
bayrock Game profile


May 30th 2019, 6:28:31

We were planning on starting a clan next alliance set. But we were just purpled for no legitimate reason AGAIN. This has got to be the 5th time its happened. This is what happens when the owner of the game, qzjul, disappears and lets the mods run rampant. Ive now removed EE IRC from my autojoin and wont be coming back to this game. Enjoy your 100 population dying game.

bayrock Game profile


May 30th 2019, 6:29:58

And obviously the reason I got purpled is izmla land grabbed someone with low def 10 times, then I GSd izmla to get him in to DR so he couldnt get the land back. The person/clan got upset, reported him and is obviously very friendly with the mods, mods abused their power and purpled us. You can easily verify this by looking at the news.

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

May 30th 2019, 6:30:52

┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`▭´)ノ︵ ┻━┻


bug03 Game profile


May 30th 2019, 6:32:32

Umm, so you admittedly broke the rules and now you’re mad that you got deleted for it? You can’t do that. It’s been a rule forever. You won’t be missed.

Warster Game profile


May 30th 2019, 6:33:02

or you were breaking the rules.

if what you just said was true then why did sof and friends have to kill u and ur "friend" after you attacked an alliance who lead by a mod.
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

bayrock Game profile


May 30th 2019, 6:33:39

what rule was broken????

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

May 30th 2019, 6:41:55

looks like a confession to me, certainly gave enough reason to look deeper

May 10th 2019, 1:36:15
i got news for you this set i intentionally made my name bayrock so the suiciders on here would hit me. my multi is on another account using a proxy from another country and another user agent. this multi will be for suiciding on celphi when he comes OOP

good riddance


bayrock Game profile


May 30th 2019, 6:46:23

firstly, this was in express about a month ago. secondly, i did NOT have a multi and the mod purpled both me and some random guy in express and god knows how they "decided" he was my multi. so its not relevant to this thread at all

bayrock Game profile


May 30th 2019, 6:47:32

so what rule was broken in alliance resulting in me and izmla purpled??

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

May 30th 2019, 6:48:14

not relevant, aside from your stunning resemblance to Barney

bug03 Game profile


May 30th 2019, 6:49:23

You can’t exploit dr to keep someone from getting their land back.

Bugs and exploits
Earth empires is undergoing aggressive development. The developers try their best to prevent bugs and exploits but occasionally one may slip through. Our players are expected to immediately report any bugs or exploits they find. Deliberately exploiting bugs for player gain will result in country deletion.

bayrock Game profile


May 30th 2019, 6:51:12

It's not a bug and it's not an exploit - it's intended. This is not a rule. If this is a rule please link me to where it says this is a rule

Warster Game profile


May 30th 2019, 6:52:01

what they did isn't a bug or exploit so that rule doesn't apply here
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

bayrock Game profile


May 30th 2019, 6:53:17

bug03 imagine being a veteran player and then getting immediately shut down by a moderator? How can a new player know more about the rules than a veteran?

jiklo Game profile


May 30th 2019, 6:54:02

Can you tell us why we got purpled Warster?

bayrock Game profile


May 30th 2019, 6:54:12

Or are you making your own rules up now? Is this what it's come to now that qzjul is gone?

Warster Game profile


May 30th 2019, 6:54:44

bayrock , you aren't exactly "new" and neither is ur so called friend
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

bug03 Game profile


May 30th 2019, 6:55:28

Well then he wasn’t honest about why he was deleted.

jiklo Game profile


May 30th 2019, 6:57:21

Well Bayrock has played for a lot longer than i have. ( i'm still learning)

bayrock Game profile


May 30th 2019, 6:57:44

yes he is, and we got purpled instantly after that incident so assume that is the reason as there couldnt be any other legit reason - i havent even been playing recently so there cant be any other reason. this is why im calling mod abuse. its very likely the guy he LGd 10 times was friends with a mod and the mod purpled us for attacking this guy.

