
Vic Rattlehead Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 5:14:31

Why a wardec from us you ask? We have been FSd, of course we are at war! I know, I know, we have very little shot of taking SOF 1v1.

Therefore, NA is declaring war on LAF in defense of our FDPs.

We really wanted to net this set. Think what you will, but that's all we wanted. LaF then gave us pact terms that made it clear they wanted to be on opposite sides of a conflict, then triggered the pact cancellation by FSing our DPs. You wanted us LaF? Fine, we will help you die.
yahoo chat:

available 24/7

ZDH Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 5:29:43


hanlong Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 5:31:15

Good luck NA
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

Reckless Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 5:39:45

I'm not sure how many times we had to say we were netting. I guess SoF needed a reason to war.

Good luck to LaF. Much Respect.

Mr. Lime Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 5:43:08

sof had to many turns...true story
ICQ: 20654127

dagga Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 5:45:08

I have a sinking feeling Helmet's mancrush on MD has precipitated the events of this reset.
signatures are stupid.
Months since LaF netgained: 22

grimjoww Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 6:03:04

Goodluck to both sides

grimjoww Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 6:09:15

all your bases belong to Spongebob! ktnxbai

locket Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 7:18:41

Bah :( I was hoping NA would get a netting set to continue rebuilding.

CeyLonTEa Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 7:21:27

I blamed sof for all these unnecessaries. kill them please.



Jun 19th 2011, 8:14:18

didn't realize pact breakers could spin things and create a pact cancellation clause out of thin air.
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

Detoxxx Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 10:01:20

It's not out of thin air. SoF FSd a CLEARLY netting clan (notice the governments) and I'm sure this coalition (LaF near SoF? really?) would break eventually. Their opportunity arrived when MD was coming into the scheme, allowing SoF to attack NA as a prevention for NA being unable to attack later, coming into the aid of our allies. Our allies were outnumbered 2:1 at that time, we were going to net, seeing that no matter what we did, didn't help them out. It was not because we didn't care about our allies, it was because it was nothing we could do AND jumping on SOL/RD 2:1 does no one honor. Generally, in this game, the war tendencies were to even out the odds, clans who FSd were generally the same size as the clan they attacked or even smaller, or the target clan, if smaller, was given the opportunity to FS first.

As I already stated in a previous post last set, what honor could possibly bring to kill off a clan outnumbering it 2:1. It would be like NA would kill of RIVAL. Or attacking a netting clan that clearly netted as a warring alliance?

So...when deciding to FS LaF, we took into consideration that this was precisely what SoF didnt want us to do, to get us out from helping our we did it. I am aware of the fact that they still outnumber us, but I assure you we will fight to the best of our powers and as we did before, we will get through this.


1. To LaF: I tend to be very strict when coming to pacts and knowingly isolating alliances with the purpose of making them unable to step up, or making them loose membership. Don't make a habit out of that. We already proved that we treat this following moral standards that in this game seem to fade.
2. To SoF: finally your nature surfaced. You are an alliance that doesn't care about who/what wrecks as long as you guys are recognized as the big bad wolf on the server. I will enjoy the time when your one time "allies" will kill you off, because what I did find out in this game is that altho' the rules change and some clans through politics tend to manipulate the outcome of a fight, it also tends to even out the odds and eventually (as I already stated in other cases, you remember which, if you ever followed my posts) you will fade away like all aggressive clans did. But till then...enjoy the soap operas that you partly created (I would have never invested so much time into manipulating so many into a thing like that)

Thank you for taking the time to read this and maybe seeing it from the perspective of NA members.

Detox - Senate
NA Head of War


NA Senate

FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 10:17:33

Wait a second... Aren't your allies SoL well known for their aggressive tendency to blindside netting alliances completely out of the blue?

Wasn't in fact SoL preparing to war next week.

Hasn't in fact SoL been the ones that have knowingly isolated alliances from their friends with threats and revenge tactics?

So it is okay for SoL to continuously hit netgaining alliances? Because we all know netgainers love to war so much and would never quit the game over warring. Where as warrers are refereed to as pansies and war will surely drive them from the game?

