
TAN Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 22:44:40

My culture is American, born and raised in the USA.

Even if you are a real Marine, you're a disgrace to the military and do a disservice to America with your hatred and bigotry. Don't forget that your ancestors were immigrants who were hated by the immigrants that came before them. This country is built on immigration and different cultures. Your views are what fake Americans say to make themselves feel better.

You're a disgrace to your uniform, a disgrace to America, and a disgrace to humanity.

But like I said, the above is hypothetical, because you're a fake Marine claiming fake disability and a burden on our society.

archaic Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 22:47:55

I had almost quit reading AT, I'm glad I popped in. I'd have hated to miss this glorious contribution to our little communities cultural identity.

Sol is ranked too high.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Alin Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 22:49:27

Cerbus is not exactlly alone. Altought i don`t share all of his ideeas, anti imigrant political parties are growing in numbers and % all over the EU. And that could lead to racism and ethnic mess...

You can`t really call "racist" people who don`t want imigrants. Or are against getting imigrants in their home land. Is like people calling USA racist for throwing thosands of mexicans over board, monthly.


Originally posted by Angel1:
Originally posted by Alin:
Should be no news for anyone around.

However, i think USA should take at least 50% + 1 of those. The entire N africa, and Middle East is in chaos because forced democracy failed... the main pawn in that destabilization is USA, thus it must take it's share.

This makes the assumption that without US intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Middle East would not be in chaos. That's a bold assumption to make. Afghanistan is a chaotic place in the best of circumstances and Taliban rule can hardly be called the best of circumstances. Saddam Hussein was a ruthless dictator in a country that was super-majority against him.

We can't rewind the clock and move forward making other decisions in an academic exercise with any sort of certainty. However, before Saddam Hussein was taken out, the Middle East was still ruled by a number of dictators that oppressed significantly parts of their population (for good reason or not). Before Saddam Hussein was removed, the Kurdish Peshmerga was still armed. Before the Iraq invasion, Libya still had a WMD program. Moving forward into an Arab Spring with these facts would have been even more chaotic than it is now. The Iraqi Kurds almost certainly would declare independence in that situation and then Turkey would likely blow into chaos.

Now USA intervention in Afghanistan dates since 1979 when CIA armed and financed the mujahideen to fight the russians in Afghanistan. It`s a small piece of the cold war but CIA actually created/financed Osamma Ben Laden and his fanatical group. Surelly CIA shooted at a pigeon and killed a crow, somewhere on the road things changed and now the entire world is talking about the greatest terrorist of all time, but never forget how it started... Is your own mess that bite back decades after. Surely if you ask Mrford, this never existed... all that exists were 5 planes coming out of nowwhere,hitting the WTC and etc.

Iraq is another story. Going for the WMDS, never finding WMDS and coming back with contracts of billions for oil extraction, reconstruction of Iraq. Also giving air to an already suffocated weapons industry ( you gotta use those weapons somewhere in order to make others ).

Somewere btw 1990 and 2015 you managed to totally destablize a large zone right in our neighbourhood. The overall mess in Middle East and North Africa is mainly your fault, with EU tacit agreement. Europe is slowly becoming a refugee camp for decades now... and things are swifting with speed. ISIS grows in numbers and there is a wave of imigrants crossing from North Africa and Middle East into Turkey,Greece,Serbia Macedonia and finally to the developed countries in UE. Among them 100% there are ISIS cells... and we all know their intentions.

The above being said, i care less if the entire people of Iraq were agains Saddam. Is their job to overthrow their dictator and change their country. I don`t care what Gadaffi was or done... i basically don`t care about Syria dictator or North Coreea. Hundred of millions died in order to overthrow regime after regime in this part of the world, thousands of revolution and riots happend in the last 2000 years in order to achive the current status. Is anyones duty to go rebel and overthrow a leader they don`t like or a political class that does nothing for them... not mine or yours.

But his crow dressed as a parrot ( "we did it for them, for democracy" ) does not stand anymore, when they were sucked out of their resources and Europe is now paying the bill...



Sep 9th 2015, 22:56:46

Originally posted by TAN:
My culture is American, born and raised in the USA.