Warster Game profile


May 30th 2019, 6:57:54

Originally posted by jiklo:
Can you tell us why we got purpled Warster?

i dont know as im not an alliance moderator so i cant see any of the info regarding it.

tho i do have an idea why but i wont be posting my theory here.
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

bayrock Game profile


May 30th 2019, 6:59:23

i already know the reason. mods are highly biased against me because i called them out multiple times already

jiklo Game profile


May 30th 2019, 6:59:24

Inbox me your theory

bayrock Game profile


May 30th 2019, 7:01:47

here is the evidence. we both got purpled straight after. we are in alliance server and helping each other is allowed so this is a false purple

2019-05-29 11:31:08 GS bayrock (#505) izMla (#503) 9711C 1583 F
2019-05-29 11:31:07 GS bayrock (#505) izMla (#503) 9973C 1584 F
2019-05-29 11:30:44 GS bayrock (#505) izMla (#503) 10048C 1575 F
2019-05-29 11:30:40 GS bayrock (#505) izMla (#503) 1651C 261 F
2019-05-29 11:30:39 GS bayrock (#505) izMla (#503) 10168C 1566 F
2019-05-29 11:30:38 GS bayrock (#505) izMla (#503) 10442C 1567 F
2019-05-29 11:30:37 GS bayrock (#505) izMla (#503) 10725C 1567 F
2019-05-29 11:30:22 GS bayrock (#505) izMla (#503) 10805C 1558 F
2019-05-29 11:30:21 GS bayrock (#505) izMla (#503) 11097C 1559 F
2019-05-29 11:30:20 GS bayrock (#505) izMla (#503) 11396C 1559 F
2019-05-29 11:30:20 GS bayrock (#505) izMla (#503) 11704C 1560 F
2019-05-29 11:30:08 GS bayrock (#505) izMla (#503) 12021C 1560 F
2019-05-29 11:30:07 GS bayrock (#505) izMla (#503) 12345C 1561 F
2019-05-29 11:30:02 GS bayrock (#505) izMla (#503) 12679C 1561 F
2019-05-29 11:22:40 SS izMla (#503) Toilet Tsunami (#34) EVOeg1 927A (1033A)
2019-05-29 11:22:35 SS izMla (#503) Toilet Tsunami (#34) EVOeg1 1232A (1415A)
2019-05-29 11:22:33 SS izMla (#503) Toilet Tsunami (#34) EVOeg1 1611A (1892A)
2019-05-29 11:22:30 SS izMla (#503) Toilet Tsunami (#34) EVOeg1 2065A (2435A)
2019-05-29 11:22:28 SS izMla (#503) Toilet Tsunami (#34) EVOeg1 2580A (3065A)
2019-05-29 11:22:26 SS izMla (#503) Toilet Tsunami (#34) EVOeg1 3121A (3763A)
2019-05-29 11:21:40 SS izMla (#503) Toilet Tsunami (#34) EVOeg1 3634A (4499A)
2019-05-29 11:21:28 SS izMla (#503) Toilet Tsunami (#34) EVOeg1 3622A (4667A)
2019-05-29 11:21:13 SS izMla (#503) Toilet Tsunami (#34) EVOeg1 3430A (4678A)
2019-05-29 01:25:49 PS izMla (#503) Nomagestus (#306) 206A (247A)
2019-05-29 01:25:40 SS izMla (#503) Nomagestus (#306) 171A (216A)
2019-05-29 01:25:29 PS izMla (#503) Nomagestus (#306) 319A (425A)
2019-05-29 01:25:19 PS izMla (#503) Nomagestus (#306) 391A (550A)
2019-05-29 01:24:47 SS izMla (#503) Nomagestus (#306) 311A (467A)
2019-05-29 01:24:45 SS izMla (#503) Nomagestus (#306) 369A (594A)
2019-05-29 01:24:42 SS izMla (#503) Nomagestus (#306) 387A (618A)
2019-05-29 01:24:39 SS izMla (#503) Nomagestus (#306) 405A (642A)

jiklo Game profile


May 30th 2019, 7:02:52


cyref Game profile

EE Patron

May 30th 2019, 7:06:46

mods hate me, yet i've never been purpled

bayrock Game profile


May 30th 2019, 7:10:01

ive appealed to qzjul to replace these mods, so they see me as a threat. too bad qzjul is actually completley gone, doesnt talk, doesnt login to IRC or anything, just gone.

