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Adding bots to the game made it easy to net, but also removed any requirement to talk to anyone else. Carry that forward a few years, and there is literally nothing to get into fights about, no "You double tapped me, time for payback" type of view.
It has become a lazy game for netters. Far from the original intent as played even from the Earth 2025 days.
Bots should be in Primary and Alliance should be a place for said alliances to show which is best.
It can still be that way, even with bots. Like-minded people need to group up and play the way they want. Sadly most people lack the mental fortitude to realize that and act.
I am afraid that that strategy will not work Req. I have tried this in the past. Back in the day self farming was the issue (or inner clan land trading), and the results would eventually work out to no need to grab other clans. NBK (FFA), was always against that, and had an active policy to ban self farming, and would only ally with other clans that did the same. No matter what you do, people will go for the easy button. Right now due to the structure of the game not changing, this is an anti new player game. New players will take half a year to get the knowledge and capabilities to fight the experienced folk, and since everything is stagnant (no changes to any mechanics), strategies and builds that worked 5 years ago, work well today. No need to improvise, or test, or figure something out, as new players would.
Most modern games get around the above issue, by drastically changing things ever season, so much so that skilled players have to spend time working on strategies to see what would be best with the new rules. Some examples that might apply in this situation could be as follows
-Double land from landgrabs on other players
-tanks offensive ability doubled
-Income generating tech (indu, agri, res, bus) operates at 50% capability
-Luck bonus has a 10x multiplier
-GS (in addition to) BR only hits turrets
-Explore values are tripled
-Empty land generates 6x as much food
Just a few things that would change most builds and leave the vets scrambling and give the new players somewhat of a chance. Just change 2-3 things per set, enough so our normal things dont work (let us know what is changed), and I think this will really help with retaining new players, in addition to making this fun for our current player base.