
Detmer Game profile


Nov 15th 2010, 15:31:52

Originally posted by TAN:
Originally posted by locket:
who missiles for retals in legit clans anyways? Stop bringing up stupid circumstances to prove your point. And whats the point of country to country retals if you can defer all of them? lol

Who are you to define what's legit and what's not? Who are you to say it's a stupid circumstance or not (even though it was a hypothetical question)? What makes you think every country wants to retal their own hits?

Locket, stfu this isn't your argument anyways.

It always amazes me how people consider nothing other than the way they blindly do things to be legitimate. Some people just need a security blanket to tell them that they are a-ok I guess...

mrford Game profile


Nov 15th 2010, 16:04:13

I'll be sure to put all NA/PDM retals on hold and retal all grabs 2:1 with nukes
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

aponic Game profile


Nov 16th 2010, 18:37:44

Yo momma's so ugly even PDM won't give her an Artillery Barrage

Junky Game profile


Nov 16th 2010, 19:17:57

Your momma's So Ugly She gets sued for Sexual Harrasment when she landgrabs someone.
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

locket Game profile


Nov 16th 2010, 19:18:24

lol apon.

And tan, I believe everyone including your retal policies state that nukes arent acceptable. Who knows, maybe I am wrong but any real alliance doesnt accept them. But lets both make things up to make our arguments seem better.

Just got off the phone with Barack Obama. He agrees with me. No nukes.

TAN Game profile


Nov 16th 2010, 19:21:46

So if everyone here was a pedophile, being a pedophile would be legit?

Detmer Game profile


Nov 16th 2010, 20:14:32

Originally posted by locket:
lol apon.

And tan, I believe everyone including your retal policies state that nukes arent acceptable. Who knows, maybe I am wrong but any real alliance doesnt accept them. But lets both make things up to make our arguments seem better.

Just got off the phone with Barack Obama. He agrees with me. No nukes.

PDM allows nukes as retals 1:1. Our retal policy is clear on that.

Detmer Game profile


Nov 16th 2010, 20:15:13

Originally posted by TAN:
So if everyone here was a pedophile, being a pedophile would be legit?

Yes, that is how the sheep on this board feel.

PDM is for the people who look into themselves for guidance.

Makinso Game profile


Nov 16th 2010, 21:45:01

Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by locket:
lol apon.

And tan, I believe everyone including your retal policies state that nukes arent acceptable. Who knows, maybe I am wrong but any real alliance doesnt accept them. But lets both make things up to make our arguments seem better.

Just got off the phone with Barack Obama. He agrees with me. No nukes.

You are kidding right Detmer?

PDM allows nukes as retals 1:1. Our retal policy is clear on that.

Detmer Game profile


Nov 16th 2010, 22:00:57

Originally posted by Makinso:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by locket:
lol apon.

And tan, I believe everyone including your retal policies state that nukes arent acceptable. Who knows, maybe I am wrong but any real alliance doesnt accept them. But lets both make things up to make our arguments seem better.

Just got off the phone with Barack Obama. He agrees with me. No nukes.

You are kidding right Detmer?

PDM allows nukes as retals 1:1. Our retal policy is clear on that.

* Paradigm accepts any 1 attack for any 1 attack and reserves the right to retal under the same principle. If a Paradigm country grab you, you can retal with an equal number of attacks of your choosing such as but not limited to ABs, Cruise missiles, CDs as long as the number of hits match up. This can also be applied in conjunction with the escalating hit policy.

Although it looks like the grammar needs to be fixed ;)

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Nov 16th 2010, 22:49:06

Will the great thinkers of the community explain to us how NM retals fit within PDM's stated goals of "encouraging landgrabbing" and making the server into a "more skilled environment"?

Detmer Game profile


Nov 16th 2010, 23:52:02

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Will the great thinkers of the community explain to us how NM retals fit within PDM's stated goals of "encouraging landgrabbing" and making the server into a "more skilled environment"?

It is in our sense of fairness and allowing weaker players to stand up for themselves. We believe in balance, not extremes.

Also I don't believe more skilled playing has ever been one of our stated goals, just something that our policy generally promotes.

