
H4xOr WaNgEr Game profile

Forum Moderator

May 2nd 2012, 23:55:31

Dibs is not in LaF, FYI.

ArsenalMD Game profile


May 3rd 2012, 14:45:27

Guess I'll need to re-name my country H4.

davidoss Game profile


May 3rd 2012, 16:09:48

Originally posted by ArsenalMD:
Guess I'll need to re-name my country H4.

We really shouldn't be trying to harbour and extend any more animosity than there already is...

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


May 3rd 2012, 16:11:59

Originally posted by Pride:
Originally posted by Dibs Ludicrous:
you're assuming that hanlong didn't also receive the information from an alternative source.

Why the hell would he recieve it from another source !? Are you kidding me ? It's people like you who give Laf a bad name. You sound completely oblivious to the fact that your head was poking in and seeing EVERYTHING.

MD wanted a fair war, we knew our biggest chance to overcome your extra members was a great FS but most of all our best chance was having the element of surprise. You don't even realize you guys FS'd us on our exact FS time lol.

me thinks that you assume too much.
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ArsenalMD Game profile


May 5th 2012, 7:52:24

I really did expect more flaming than this.

Karim Game profile


May 5th 2012, 7:59:28

Good habits never die: i had the chance to check my logs today when i logged on dead.

I saw a lot of demos attempts but not even a spy or alliance op attempt.

Guess you didn't need it again eh?

At least someone wasted 30+ turns trying to demo me.....
-[Panzer Division MD]-

ebola Game profile


May 5th 2012, 8:02:56

I'm guessing, as MD probably does to, that LaF uses high spals for (ally)spy ops, which you won't see when they're succesful.

Drow Game profile


May 5th 2012, 8:04:47

Karim: there's a good chance they got it first try. I've had situations where I have got the spy op on a country with a better spal/spy count than me with ease, whilst failing multiple oops of other forms. on the flip side, I've seen a country with over 1 mil spies and around 10k acres, fail an op on a country with literally NO spies.

Paradigm President of failed speeling

"EE's DILF" - Coalie

ArsenalMD Game profile


May 5th 2012, 8:23:28

He had 2.4 million spies and a spal before IA's of 147.

Given that I can see the op of every LaF country (legitimately) I can tell you the next closest spal is 124.

Possibly legitimate, but you won't blame us for asking the question.

Murf Game profile


May 5th 2012, 8:32:33

To be honest I think your clutching at straws now, this gonna be an excuse everytime someone dies?

Spal isn't the main thing anymore its number of spies, and as drow pointed out there can be plenty of random fails or successes

Gotta factor in spy tech and % of the luck bonus

ArsenalMD Game profile


May 5th 2012, 8:48:36

Reason I posted the facts was to show it was probably legit...

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


May 5th 2012, 9:20:31

Originally posted by Karim:
Good habits never die: i had the chance to check my logs today when i logged on dead.

I saw a lot of demos attempts but not even a spy or alliance op attempt.

Guess you didn't need it again eh?

At least someone wasted 30+ turns trying to demo me.....

might want to remember that thing that is called readiness and how to rebuild it once it gets low.
There are no messages in your Inbox.
Elvis has left the building.

locket Game profile


May 5th 2012, 9:25:24

Man if it rains tomorrow are you going to blame Laf Karim?

aqua Game profile


May 5th 2012, 11:26:28

I would.

Alin Game profile


May 5th 2012, 11:42:10

hanlong hacking meteo ? sure

Xinhuan Game profile


May 5th 2012, 12:10:33

Originally posted by Karim:
Good habits never die: i had the chance to check my logs today when i logged on dead.

I saw a lot of demos attempts but not even a spy or alliance op attempt.

Guess you didn't need it again eh?

At least someone wasted 30+ turns trying to demo me.....

Thank you for lying Karim, your country is #181 yes? All the other MD countries that died had under 1 million spies, and #181 has 2.3 mil. The following is from our Tag Admin (I logged down a full copy of it about 2 hours after our CS from my country):

2.1 hours ago
Barristan the Bold (#525) [LaF] attempted to spy on Artichoked Panzer Division MD (#181) [MD]!

2.1 hours ago
Barristan the Bold (#525) [LaF] attempted to spy on Artichoked Panzer Division MD (#181) [MD]!

2.1 hours ago
Barristan the Bold (#525) [LaF] attempted to spy on Artichoked Panzer Division MD (#181) [MD]!