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

May 30th 2019, 7:57:29

Why should anyone believe you?
"I recently came back to this game and introduced my IRL friend"

Your "IRL friend" was posting and getting purpled with you three years ago; anyone can see that by examining your alts posting histories

trumpoz Game profile


May 30th 2019, 8:04:55


I did it to see what would happen.

Damn this has been funny.

bayrock Game profile


May 30th 2019, 9:09:35

I dont have to prove that someone isnt my multi. Its up to the mods to prove that. Pretty common sense really. Why should I believe that trumpoz isnt your multi ?

UgolinoII Game profile

EE Patron

May 30th 2019, 9:34:51

I've been purpled several times in express for collusion - slightly different rules. On each occasion I have appealed because I have not colluded. Sometimes I have been restored, sometimes I've had to accept it - I can see why it looks like collusion in news, and its the mods decision. They cannot be seen to (and do not, in my experience) play favourites.

Childish tantrums on AT is definitely not going to win anyone over :) it might give us a good chuckle though whilst we wait for the wars to play out, and get back to a fully competitive netting reset.

It's a game, you should play to have fun. If you nee to run multis, you are doing it oh so wrong.

Capt Obvious


May 30th 2019, 11:45:01

Originally posted by bayrock:
We were planning on starting a clan next alliance set. But we were just purpled for no legitimate reason AGAIN. This has got to be the 5th time its happened. This is what happens when the owner of the game, qzjul, disappears and lets the mods run rampant. Ive now removed EE IRC from my autojoin and wont be coming back to this game. Enjoy your 100 population dying game.

If you've left the game, why does it matter?

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

May 30th 2019, 13:18:54

Originally posted by jiklo:
Well Bayrock has played for a lot longer than i have. ( i'm still learning)

Yet here we are in 2016....."new"
Originally posted by jiklo:
Celphi, that was me you were warring, not bayrock. i'm "izMla" and i believe i beat you and ruined your set, not sure how you beat me :/ , but good on you champ

Originally posted by bayrock:
it was admin abuse. i got purpled for telling izmla how much defense some noob had and to hit him. its allowed i did nothing wrong. if u dont believe me look here

tellarion (Game Moderator): If you send a message such as 'Hey, hit this guy #xxx because his break is only 5m', that will not violate these rules and you will be fine. After all, you can lie about that kind of stuff.

whoever got hit knew WarsterTKO and got gim to delete izmla coz he smashed 2k land off them and was clearly #1 in set and couldnt b beaten. clear case of admin abuse.

also WarsterTKO thinks we r the same person but he has no proof. anyway whoever wins this set is really just 2nd place because izmla would have won it without admin cheating. thx

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

jiklo Game profile


May 30th 2019, 13:59:51

I still consider myself new, how many sets did i play in 2016, like 8 maybe less and have only played 2 sets this year in express maybe 3? iv'e created countries but couldn't be bothered to play them because i thought i would give Alliance set a shot, i enjoyed it because at least Bayrock and myself could team up and not get purpled, but i get purpled because you mods still think that i'm Bayrock, as i said to Warster in private chat, you guys are getting brainwashed by people constantly saying in the forums that Bayrock MUST be creating multis so much that you yourself (mods) are believing it.

not to mention i only ever play Communist, because it's the only Government i can play or sort of play, i can't be bothered learning the other governments.

Bayrock has played other governments btw.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

May 30th 2019, 14:10:29

Let me ask this: has bayrock and this other guy ever played their country simultaneously. Meaning they were both online at the same time playing? If not that could be a reason they think you two are multis. Sometimes they use the 'pattern of play' as a way to determine if someone is a multi or not.

I obviously have no idea why you were deleted as I am not privy to that info. I do think it would be nice to know what rule you broke tho, not the method in which that was determined.

Keep in mind everyone land grabbing then having someone put you in DR is not against any rules on the Alliance server.