Even if you are a real Marine, you're a disgrace to the military and do a disservice to America with your hatred and bigotry. Don't forget that your ancestors were immigrants who were hated by the immigrants that came before them. This country is built on immigration and different cultures. Your views are what fake Americans say to make themselves feel better.

You're a disgrace to your uniform, a disgrace to America, and a disgrace to humanity.

But like I said, the above is hypothetical, because you're a fake Marine claiming fake disability and a burden on our society.

Says the coward who never served. Your oppinion means. I thing ArabianKnight. I left active duty in 2007 after kicking the fluff out of the jihadis in Iraq. I wouldn't thibe you can actually fake medical records... created by the military? Not my fault the socialist policies you embrace suck and I accept money to go see a real doctor. It is nothing more than if I got hurt doing a meaningless union job like you. The company would be expected to pay to fix those injuries.

You are just a mad fake. When it's convenient to pull the muslim card, you do, when it's not... you are no longer a muslim.

Must suck to be you.

mrford Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 22:58:52

Originally posted by Alin:
Cerbus is not exactlly alone. Altought i don`t share all of his ideeas, anti imigrant political parties are growing in numbers and % all over the EU. And that could lead to racism and ethnic mess...

You can`t really call "racist" people who don`t want imigrants. Or are against getting imigrants in their home land. Is like people calling USA racist for throwing thosands of mexicans over board, monthly.


Originally posted by Angel1:
Originally posted by Alin:
Should be no news for anyone around.

However, i think USA should take at least 50% + 1 of those. The entire N africa, and Middle East is in chaos because forced democracy failed... the main pawn in that destabilization is USA, thus it must take it's share.

This makes the assumption that without US intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Middle East would not be in chaos. That's a bold assumption to make. Afghanistan is a chaotic place in the best of circumstances and Taliban rule can hardly be called the best of circumstances. Saddam Hussein was a ruthless dictator in a country that was super-majority against him.

We can't rewind the clock and move forward making other decisions in an academic exercise with any sort of certainty. However, before Saddam Hussein was taken out, the Middle East was still ruled by a number of dictators that oppressed significantly parts of their population (for good reason or not). Before Saddam Hussein was removed, the Kurdish Peshmerga was still armed. Before the Iraq invasion, Libya still had a WMD program. Moving forward into an Arab Spring with these facts would have been even more chaotic than it is now. The Iraqi Kurds almost certainly would declare independence in that situation and then Turkey would likely blow into chaos.

Now USA intervention in Afghanistan dates since 1979 when CIA armed and financed the mujahideen to fight the russians in Afghanistan. It`s a small piece of the cold war but CIA actually created/financed Osamma Ben Laden and his fanatical group. Surelly CIA shooted at a pigeon and killed a crow, somewhere on the road things changed and now the entire world is talking about the greatest terrorist of all time, but never forget how it started... Is your own mess that bite back decades after. Surely if you ask Mrford, this never existed... all that exists were 5 planes coming out of nowwhere,hitting the WTC and etc.

Iraq is another story. Going for the WMDS, never finding WMDS and coming back with contracts of billions for oil extraction, reconstruction of Iraq. Also giving air to an already suffocated weapons industry ( you gotta use those weapons somewhere in order to make others ).

Somewere btw 1990 and 2015 you managed to totally destablize a large zone right in our neighbourhood. The overall mess in Middle East and North Africa is mainly your fault, with EU tacit agreement. Europe is slowly becoming a refugee camp for decades now... and things are swifting with speed. ISIS grows in numbers and there is a wave of imigrants crossing from North Africa and Middle East into Turkey,Greece,Serbia Macedonia and finally to the developed countries in UE. Among them 100% there are ISIS cells... and we all know their intentions.

The above being said, i care less if the entire people of Iraq were agains Saddam. Is their job to overthrow their dictator and change their country. I don`t care what Gadaffi was or done... i basically don`t care about Syria dictator or North Coreea. Hundred of millions died in order to overthrow regime after regime in this part of the world, thousands of revolution and riots happend in the last 2000 years in order to achive the current status. Is anyones duty to go rebel and overthrow a leader they don`t like or a political class that does nothing for them... not mine or yours.