2.1 hours ago
ss and en4cer spread lies (#354) [LaF] attempted to spy on Artichoked Panzer Division MD (#181) [MD]!

Karim's op (#181) was uploaded to Boxcar on May 04 10:24 PM by Erian (who is not any of the 2 spying countries above and did not bounce), your $11,799,384 NW did not change at the time of the kill over an hour later, so there was no need to reop.

Furthermore, only bounced non-harmful spyops show up on the Tag Admin, we were careful to avoid unnecessary spying during our CS.

I am certain MD's tag admin will also have logs of those bounced spying attempts. I am also sure Martian can verify all of the above easily.

ArsenalMD Game profile


May 5th 2012, 14:00:10

Xin, relax.

SolidSnake Game profile


May 5th 2012, 15:05:13

Originally posted by ArsenalMD:
Possibly legitimate, but you won't blame us for asking the question.

Originally posted by ArsenalMD:
Xin, relax.


ArsenalMD Game profile


May 5th 2012, 15:17:10

Don't troll me SS or all the good work h347 did yesterday will go to waste.

Pain Game profile


May 5th 2012, 15:24:17

step 1 call someone out for cheating
step 2 see proof they didnt cheat
step 3 act like they over reacted
step 4 PROFIT
Your mother is a nice woman

SolidSnake Game profile


May 5th 2012, 15:32:52

Originally posted by ArsenalMD:
Don't troll me SS or all the good work h347 did yesterday will go to waste.

Who is trolling, im just pointing out you asked the question, xin posted the response, and then you act like he shouldnt have. And now you're attacking me for pointing out that you asked the question.

If you want to act like a tough guy, do it to someone that gives a fluff.

Edited By: SolidSnake on May 5th 2012, 15:36:45
See Original Post

anoniem Game profile


May 5th 2012, 15:37:07

Originally posted by SolidSnake:
Originally posted by ArsenalMD:
Don't troll me SS or all the good work h347 did yesterday will go to waste.

Who is trolling, im just pointing out you asked the question xin posted the response and then you act like he shouldnt have. And now you're attacking me for pointing out that you asked the question.

If you want to act like a tough guy, do it to someone that gives a fluff.

SS for Don. He's too stupid to cheat.

SolidSnake Game profile


May 5th 2012, 15:42:20

Originally posted by anoniem:

SS for Don. He's too stupid to cheat.

See that, arsenal, is an example of trolling. A not particularly articulate example, but an example nonetheless.

anoniem Game profile


May 5th 2012, 15:51:32

[quote poster=SolidSnake; 17275; 319948]
Originally posted by anoniem:

A not particularly articulate example, but an example nonetheless.

A not particularly articulate example...


Karim Game profile


May 6th 2012, 5:38:37

I apologize for my mistake then Xin: i honestly didn't notice any failed Spy Op but then i moved on and restarted without saving any text so i didn't have any chance to double check.

Anyhow you can't really blame me for thinking bad, even if, i rehiterate for honesty, I WAS WRONG. ;)
-[Panzer Division MD]-



May 6th 2012, 6:08:11

Originally posted by Karim:
i honestly didn't notice any failed Spy Op

How could you, you were too busy continuing a witch hunt. It's okay we understand, everyone wants an excuse for why they lose. Now everytime MD gets curb stomped they will make it out as a victory because that one time LaF had 2 members that cheated.

Never mind the fact that MD had virtually no chance to win no matter the circumstances. Never mind the fact that only an idiot wouldn't know MD was planning to FS LaF. Never mind the fact that Arsehole performed this exact same trick in 03 or 04 maybe?

Don't try and blame your fluffiness on cheating. It is pretty sad that an alliance has to try and take advantage of such circumstances to win and then lie in an attempt to further sully an alliances reputation.

I also doubt that highly that LaF could give a fluff about MD or if they sign a pact again. I bet LaF runs MD off the server again for being the backstabbing pricks that they are. How many times do you intend to backstab LaF exactly and still try and take the higher ground?

This is just my opinion but I would rather have LaF on the server than some ally flip flopping backstabbers like MD.

Edit: Just for clarification I wasn't liking the direction LaF was going with their constant warring, but at least they aren't cowardly scum (except for TC and Hanlong if they actually read posts or used game data) like MD.

