
Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 7th 2024, 23:18:17

Coalie, I invite you to go to your local coffee shop and inform the manager that you will engage in terrorism until they change their business practices in the way that you want. Let us know how that goes.

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 7th 2024, 23:22:55

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Coalie, I invite you to go to your local coffee shop and inform the manager that you will engage in terrorism until they change their business practices in the way that you want. Let us know how that goes.

Slag, i invite you to review the game’s policies regarding doxxing of a player and how that doesn’t warrant a ban.

But making a thread about attacking other alliances
does. (?)

One is game related, the other isn’t.

Remember. I financially contribute to the game.

Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

Symbolic Game profile


Dec 7th 2024, 23:38:59

Originally posted by Slagpit:
TAN, I did not make a single forum post for two months. Despite that, a thread threatening terrorism to destroy the game still popped up. Your solution is for the game admins to ignore threats of terrorism? Why can't the solution ever involve the players?

You've got dipfluffs like symbolic (I think he's an alliance leader) sucking off multi runners in this thread and nobody even bats an eye. That's viewed as perfectly normal behavior in this community now and it's a really big problem. It's a way bigger problem than ~3 players getting banned over the past 5 years.

Did i say I support b hole and what hes has done? I just said that sometimes you find someone that is worse.

TAN Game profile


Dec 7th 2024, 23:41:46

You are calling it terrorism, which is a SERIOUS charge. You are either being serious and will report it to the authorities, or you are knowingly using the term flippantly and frivolously, and banned him simply because you don't like him.

So which is it? Are you seriously worried about threats of terror and you'll loop in the FBI, or are you being hyperbolic?

The simple fact of the matter is, if you hadn't responded at all or banned him, everyone would have laughed it off and forgot about him already.

I understand that it appears you interpreted his post differently from others, which is fine - like I said, a lot is lost when people communicate via text. I don't agree with your interpretation, but I can see how you'd take it as a threat.

But digging in your heels and doubling down by calling it a terrorist threat is just such a weird thing to do. Can you imagine someone making a serious terrorist threat over THIS GAME? lmao

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 7th 2024, 23:43:23

Originally posted by Slagpit:

You've got dipfluffs like symbolic (I think he's an alliance leader) sucking off multi runners in this thread.


I would respectfully ask that you refrain from making sexual harassment comments regarding a player from my clan.
I will also ask that you refrain from name calling.

"-Do not insult other players based on personal characteristics including race, religion, origin, or sexual preference. Trash talk is fine in moderation but it should be focused on a clan or a country instead of a personal attack."

These are the rules you made.
What example are you trying to set here?
Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 7th 2024, 23:58:07

Originally posted by Coalie:
Y’all are a bunch of broke weakbodies.

When BH used to troll us (mercs, sol and sof). We killed and wiped him. We did the same in teams when he threatened us with terrorism. We did the same to Cathankins and Josey when they messed with netters.

The stuff he mentioned is old news, everyone already knows about it, nobody really cares about it anymore.

All this talk about him posting terrorism and why he was banned, he’s been doing it for years and we kill him. Let’s not forget Milkman who also ran multis (confirmed by screenshots from bhole) also doxxed him. Doxxing doesn’t get someone banned but I guess making a post about ingame terrorism does.

*I am someone that financially contributes to the game and is also a forum patron, therefore I have skin in the game.*

You literally had to run for help and ask all of the other clans to save you. You lie a lot man. That’s really pathetic behavior. It’s very shameful. I’m not surprised either. I can’t say more because you will cry for me to get banned. Now you goofballs are attempting to call the federal authorities on blackhole. What a joke this constant behavior is. I left for a very long time and come back
To see this and I am not Surprised. Imagine how insecure a man must be to grow up to act like this and over compensate this much.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 8th 2024, 0:00:35

Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by Slagpit:

You've got dipfluffs like symbolic (I think he's an alliance leader) sucking off multi runners in this thread.


I would respectfully ask that you refrain from making sexual harassment comments regarding a player from my clan.
I will also ask that you refrain from name calling.

"-Do not insult other players based on personal characteristics including race, religion, origin, or sexual preference. Trash talk is fine in moderation but it should be focused on a clan or a country instead of a personal attack."

These are the rules you made.
What example are you trying to set here?

Dear Coalie,

I respectfully ask that you eject the players from your tag who support cheating and running multies. I will not be respectful or civil towards players who do that. I find it disgusting and shameless that your tag supports multi-runners while you bloviate all over these forums about how much you support the game.

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 8th 2024, 0:01:13

Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by Slagpit:

You've got dipfluffs like symbolic (I think he's an alliance leader) sucking off multi runners in this thread.


I would respectfully ask that you refrain from making sexual harassment comments regarding a player from my clan.
I will also ask that you refrain from name calling.

"-Do not insult other players based on personal characteristics including race, religion, origin, or sexual preference. Trash talk is fine in moderation but it should be focused on a clan or a country instead of a personal attack."

These are the rules you made.
What example are you trying to set here?

He’s right your group is an absolute disgrace. You call yourself darkness because you are probably literally evil and merc because you identify with paid mercs aka hitman who war for $$$ and have no care (wish one of those super soldiers would defend our nation and not others haha). Imagine being proud of that.

Imagine being proud to lie and manipulate and bully people and always have to hide behind a group and authority. Haha. I could never be like that

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Dec 8th 2024, 0:01:51

Originally posted by TAN:
You are calling it terrorism, which is a SERIOUS charge. You are either being serious and will report it to the authorities, or you are knowingly using the term flippantly and frivolously, and banned him simply because you don't like him.

So which is it? Are you seriously worried about threats of terror and you'll loop in the FBI, or are you being hyperbolic?

The simple fact of the matter is, if you hadn't responded at all or banned him, everyone would have laughed it off and forgot about him already.

I understand that it appears you interpreted his post differently from others, which is fine - like I said, a lot is lost when people communicate via text. I don't agree with your interpretation, but I can see how you'd take it as a threat.

But digging in your heels and doubling down by calling it a terrorist threat is just such a weird thing to do. Can you imagine someone making a serious terrorist threat over THIS GAME? lmao

What the fluff? Blackhole himself used the word "terrorism". How the fluff are you this bad faith? I'm closing this thread for the reasons that Pang mentioned.