TL;DR Version...
You are a fluffing idiot. That's coming from someone not even involved. Just think how they must regard you.

Ivan Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 10:20:37

So you only wanted to pact SoF when you realised that you had been outplayed politically if it hadnt been for that you would have been happy to take aim at us

So basically what yer saying is that you chickend out on helping your allies and in the last second tried to get a pact with SoF so you could net in peace and then when you didnt get that pact you kept on netting thinking that wed be fine with NA planning to hit us and then chickening out on it

Good stuff!

locket Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 10:29:22

I welcome the fact that NA is hitting us.

Edited By: locket on Jun 19th 2011, 11:17:29
See Original Post

bakku Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 10:50:49

this is what i get for reducing the font size of the "no posting on AT" thread that's at the VERY TOP OF OUR FORUMS :P

Sifos Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 10:51:15

Honor is a bull-fluff concept, if you have the power to wipe out your enemies, why wouldn't you?
Imaginary Numbers
If you're important enough to contact me, you will know how to contact me.
Self appointed emperor of the Order of Bunnies.
The only way to be certain your allies will not betray you is to kill them all!

locket Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 11:02:42

lol bakku :P Its the wrong colour for me too....

Drinks Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 11:16:22

NA was netting from before the set even began. So they werent taking aim at anyone. So clap clap at wasting everyones time with that post Ivan.
<Drinks> going to bed
<Drinks> pm me if I get hit
<-- Drinks is now known as DrinksInBed -->
<DrinksInBed> looks like I'm an alcoholic

dagga Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 11:38:45

FutureGhost, new member. Please point to specific examples. You are full of fluff.

SOL History on EE

Reset #1: Ruin's Collab's netting set due to revenge from the last reset in E:2025 where they joined in on a gangbang.

#2: No idea..

#3: SOL attempts to netgain but gets called in by imag to hit LCN. Omega FS us, outnumbering us close to 2:1. Fair play, we lose.

#4: LaF enforces L:L on us and we hit them (they were 30% bigger).

#5: LaF hit us as revenge (numbers were roughly even, we might have had a 5 member advantage)

#6: Imag hits us and dies. We get called in by RAGE to FS LCN.

#7: Imag hits PDM for no reason. We tagkill Imag and then come 2nd in TNW.

#8: We FS ICN/LCN over their overgrabbing. I think the score was ICN: 12 hits, LCN: 10 hits, SOL: 2 hits. They called in Imag to make the numbers about 110 to 75ish. We decline to call in any allies to ensure an even contest.

So, apart from the Collab war 2 years ago we have either been called in as an FDP or been the same or outnumbered in every war we have fought. We have hit imag and saved a number of alliances (LaF included) from having to deal with their dumb first strikes. Please consider yourself enlightened.
signatures are stupid.
Months since LaF netgained: 22

paladin Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 12:11:02

Good luck and good hunting NA!!!!
Paradigm Head of Unretirement

iZarcon Game profile

Game Development

Jun 19th 2011, 12:19:25

bakku, we actively encourage our members to post on AT because we have nothing to hide.

And, trolling is sometimes more fun than the war.
EE Developer

Vic Rattlehead Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 12:29:49

Locket, LaF insisted we have this clause added to our pact:

Netters Anonymous and La Famiglia agree to the basic terms of our previous uNAP, with the following addition: If either side initiates hostility (FS) towards the FDP of the other, this pact will become void for the remainder of the set.

Given that LaF was planning to hit someone that they KNEW was our FDP at the time, you guys were clearly setting up to war us. Fine. I didn't like it, I just didn't count on MD being who they turned out to be.

Ivan, we were never planning to hit SOF. I made that clear to helmet and aponic. We were planning to net from jump - we had a successful reunion set and wanted to keep some of that momentum. Your justification about hitting us now to keep us off your back in future sets is ludicrous - why would this make us less likely to hit you in the future?
yahoo chat:

available 24/7

Thunder Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 12:49:55

Originally posted by locket:
Bah :( I was hoping NA would get a netting set to continue rebuilding.