But his crow dressed as a parrot ( "we did it for them, for democracy" ) does not stand anymore, when they were sucked out of their resources and Europe is now paying the bill...

you keep saying 5 planes.

you cant even get that right. the rest of your post is equal bullfluff fueled by ignorance, fear, and bigotry.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford



Sep 9th 2015, 23:00:32

Originally posted by mrford:
Originally posted by Alin:
Cerbus is not exactlly alone. Altought i don`t share all of his ideeas, anti imigrant political parties are growing in numbers and % all over the EU. And that could lead to racism and ethnic mess...

You can`t really call "racist" people who don`t want imigrants. Or are against getting imigrants in their home land. Is like people calling USA racist for throwing thosands of mexicans over board, monthly.


Originally posted by Angel1:
Originally posted by Alin:
Should be no news for anyone around.

However, i think USA should take at least 50% + 1 of those. The entire N africa, and Middle East is in chaos because forced democracy failed... the main pawn in that destabilization is USA, thus it must take it's share.

This makes the assumption that without US intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Middle East would not be in chaos. That's a bold assumption to make. Afghanistan is a chaotic place in the best of circumstances and Taliban rule can hardly be called the best of circumstances. Saddam Hussein was a ruthless dictator in a country that was super-majority against him.

We can't rewind the clock and move forward making other decisions in an academic exercise with any sort of certainty. However, before Saddam Hussein was taken out, the Middle East was still ruled by a number of dictators that oppressed significantly parts of their population (for good reason or not). Before Saddam Hussein was removed, the Kurdish Peshmerga was still armed. Before the Iraq invasion, Libya still had a WMD program. Moving forward into an Arab Spring with these facts would have been even more chaotic than it is now. The Iraqi Kurds almost certainly would declare independence in that situation and then Turkey would likely blow into chaos.

Now USA intervention in Afghanistan dates since 1979 when CIA armed and financed the mujahideen to fight the russians in Afghanistan. It`s a small piece of the cold war but CIA actually created/financed Osamma Ben Laden and his fanatical group. Surelly CIA shooted at a pigeon and killed a crow, somewhere on the road things changed and now the entire world is talking about the greatest terrorist of all time, but never forget how it started... Is your own mess that bite back decades after. Surely if you ask Mrford, this never existed... all that exists were 5 planes coming out of nowwhere,hitting the WTC and etc.

Iraq is another story. Going for the WMDS, never finding WMDS and coming back with contracts of billions for oil extraction, reconstruction of Iraq. Also giving air to an already suffocated weapons industry ( you gotta use those weapons somewhere in order to make others ).

Somewere btw 1990 and 2015 you managed to totally destablize a large zone right in our neighbourhood. The overall mess in Middle East and North Africa is mainly your fault, with EU tacit agreement. Europe is slowly becoming a refugee camp for decades now... and things are swifting with speed. ISIS grows in numbers and there is a wave of imigrants crossing from North Africa and Middle East into Turkey,Greece,Serbia Macedonia and finally to the developed countries in UE. Among them 100% there are ISIS cells... and we all know their intentions.

The above being said, i care less if the entire people of Iraq were agains Saddam. Is their job to overthrow their dictator and change their country. I don`t care what Gadaffi was or done... i basically don`t care about Syria dictator or North Coreea. Hundred of millions died in order to overthrow regime after regime in this part of the world, thousands of revolution and riots happend in the last 2000 years in order to achive the current status. Is anyones duty to go rebel and overthrow a leader they don`t like or a political class that does nothing for them... not mine or yours.

But his crow dressed as a parrot ( "we did it for them, for democracy" ) does not stand anymore, when they were sucked out of their resources and Europe is now paying the bill...

you keep saying 5 planes.

you cant even get that right. the rest of your post is equal bullfluff fueled by ignorance, fear, and bigotry.