BobbyATA Game profile


Nov 17th 2010, 0:01:38

haha I think its now time to admit I just wanted to create a thread with the sole purpose of maximizing the number of posts on it. Sadly, this thread came well short of optimistic projections I had for it (250ish) :(...

You guys really shouldn't take me so serious lol...

Detmer Game profile


Nov 17th 2010, 0:29:43

Originally posted by BobbyATA:
haha I think its now time to admit I just wanted to create a thread with the sole purpose of maximizing the number of posts on it. Sadly, this thread came well short of optimistic projections I had for it (250ish) :(...

You guys really shouldn't take me so serious lol...

At less than half of your goal clearly we don't... ;)

BobbyATA Game profile


Nov 17th 2010, 1:43:18

heh good point:P



Nov 17th 2010, 4:18:17

Originally posted by TAN:
ours promotes lging too, but gives a bit more options for retaliation. none of this retarded "if you don't do exactly as we say, you die" fluff.
you'll kill someone over a single missile? seriously?
i'm going to put your retarded policy to the test next set.

Is it really anymore retarded than L:L or accusing people of topfeeding while you bottomfeed people that can't possibly retal you? Your idiotic policy is what kept me away for 1a till this set. PLEASE, try that stupid policy on me over in FFA. I guarantee you that your country won't live long enough for you to regret your decision.

TAN Game profile


Nov 17th 2010, 4:44:20

Originally posted by WarTime:
Originally posted by TAN:
ours promotes lging too, but gives a bit more options for retaliation. none of this retarded "if you don't do exactly as we say, you die" fluff.
you'll kill someone over a single missile? seriously?
i'm going to put your retarded policy to the test next set.

Is it really anymore retarded than L:L or accusing people of topfeeding while you bottomfeed people that can't possibly retal you? Your idiotic policy is what kept me away for 1a till this set. PLEASE, try that stupid policy on me over in FFA. I guarantee you that your country won't live long enough for you to regret your decision.


We don't bottomfeed and we don't even recognize you even know which alliance I am a member of?

Strife Game profile


Nov 17th 2010, 5:12:20

Originally posted by WarTime:
PLEASE, try that stupid policy on me over in FFA. I guarantee you that your country won't live long enough for you to regret your decision.


Come up with a better argument, or just stfu, seriously.

locket Game profile


Nov 17th 2010, 6:15:25

most posts were not related to you bobby

Detmer Game profile


Nov 17th 2010, 14:08:47

Originally posted by TAN:
Originally posted by WarTime:
Originally posted by TAN:
ours promotes lging too, but gives a bit more options for retaliation. none of this retarded "if you don't do exactly as we say, you die" fluff.
you'll kill someone over a single missile? seriously?
i'm going to put your retarded policy to the test next set.

Is it really anymore retarded than L:L or accusing people of topfeeding while you bottomfeed people that can't possibly retal you? Your idiotic policy is what kept me away for 1a till this set. PLEASE, try that stupid policy on me over in FFA. I guarantee you that your country won't live long enough for you to regret your decision.


We don't bottomfeed and we don't even recognize you even know which alliance I am a member of?

Don't mess with the tuff guy or he will kill you!.. if you play on his server ever!!!



Nov 17th 2010, 21:45:47

Originally posted by Strife:

Come up with a better argument, or just stfu, seriously.

You're obviously not the original strife so, therefore, you must be an impostor. I played in 1a for 3 sets before joining my first clan, WAR, because a guy you probably never heard of, Apocalypse, invited me to join one of the several clans he was involved with. While in WAR I became friends with others such as Chipper, Warlord, Topgun, Orkin Man and more. WAR merged with Imag, at least those that wanted to go there, and I went into DoL with Chipper, UnGod, Angel, Bahde, Worker, Stinky, bomber and others.

So, before you get diarrhea of the mouth again, you STFU.

Detmer Game profile


Nov 17th 2010, 22:24:27

Originally posted by WarTime:
Originally posted by Strife:

Come up with a better argument, or just stfu, seriously.

