
Jiman Game profile


May 4th 2012, 6:41:58

This is my personal opinion, not of SOLs.

Every person has a different position in this situation. I think Imaginary Numbers choice is right for them.

Those who were directly affected for last several months by these occurances will have a huge trouble understanding some stances that alliances are taking. For those directly affected negatively by these event (in terms of Laf as an alliance as a whole acting out towards other alliances), our position will differ, and our view will not be any less wrong then Images position or any other position as long as they understand the hurt that Laf has caused as an alliance, whether they know it or not.

I understand that a lot of members of Laf are hurting by this, and to have every single alliance gang up on Laf is an unfair stance to demand. I do completely and utterly expect all alliances to realize that Laf has been misguided recently by dishonorable means, and so far that is what I am seeing.

But as some have already said, this is a chance for laf to come from this fire that has been created and grow a new path for themselves, and hopefully become a better alliance because of it.

I still 100% agree with SOLs offical responce, but that doesnt mean I wont feel for the members of Laf who were harmed by these events.

Good Luck Laf, diaf. <3

Edited By: Jiman on May 4th 2012, 6:43:58
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