Lol at all the oil we got from IRAQ... must have been the devious plans of America to enrich the Chinese...

mrford Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 23:03:13

dont tell him that the US is the top oil producer in the world again and that is why OPEC is crashing the markets to make it economically unsustainable for our new shale industry to break even or grow.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford



Sep 9th 2015, 23:04:45

Originally posted by mrford:
dont tell him that the US is the top oil producer in the world again and that is why OPEC is crashing the markets.

We are the reason OPEC can no longer create a cartel and artifically manipulate the price of oil. He pays less for oil because of America... but he can ignore that.

Heston Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 23:04:56

Originally posted by TAN:
Heston you don't have kids, do you?

If you wish to make a point, go ahead. Im not some fluffbag simp that will make it for you.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

TAN Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 23:05:31

@the fake marine:

Are you daft or something? Do you just talk first and think later, or do you think at all? Do you even know anything about unions? Do you like that Ford truck you're driving? That was built by a union, genius, so you want to go tell all those auto workers about their meaningless jobs? The United Automobile Workers Union was founded in 1937, so are you going to blame that communist FDR or just stick to your Obama/Socialist circlejerk?

I can still defend Islam from bigots like you without being a Muslim, just like I can report your offensive comments about Gypsies to the mods without being a Gypsy myself.

And holy fluff read a fluffing book. Trying to read through that bilge nearly gave me a seizure.

You can barely read and write English. There are kids who speak it as their third and fourth language better than you. Think about that for a moment. You are an American, born and raised here, and you're ILLITERATE. Now that is sad. You can add that to your fake Marine credentials, fake war stories and fake disabilities.

TAN Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 23:06:32

Heston my point is you call these people running away cowards, but if you were trying to protect your children or grandchildren, wife or whatever, wouldn't you try to escape and find a better life for them?

archaic Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 23:06:50

Originally posted by Alin:

Somewere btw 1990 and 2015 you managed to totally destablize a large zone right in our neighbourhood. The overall mess in Middle East and North Africa is mainly your fault, with EU tacit agreement.

U wot mate?

So you are saying that the middle east WAS stable prior to US intervention in 1990? So the whole 30 years of Isreal-Egypt war, Quadafi in Lybia, Iran-Iraq war, Iranian Revolt, Lockerby bombing, PLO, Olympic attack . . . all of that was just my imagination?

Alin, you're a teenager aren't you?
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

mrford Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 23:08:00

Originally posted by TAN:
@the fake marine:

Are you daft or something? Do you just talk first and think later, or do you think at all? Do you even know anything about unions? Do you like that Ford truck you're driving? That was built by a union, genius, so you want to go tell all those auto workers about their meaningless jobs? The United Automobile Workers Union was founded in 1937, so are you going to blame that communist FDR or just stick to your Obama/Socialist circlejerk?

I can still defend Islam from bigots like you without being a Muslim, just like I can report your offensive comments about Gypsies to the mods without being a Gypsy myself.

And holy fluff read a fluffing book. Trying to read through that bilge nearly gave me a seizure.

You can barely read and write English. There are kids who speak it as their third and fourth language better than you. Think about that for a moment. You are an American, born and raised here, and you're ILLITERATE. Now that is sad. You can add that to your fake Marine credentials, fake war stories and fake disabilities.

to be fair, unions ruined the american auto industry, and that is a fact. paying some barly functioning retard $50 an hour to stamp steel is almost as comical as expecting to be able to compete with foreign manufacturers with those labor rates.

unions were needed when upton sinclare was writing books, but lawyers and news coverage have replaced the need for them. they are little more than corrupt rackets now.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Alin Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 23:10:13

YEa sure - Chevron has nothing to do with the Iraq oil. How ignorant you two can be... well one is a proven retard "shoot first ask question later"... mentally ill i suspect too.

The other one is just an ignorant ass. Fear? i am not afraid of nothing... Ignorant? That is so funny coming from you... Bigotry, you are the king in this place...

IF the only hibe you can find in my post are 5 planes instead of 4 than thank you for reading.

TAN Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 23:10:38

That may be true mrford, but unions are what *started* the auto industry, more or less. That union has been around 3/4ths of a century.