Edited By: Anonymous on May 6th 2012, 6:13:48
See Original Post

Karim Game profile


May 6th 2012, 6:40:56

If i was what you like to say, i wouldn't have made my apologies nor i would have posted at all, but my moral required me to.

I don't have double standards.
-[Panzer Division MD]-

ArsenalMD Game profile


May 6th 2012, 6:52:13

Originally posted by SolidSnake:
Originally posted by ArsenalMD:
Don't troll me SS or all the good work h347 did yesterday will go to waste.

Who is trolling, im just pointing out you asked the question, xin posted the response, and then you act like he shouldnt have. And now you're attacking me for pointing out that you asked the question.

If you want to act like a tough guy, do it to someone that gives a fluff.

Are you stupid? I posted evidence that it was plausible before anyone from LaF did.

Live life elsewhere.

Originally posted by ArsenalMD:
He had 2.4 million spies and a spal before IA's of 147.

Given that I can see the op of every LaF country (legitimately) I can tell you the next closest spal is 124.

Possibly legitimate, but you won't blame us for asking the question.



May 6th 2012, 7:00:45

That's all I see MD doing is running their mouth about how they only lost because LaF had their FS date.

MD has been the most vocal to try and accuse their every loss on actions from Hanlong.

Let's draw a line right here, the admins have already stated what took place and that no one else is implicated to the cheating. Stop playing the victim, stop blaming every little thing on cheating, and stop being scumbags. Trying to take advantage of the cheating to get revenge on LaF is as bad as committing the cheating yourselves.

I would expect this behavior from Evo, but for a bunch that takes themselves so seriously like MD it's pretty weak sauce. Then again I think most people group you with pukes like Evo after such cowardly political maneuvers anyhow.

ArsenalMD Game profile


May 6th 2012, 7:07:44

Originally posted by Anonymous:
That's all I see MD doing is running their mouth about how they only lost because LaF had their FS date.

MD has been the most vocal to try and accuse their every loss on actions from Hanlong.

Let's draw a line right here, the admins have already stated what took place and that no one else is implicated to the cheating. Stop playing the victim, stop blaming every little thing on cheating, and stop being scumbags. Trying to take advantage of the cheating to get revenge on LaF is as bad as committing the cheating yourselves.

I would expect this behavior from Evo, but for a bunch that takes themselves so seriously like MD it's pretty weak sauce. Then again I think most people group you with pukes like Evo after such cowardly political maneuvers anyhow.

haha, man that's some of the best AT posting I've read.

We've only lost once since coming back to EE and that was last reset to LaF and that was as you say clearly stated by the admins.

This just speaks for itself, genius:

"Trying to take advantage of the cheating to get revenge on LaF is as bad as committing the cheating yourselves."

As for cowardly behavior, I'm not the one posting with an Alias.

<3 Anonymous.



May 6th 2012, 7:23:08

Yet in this very thread we see you accusing LaF of cheating because your best spy country was killed?

We see your threatening LaF that if they try and defend themselves from your accusations that it will mean you will reset any progress toward pacting(I would assume) that has been made.

Being LaF is larger and more skilled than MD, and MD has back-stabbed LaF at least 2 times; I have no clue why that would be a threat or LaF would even want a pact with such people. Point still remains.

"Trying to take advantage of the cheating to get revenge on LaF is as bad as committing the cheating yourselves." Ahh so it's okay to use the cheating to benefit MD but not to benefit LaF. I see how that works. Funny, if Hanlong has been doing this then MD also received direct benefit until the point MD turned on LaF. Now you are using Hanlong being caught to further your political agenda of wiping out LaF. How disgraceful.

I would be real careful throwing stones, I don't think your house is real unbreakable.

ArsenalMD Game profile


May 6th 2012, 7:26:08

Can't win, I give up. You are right.

locket Game profile


May 6th 2012, 8:40:12

Originally posted by ArsenalMD:
Originally posted by SolidSnake:
Originally posted by ArsenalMD:
Don't troll me SS or all the good work h347 did yesterday will go to waste.

Who is trolling, im just pointing out you asked the question, xin posted the response, and then you act like he shouldnt have. And now you're attacking me for pointing out that you asked the question.

If you want to act like a tough guy, do it to someone that gives a fluff.

Are you stupid? I posted evidence that it was plausible before anyone from LaF did.

Live life elsewhere.

Originally posted by ArsenalMD:
He had 2.4 million spies and a spal before IA's of 147.

