
Sov Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 6:47:54

To be clear regarding RD, at the time of the meeting we had not finalized our pact but then I got back involved and we hammered out a deal. Because nothing had been done we thought RD had been stalling but we were mistaken.

The pact terms are fine and I agreed to them.

<3 Charcoal

Duna Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 7:03:49

SoL is ranked to high.

Sifos Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 7:05:50

I am...

...not reading that wall of text.
Imaginary Numbers
If you're important enough to contact me, you will know how to contact me.
Self appointed emperor of the Order of Bunnies.
The only way to be certain your allies will not betray you is to kill them all!

Jiman Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 7:28:57

Originally posted by Duna:
SoL is ranked to high.



Apr 25th 2012, 7:38:35

PG is picking another man over me.

SoF v PDM/RD has been going on for YEARS. How was it even scheming when SoF is just getting ready for the obvious, when PDM refuses to pact SoF?

How does PDM come to AT and cry about being 'blind sided' when you guys refuse to pact SoF? There was conflict, and it wasn't resolved, and you think SoF will just let you guys get away with it?

If this is the reason why pang has gone MIA, he's just ragequitting like slagpit did.

Got a problem with SoF? Get RD, ICN, and even RAGE together and go at them. All three alliances were mentioned multiple times in various demeaning terms. I'm sure no matter how 'bad' you are, 4v1 should at least be an even fight.

LaF vs MD/SOL/EVO? LaF VS SOL has been on for years, EVO just likes trash talking too much (Or is it just KJ and anononomnomnom?), MD just dropped an FDP to try to GB. LaF's main concern was to avoid being GBed and wanted to confirm that ynot's signing an uNAP would hold up.

The entire log consisted of LaF and SoF heads trying to ensure that Omega got to netgain as usual, and not having to drop any allies or break long term pact with MD.

Trying to look out for Rival/LCN and discuss upon possible threats that might occur, and how it might develop involving other alliances.

Calculating threats of borderline sitting alliances, and considering allies that can be brought in to effectively neutralize threats.

The conclusion is that, you can call it a coalition, or a network of netgainers (Omega, NM, Rival, LCN, LaF ) and a friendly war alliance (SoF) working together to make sure that over half of the group was able to netgain.


As for anonomnomnom's obsession with LT?

LT's country that reset never got deleted, the account was removed a few good months after.

Fact : LT never ran two countries at the same time, thus, not cheating. If grabbing EVO = cheating, then sure.

~LaF's Retired Janitor~

Alin Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 7:46:13

I got it now - Laf Lcn Rival and Omega are like the 4 hobbits.
And Sof is somekind of Boromir ...

Devestation Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 8:17:02

Not gonna criticize or mince it; these logs are approximately what I figured what was going on anyway. All the same; I dearly, dearly hope I get the opportunity to help put SoF/LaF in the mud for this sometime over the next 6 months. Warchats erryday.

Devestation Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 8:18:04

Originally posted by Alin:
I got it now - Laf Lcn Rival and Omega are like the 4 hobbits.
And Sof is somekind of Boromir ...

anoniem Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 8:24:51

Originally posted by Sov:
Anoniem that line you keep posting that I said... I do not know why you think that to me some big secret!

I posted on the MX site why I hate ICN, why I want to wipe them from the game and why I wouldn't do it in detail... with another ICN member on there discussing it with me! It is no secret ;)

You could have just copied that thread instead as you are on that site :p

Where have I quoted you? Or is everyone in Laf/sof upset that everyone knows you for the conniving rats you really are?

P.S. God help LaF if they've given Forgotten anything other than Public Forum access.

Edited By: anoniem on Apr 25th 2012, 8:32:09
See Original Post

anoniem Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 8:33:49

Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by Pride:
Originally posted by TaSk1:
Yea rival too actually they destroyed evo couple sets ago, but pdm has been disabled and crippled for the set and only pose a threat to dora the explorer.

Lmao EVO was gangbanged by rival and Laf. Let's see rival beat EVO this set ;)

Evo tried to bully them then :P lets not go into old topics

18:43 Son_Goku what are the odds of evo not pacting rival and trying
to hit rival after we all pact? heh
18:43 S|snake when have evo ever warred for themselves....

Locket, proven to be an idiot again. Next?

st0ny Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 8:40:06

posting for bonus :D
Originally posted by LATC:
"Don't complain. Assess & adjust."

Drow Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 9:10:07

Immy: nice post.
Honestly, there's really nothing surprising in there.