Edited By: Requiem on May 30th 2019, 14:14:48
I financially support this game; what do you do?

jiklo Game profile


May 30th 2019, 14:14:10

Yeah i'd like to know why i got purpled as well it's been 12 hours and iv'e still got no message back. My guess is that they think we're multis, keyword being "think", i was talking to Warster in priv chat and said i'm willing to have a chat on discord with him and of course Bayrock would be in there also.

jiklo Game profile


May 30th 2019, 14:17:19

Of course we play at the same time (not always at the same time) but sometimes it might be different hours due to doing our own thing, but we're always on discord chatting etc.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

May 30th 2019, 14:20:35

Maybe if you post some of your discord chat screen shots with time stamps in the past to demonstrate that it would help?
I financially support this game; what do you do?

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

May 30th 2019, 14:24:52

Interesting how both alts stopped posting at about the same time in 2016 then both started posting again at about the same time in 2019, with bayrock claiming to have recently "introduced IRL friend" in the very title of this thread.

jiklo Game profile


May 30th 2019, 14:25:11

we voice chat, that's what discord is for, so there isn't any chat timestamps. ( there is chat timestamps but we only voice chat no point typing when we can voice communicate)

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

May 30th 2019, 14:26:36

You've never sent one text message back and forth on there in the past? Prior to right now?
I financially support this game; what do you do?

Sov Game profile


May 30th 2019, 14:28:19

I don't think the basis for the deletion was multying. I have already provided evidence to Galleri of them not being multies which would be clearly visible by EE game mods.

We are only speculating as to the basis of the deletion. Without word from game mods we have nothing to go on. It may have been a completely different reason.

mrford Game profile


May 30th 2019, 14:30:26

bayrock is an asshole. He had some unkind words for the mods and other players. I'm surprised he isnt banned.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

jiklo Game profile


May 30th 2019, 14:32:46

Only proof i can give, , i'm obvoiusly EG-san and that is Bayrocks discord (bayrock is in there now) and i'm obviously not because i'm watching netflix

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

May 30th 2019, 15:07:00

Unless they got purpled for not being safelisted and clicking thru the bonus on the same IP (triggers a report), it seems pretty clear violation of safelist rules...

"In order to accommodate players who are playing from the same household or workplace, Earth Empires has a safelist system to ensure legitimate players are not deleted upon suspicion of game rule violations. When playing from the same household or office, players should email the Earth Empires staff with the information of the multiple accounts from the same household or router. Please note that safelisted countries are under more scrutiny than countries not on the safelist. Countries associated with each other through the safelist are not allowed to interact with each other in-game. Examples of prohibited behaviors include allying together, sending FA, doing market buyouts, or attacking the same target. Countries created by safelisted users can, however, play in the same tag and participate in clan-wide kill runs. This policy is subject to review on a case-by-case basis as Earth Empires staff deems appropriate."

You can play in the same alliance together, but its absolutely still against the rules interact. Your admission of interaction between your countries is a clear admission of violation of safelist rules. If you are not safelisted, you likely violated the rules playing on the same IP. Was the same thing when Karnage was getting deleted for farming his "roommate." You aren't allowed to interact with people on your safelist.

If you hit someone you're safelisted with 1 time anywhere you get automatically deleted. Been that way for years.

You should try giving reading the rules a college try. I see a pretty clear reason to delete for safelist violation here...

Edited By: DerrickICN on May 30th 2019, 15:11:44
See Original Post

jiklo Game profile


May 30th 2019, 15:12:44

We don't live in the same house nor work together, we live in separate post codes.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

May 30th 2019, 15:15:13

Were you ever on the same IP when you clicked thru the bonus site or even connected to same cell tower? Like physically nearby.

If so, you need to be safelisted. Even if it occurred 1 month ago, you know how things are. They probably just now noticed. Lol

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

May 30th 2019, 15:16:01

I am not an alliance mod. So I also cannot say what led to the alliance deletion.

did you have any ingame messages with people? And I won't get on discord with bayrock after his colorful language to me in irc. He pretty much lost that chance.

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

jiklo Game profile


May 30th 2019, 15:16:35

Never been on the same IP and we are with different internet providers.

jiklo Game profile


May 30th 2019, 15:18:37

Yeah i think with 2 - 3 people, i did not use any bad language either, because i knew i would be a target and it most likely would have gotten me purpled.