You're obviously not the original strife so, therefore, you must be an impostor. I played in 1a for 3 sets before joining my first clan, WAR, because a guy you probably never heard of, Apocalypse, invited me to join one of the several clans he was involved with. While in WAR I became friends with others such as Chipper, Warlord, Topgun, Orkin Man and more. WAR merged with Imag, at least those that wanted to go there, and I went into DoL with Chipper, UnGod, Angel, Bahde, Worker, Stinky, bomber and others.

So, before you get diarrhea of the mouth again, you STFU.

Speaking of diarrhea of the mouth...
1) that is completely unrelated
2) no one cares
3) to be an impostor you have to be posing as someone... if your real life name is not original then you must be an impostor!
4) stfu

TAN Game profile


Nov 17th 2010, 22:29:45

OrkinMan plays in PDM now I think. Dunno if it's the same one. I think he is.

Detmer Game profile


Nov 17th 2010, 23:02:55

Originally posted by TAN:
OrkinMan plays in PDM now I think. Dunno if it's the same one. I think he is.

It is.

Strife Game profile


Nov 18th 2010, 1:36:42

Originally posted by WarTime:

You're obviously not the original strife so, therefore, you must be an impostor. I played in 1a for 3 sets before joining my first clan, WAR, because a guy you probably never heard of, Apocalypse, invited me to join one of the several clans he was involved with. While in WAR I became friends with others such as Chipper, Warlord, Topgun, Orkin Man and more. WAR merged with Imag, at least those that wanted to go there, and I went into DoL with Chipper, UnGod, Angel, Bahde, Worker, Stinky, bomber and others.

So, before you get diarrhea of the mouth again, you STFU.

Ok, what is with a certain class of people who, upon finding out that I am (relatively) new, start spewing some bullcrap about their past which noone gives a fluff about.

If anyone has diarrhea of the mouth, really its you.

EDIT: Impostor! Thats a first! I've played alongside people in SoF where the 'original' Strife used to play at and not even one of em called me an impostor. Congrats on being the first, and also, diarrhea of the mouth, etc etc...

Edited By: Strife on Nov 18th 2010, 1:39:21. Reason: Nub
See Original Post

Junky Game profile


Nov 18th 2010, 2:28:29

when did this get to be about FFA and 1a, and or then start to be about someone... off topic much... I'm sure all three are a tad embarresed about thier wars... not that they did bad, but maybe they wanted to atleast kill alittle bit more then they had.

I know I'm embarresed that I didn't get a single kill on LaF... I hate you guys for not being killed by me... damn you all.
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 19th 2010, 21:05:02

Originally posted by Pang:
also, just as an aside... when I talk about "the game dying" I'm not specifically talking about LaF, despite what you claim.... LaF will be fine, I know the players there and they are strong. It's the evo's and fists and tie's and lcn's and alliances like that which I worry about with this server. The ones who are playing, but there aren't the strong personalities able to take charge when things are tough or who don't have the drive to continue on. That was seen with TIE, and now somewhat with the fist.

every post that bobby makes about me shows that he never actually understands what I'm driving at.... and just wants to flame. fancy that.

I guess no one else is going to argue it is up to me.

Let's get a few facts straight here.

1. I believe you are talking as an LaF rep, and not as an earth empires founder. Because (stealing this from a witty little kitty) bad mouthing your customers, isn't good practice.

2. Do you know the players in EVO, LCN, FIST, and TIE? Do you know them as well as you know your LaF members?

3. Do you realize that the people who recently played in TIE, STILL play this game? Do you have to be a member of your alliance to have a strong personality?