Sep 9th 2015, 23:11:24

Originally posted by TAN:
@the fake marine:

Are you daft or something? Do you just talk first and think later, or do you think at all? Do you even know anything about unions? Do you like that Ford truck you're driving? That was built by a union, genius, so you want to go tell all those auto workers about their meaningless jobs? The United Automobile Workers Union was founded in 1937, so are you going to blame that communist FDR or just stick to your Obama/Socialist circlejerk?

I can still defend Islam from bigots like you without being a Muslim, just like I can report your offensive comments about Gypsies to the mods without being a Gypsy myself.

And holy fluff read a fluffing book. Trying to read through that bilge nearly gave me a seizure.

You can barely read and write English. There are kids who speak it as their third and fourth language better than you. Think about that for a moment. You are an American, born and raised here, and you're ILLITERATE. Now that is sad. You can add that to your fake Marine credentials, fake war stories and fake disabilities.

I know I stopped our shop folks from getting a new un I n contract.... I do know a thing or two about unions.

Must suck to be them... and you...

TAN Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 23:12:05

Anyway mrford my point is that the auto workers' union was founded in 1937, so it's more than slightly idiotic to call it some socialist Obama policy like ssewellusmc is posting.



Sep 9th 2015, 23:12:37

Originally posted by TAN:
That may be true mrford, but unions are what *started* the auto industry, more or less. That union has been around 3/4ths of a century.

Henry ford started the auto industry... anyone can turn a wrench ding dong.



Sep 9th 2015, 23:15:09

Originally posted by TAN:
Anyway mrford my point is that the auto workers' union was founded in 1937, so it's more than slightly idiotic to call it some socialist Obama policy like ssewellusmc is posting.

You boy Oboma is a socialist... pushing union labor to pander votes for his base. Hitler was a socialist too.

See textbook

mrford Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 23:15:42

Originally posted by Alin:
YEa sure - Chevron has nothing to do with the Iraq oil. How ignorant you two can be... well one is a proven retard "shoot first ask question later"... mentally ill i suspect too.

The other one is just an ignorant ass. Fear? i am not afraid of nothing... Ignorant? That is so funny coming from you... Bigotry, you are the king in this place...

IF the only hibe you can find in my post are 5 planes instead of 4 than thank you for reading.

chevron? lol.

your information is either out of date or wrong on every single point you make.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Alin Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 23:15:56

Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by Alin:

Somewere btw 1990 and 2015 you managed to totally destablize a large zone right in our neighbourhood. The overall mess in Middle East and North Africa is mainly your fault, with EU tacit agreement.

U wot mate?

So you are saying that the middle east WAS stable prior to US intervention in 1990? So the whole 30 years of Isreal-Egypt war, Quadafi in Lybia, Iran-Iraq war, Iranian Revolt, Lockerby bombing, PLO, Olympic attack . . . all of that was just my imagination?

Alin, you're a teenager aren't you?

No it was not. But the dictators keept things under control. Nowdays the zone is experiencing forced democracy ... the parrot and the crow. That zone is not ready for democracy and must earn it first by their own riot and revolution. Not forced into...

TAN Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 23:15:56

Never go full retard, ssewellusmc.

mrford Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 23:17:19

Originally posted by Alin:
Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by Alin:

Somewere btw 1990 and 2015 you managed to totally destablize a large zone right in our neighbourhood. The overall mess in Middle East and North Africa is mainly your fault, with EU tacit agreement.

U wot mate?

So you are saying that the middle east WAS stable prior to US intervention in 1990? So the whole 30 years of Isreal-Egypt war, Quadafi in Lybia, Iran-Iraq war, Iranian Revolt, Lockerby bombing, PLO, Olympic attack . . . all of that was just my imagination?

Alin, you're a teenager aren't you?

No it was not. But the dictators keept things under control. Nowdays the zone is experiencing forced democracy ... the parrot and the crow. That zone is not ready for democracy and must earn it first by their own riot and revolution. Not forced into...

and if they started theor own revolutions, im sure there would be no refugees from that either?

just come out as an ultranationalist already. we get it.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford



Sep 9th 2015, 23:19:22

Originally posted by TAN:
Never go full retard, ssewellusmc.

I didn't... hence I am at at-will employee able to negotiate a wage based on my potential, rather than everyone one of the lazy tards who joined the union. I like the fact that I am paid 4x more than our former union employees.