Given that I can see the op of every LaF country (legitimately) I can tell you the next closest spal is 124.

Possibly legitimate, but you won't blame us for asking the question.

You said it was possibly legitimate. Since there are those on this forum who do not read the word possibly the same when it involves Laf it was best for him to post it. I only skimmed the post but I am pretty sure it was respectful so why not just leave it there? :P It is for the best.

And Karim, thanks for the post where you say you are wrong :P It is refreshing on the internet for anyone to say that lol

iScode Game profile


May 6th 2012, 9:03:52

Anonymous, seriously, i know your not in laf, but for crying outloud, shut the fluff up...
God of War




May 6th 2012, 11:06:02

Why, so Arsehole can keep spewing his bullfluff all over the forums? I am sick of seeing it.

Arsehole doesn't care about the cheating, he only wants to use it as ammo to attack LaF. It's sickening and I see no reason not to point it out.

I have caught him making sweeping statements about all LaF being cheaters due to the 2 in nearly every post on point. I have seen him attempt to call into question the legitimacy of many things that LaF has done, yet the staff have posted exactly what has taken place. I have seen him try to blame several failures of MD on the cheating yet anyone with a shred of common sense knows that the cheating performed had little to no effect on what the outcome would of been.

Arsehole is trash and watching him try to use the cheating for his own benefit is sickening.

iScode Game profile


May 6th 2012, 18:57:38

Seriously, you make me want to change my stance on laf, the more you post, the more I want to hit laf just to see you whine more.

If you seriously care about laf, then you will stop posting, you are making seriously retarded posts, and are obviously so clouded by emotion right now that you can not see it.

Your posts are biast, incorrect and emotional. Shut up or yu risk continuing turning the whole community against laf. If thats what your actually after, your doing a good job.
God of War




May 6th 2012, 19:01:27

I have not made any post in support of LaF? What bias?
Where is it incorrect?

I stated what I have seen from Arsehole, that is it.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


May 6th 2012, 19:04:29

bah. imagnum doesn't actually care who they hit just so long as they have someone to hit.
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Elvis has left the building.

iScode Game profile


May 6th 2012, 19:05:44

Originally posted by Anonymous:
I have not made any post in support of LaF? What bias?
Where is it incorrect?

I stated what I have seen from Arsehole, that is it.

God of War


martian Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

May 6th 2012, 19:15:16

all of you chill..
save the cheating accusations for pm's to me along with evidence (or an admin if you don't feel comfortable sending to me but right now it's preferred you send to me because pang/qz are somewhat busy with other stuff.. if it's something I am unable to investigate I will forward it on to pang/qz).

Not everything you can't explain is cheating/hacking or even a server bug.

Otherwise this line of discussion is gonna head towards some hawt moderator action:P

you are all special in the eyes of fluff
( ._.) -----)-->
(_(' )(' )




May 6th 2012, 19:42:54

Arsenal made his comment regarding the c.20 members of LaF being larger than MD's biggest country. He did not accuse LaF of having 20 members cheating. Go back and re-read the statement. Others have taken that comment and ran with it, but the purpose of stating that was to point out how fishy we thought it was at the time. Initially we thought we were outplayed (legitimately) but now with the revelation that HLW and TC had ocomplete access to whatever they wanted we know that wasn't the case.

No one in MD believes that 20 members of LaF cheated. We know that 2 of them did, we have suspicions that there might have been more but until the admins have a chance to look through logs, we won't know. AND we may never know.

That's the unfortunate part of this whole situation, in some people's mind the whole of LaF is suspect from now on. Since we don't have access to their boards, we'll never know what information was stolen from other alliances, what insights were gleaned from anyone on Boxcar. I'm not insinuating any of that happened, but for some people it will always be at the back of their minds due to the actions of at least two LaF members.

I count a few LaF members as friends, and a few exMDers are still playing there (you bastard, Nekkid!). I have no ill-will towards the membership of LaF. They didn't cheat. They may have benefited from the cheating of their leader, but I believe they had no knowledge of it.

Helmet Game profile


May 6th 2012, 19:45:04


locket Game profile


May 6th 2012, 19:49:45

Originally posted by justtaint:
Arsenal made his comment regarding the c.20 members of LaF being larger than MD's biggest country. He did not accuse LaF of having 20 members cheating. Go back and re-read the statement. Others have taken that comment and ran with it, but the purpose of stating that was to point out how fishy we thought it was at the time. Initially we thought we were outplayed (legitimately) but now with the revelation that HLW and TC had ocomplete access to whatever they wanted we know that wasn't the case.