4. Do you think that remark strengthens the dedication to play this game for people in the fist?

Let me start out by saying, you have my respect for continuing a game that a lot of people still love to play. Not only continuing it, but putting in effort for its' growth. Regardless if it's the game play or the community, you do have a loyal base of players. Having said that. You also realize it is your responsibility to take criticisms when you are wrong. In this case, I would like you to retract your uneducated statements. Unless you were merely voicing your pondering(s) on this board. But that is what a pen and a paper are for. Or a journal. Or a sex hot line. You have no idea what went on with TIE's TEMPORARY disbandment. Saying that it was merely a lack of "strong personalities" is ridiculous. I was not part of TIE, so I won't voice their internal history because it's not my place. But let's move on to EVO and LCN. How can you say there are no strong personalities? First off, they are still here. Secondly, some of the people playing there have been playing LONGER THAN YOU HAVE. Which takes a strength (and mental instability) that you might not be able to grasp. But you DO have dedicated and STRONG personalities there. Just because we choose NOT to voice it on these boards, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Finally, Fist. They are ALSO still here. What their decision after this round is, who knows. But talking about the deceased while they stand right next to you, isn't smart practice. I hope they prove you wrong.

In conclusion, you're still my favorite beating post and I still have some love for you. But SUCK IT.

I forgive you.



Pang Game profile

Game Development

Nov 19th 2010, 21:24:24

ok, first of all there are TWO different ideas you're trying to tie together....
1) alliances dying off
2) the game losing players

My post there was ONLY talking about alliances dying off, and - as I was talking to the TIE leaders about shutting down - the impression I was given (by being directly told by TIE's leaders) was that no one wanted to step up and lead TIE, and everyone who was left was happy to play with a new group of folks, but some members did leave too.

"2. Do you know the players in EVO, LCN, FIST, and TIE? Do you know them as well as you know your LaF members?"
In short, yes. I talk to evo folks daily, TIE'ers and I were close until they went to LCN and Martin stopped being online as much, and I spoke with Spawn as soon as the Fist'a announcement is made. To think that I don't have my finger on the pulse of what other alliances are up to - from a "what is good for the game perspective" pretty much undermines the rest of your post, so I'll basically just leave it there.

btw I don't know why you're taking that as "badmouthing your customer" either. I'm just discussing a trend that is happening - people choosing to pack up shop or hit a slump in membership rather than working through difficult situations. It's happened to lots of alliances in the past (a major dip in membership or leaving the game altogether), it's happening to others now but for reasons that should be avoided. Over the last two or so years, we've seen a lot more alliances just saying "screw it" and shutting down that ever before, for a multitude of reasons. If Earth had shut down before the SLIT wars and the EC era was actually the EE era, would IX, MD, Sanct and all the other alliances that left that server for at least a while still be thriving?

Edited By: Pang on Nov 19th 2010, 21:49:01. Reason: grammar
See Original Post
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

NukEvil Game profile


Nov 19th 2010, 21:27:56

I read what Pang posted, and decided not to respond, mostly because of the "OMG UR AN EVO REP ZUZUZUZU" brigade. But, I will say a few things about Evo:

We've been through several major coups where the instigators have taken over our site, then either lost control or voluntarily gave it back to the rightful leaders. We've had about half our members leave at one time because they didn't feel that Evo was being strong enough (e.g., backing down when we should have gone to war), and form their own alliances. We've been crushed, annihilated, FSed for multiple resets, experienced leadership burn-out, and suffered internal subterfuge from other alliances.

We've also jumped into hopeless wars in defense of our allies, held the ANW crown for a year straight, led a coalition of netters against alliances whose reason for existing is warring, and built THE best hosting site supported by Earth:Empires. Among many other things.

The only thing LaF has gone through, to my knowledge, is that multiple-set FSing by IX. And, more recently, by SOL. Other than that, LaF has either had full protection from its allies or has used its historical longevity to try to maintain its membership.

So don't start worrying about Evo just because we're a bunch of netters who've decided to more or less stay out of most of the coalition fighting. Evo is here to stay, and I'm certain most people around here can agree to that.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Nov 19th 2010, 21:40:03

alright nuke... I definitely didn't think what I said was at all inflammatory, and I definitely want to see all of those alliances continuing indefinitely...

so sorry if you are someone who is taking offense to it, because that was not at all my intention

Edited By: Pang on Nov 19th 2010, 21:45:19
See Original Post
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 19th 2010, 21:49:06

Originally posted by Pang:
ok, first of all there are TWO different ideas you're trying to tie together....
1) alliances dying off
2) the game losing players

My post there was ONLY talking about alliances dying off, and - as I was talking to the TIE leaders about shutting down - the impression I was given (by being directly told by TIE's leaders) was that no one wanted to step up and lead TIE, and everyone who was left was happy to play with a new group of folks, but some members did leave too.

