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ive done my fair share of netter killing. Its always the netters fault somehow, just saying i could easily get 20-30 laf/sof countries to war with you guys and actually have a good time instead of killing reps demos and theos. If you want to fluff em up for trying to protect themselves than go for it, have fun! i really could gives two sheets about sanct tbh. im just sick of not being able to hit these tiny lil sperm and am jealous that im stuck hitting the cash button instead of attack again button
I offered a friendly to SoF and they said they were unable to help our sorry mate.
"Pontius Pirate
Posts: 892
Quote Post
Jul 26th 2012, 16:54:03
or is iMag saying that SancT were the ones who wanted to war iMag, but just decided to skip FSing and defuse your missiles instead?"
Thats exactly what i am saying.
With regards to galleri's timeline, I talked to sanct just after our war with NA, the last thing i was told by sanct was that i was being reasonable, then after that chat they start switching.
Between that time hardly any hits were made on sanct by imag members. members asked if they could still grab, i said yes, as long as its with in the rules of the alliance, when we started op'ing it was obvious sanct was getting ready to do something, and we were the only targets they could possibly hit.
when they didnt contact us over the landgrabs and they started buying up tanks/ going spy heavy it was obvious what they were doing.
If that isnt enough I have a copy of their new president admitting this?
I played with you in sanct PP, you dont really think I would want this do you?