Sep 9th 2015, 23:20:27

Originally posted by mrford:
Originally posted by Alin:
Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by Alin:

Somewere btw 1990 and 2015 you managed to totally destablize a large zone right in our neighbourhood. The overall mess in Middle East and North Africa is mainly your fault, with EU tacit agreement.

U wot mate?

So you are saying that the middle east WAS stable prior to US intervention in 1990? So the whole 30 years of Isreal-Egypt war, Quadafi in Lybia, Iran-Iraq war, Iranian Revolt, Lockerby bombing, PLO, Olympic attack . . . all of that was just my imagination?

Alin, you're a teenager aren't you?

No it was not. But the dictators keept things under control. Nowdays the zone is experiencing forced democracy ... the parrot and the crow. That zone is not ready for democracy and must earn it first by their own riot and revolution. Not forced into...

and if they started theor own revolutions, im sure there would be no refugees from that either?

just come out as an ultranationalist already. we get it.


archaic Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 23:22:17

Originally posted by Alin:
. . . the dictators keept things under control . . .

I honestly cannot really even begin to improve on that.

Nobody forced tunisa, egypt, lybia, iran or syria to revolt. Did we support people seeking a better life for their children, yep - did we shove them through the door? Hardly. Your grasp of history is pretty shakey Alin, I watched Anwar Sadat die live on television when I was a kid, I'm not really sure how the 'dictators kept things under control' was working out him, and I'm pretty sure it was not working out to well for his descendants.

Aren't you from Romania Alin?
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Alin Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 23:22:48

Lol at all the oil we got from IRAQ... must have been the devious plans of America to enrich the Chinese...

Well you had to pay 1%(or something) of the total debt to the People's Republic of China. But you are not smart enough to make all the connections. Others are, but don`t want to, in this AT place...

Edited By: Alin on Sep 9th 2015, 23:26:31



Sep 9th 2015, 23:23:31

Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by Alin:
. . . the dictators keept things under control . . .

I honestly cannot really even begin to improve on that.

Nobody forced tunisa, egypt, lybia, iran or syria to revolt. Did we support people seeking a better life for their children, yep - did we shove them through the door? Hardly. Your grasp of history is pretty shakey Alin, I watched Anwar Sadat die live on television when I was a kid, I'm not really sure how the 'dictators kept things under control' was working out him, and I'm pretty sure it was not working out to well for his descendants.

Aren't you from Romania Alin?

Lol, why yes he is a gypsy from Romania... shocking, I know.

TAN Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 23:26:19

Actually Alin is right, the dictators did keep things under control. However, it was a ticking time bomb of discontent that exploded. However, it wasn't the Arab Spring that destabilized Iraq, it wasn't the Arab Spring that created Al Qaeda and it wasn't the Arab Spring that created ISIL (although it helped).

I'm not blaming America for these things (well...except for Iraq and partially Al Qaeda) - there are lots of different factors - but to just point to the failures of the dictators isn't necessarily true...look at Morocco, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the UAE, Oman and Jordan. Those countries are solidly stable, and they all are led by dictators.

Aaaand now I'm going to stop because I don't even know if I had a point in writing this. Just some extra context I guess, heh.

Alin Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 23:28:28

Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by Alin:
. . . the dictators keept things under control . . .

I honestly cannot really even begin to improve on that.

Nobody forced tunisa, egypt, lybia, iran or syria to revolt. Did we support people seeking a better life for their children, yep - did we shove them through the door? Hardly. Your grasp of history is pretty shakey Alin, I watched Anwar Sadat die live on television when I was a kid, I'm not really sure how the 'dictators kept things under control' was working out him, and I'm pretty sure it was not working out to well for his descendants.

Aren't you from Romania Alin?

I did never said Dictators were good for people or that dictaorship is a good regime, i just said they keept things under control. I come from a country that was comunist until 1989. And if you think nobody forced the above into revolt our discussion must be terminated right ahead...

mrford Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 23:28:56

Originally posted by TAN:
Actually Alin is right, the dictators did keep things under control. However, it was a ticking time bomb of discontent that exploded. However, it wasn't the Arab Spring that destabilized Iraq, it wasn't the Arab Spring that created Al Qaeda and it wasn't the Arab Spring that created ISIL (although it helped).