Paradigm President of failed speeling

"EE's DILF" - Coalie

Mr Charcoal Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 9:20:47

I havent been Immy in close to a decade lol
Originally posted by NOW3P:
Religion is like a penis - it's perfectly fine to have one, but you're best served not whipping it out in public and waving it in people's faces.

ebola Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 9:25:51

Originally posted by MrCharcoal:
Mr Charcoal's Rant (not RD related)

Mr. Charcoal, the voice of reason. To bad it already appears to be lost in the he-did-she-did.

henrik Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 9:28:35

So allies aren't allowed to talk with each other and see who can help who in case someone hit anyone of us. Gotcha.

Drow: I do believe both I and goku somewhere in that wall of text said we didn't think pdm were going to hit sof.

Drow Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 9:44:30

henrik: you and goku might have, but SoF were convinced :p
Immy: you'll always be immy to us in PDM I suspect ;)

Paradigm President of failed speeling

"EE's DILF" - Coalie

thehiphopdrug Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 9:56:09

if you think anyone wants to read that transcript...
xyle i missed everything you said...
Those midgets are funny. Sometimes I'd like to hold a midget. They always want to sit in the front seat. -Taxi Driver

I did know something that I didn't... But it wasn't that. - Ignignokt

anoniem Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 10:24:12

henrik and ebola:

you are in a conversation with your allies who are also talking about "dealing" with one of your FDPs i.e. EVO.

I dropped you from FDP 4 years ago, because you added the term "If EVO hit MD the FDP will become voided". Fair enough some FDPs do more for you, but that was 'retarded' (IARETEHLEET Omega FA ‎(16:14): but yeah, that clause is kind of retarded).
Angel1 then apologised a set or two after and asked to upgrade the pact up to a LDP.

A couple of sets after that:
Angel1 [14:24]:
Angel1 [14:24]:
As I understand it, The Omega remained true to allies that we considered brothers. This frequently put us into conflict with both of you because you and Moral Decay tended to end up on opposite sides. Moral Decay has chosen a different future and thus this conflict does not exist. I would welcome discussions on exactly where we stand on allies. As I understand it, you are now conflicting with SoF/SoL.
Anoniem[EVO] [14:39]:
i'll get back to you asap. but for now let's keep the LDP. i'll have to speak to the VP about the FDP upgrade. i'll msg you later today or tomorrow morning!

You only want to be friends with EVO when you lose backing elsewhere i.e. MD left the game. I resigned the FDP in good faith again 2 years ago. You spoke about EVO getting gangbanged by SOL/SOF, but where exactly were you when this was occurring? Lapping up our meaningless FDP and preaching about honouring pacts? You've never honoured a pact with EVO in 4 years+. I thought you as an alliance that liked to netgain would be a good ally, because we had the same common goal, but instead you are sitting in conversations that directly conflict your allies and then have the gusto to preach about there being nothing wrong?

You have and always will sign FDPs with no intention of honouring them, because certain alliances "mean" more to you or you go "way back". Three resets ago I asked you to stay out of the LaF war, because I felt they had broken a pact and by you FSing TIE (who were defending Evo) or whatever you were effectively going to war with EVO. You only get involved in wars whereby you can win and have the most alliances protecting you.

You don't give two hoots except trying to appease whatever side has the highest numbers.

I have nothing to say about LCN, because I feel that their intentions have actually been honourable, and I can understand their dislike of SOL, as I've experienced the same thing, and in fact I still have a clause in my SOL pact that can dissolve it (immediately) if SOL decided to FS LCN/OMEGA or any of our other FDPs. It's a shame that people don't treat EVO in the same manner.

And, Angel1 it's no wonder MD don't trust Omega if you're sitting in on conversations about how to effectively deal with them if they become troublesome. You are directly plotting against your so called "friends" with your "bigger friends".

I haven't seen as much cowardice in 1 conversation in my entire life.

And, that my friend is why I'm done with you and "your" game.

pele Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 10:29:14

So Little about Tie.. i wanted more juicy stuff :p

BattleKJ Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 11:06:17

Originally posted by Lord Tarnava:
anon and KJ are filthy liars and cheaters,

KJ has actually ran bots on alliances. Pure scum

This thread is not in anyway about me or anoniem.

Murf Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 11:26:47

This thread is most amusing

Alin Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 11:41:28

Originally posted by BattleKJ:
Originally posted by Lord Tarnava:
anon and KJ are filthy liars and cheaters,

KJ has actually ran bots on alliances. Pure scum

This thread is not in anyway about me or anoniem.