No one in MD believes that 20 members of LaF cheated. We know that 2 of them did, we have suspicions that there might have been more but until the admins have a chance to look through logs, we won't know. AND we may never know.

That's the unfortunate part of this whole situation, in some people's mind the whole of LaF is suspect from now on. Since we don't have access to their boards, we'll never know what information was stolen from other alliances, what insights were gleaned from anyone on Boxcar. I'm not insinuating any of that happened, but for some people it will always be at the back of their minds due to the actions of at least two LaF members.

I count a few LaF members as friends, and a few exMDers are still playing there (you bastard, Nekkid!). I have no ill-will towards the membership of LaF. They didn't cheat. They may have benefited from the cheating of their leader, but I believe they had no knowledge of it.

"The week before the FS, LaF began to rapidly jump. First to our size then higher and higher, until just before our FS they had (from memory) c.20 countries bigger than our biggest country. Now LaF may be better netgainers than us, but not 1 or 2 resets before MD finished with ANW of $90m and took TNW – they aren’t that much better. They had c.20 guys bigger than our best player Highrock. I tell you right now that guy is a genius at this game so what was happening was pretty unbelievable to us. The public market was high from MD’ers buying up (and we though LaF’ers to) so we just could not believe the military levels LaF’ers had and the cash they had. Guys were twice our size with the same cash and stock as us after having bought up."

Please tell me how he is not saying that we are cheating en masse with that. He talks about how great Highrock is supposed to be at this game and claims we had equal stocks etc and somehow got double networth out of it. At least call a spade a spade. He may have slightly backed off his opinion but that was definitely what he intended for that original post.

Maybe after this war people will back off eachother and choose to heal the server instead of just damage them further. This could be a chance for both sides.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


May 6th 2012, 19:59:26

Originally posted by Helmet:

There are no messages in your Inbox.
Elvis has left the building.

Armadillo Game profile


May 6th 2012, 21:43:04

Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by justtaint:
Arsenal made his comment regarding the c.20 members of LaF being larger than MD's biggest country. He did not accuse LaF of having 20 members cheating. Go back and re-read the statement. Others have taken that comment and ran with it, but the purpose of stating that was to point out how fishy we thought it was at the time. Initially we thought we were outplayed (legitimately) but now with the revelation that HLW and TC had ocomplete access to whatever they wanted we know that wasn't the case.

No one in MD believes that 20 members of LaF cheated. We know that 2 of them did, we have suspicions that there might have been more but until the admins have a chance to look through logs, we won't know. AND we may never know.

That's the unfortunate part of this whole situation, in some people's mind the whole of LaF is suspect from now on. Since we don't have access to their boards, we'll never know what information was stolen from other alliances, what insights were gleaned from anyone on Boxcar. I'm not insinuating any of that happened, but for some people it will always be at the back of their minds due to the actions of at least two LaF members.

I count a few LaF members as friends, and a few exMDers are still playing there (you bastard, Nekkid!). I have no ill-will towards the membership of LaF. They didn't cheat. They may have benefited from the cheating of their leader, but I believe they had no knowledge of it.

"The week before the FS, LaF began to rapidly jump. First to our size then higher and higher, until just before our FS they had (from memory) c.20 countries bigger than our biggest country. Now LaF may be better netgainers than us, but not 1 or 2 resets before MD finished with ANW of $90m and took TNW – they aren’t that much better. They had c.20 guys bigger than our best player Highrock. I tell you right now that guy is a genius at this game so what was happening was pretty unbelievable to us. The public market was high from MD’ers buying up (and we though LaF’ers to) so we just could not believe the military levels LaF’ers had and the cash they had. Guys were twice our size with the same cash and stock as us after having bought up."

Please tell me how he is not saying that we are cheating en masse with that. He talks about how great Highrock is supposed to be at this game and claims we had equal stocks etc and somehow got double networth out of it. At least call a spade a spade. He may have slightly backed off his opinion but that was definitely what he intended for that original post.

Maybe after this war people will back off eachother and choose to heal the server instead of just damage them further. This could be a chance for both sides.

Including that and in the MD response:
3. LaF have hacked in-game to increase their countries power against AT LEAST MD and this reset SoL

That means more then just TC adding those troops 1 time. Arsenal's 1st post on the matter was saying Lots of laffers got illgoten resources to make our countries better. He has backed off that point since but that was the inital stance which was incorect.