I'm not blaming America for these things (well...except for Iraq and partially Al Qaeda) - there are lots of different factors - but to just point to the failures of the dictators isn't necessarily true...look at Morocco, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the UAE, Oman and Jordan. Those countries are solidly stable, and they all are led by dictators.

Aaaand now I'm going to stop because I don't even know if I had a point in writing this. Just some extra context I guess, heh.

Well, I mean, as long as the deaths are from murderous dictators and not war, everything is fine!

The US helps, and we fluffed the region up. The US doesn’t help, and we are turning our back on humanitarian crises.

fluffed if you do, fluffed if you dont, might as well do what you want.

Edited By: mrford on Sep 9th 2015, 23:32:13
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford



Sep 9th 2015, 23:30:05

Originally posted by mrford:
Originally posted by TAN:
Actually Alin is right, the dictators did keep things under control. However, it was a ticking time bomb of discontent that exploded. However, it wasn't the Arab Spring that destabilized Iraq, it wasn't the Arab Spring that created Al Qaeda and it wasn't the Arab Spring that created ISIL (although it helped).

I'm not blaming America for these things (well...except for Iraq and partially Al Qaeda) - there are lots of different factors - but to just point to the failures of the dictators isn't necessarily true...look at Morocco, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the UAE, Oman and Jordan. Those countries are solidly stable, and they all are led by dictators.

Aaaand now I'm going to stop because I don't even know if I had a point in writing this. Just some extra context I guess, heh.

well, i mean, as long as the deaths are from murderous dictators and not war, everything is fine!

Tards are gonna tard...

TAN Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 23:34:34

ssewellusmc, hush the adults are talking now. Go take your fake PTSD medicine for your fake PTSD and go to sleep.

Originally posted by mrford:

well, i mean, as long as the deaths are from murderous dictators and not war, everything is fine!

the US helps, and we fluffed the regon up. the US doesnt help, and we are turning our back on himanatarian crisises.

fluffed if you do, fluffed if you dont, might as well do what you want.

Not sure what you mean here ford. I never said this was all of America's fault. But it wasn't the Arab Spring that destablized Iraq and caused a power vacuum.

And "try to help"? No one asked for America's "help". They made up a fake excuse that everyone knew was bullfluff. However, for the sake of argument, let's say that America was genuine - either way, the resulting power vacuum is on us.

Finally, much, *much* more people have died in Iraq as a result of the power vacuum than were killed under Saddam (surprisingly, since he was a bloodthirsty dictator). I know tons of Shia Iraqis who wish the war never happened. Shia Iraqis dude.

mrford Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 23:38:07

I highly doubt more people have died since saddam, considering he started 2 regional wars and was involved in a third. Not even including him killing his own people. I’m going to need sources.

And no one asked for the USes help? Really? I’m not talking about WMDs here; I’m talking about the region as a whole. Every time I read a news story someone is complaining that the US isn’t helping enough. Ofc it is balanced out by someone complaining about drone strikes or something, but my point remains.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Heston Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 23:38:08

And thats islam in a nutshell folks.
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯



Sep 9th 2015, 23:38:37

Originally posted by TAN:
ssewellusmc, hush the adults are talking now. Go take your fake PTSD medicine for your fake PTSD and go to sleep.

Originally posted by mrford:

well, i mean, as long as the deaths are from murderous dictators and not war, everything is fine!

the US helps, and we fluffed the regon up. the US doesnt help, and we are turning our back on himanatarian crisises.

fluffed if you do, fluffed if you dont, might as well do what you want.

Not sure what you mean here ford. I never said this was all of America's fault. But it wasn't the Arab Spring that destablized Iraq and caused a power vacuum.

And "try to help"? No one asked for America's "help". They made up a fake excuse that everyone knew was bullfluff. However, for the sake of argument, let's say that America was genuine - either way, the resulting power vacuum is on us.

