
iScode Game profile


May 4th 2012, 1:15:15

Imaginary Numbers, and especially myself has always looked down upon alliances that cheat. The below is something I never thought I would write about the alliance LaF, but I feel personally it is the best thing for this game.

As far as the information provided by the moderators of this game, 2 members of Laf, one being the Don.

Due to this we can not stand by some alliances decisions to post the following terms.

1] ***** declares it’s current ** pact with La Famiglia void (as of this post).
2] *** will not sign a pact with La Famiglia for a period of three resets or 6 months, or what ever term was used.
4] We demand a full apology from La Famiglia.
5] **** demands all known cheaters to be removed and permanently banned from your alliance.
6] requests to open up complete IP logs to prove legitimacy of your alliance (La Famiglia).

This is a serious situation and I fully respect MD's, SOL's and Evo's right to enforce these terms due to what has happened however no matter what way you look at it, this game does need a strong LaF and I feel the above policies goes against wanting to make this game grow and be better. I am sure their are plenty of Laf members who would rather quit than play anywhere else and that is the last thing we need to happen over the actions, i believe, of 2 people.

Therefor imag would like to announce the following.

Our current pact with LaF is void for the simple reason it was signed when Hanlong was Don of laf, as hanlong was the person caught cheating and he is in charge, we are left with no other option but to void our pact.

Laf will currently stay on DNH in our database to ensure that the current, legitimate members of laf are not more adversly affected by this situation.

Imaginary Numbers will talk to the new leadership of Laf, construct a dialogue and move from there on what further action we will take.

To hanglong and TC and anyone who knew about this, you are scum, you dont belong in this game.

To the innocent members of laf, times will be rocky for the next few sets, if you are legitimate and you want to prove that your alliance can play legitimately then stick it out, ignore the criticism and prove to the community that you want whats best for this game. I have faith that the resolve in Laf will be able to out last this situation and still provide this game with a strong alliance that competes with the best which is what we essentially need.

No further announcements will officially be made by Imaginary Numbers regarding this situation. If you want to discuss our response please contact myself or Zip.
God of War


Sov Game profile


May 4th 2012, 1:28:56


Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


May 4th 2012, 1:30:43

coulda sworn Scode got booted for cheating... wonder if Mickster is still at Swirve/OMAC...

Edited By: Dibs Ludicrous on May 4th 2012, 1:32:50
See Original Post
There are no messages in your Inbox.
Elvis has left the building.

CaptainTenacious Game profile


May 4th 2012, 1:33:20

Bad scodey!
~The Saucy Buccaneer~
I drink in moderation.
Moderation being an imaginary place i go to when i drink.

the_olivers2006 Game profile


May 4th 2012, 1:39:33

Is swirve even around anymore?

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


May 4th 2012, 1:41:21

i don't rightly know. Utopia and Earth went to OMAC, i'm not sure what happened to the rest of it.

not even sure that i remember the password to my swirve email that got overloaded with almost porn.

Edited By: Dibs Ludicrous on May 4th 2012, 1:47:36
See Original Post
There are no messages in your Inbox.
Elvis has left the building.

dagga Game profile


May 4th 2012, 2:10:10

heh burnt a few bridges with the 'other' side didn't you scode.
signatures are stupid.
Months since LaF netgained: 22

Pride Game profile


May 4th 2012, 2:44:53

They didn't even invite you to their chat and you stick up for them :P

Omega was there Imag was not lol

Sov Game profile


May 4th 2012, 2:58:47

Imag was not an ally of SoF at the time.

iScode is also my sworn enemy. He is the nemisis to all free thinking Earthers.

But sometimes even enemies can make deals of mutual benefit due to circumstance.

But one day our war shall resume and we shall once again continue the struggle of life and death.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

May 4th 2012, 2:59:56

Does it look like imag cares what the rest of you think? No. kthxbai move along now.
This is Scode's decision. Shoot we may FS your clan for those above comments one day (probably when Soviet becomes prez again):P

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.


New Member

May 4th 2012, 3:00:50

Props to iMag for a proper response by a reasonable alliance that doesn't have an agenda.

Sov Game profile


May 4th 2012, 3:02:21

You are wrong Watcher, iScode always has an agenda. Do not underestimate his evil.

Helmet Game profile


May 4th 2012, 3:02:30

I think we need more people to pick on Laf so they get a clue. They don't seem to understand people are mad at them with these vague posts and passive aggressive comments. I wouldn't stop at pact breaking. I think we should start spitting on them and calling them baby killers.

Just an idea.