May 6th 2012, 22:29:21

Sorry LaF guys, you had 2 people cheat during your entire stay on EE, so that is it. Please disband and distribute your members evenly between MD, SoL, and Evo.

Once 2 members out of 90 have cheated in the last 7 years, and you have 20 people that can outnetgain highrock you are no longer allowed to play on this server.

We are well aware that historically LaF has been home to the best netgainers and players to play this game. We are also aware that LaF had found all of the formulas to the game when people still thought rainbows were the only way to play. It doesn't matter, no one is better than highrock.

Never mind the fact that admins and moderators have combed through the data and indications are that only TC and only once had made non-minuscule changes to a country. It doesn't matter all LaF countries are not legit.

The proof being that LaF had 20 players that know the game better than highrock, this reset you managed to get a spyop on MDs top spy country and kill it, and you defeated MD in a war that you outnumbered them by 30 countries.

For all these reasons LaF you are condemned for 6 months of gangbangs and anytime anyone defends the wild accusations made against you, they will be labeled as supporting cheating.

Kumander Otbol


May 6th 2012, 22:31:27

Originally posted by Anonymous:
Sorry LaF guys, you had 2 people cheat during your entire stay on EE, so that is it. Please disband and distribute your members evenly between MD, SoL, and Evo.

Once 2 members out of 90 have cheated in the last 7 years, and you have 20 people that can outnetgain highrock you are no longer allowed to play on this server.

We are well aware that historically LaF has been home to the best netgainers and players to play this game. We are also aware that LaF had found all of the formulas to the game when people still thought rainbows were the only way to play. It doesn't matter, no one is better than highrock.

Never mind the fact that admins and moderators have combed through the data and indications are that only TC and only once had made non-minuscule changes to a country. It doesn't matter all LaF countries are not legit.

The proof being that LaF had 20 players that know the game better than highrock, this reset you managed to get a spyop on MDs top spy country and kill it, and you defeated MD in a war that you outnumbered them by 30 countries.

For all these reasons LaF you are condemned for 6 months of gangbangs and anytime anyone defends the wild accusations made against you, they will be labeled as supporting cheating.

don't make it too obvious. :p
Originally posted by cypress:
no reason to start slacking just because they are getting FA

fluff them....we'll steamroll them even with the FA they are getting

anoniem Game profile


May 6th 2012, 23:34:02

symac strikes again.

"oh noes i dont support laf, and i hate this biased game, but i still continue to spend the entirety of my free time posting and participating in banality"

yawn, stfu already.

Pride Game profile


May 6th 2012, 23:35:20

Originally posted by anoniem:
symac strikes again.

"oh noes i dont support laf, and i hate this biased game, but i still continue to spend the entirety of my free time posting and participating in banality"

yawn, stfu already.




May 6th 2012, 23:59:49

Haha, yeah uses so much of my free time.

I have been watching counters go up slowly since early morning.
So I managed to find some time between watching a status window and praying the thunder storms don't take out electricity or internet so I don't have to leave home. You know never mind all the other things I have been doing.

Of course all of my free time so engrossed. I don't even have a country. lol.

anoyiem, you must be one of the most ignorant people that ever lived. Thank you for continuing to entertain us all.

Also I don't support LaF I think they fluffed up, I think they were becoming just what they were fighting against, and I think this even will serve them well to realign their mission statement and role in this game.

That being said, I find it truly disturbing how one group of alliances is trying to use that as a tool to destroy their weakened enemy. Using witch hunt tactics, making wild accusations and then flogging anyone that would refute them, and attempting to group together anyone that would support said innocent alliance as cheaters. The cheaters have been punished hopefully. I hope they are perma-banned from the game, and at least one of them hopefully will see the inside of a courtroom.

The death of this game has nothing to do with cheating, but venomous community that repels everyone. Selfish actions that serve individuals or individual alliances are truly the final nail in the coffin.

In closing anoniem, when Evo is mass outed for cheating or even a single cheater found cheating again and I think no one in this community will be surprised when that happens... I do hope you will remember how any member cheating of an alliance means that the entire alliance are cheaters. I do hope you will do the right thing and disband Evo immediately. This assuming you weren't the one found cheating, which I think would surprise many in this community. What goes around comes around, and Evo lives in a house made of only the brittlest glass.