A true magician deflects the attention of the persons in the "audience" with some gesture or piece of stagecraft, while his other hand does the work.

NukEvil Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 12:09:28

Well, we all know what LaF leaders do with their "other" hands, amiritebro?? ;)
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

Alin Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 12:31:49

You mean that kinky, dirty on line thing ? ( killing Sol in 1a this reset ? ).

I am thinking to replace Laf position in the hobbit world. I think the hobbits are Omega, NM, Rival and LCN.
Laf is the Gollum.
And Sof is Boromir.

Devestation Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 14:37:01

Originally posted by NukEvil:
Well, we all know what LaF leaders do with their "other" hands, amiritebro?? ;)

They use their other hands to hold their Heinekens™

SMz Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 14:41:59

well said MrCharcoal.

after seeing this theard and comments I can finally say you guys have no life... espically Evo dudes (who probably posted this lmao).

anoniem Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 14:48:09

Originally posted by SMz:
well said MrCharcoal.

after seeing this theard and comments I can finally say you guys have no life... espically Evo dudes (who probably posted this lmao).

Says the dude who stays online at all hours to stonewall.
Not to mention your cheating back in the day :)

SMz Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 15:23:45

I never cheated in earth exept running 2 countries 1 or 2 sets in 1A... unlike Evo heads who ran bots.

I haven't played earth for a year unlike you dude , its obvious that you posted this theard , you really need to get a life :)

btw should I remind you I got killed cause I was in a party? unlike you who stays home all day haha

Pride Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 15:30:42

[quote poster=anoniem; 17078; 313206]henrik and ebola:

you are in a conversation with your allies who are also talking about "dealing" with one of your FDPs i.e. EVO.

I dropped you from FDP 4 years ago, because you added the term "If EVO hit MD the FDP will become voided". Fair enough some FDPs do more for you, but that was 'retarded' (IARETEHLEET Omega FA ‎(16:14): but yeah, that clause is kind of retarded).
Angel1 then apologised a set or two after and asked to upgrade the pact up to a LDP.

A couple of sets after that:
Angel1 [14:24]:
Angel1 [14:24]:
As I understand it, The Omega remained true to allies that we considered brothers. This frequently put us into conflict with both of you because you and Moral Decay tended to end up on opposite sides. Moral Decay has chosen a different future and thus this conflict does not exist. I would welcome discussions on exactly where we stand on allies. As I understand it, you are now conflicting with SoF/SoL.
Anoniem[EVO] [14:39]:
i'll get back to you asap. but for now let's keep the LDP. i'll have to speak to the VP about the FDP upgrade. i'll msg you later today or tomorrow morning!

You only want to be friends with EVO when you lose backing elsewhere i.e. MD left the game. I resigned the FDP in good faith again 2 years ago. You spoke about EVO getting gangbanged by SOL/SOF, but where exactly were you when this was occurring? Lapping up our meaningless FDP and preaching about honouring pacts? You've never honoured a pact with EVO in 4 years+. I thought you as an alliance that liked to netgain would be a good ally, because we had the same common goal, but instead you are sitting in conversations that directly conflict your allies and then have the gusto to preach about there being nothing wrong?

You have and always will sign FDPs with no intention of honouring them, because certain alliances "mean" more to you or you go "way back". Three resets ago I asked you to stay out of the LaF war, because I felt they had broken a pact and by you FSing TIE (who were defending Evo) or whatever you were effectively going to war with EVO. You only get involved in wars whereby you can win and have the most alliances protecting you.

You don't give two hoots except trying to appease whatever side has the highest numbers.

I have nothing to say about LCN, because I feel that their intentions have actually been honourable, and I can understand their dislike of SOL, as I've experienced the same thing, and in fact I still have a clause in my SOL pact that can dissolve it (immediately) if SOL decided to FS LCN/OMEGA or any of our other FDPs. It's a shame that people don't treat EVO in the same manner.

And, Angel1 it's no wonder MD don't trust Omega if you're sitting in on conversations about how to effectively deal with them if they become troublesome. You are directly plotting against your so called "friends" with your "bigger friends".

I haven't seen as much cowardice in 1 conversation in my entire life.

And, that my friend is why I'm done with you and "your" game. [/quote]


Pride Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 15:32:05

Originally posted by SMz:
I never cheated in earth exept running 2 countries 1 or 2 sets in 1A... unlike Evo heads who ran bots.