Thats what we all hoped locket..but as happens most of the time...hopes are shattered by extenuating circumstances most of the time.
ICQ 56183127

2010 Armchair GMs League Champion

NA FA/Senate

Ninja since born....Awesome Forever!

Detoxxx Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 12:51:17

yeah sure! Unless I have half a brain and start planning a war with rep cashers and fasc farmers...then rethink your statement Ivan. Do you think someone will believe you? I mean c''s not like NA is ran by one head to afford mistakes like that. We had only 5 monarchies that were prepping to be retal countries.

FutureGhost: I'm not current with SOLs history, but it's an NA thread. You call me an idiot because I dunno SOLs history? Really? Have you even read what I wrote? I'm glad dagga posted so you can see the reasons of SOLs thinking. So you fluff up once again. Also...if you're not in this war, I have a question for you: who's the idiot posting fluff aside what's being discussed? Or you like to read your own posts?(the latter was rethorical, so no...don't count it as a question)


NA Senate

iZarcon Game profile

Game Development

Jun 19th 2011, 13:07:50

actually. i think na are taking this trolling seriously :-/ maybe i take back what i said about actively encouraging to post

EE Developer

grimjoww Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 13:16:36

bah i was really doing good with my netting... not for long :/

NukEvil Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 13:43:58

Originally posted by dagga:
FutureGhost, new member. Please point to specific examples. You are full of fluff.

SOL History on EE

Reset #1: Ruin's Collab's netting set due to revenge from the last reset in E:2025 where they joined in on a gangbang.

#2: No idea..

#3: SOL attempts to netgain but gets called in by imag to hit LCN. Omega FS us, outnumbering us close to 2:1. Fair play, we lose.

#4: LaF enforces L:L on us and we hit them (they were 30% bigger).

#5: LaF hit us as revenge (numbers were roughly even, we might have had a 5 member advantage)

#6: Imag hits us and dies. We get called in by RAGE to FS LCN.

#7: Imag hits PDM for no reason. We tagkill Imag and then come 2nd in TNW.

#8: We FS ICN/LCN over their overgrabbing. I think the score was ICN: 12 hits, LCN: 10 hits, SOL: 2 hits. They called in Imag to make the numbers about 110 to 75ish. We decline to call in any allies to ensure an even contest.

So, apart from the Collab war 2 years ago we have either been called in as an FDP or been the same or outnumbered in every war we have fought. We have hit imag and saved a number of alliances (LaF included) from having to deal with their dumb first strikes. Please consider yourself enlightened.

Allow me to try to fill in some holes.

1. Correct.

2. Collab FSes SOL. SOL begins to lose, so they call in TIE and SoF. SoF's participation in this war was interesting, because they broke a uNAP to help their allies by having all their members join a fake tag--Natural Selection (NS). Evolution, DK (Dark Knights?), and NA then dec war on SOL and SoF in defense of Collab (and because we hate pact breakers). SOL and SoF lose the war.

3. SOL FSes Evo and DK and still outnumbers them almost 2:1. Evo goes into vacation. SOL then breaks a uNAP with NA and FSes them due to someone in NA's leadership being involved in cheating on the FFA server (not saying that he DID cheat, just that he was involved).

4. Not sure what SOL did this set, but LaF gave Evo a run for their money for ANW, so SOL did NOT hit LaF that set.

5. SOL FSes LaF over LaF's grabbing practices/policies, and because LaF was killing 5-member Elysium. LaF loses.

6. LaF FSes SOL and immediately loses.

7. SOL decs war on LCN in defense of Rage.

8. Not sure what SOL did; we were too busy hitting SoF (ECM vs SoF).

9. SOL FSes LCN and ICN. Imagnum FSes SOL in defense of LCN and ICN. ILI vs SOL. SOL wins.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 13:59:54

Dagstar, I know you are basically mentally handicapped so I won't bother to point out too much.
An alliance prepared for netting is basically the opposite of an alliance prepared for warring.

The members login to the site infrequently, the countries are low military, no turns stored, high land, low spal, no or few war techs, and all around lazy especially leadership.