Finally, much, *much* more people have died in Iraq as a result of the power vacuum than were killed under Saddam (surprisingly, since he was a bloodthirsty dictator). I know tons of Shia Iraqis who wish the war never happened. Shia Iraqis dude.

Again... statements without facts from the village idiot.



Sep 9th 2015, 23:39:40

Originally posted by mrford:
I highly doubt more people have died since saddam, considering he started 2 regional wars and was involved in a third. Not even including him killing his own people. I’m going to need sources.

And no one asked for the USes help? Really? I’m not talking about WMDs here; I’m talking about the region as a whole. Every time I read a news story someone is complaining that the US isn’t helping enough. Ofc it is balanced out by someone complaining about drone strikes or something, but my point remains.

I think he forgot the whole war with Iran... woops, wasn't convienent for his CNN talking points.

Alin Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 23:41:34

Lol this swell guy went full retard so many times it almost redifined the meaning of the phrase.

Anyway pizza is ready ... cya tommorrow you bunch of numbs.

TAN Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 23:44:43

I don't watch CNN, it's just as fluff as Fox actually. Would you stfu already you fakeass Marine and go to sleep? Big boys are talking.

And actually mrford you have a point, I *did* forget about that war, so if you include that (which we should), then you're right.



Sep 9th 2015, 23:44:45

Originally posted by Alin:
Lol this swell guy went full retard so many times it almost redifined the meaning of the phrase.

Anyway pizza is ready ... cya tommorrow you bunch of numbs.

At least Alin Anus is your friend tan... I guess you can call that a win.



Sep 9th 2015, 23:47:30

Originally posted by TAN:
I don't watch CNN, it's just as fluff as Fox actually. Would you stfu already you fakeass Marine and go to sleep? Big boys are talking.

And actually mrford you have a point, I *did* forget about that war, so if you include that (which we should), then you're right.

No, you get your retarded talking points from somewhere and don't think about what you say... ever. fluff off.

FYI - war caused by dictator caused the following death toll during the Iraq Iran war:

The Correlates of War Project, another major scholarly dataset, estimates 500,000 Iraqi dead and 750,000 Iranian dead.

A war caused by two muslim dictatorships. Iraq invaded Kuwait too... tons of Iraqi's got mowed down for that too.

Must suck to be you.

Heston Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 23:50:50

Tan = taqiyya.. Right atheist?
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

mrford Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 23:54:27

Originally posted by TAN:
I don't watch CNN, it's just as fluff as Fox actually. Would you stfu already you fakeass Marine and go to sleep? Big boys are talking.

And actually mrford you have a point, I *did* forget about that war, so if you include that (which we should), then you're right.

I have 7 news apps on my phone. CNN, BBC America, Al Jazeera (dirka dirka), Associated Press, and a local channel for where i live and where my parents live. I like reading the differing styles and views and form my own opinion.

I would like to think that i am pretty well informed despite my sarcastic tendencies.

Edited By: mrford on Sep 9th 2015, 23:57:49
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

TAN Game profile


Sep 10th 2015, 0:01:57

ssewellusmc stfu son you done talkin now k?

braden Game profile


Sep 10th 2015, 0:04:27

Originally posted by TAN:
ssewellusmc stfu son you done talkin now k?

tan has dun spoke.. to argue would be racisn.



Sep 10th 2015, 0:04:59

Nope.. must suck for you. You continue to spout bullfluff you can't back up. Must suck to be a poli-sci major doing manual labor... good choice.



Sep 10th 2015, 0:05:49

Originally posted by braden:
Originally posted by TAN:
ssewellusmc stfu son you done talkin now k?

tan has dun spoke.. to argue would be racisn.

Tan has already showed his antiaemitism. He is just too cowardly to actually admit it.

TAN Game profile


Sep 10th 2015, 0:06:57

AND international studies. i didn't double major just to be called just a "poli-sci major".

TAN Game profile


Sep 10th 2015, 0:08:00

What fake Marine with fake PTSD with fake friends says doesn't bother me, so keep on talkin, kid.

braden Game profile


Sep 10th 2015, 0:09:15

i was offered a rhodes scholarship but cecil rgodes was a deplorable racist so i didnt accept.