May 4th 2012, 3:04:04

poor poor possible babies dying on tissues :(
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

locket Game profile


May 4th 2012, 4:06:16

<3 iscode. You can come to Canada now!

I'm glad not everyone is using this to get political gain.

Alin Game profile


May 4th 2012, 5:09:09

Originally posted by Helmet:
I think we need more people to pick on Laf so they get a clue. They don't seem to understand people are mad at them with these vague posts and passive aggressive comments. I wouldn't stop at pact breaking. I think we should start spitting on them and calling them baby killers.

Just an idea.

Your sarcasm in uncalled.

You post stuff like this in every thread regarding Laf. Did you forgot the time when your alliance burned due to booting ?

What those cheaters did is a little above booting - by giving them selfs GOD mode.

Now either you are ignorant as hell or you enjoyed growing under the same umbrella with Laf.

However this comunity dose not support cheating ...

davidoss Game profile


May 4th 2012, 5:14:20

Perfectly reasonable iScode. We appreciate your candor in this matter and we will try our best to repair our relationship with not only iMag, but all other Earth alliances who are willing to listen.

iScode Game profile


May 4th 2012, 5:44:25


1st. I never got deleted for cheating, i got deleted because EC mods had agenda's and couldnt accept me suiciding from the TIE tag. I have emails to show that the swirve mods said they would reinstate me, they did, i was deleted by the same ec mods again. They said they would reinstate me again and i got deleted by the same mod again. There was NEVER any proof that I cheated, and the fact the one reset it happened was just the same set i managed to join tie, suicide on their allies and then dropped all the land (oh and they tried killing me and couldnt.)

I have never ever cheated and have always been against it in my entire time playing this game. I was even forced out of this game by cheaters because they threatned to hack my work server if i didnt quit and stop speaking out against RD.

2nd. Dagga this thread has nothing to do with burning bridges, our decision on this matter should not affect any relationship with any current allies we have. Each alliance should be free to choose their response in the way they feel best helps this game, which is what we have done.
God of War


Sov Game profile


May 4th 2012, 6:19:41

As I have previously stated, iScode's status as my eternal enemy shall remain unchanged.

iScode Game profile


May 4th 2012, 6:24:55

God of War


Jiman Game profile


May 4th 2012, 6:41:58

This is my personal opinion, not of SOLs.

Every person has a different position in this situation. I think Imaginary Numbers choice is right for them.

Those who were directly affected for last several months by these occurances will have a huge trouble understanding some stances that alliances are taking. For those directly affected negatively by these event (in terms of Laf as an alliance as a whole acting out towards other alliances), our position will differ. Our view will not be any less wrong though then Images position or any other position as long as they understand the hurt that Laf has caused as an alliance recently, even if they knew what was happening or not. Facts are facts.

I understand that a lot of members of Laf are hurting by this, and to have every single alliance gang up on Laf is an unfair stance to demand. I do completely and utterly expect all alliances to realize that Laf has been misguided recently by dishonorable means, and so far that is what I am seeing.

But as some have already said, this is a chance for laf to come from this fire that has been created and grow a new path for themselves, and hopefully become a better alliance because of it.

I still 100% agree with SOLs offical responce, but that doesnt mean I wont feel for the members of Laf who were harmed by these events.

Good Luck Laf, diaf. <3

Edited By: Jiman on May 4th 2012, 6:43:58
See Original Post



May 4th 2012, 7:07:31

Thanks to both sides.

Maybe a few more of us that drifted out of the leadership things in Laf over the last few years should step back up again to help guide it through this.

Sifos Game profile


May 4th 2012, 7:17:55

Originally posted by Watcher:
Props to iMag for a proper response by a reasonable alliance that doesn't have an agenda.

Oh, but we do.

1. Increase amount of restarts in EE by any means possible
2. Ensure that every set, there is atleast restarts in imag
Imaginary Numbers
If you're important enough to contact me, you will know how to contact me.
Self appointed emperor of the Order of Bunnies.
The only way to be certain your allies will not betray you is to kill them all!

Helmet Game profile


May 4th 2012, 10:59:24

Originally posted by Alin:

Your sarcasm in uncalled.

You post stuff like this in every thread regarding Laf. Did you forgot the time when your alliance burned due to booting ?

What those cheaters did is a little above booting - by giving them selfs GOD mode.

Now either you are ignorant as hell or you enjoyed growing under the same umbrella with Laf.

However this comunity dose not support cheating ...

Dr. Professor Alin,

Do you know what's even worse than being a moron? Being too stupid to even realize you're ignorant.