I haven't played earth for a year unlike you dude , its obvious that you posted this theard , you really need to get a life :)

btw should I remind you I got killed cause I was in a party? unlike you who stays home all day haha

If you don't even play anymore what's your reason for being here ? ;)

SMz Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 16:15:32

Im playing this set dude , you think I'd be posting in here if I wasn't? Im not a life-less geek like anoniem :)

anoniem Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 16:31:16

Originally posted by SMz:
I never cheated in earth exept running 2 countries 1 or 2 sets in 1A... unlike Evo heads who ran bots.

I haven't played earth for a year unlike you dude , its obvious that you posted this theard , you really need to get a life :)

btw should I remind you I got killed cause I was in a party? unlike you who stays home all day haha

And the rest.

You're just angry that you're banned from Evo for life. If I could be bothered with you I'd bring up some logs (from my old hd) of when you were a leader in Evo and I was in a small alliance, and threatened to kill your country if you continued to farm me. You then said I could kill retal/kill the other countries but to leave yours alone. You practically begged me. That's why I've never liked you. I couldn't careless if you played in SOL, LAF or Neofed. It's your cowardice and selfish behavior that pisses me off the most.

anoniem Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 16:33:40

And, yes I obviously posted this thread, even though I'm not afraid to voice my opinion under my own nick.

What have you been smoking today? Mr. Cool - who makes posts about MDMA on a text-based war game's forums.


Edited By: anoniem on Apr 25th 2012, 17:31:48
See Original Post



Apr 25th 2012, 16:40:56


Atryn Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 17:10:54

I rarely comment in substance on AT... First, IMHO, this is important:

18:15 OmegaAngel1 Basically, MD is our most long term ally ever.
18:16 LCNTrife same here angel1 (referring to FDP, I believe)
18:30 Son_Goku md is obsessed about their image
18:30 Son_Goku can't see them breaking a pact
18:30 LCNTrife if MD has a pact with someone, i doubt they'd break it

LaF flipped out when we went from FDP to no pact and pacted out everyone else for a 1v1 war. The point is that we did it the only way anyone considers honorable. We ended up losing any "surprise" advantage by doing it the honorable way. We also lost that war doing it the honorable way -- and, of course, being simply outmatched by well-played LaF countries.

So we learn and move on. But we aren't breaking pacts or picking on smaller alliances just because we need more farmland as other alliances have done. We took on a larger and better opponent -- how many other alliances have done that lately? Who else is actually willing to risk a likely loss to provide their membership with a real challenge?

I'm certainly frustrated that we had several allies in this chat, including FDP's, and they continue to let certain personalities dominate the conversations and speculate on MD versus just looking at our actions in-game. But thanks to those above who stuck up for us. I hope you meant those statements in earnest because we are sometimes "obsessive" about our image (although I would prefer reputation/honor).

I hope our long-term allies value that about us, especially versus others who have only proven good friends "recently".

TheORKINMan Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 17:34:42

Originally posted by MrCharcoal:
Mr Charcoal's Rant (not RD related)

I would like to start by saying that I actually read the logs. Im at work with NOTHING to do for 6 more hours. This is a response to the logs, to the rebuttals, and to AT over the last few sets.

It's quite obvious the poster is anti-Laf. The entire purpose of posting is to have everyone that isnt part of LaF / SoF get angry at the statements and do something about it. No one will.

Nothing in the logs was a lie. Some statements were opinions or bad assumptions.

Lulz: Your attention seeking behavior is annoying. Please stfu. Nothing you posted was groundbreaking. LaF and SoF are two large alliances who currently have a level of control. They wish to keep that control and plan accordingly. Every major alliance has done the same for years.

LaF: Seriously, stfu. Don't feel the need to defend yourselves. Do you realize how retarded you sound arguing every anti-Laf post? Do you what you do. It's what you have done for years.

Evo: Quit whining. If you have an issue with LaF, hit them already. Tell them you are coming, tell them not to call in allies. But you can't and won't. Instead you will cry on here about a deleted account 25 sets ago or a number 1 country that may or may not have received aid.

SoF: Stop calling our pact fluff and that you got swindled. We both know those statements are a lie. Man up and stop being sneaky about everything. You Lack class and You shouldnt. Try a friendly approach, it will make the difference in 3-5 sets.

Icn: To hell with Sov, I like you.

