Nov 10th 2010, 23:42:43
I haven't continuously been in iMagNum since then. I've played as a member of several other alliances, and gone through periods when I didn't play on the server iMagNum was on at all. But iMagNum has always been the first place I checked on when I came back, and the place I returned to most frequently. As far as you can have a "home" within an online game, iMagNum's been that for me.
But today I've made the decision that, as of the end of this reset, I will no longer be playing in iMagNum.
The reasons for this are numerous and varied, but I'm confident that only one of them will be of interest to the majority of the players in this game: the role iMagNum is accused of playing in the decline of this server as a whole.
I'd like to be very clear on this point. Neither iMagNum nor war alliances in general are to blame for what's happened to this server. Years of neglectful admins who were incapable of controlling multies and unwilling to innovate were the main cause of this server's decline.
However, in-so-far as it's any players' fault, the blame for what's happened to this server rests squarely upon alliances far more influential than iMagNum. Years of abusive policies cannot be ignored if we are truthfully seeking to determine at which altar blame truly lies.
It was only after the game decayed hugely, as a result of these other factors, that it became credible to place any blame upon iMagNum. During the years when the most damage was done, it was simply too minor a factor within the server to be granted credit for what took place.
But today is today, and the game is what it is. Regardless of where blame lies for the past, I do not believe that iMagNum is part of the solution. I do not fault them for their practices, but their actions will not contribute to the development of a competitive and healthy environment within this server at this time.
As I said, this is not the only reason I'm choosing to leave iMagNum but the simple fact is that I have no desire to be a by-stander. I want to be part of the solution.
I have yet to decide where I will go or what I will do. I intend to continue playing on this server, however, as this game should not lose more players if it can be avoided. If there are alliances which would wish to have me as a member, I'm open to offers. I do hope to return to iMagNum at some point in the future, but for the time being I expect to find my place elsewhere.
Guy with no clue.