1) Please explain to me when Sof had a cheating issue and "burned". There wasn't one on my watch and I've never been deleted so no idea what you're talking about.

2) Those "cheaters" you're referring to have been banned. They are not in Laf, so please explain how you have a valid point saying the Laf you're picking on right now had "GOD" mode. I don't know if you noticed captain dipfluff, but only TC manipulated the game. TC is not in Laf and neither is hanlong. Can't believe how fluffing dumb some of you people are. The information is right here on the boards.

3) Of course the community doesn't support cheating. Thank you Captain Obvious! The cheaters were banned and rightly so. We all applauded the actions of the admins.

I never said Laf didn't have an ass whooping coming. But you're treating them all like criminals and there isn't proof that a single person currently in Laf cheated. I look forward to your ignorant response. :)

anoniem Game profile


May 4th 2012, 11:08:30

Originally posted by Helmet:
Originally posted by Alin:

Your sarcasm in uncalled.

You post stuff like this in every thread regarding Laf. Did you forgot the time when your alliance burned due to booting ?

What those cheaters did is a little above booting - by giving them selfs GOD mode.

Now either you are ignorant as hell or you enjoyed growing under the same umbrella with Laf.

However this comunity dose not support cheating ...

Dr. Professor Alin,

Do you know what's even worse than being a moron? Being too stupid to even realize you're ignorant.

1) Please explain to me when Sof had a cheating issue and "burned". There wasn't one on my watch and I've never been deleted so no idea what you're talking about.

2) Those "cheaters" you're referring to have been banned. They are not in Laf, so please explain how you have a valid point saying the Laf you're picking on right now had "GOD" mode. I don't know if you noticed captain dipfluff, but only TC manipulated the game. TC is not in Laf and neither is hanlong. Can't believe how fluffing dumb some of you people are. The information is right here on the boards.

3) Of course the community doesn't support cheating. Thank you Captain Obvious! The cheaters were banned and rightly so. We all applauded the actions of the admins.

I never said Laf didn't have an ass whooping coming. But you're treating them all like criminals and there isn't proof that a single person currently in Laf cheated. I look forward to your ignorant response. :)

He didn't say SoF had a cheating issue. He was referring to the botting that happened to SoF, thereby implying that you shouldn't be taking the issue so lightly (see sarcasm), as you've experienced what it feels like to be at the raw end of cheaters.

That's how I read it anyway.

Kalick Game profile


May 4th 2012, 11:11:55

Originally posted by anoniem:
Originally posted by Helmet:
Originally posted by Alin:

Your sarcasm in uncalled.

You post stuff like this in every thread regarding Laf. Did you forgot the time when your alliance burned due to booting ?

What those cheaters did is a little above booting - by giving them selfs GOD mode.

Now either you are ignorant as hell or you enjoyed growing under the same umbrella with Laf.

However this comunity dose not support cheating ...

Dr. Professor Alin,

Do you know what's even worse than being a moron? Being too stupid to even realize you're ignorant.

1) Please explain to me when Sof had a cheating issue and "burned". There wasn't one on my watch and I've never been deleted so no idea what you're talking about.

2) Those "cheaters" you're referring to have been banned. They are not in Laf, so please explain how you have a valid point saying the Laf you're picking on right now had "GOD" mode. I don't know if you noticed captain dipfluff, but only TC manipulated the game. TC is not in Laf and neither is hanlong. Can't believe how fluffing dumb some of you people are. The information is right here on the boards.

3) Of course the community doesn't support cheating. Thank you Captain Obvious! The cheaters were banned and rightly so. We all applauded the actions of the admins.

I never said Laf didn't have an ass whooping coming. But you're treating them all like criminals and there isn't proof that a single person currently in Laf cheated. I look forward to your ignorant response. :)

He didn't say SoF had a cheating issue. He was referring to the botting that happened to SoF, thereby implying that you shouldn't be taking the issue so lightly (see sarcasm), as you've experienced what it feels like to be at the raw end of cheaters.

That's how I read it anyway.

Yeah, if you replace "booting" with "botting" it makes more sense.

Helmet Game profile


May 4th 2012, 11:22:02

I haven't said a single thing on this forum to justify cheating. I'm 100% against it and always have been.

In some ways I wouldn't even had been as nice as the admins were. I would have deleted their entire history in the game as if they never existed.

Deerhunter Game profile


May 4th 2012, 11:29:02

Originally posted by Helmet:
I haven't said a single thing on this forum to justify cheating. I'm 100% against it and always have been.