PDM / MD: I love how you guys take the brunt of the heat in this
log yet don't sit here and cry (short one or two). You two are by far the most stand-up alliances in this game. Let the in-game actions speak for you.

RD: Im sure when you read this you will be all "Hey Charcoal! STFU" and Im gunna be like "Hugz" and then you're gunna be like "K!" and stuff.

Here's a shocker, an RD member defends LaF
Smarter than your average bear.



Apr 25th 2012, 17:39:12

hahaha this is great. SoF aren't bullies at all...

"do you think we can bully PDM into pacting SoF"

Chevs, you talk about the SoF of old, but the big difference is that the old SoF didn't try and bully people, the old SoF fought as the underdog. The fact that you all spent so much time talking about how you could get into a war that you were positive you would win shows the balls SoF has these days...

This is not the SoF I was apart of all those years ago, that's for sure.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 17:41:43

Originally posted by TheMatrix:
hahaha this is great. SoF aren't bullies at all...

"do you think we can bully PDM into pacting SoF"

Chevs, you talk about the SoF of old, but the big difference is that the old SoF didn't try and bully people, the old SoF fought as the underdog. The fact that you all spent so much time talking about how you could get into a war that you were positive you would win shows the balls SoF has these days...

This is not the SoF I was apart of all those years ago, that's for sure.

Smarter than your average bear.

NukEvil Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 18:02:37

That's right, just keep posting on AT about it.

LaF will still be the most powerful alliance on the server, and SoF will still be the most powerful lapdog on the matter how many posts end up in this thread.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

locket Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 20:30:43

Originally posted by anoniem:
Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by Pride:
Originally posted by TaSk1:
Yea rival too actually they destroyed evo couple sets ago, but pdm has been disabled and crippled for the set and only pose a threat to dora the explorer.

Lmao EVO was gangbanged by rival and Laf. Let's see rival beat EVO this set ;)

Evo tried to bully them then :P lets not go into old topics

18:43 Son_Goku what are the odds of evo not pacting rival and trying
to hit rival after we all pact? heh
18:43 S|snake when have evo ever warred for themselves....

Locket, proven to be an idiot again. Next?

Yes that post DEFINITELY proves what you say. Stop being a retard dude. Go outside and play with the other kids.

Turtle Crawler Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 21:19:51

Originally posted by ArsenalMD:
It always amazes me how much time some people in LaF have to just camp these threads and reply to every single little thing posted about them.

I mean do you guys have to work?

As for this contention that nothing in the logs is explosive you basically just insulted ever alliance not represented in the chat and discussed how to farm or wipe certain (much smaller I might add) alliances off the server.

It is clear that the motivations you collective have is to control the server and to bully certain alliances.

It seems what goes around does come around.

This is my opinion (and probably the opinion of most MD'ers - I haven't asked all of them!). Everyone else should make up their own minds.

The funny thing is that if you were sane you would have been part of this meeting as a SOF FDP.

I think everyone here can pretty easily compare these logs to the MD/EVO/SOL logs posted last reset and draw the distinction.

PS: I see nothing wrong with killing an alliance that refused to pact you. We might have even done the same thing to MD if they hadn't asked for a pact after we fought and won on their terms.

Edited By: Turtle Crawler on Apr 25th 2012, 21:21:55
See Original Post

H4xOr WaNgEr Game profile

Forum Moderator

Apr 25th 2012, 21:27:11

Originally posted by Atryn:
I rarely comment in substance on AT... First, IMHO, this is important:

18:15 OmegaAngel1 Basically, MD is our most long term ally ever.
18:16 LCNTrife same here angel1 (referring to FDP, I believe)
18:30 Son_Goku md is obsessed about their image
18:30 Son_Goku can't see them breaking a pact
18:30 LCNTrife if MD has a pact with someone, i doubt they'd break it

LaF flipped out when we went from FDP to no pact and pacted out everyone else for a 1v1 war. The point is that we did it the only way anyone considers honorable. We ended up losing any "surprise" advantage by doing it the honorable way. We also lost that war doing it the honorable way -- and, of course, being simply outmatched by well-played LaF countries.

So we learn and move on. But we aren't breaking pacts or picking on smaller alliances just because we need more farmland as other alliances have done. We took on a larger and better opponent -- how many other alliances have done that lately? Who else is actually willing to risk a likely loss to provide their membership with a real challenge?

I'm certainly frustrated that we had several allies in this chat, including FDP's, and they continue to let certain personalities dominate the conversations and speculate on MD versus just looking at our actions in-game. But thanks to those above who stuck up for us. I hope you meant those statements in earnest because we are sometimes "obsessive" about our image (although I would prefer reputation/honor).

