republicans are NOTHING like 1980's Republicans, let alone the 1860s.

If the best you can do is claim credit for something that happened almost 150 years ago, by a guy that there is no way in HELL would get elected by your party today..... I guess that just says a lot about the "Grand" Old Party.

Rockman Game profile


Jan 11th 2013, 3:07:19

Originally posted by Cougar:
Seriously Rockman, teabaggers have been nothing but insulting and degrading (from day one...... fluff, even before day one) to our TWICE duly elected president. If their little feelings get hurt when someone else uses a word that they willingly gave themselves, then that's just too darn bad.

And it is nothing at all similar to the N-word. I'm gonna spare both of our time by skipping the dissertation, but both you and I know that is a completely BS argument.

Are you going to claim that liberals were respectful towards George W Bush while he was in office? That they never mocked his intelligence, his way of speaking, or his physical resemblance to a monkey?

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 11th 2013, 3:07:39

Lot of assumptions there...
- Premium Patron Member

Cougar Game profile


Jan 11th 2013, 3:17:05

No, I'm not claiming that.

Are you making an equivalency claim, that what a small percentage of the left did during the Bush Administration is the same as what the Tea Party (IE the driving force in the conservative movement) is doing now?

I mean, if you really do think that "Teabagger" is similar to the N-word, maybe you DO believe that all things really are equal.

Its worth pointing out, that Congressional Democrats DID vote for the Iraq War, among other failed initiatives. Maybe its just me, but back then the vitriol mostly came from the fringes, blogs and internet cesspools. These days, the disrespect comes from other elected officials as well.

One of these things is not like the other, as Sesame Street would tell us.

Cougar Game profile


Jan 11th 2013, 3:18:58

And Requiem.... maybe I can get an answer about the whole "Where you stood on President George W Bush using an Executive Order to subvert the 4th Amendment" thing.

How is that different? I mean, besides that actually happened, while this Obama EO thing is still all conjecture at this point.

archaic Game profile


Jan 11th 2013, 3:22:16

Req is good at throwing these arguments out on the table, but things get out of his depth pretty quickly as soon as he's challenged. He is the troll version of the 'rabbit' in a distance race.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Cougar Game profile


Jan 11th 2013, 3:25:21

Originally posted by archaic:
Req is good at throwing these arguments out on the table, but things get out of his depth pretty quickly as soon as he's challenged. He is the troll version of the 'rabbit' in a distance race.

Of course.... You are right. I stand corrected =)

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 11th 2013, 3:31:56

Good one, try harder archaic.
- Premium Patron Member

locket Game profile


Jan 11th 2013, 4:56:01

Req was your comment on who named the most to supreme court a question or you trying to make a point that it was supposedly Obama? :P

Monex Game profile


Jan 11th 2013, 11:05:00

It took 232 years for the Supreme Court to even rule on the 2nd amendment because it has never been successfully challenged. In 2008 Columbia v. Heller the Supreme Court ruled that a handgun ban in Washington D.C. was unconstitutional.
The Supreme Court supports the right to bear arms...
[url=]Torn-City - Massively multiplayer online text based RPG[/url]

Klown Game profile


Jan 11th 2013, 12:00:27

Originally posted by Cougar:
And Requiem.... maybe I can get an answer about the whole "Where you stood on President George W Bush using an Executive Order to subvert the 4th Amendment" thing.

How is that different? I mean, besides that actually happened, while this Obama EO thing is still all conjecture at this point.

Why are you assuming all conservatives here have the same opinion as some guy you apparently heard on talk radio? Has ANYONE here called for the impeachment of Obama over the use of executive orders? Executive orders.... used by presidents since George Washington? NO. Should I assume you hold the same views as NAMBLA and ELF because you are a weak ass liberal?

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jan 11th 2013, 13:56:51

can i vote for impeachment simply because of Obamacare?
There are no messages in your Inbox.
Elvis has left the building.

Fooglmog Game profile


Jan 11th 2013, 14:09:46

Originally posted by Klown:
Has ANYONE here called for the impeachment of Obama over the use of executive orders? Executive orders.... used by presidents since George Washington? NO.

Actually, yes. In this very thread, in fact. Monnex seemed to be quite clear in his call for the impeachment of Obama.

Guy with no clue.

crest23 Game profile


Jan 11th 2013, 16:34:36

Well them, if monex said it, then we must start the impeachment process.

@rockman, since when did we start equating liberalism with tolerance?
The Nigerian Nightmare.


EE Patron

Jan 11th 2013, 18:11:34

Originally posted by Rockman:

However, I would relate calling them 'teabaggers' to be similar to using the n-word against black people. Even if a minority of black people use that term themselves, when used by non-black people it is being used in a derogatory insulting manner, and few would argue that when liberals use the term 'teabagger' that they do not mean it in an insulting and degrading manner.
Holy wow, Rockman
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Angel1 Game profile


Jan 14th 2013, 4:52:14

First of all, executive orders are not greater than the constitution. They can be struck down for violating current law, exceeding the president's authority, or for violating the constitution.

Second point, executive orders are legal when the work within existing laws, the president's authority, and within the constitution.

This brings us to the third point: the president may very well be able to use executive orders to attempt additional gun control. Likely targets of legal executive orders would be to break down administrative barriers to the spread of information that may be useful in fighting gun violence, to increase the enforcement of various statutes now on the books (to increase the priority on certain matters), and to build better working relationships among those agencies whose enforcement actions touch upon this issue. All of these possible executive orders have one thing in common, they deal with the way that government agencies operate. Agency operations are rarely legislated or adjudicated to be one way or another.

That being said, President Obama must take care that any executive order he issues on this matter does not exceed his authority.

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 29th 2013, 3:13:25

This whole thread should clearly illustrate the politician's best method of keeping the U.S. Citizenry in a state of constant confusion and tension. By polarizing issues that should be clearly obvious to anyone with a little sense, they can obscure the clear views of their complete incompetence to run this country.

What we need to do is to start electing leaders instead of politicians.

For example, during the Hurricane Katrina debacle, the head of the FEMA was not an emergency expert, he was a lawyer.

Lawyers run this country and everyone here can't figure out why the U.S. is circling the drain. Unbelievable.

I think we need to have a new amendment to the constitution that allows for "firings" of elected officials instead of having to suffer with them until the next election cycle or resort to assassination as a political tool.
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

NukEvil Game profile


Jan 29th 2013, 13:04:50

Originally posted by Cerberus:
This whole thread should clearly illustrate the politician's best method of keeping the U.S. Citizenry in a state of constant confusion and tension. By polarizing issues that should be clearly obvious to anyone with a little sense, they can obscure the clear views of their complete incompetence to run this country.

What we need to do is to start electing leaders instead of politicians.

For example, during the Hurricane Katrina debacle, the head of the FEMA was not an emergency expert, he was a lawyer.

Lawyers run this country and everyone here can't figure out why the U.S. is circling the drain. Unbelievable.

I think we need to have a new amendment to the constitution that allows for "firings" of elected officials instead of having to suffer with them until the next election cycle or resort to assassination as a political tool.

Kinda like how you run your countries in FFA, eh, Cerb?
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.