In some ways I wouldn't even had been as nice as the admins were. I would have deleted their entire history in the game as if they never existed.

i AM FOR THIS- DELETE EVERY country they ever had.
Ya, tho i walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I shall fear no retals,
Cause i have the biggest, baddest, and toughest country in the valley!

Helmet Game profile


May 4th 2012, 11:40:58

Also, where were all of you crusaders back in 2003 when I tried to unite the server and have everyone attack the bots for one round in an attempt at nullifying their efforts?

Half of the game was getting hit by bots and those that were around then were too big of pussies to even let their differences go and try to take the game back.

Now it's 4 alliances against one and suddenly everyone is showing their big balls.

NukEvil Game profile


May 4th 2012, 12:00:04

Probably because back then, anyone with bot control software could call up a thousand or so bots and defeat pretty much the entire server if he or she wanted to. Not to mention the fact that out of the 10k countries on the Alliance server, about half of them were potentially multis anyways.

These days...not so much.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

Deerhunter Game profile


May 4th 2012, 12:08:52

Maybe it was due to the fact that no one, even back then, likes you Helmet. Or ya, its mostly what Nuke said.
Ya, tho i walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I shall fear no retals,
Cause i have the biggest, baddest, and toughest country in the valley!

dagga Game profile


May 4th 2012, 12:36:06

Helmet, I appreciate SoF was hit by bots.. But everyone was - SOL got hit by VingThor etc etc..

It was a long time ago and the reason this LaF stuff is so raw and so emotive is because most people who came back to this game thought most of the cheating was done for. You of all people can understand the feelings of injustice.
signatures are stupid.
Months since LaF netgained: 22

Deerhunter Game profile


May 4th 2012, 12:47:06

not just that Dagga but it was done by someone who had some perms and power with the game ect. Its like finding out Hillary Clinton works for the Russians.
Ya, tho i walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I shall fear no retals,
Cause i have the biggest, baddest, and toughest country in the valley!

iScode Game profile


May 4th 2012, 12:47:50

or you favorite person DH, Sarah Palin...
God of War


lostmonk Game profile


May 4th 2012, 12:53:58

Originally posted by Helmet:
Also, where were all of you crusaders back in 2003 when I tried to unite the server and have everyone attack the bots for one round in an attempt at nullifying their efforts?

Half of the game was getting hit by bots and those that were around then were too big of pussies to even let their differences go and try to take the game back.

Now it's 4 alliances against one and suddenly everyone is showing their big balls.

Maybe you were gone by this time, but you really should look into what alliance was at war with RD for over a year trying to fight the multies....Just sayin'

Deerhunter Game profile


May 4th 2012, 12:54:19

She is not my favorite person. I will say Bristol is pretty hot though.
Ya, tho i walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I shall fear no retals,
Cause i have the biggest, baddest, and toughest country in the valley!

Killa Game profile


May 4th 2012, 13:09:38

Lostmonk, check what happened to sof/teq

Helmet Game profile


May 4th 2012, 21:24:26

Originally posted by dagga:
Helmet, I appreciate SoF was hit by bots.. But everyone was - SOL got hit by VingThor etc etc..

It was a long time ago and the reason this LaF stuff is so raw and so emotive is because most people who came back to this game thought most of the cheating was done for. You of all people can understand the feelings of injustice.

I do understand. The only thing I'm confused about is why you're suddenly not being a fluff.

Edited By: Helmet on May 4th 2012, 21:31:53
See Original Post

Helmet Game profile


May 4th 2012, 21:31:34

Originally posted by NukEvil:
Probably because back then, anyone with bot control software could call up a thousand or so bots and defeat pretty much the entire server if he or she wanted to. Not to mention the fact that out of the 10k countries on the Alliance server, about half of them were potentially multis anyways.

These days...not so much.

Great story.

Alternative version: This is 80% politics. Nobody is even attacking Laf, which would have been my first order of business if I was them.

Kumander Otbol


May 4th 2012, 21:34:21

Originally posted by Helmet:
Originally posted by NukEvil:
Probably because back then, anyone with bot control software could call up a thousand or so bots and defeat pretty much the entire server if he or she wanted to. Not to mention the fact that out of the 10k countries on the Alliance server, about half of them were potentially multis anyways.

These days...not so much.

Great story.