You can talk about member advantages all you want but the FS is powerful enough to instant win a war, warring alliances shouldn't lose to netting alliances, just like no war alliance is going to beat a netting alliance.



Jun 19th 2011, 14:16:09

easy way to understand SoL.

SoL loves to war and doesnt need a reason to war.

Win or loss they love it.

I hope that helps you all trolls understand SoL. I made it so a 1 year old can understand it.
Quit why am i still posting?

Gibber Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 14:16:43


FutureGhost Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 14:51:51

If they love war why all the whining? Why would they want NA to come in on LaF? Why were they planning to blindside LaF this set?

I just don't get the feeling of love for war from these actions. If they loved war they would have one where both alliances wish to participate.

SoF will eat them, they know it. MD could likely solo them, they know it.

Soviet Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 15:28:47

Originally posted by dagga:
FutureGhost, new member. Please point to specific examples. You are full of fluff.

SOL History on EE

Reset #1: Ruin's Collab's netting set due to revenge from the last reset in E:2025 where they joined in on a gangbang.

#2: No idea..

#3: SOL attempts to netgain but gets called in by imag to hit LCN. Omega FS us, outnumbering us close to 2:1. Fair play, we lose.

#4: LaF enforces L:L on us and we hit them (they were 30% bigger).

#5: LaF hit us as revenge (numbers were roughly even, we might have had a 5 member advantage)

#6: Imag hits us and dies. We get called in by RAGE to FS LCN.

#7: Imag hits PDM for no reason. We tagkill Imag and then come 2nd in TNW.

#8: We FS ICN/LCN over their overgrabbing. I think the score was ICN: 12 hits, LCN: 10 hits, SOL: 2 hits. They called in Imag to make the numbers about 110 to 75ish. We decline to call in any allies to ensure an even contest.

So, apart from the Collab war 2 years ago we have either been called in as an FDP or been the same or outnumbered in every war we have fought. We have hit imag and saved a number of alliances (LaF included) from having to deal with their dumb first strikes. Please consider yourself enlightened.

FutureGhost, new member. Please point to specific examples. You are full of fluff.

SOL History on EE

Reset #1: Ruin's Collab's netting set due to revenge from the last reset in E:2025 where they joined in on a gangbang.

#2: No idea..

#3: SOL attempts to netgain but gets called in by imag to hit LCN. Omega FS us, outnumbering us close to 2:1. Fair play, we lose.

#4: LaF enforces L:L on us and we hit them (they were 30% bigger).

#5: LaF hit us as revenge (numbers were roughly even, we might have had a 5 member advantage)

#6: SOL hits iMag 24 hours after iMag CFs ICN, NEO, FIST.

#7: Imag hits us and dies (35v70 mind you). We get called in by RAGE to FS LCN.

#8: Imag hits NA for previous set's issues. SOL tries to manipulate NA's leaders because NA is doing poorly, so SOL declares.

#9: We FS ICN/LCN over their overgrabbing, completely blindsiding netters. I think the score was ICN: 12 hits, LCN: 10 hits, SOL: 2 hits. They called in Imag to make the numbers about 110 to 75ish. We decline to call in any allies to ensure an even contest.

"We have hit imag and saved a number of alliances (LaF included) from having to deal with their dumb first strikes." I'll let a LaF rep call total bullfluff on this.
Imaginary Numbers

Reckless Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 15:35:37

Originally posted by Sifos:
Honor is a bull-fluff concept, if you have the power to wipe out your enemies, why wouldn't you?

We didn't plan on it. That is our point.

hanlong Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 16:08:18

i understand coming in for allies. it's part of the game.

i have nothing against NA. you are just fulfilling your duties.

i wish it didn't have to come to this, but no hard feelings =)
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia



Jun 19th 2011, 16:41:47

I just want to know if SoL was really going to FS us with RD next week but I guess we'll never know :P
SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m

CeyLonTEa Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 16:44:46

rumour ... rumours....!!!

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jun 19th 2011, 16:50:48

dagga is one of the funniest posters on this board. I sorely regret banning him.