I hope our long-term allies value that about us, especially versus others who have only proven good friends "recently".

Dropping the FDP to hit us in no way destroyed your element of surprise. We had already been aware of your plans for weeks by that point...

archaic Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 21:33:36

Still just not feeling it, especially now that its devolved into yet another Laf-Evo hatefest.

Get a room guys, seriously, I've not seen this much repressed sexual tension since the Giligans island reunion.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

anoniem Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 21:55:09

Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:
Originally posted by Atryn:
I rarely comment in substance on AT... First, IMHO, this is important:

18:15 OmegaAngel1 Basically, MD is our most long term ally ever.
18:16 LCNTrife same here angel1 (referring to FDP, I believe)
18:30 Son_Goku md is obsessed about their image
18:30 Son_Goku can't see them breaking a pact
18:30 LCNTrife if MD has a pact with someone, i doubt they'd break it

LaF flipped out when we went from FDP to no pact and pacted out everyone else for a 1v1 war. The point is that we did it the only way anyone considers honorable. We ended up losing any "surprise" advantage by doing it the honorable way. We also lost that war doing it the honorable way -- and, of course, being simply outmatched by well-played LaF countries.

So we learn and move on. But we aren't breaking pacts or picking on smaller alliances just because we need more farmland as other alliances have done. We took on a larger and better opponent -- how many other alliances have done that lately? Who else is actually willing to risk a likely loss to provide their membership with a real challenge?

I'm certainly frustrated that we had several allies in this chat, including FDP's, and they continue to let certain personalities dominate the conversations and speculate on MD versus just looking at our actions in-game. But thanks to those above who stuck up for us. I hope you meant those statements in earnest because we are sometimes "obsessive" about our image (although I would prefer reputation/honor).

I hope our long-term allies value that about us, especially versus others who have only proven good friends "recently".

Dropping the FDP to hit us in no way destroyed your element of surprise. We had already been aware of your plans for weeks by that point...

Must be all the private messages you've been getting your hands on :)

Helmet Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 22:02:46

Nobody except the people screaming on these ridiculous threads reads them. Also, all alliances have said things in meetings they thought were private that they would have never said in public. We saw similar logs last round and I didn't let it affect our relationships.

All things considered, granted I only skimmed, I didn't see anything worthy of all of this excitement. Some of you people are such sore losers that you spend hours and hours whining on the AT. The people that don't care get the last laugh, because we're sitting back and just watching the thread count increase. All you're really doing is adding to the negativity that spreads through the game.

You guys don't even have anything to complain about. They have done a fantastic job modernizing and updating this game. Getting hit by bots and hundreds of multies is something to scream about. That's actually against the rules. The rest of this is just part of the game. It's not about what's fair/moral in your small minded opinion.

Grow some balls.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 22:17:58

Says the figurehead who's not involved and doesn't deal with any of this anymore :P
Smarter than your average bear.

Helmet Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 22:25:16

Originally posted by TheORKINMan:
Says the figurehead who's not involved and doesn't deal with any of this anymore :P

Those of us that are able to enjoy the game and ignore the whiners have the most fun. I guarantee that. I'm actively leading in the big picture. I care about who we fight and why. Who our pacts are with etc.

I couldn't care less about 100 posts from a bunch of babies.

anoniem Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 22:59:43

Originally posted by Helmet:
Nobody except the people screaming on these ridiculous threads reads them. Also, all alliances have said things in meetings they thought were private that they would have never said in public. We saw similar logs last round and I didn't let it affect our relationships.

All things considered, granted I only skimmed, I didn't see anything worthy of all of this excitement. Some of you people are such sore losers that you spend hours and hours whining on the AT. The people that don't care get the last laugh, because we're sitting back and just watching the thread count increase. All you're really doing is adding to the negativity that spreads through the game.

You guys don't even have anything to complain about. They have done a fantastic job modernizing and updating this game. Getting hit by bots and hundreds of multies is something to scream about. That's actually against the rules. The rest of this is just part of the game. It's not about what's fair/moral in your small minded opinion.

Grow some balls.

I'm not sure why you're talking about the developers of EE here. That's not the issue and isn't even the topic at hand.

Helmet Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 23:05:16

Sure it is. Enjoy the game.

anoniem Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 23:07:30

complaining about in-game antics /= complaining about mods/admins/developers