Alternative version: This is 80% politics. Nobody is even attacking Laf, which would have been my first order of business if I was them.

and i was waiting for "them" to do that instead of talk dirty on AT. Attack now, discuss later. :D
Originally posted by cypress:
no reason to start slacking just because they are getting FA

fluff them....we'll steamroll them even with the FA they are getting

Patience Game profile


May 4th 2012, 21:35:46

I think that's confusing everyone, Helmet. lol
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

trumper Game profile


May 4th 2012, 21:42:09

Originally posted by Alin:
Originally posted by Helmet:
I think we need more people to pick on Laf so they get a clue. They don't seem to understand people are mad at them with these vague posts and passive aggressive comments. I wouldn't stop at pact breaking. I think we should start spitting on them and calling them baby killers.

Just an idea.

Your sarcasm in uncalled.

You post stuff like this in every thread regarding Laf. Did you forgot the time when your alliance burned due to booting ?

What those cheaters did is a little above booting - by giving them selfs GOD mode.

Now either you are ignorant as hell or you enjoyed growing under the same umbrella with Laf.

However this comunity dose not support cheating ...

Except your rebuttal explains exactly why Helmet's sarcasm was needed. Everyone doesn't have to agree with you. And when they don't, it doesn't mean they're greedy, support cheating or ignorant. It could mean those things, but it could also be a differing point of view.

I'll tell you why I disagree with SOL's stance. One, I think you guys spend more time worried about propaganda and pushing your political agenda than in looking at the big picture. I think you have some member's who wisely see past that (Jiman's post above was a good example) and yet I feel like they're the minority, at least posting wise. Two, if guilt by association deems an alliance worth of attempting to blacklist them then your hands aren't clean either--you have been around long enough to know every alliance has had cheaters, many times in mid-to-high levels. How an alliance responds to that cheating tells you more than the cheating occuring. Three, I worry if you guys pummel every LAF member that we'll lose a whole sleu of legitimate players in a throw out all the bath water mentality. Four, I don't care for the idea of SOL being the judge and jury and I think there is a thinly veiled political agenda behind the damn one/damn all approach.

Disagreement is healthy.

trumper Game profile


May 4th 2012, 21:45:09

Originally posted by Helmet:
Originally posted by NukEvil:
Probably because back then, anyone with bot control software could call up a thousand or so bots and defeat pretty much the entire server if he or she wanted to. Not to mention the fact that out of the 10k countries on the Alliance server, about half of them were potentially multis anyways.

These days...not so much.

Great story.

Alternative version: This is 80% politics. Nobody is even attacking Laf, which would have been my first order of business if I was them.

Agreed. It's more political than anything else.

It happens in real life too. To seize an electoral advance Democrats pounced on Richard Nixon's ridiculousness and won huge at the polls. Republicans have done the same. Sometimes it backfires, Clinton's sexscapades. Bottom line: it's motivated by more than "ridding corruption" or "ending immorality"--it's motivated by seizing power.

Boltar Game profile


May 4th 2012, 23:35:09

i dont trust anyone who wont send me the turtle i want!

davidoss Game profile


May 5th 2012, 0:48:36

Originally posted by trumper:
Originally posted by Alin:
Originally posted by Helmet:
I think we need more people to pick on Laf so they get a clue. They don't seem to understand people are mad at them with these vague posts and passive aggressive comments. I wouldn't stop at pact breaking. I think we should start spitting on them and calling them baby killers.

Just an idea.

Your sarcasm in uncalled.

You post stuff like this in every thread regarding Laf. Did you forgot the time when your alliance burned due to booting ?

What those cheaters did is a little above booting - by giving them selfs GOD mode.

Now either you are ignorant as hell or you enjoyed growing under the same umbrella with Laf.

However this comunity dose not support cheating ...

Except your rebuttal explains exactly why Helmet's sarcasm was needed. Everyone doesn't have to agree with you. And when they don't, it doesn't mean they're greedy, support cheating or ignorant. It could mean those things, but it could also be a differing point of view.

I'll tell you why I disagree with SOL's stance. One, I think you guys spend more time worried about propaganda and pushing your political agenda than in looking at the big picture. I think you have some member's who wisely see past that (Jiman's post above was a good example) and yet I feel like they're the minority, at least posting wise. Two, if guilt by association deems an alliance worth of attempting to blacklist them then your hands aren't clean either--you have been around long enough to know every alliance has had cheaters, many times in mid-to-high levels. How an alliance responds to that cheating tells you more than the cheating occuring. Three, I worry if you guys pummel every LAF member that we'll lose a whole sleu of legitimate players in a throw out all the bath water mentality. Four, I don't care for the idea of SOL being the judge and jury and I think there is a thinly veiled political agenda behind the damn one/damn all approach.

Disagreement is healthy.

Refreshing to see responses that are a lot more neutral.