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 17:26:52

Originally posted by dagga:
FutureGhost, new member. Please point to specific examples. You are full of fluff.

SOL History on EE

Reset #1: Ruin's Collab's netting set due to revenge from the last reset in E:2025 where they joined in on a gangbang.

#2: No idea..

#3: SOL attempts to netgain but gets called in by imag to hit LCN. Omega FS us, outnumbering us close to 2:1. Fair play, we lose.

#4: LaF enforces L:L on us and we hit them (they were 30% bigger).

#5: LaF hit us as revenge (numbers were roughly even, we might have had a 5 member advantage)

#6: Imag hits us and dies. We get called in by RAGE to FS LCN.

#7: Imag hits PDM for no reason. We tagkill Imag and then come 2nd in TNW.

#8: We FS ICN/LCN over their overgrabbing. I think the score was ICN: 12 hits, LCN: 10 hits, SOL: 2 hits. They called in Imag to make the numbers about 110 to 75ish. We decline to call in any allies to ensure an even contest.

So, apart from the Collab war 2 years ago we have either been called in as an FDP or been the same or outnumbered in every war we have fought. We have hit imag and saved a number of alliances (LaF included) from having to deal with their dumb first strikes. Please consider yourself enlightened.

Dagga you have the same incorrect claim every time. SOL outnumbered us by 40% going into the 2nd war, and you guys were most definitely prepping to hit us again.

Makinso Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 17:31:21


LMFAO SOL was NOT prepping to hit you in set 2. We had another target set in mind you just managed to get your FS in before SOL managed to put out ours on someone else.

I´ve told LAF leadership this a million times. Never the less those were fun times.

hanlong Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 17:37:16

LT: what did i say about posting on AT... get ur butt off of here ;P thanks

makinso: not fun for me, that reset was the reset i was email spammed like crazy to come back. now i'm wasting too much time on this game again lol :(
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 17:38:04

Well, it doesn't matter now, and regardless we'd only know what would have really happened if we never hit/pre-empted

Regardless, IMO even if we viewed it as a 50% chance of being FS'd for a 2nd set in a row, that time with a 40% disadvantage... We had to FS as a precaution.

hanlong Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 17:41:06

ugh LT

do u have to try to win every argument? ;P
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

trumper Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 17:43:32

"As I already stated in a previous post last set, what honor could possibly bring to kill off a clan outnumbering it 2:1. It would be like NA would kill of RIVAL. Or attacking a netting clan that clearly netted as a warring alliance?"

I wouldn't use this as a rationale for defending SOL. It's like saying you're defending Anthony Weiner because you oppose Twitter.

Lord Tarnava Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 17:43:54

I forgot about the AT ban momentarily ;-) Give me a break, I haven't been on in 36hrs and am quite hung over :-p

Rockman Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 18:24:20

I'm glad NA is hitting us, I hate wars that aren't close. Your reputation cannot increase from winning a war where you have a huge advantage, it can only go down from such a war. And, you're not too likely to get a chance to stonewall, or have fun bringing down countries that are hard to bring down. So you miss out on the most fun parts of warring, and you don't get anything productive out of it.

This war still isn't close, though, with SoF hitting NA. Maybe we need Evo to start hitting LaF, too?

I've been advocating adding PDM to LaF's opponent's side, just to put PDM and RD on the same side. I would really enjoy seeing a joint PDM/RD warchat against LaF.

de1i Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 19:39:09

NA was never in the plan to hit SoF ;)

Junky Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 19:47:22

NA can't war to save themselves.. why would they want to hit pro warmongers that outnumber them :-P

I don't think half of SOL likes RD, but whateves... netting in TIE right now... if I'd known there would be a big war I'da probly have waiting todo a TIE reunion set thing til the next set after this next one, and or when they next got together.

I'm just sad to see that with MD's numbers they would want two others to help them out in a war, that they got a FS on.
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Nekked Game profile


Jun 19th 2011, 22:47:02

Pies NA!

ninong Game profile


Jun 20th 2011, 2:12:26

why can't we all just get along? :'(

group hug anyone?
ninong, formerly Johnny Demonic