"2. Do you know the players in EVO, LCN, FIST, and TIE? Do you know them as well as you know your LaF members?"
In short, yes. I talk to evo folks daily, TIE'ers and I were close until they went to LCN and Martin stopped being online as much, and I spoke with Spawn as soon as the Fist'a announcement is made. To think that I don't have my finger on the pulse of what other alliances are up to - from a "what is good for the game perspective" pretty much undermines the rest of your post, so I'll basically just leave it there.

btw I don't know why you're taking that as "badmouthing your customer" either. I'm just discussing a trend that is happening - people choosing to pack up shop or hit a slump in membership rather than working through difficult situations. It's happened to lots of alliances in the past (a major dip in membership or leaving the game altogether), it's happening to others now but for reasons that should be avoided. Over the last two or so years, we've seen a lot more alliances just saying "screw it" and shutting down that ever before, for a multitude of reasons. If Earth had shut down before the SLIT wars and the EC era was actually the EE era, would IX, MD, Sanct and all the other alliances that left that server for at least a while still thriving?

As we talked already in our shared bedroom. I am going to not respond fully here.

And yes, probably coming to you before posting would have been a bit more tactful. My apologies about being an ass (or was it the S word) :)

Also, appreciate the clarifications. I am sure a few others also appreciate it.



Trife Game profile


Nov 19th 2010, 22:19:48


I'm kinda upset you're sharing our bedroom with more than just me.

Angry kisses,


Detmer Game profile


Nov 19th 2010, 22:21:01

Originally posted by Trife:

I'm kinda upset you're sharing our bedroom with more than just me.

Angry kisses,


You've been in #pdm.
You know it to be true.
You've taken part.

TAN Game profile


Nov 20th 2010, 0:38:53

I spoon with ZEN all the time.

llaar Game profile


Nov 20th 2010, 1:36:05


<insert OWL>

Ivan Game profile


Nov 21st 2010, 10:22:30

lol god I love FFAers

try to enforce land land on us! then they basically play with the same polciies as the alliance tags do they are just too ignorant/dumb to actually see it

Ive played in FFA and there is no difference, instead of outright saying that you use L:L you have 10 other policies which makes up for it making it the exactly samething

Soo many newbs complain about L:L but say nothing about 2:1 policies which in general is a lot worse then L:L is and god im tired of hearing it maybe we will join FFA and fluff you over everyone here knows that when FFA died and your tag came to play alliance none of you could cut it

there i hope that i finally ended all stupid posts from FFA players for all future

Thunder Game profile


Nov 21st 2010, 12:33:12

oh come on...LaF was alwasy protected by RD or a huge amount of untaggeds back in the past....whenever someone warred you, they always got hit right before your used to blame it on thier farming back then but no way that many untaggeds could get organized like that.
ICQ 56183127

2010 Armchair GMs League Champion

NA FA/Senate

Ninja since born....Awesome Forever!

Junky Game profile


Nov 21st 2010, 21:13:45

Originally posted by Ivan:

lol god I love FFAers

try to enforce land land on us! then they basically play with the same polciies as the alliance tags do they are just too ignorant/dumb to actually see it

Ive played in FFA and there is no difference, instead of outright saying that you use L:L you have 10 other policies which makes up for it making it the exactly samething

Soo many newbs complain about L:L but say nothing about 2:1 policies which in general is a lot worse then L:L is and god im tired of hearing it maybe we will join FFA and fluff you over everyone here knows that when FFA died and your tag came to play alliance none of you could cut it

there i hope that i finally ended all stupid posts from FFA players for all future

what he said. FFA players really can't cut it in 1A, now people that play 1a and ffa can do either or, but tend to not be a leader in 1 or the other.. without failing.
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Makinso Game profile


Nov 22nd 2010, 0:03:58

All this flaming and love is bound to cause more war?

Junky Game profile


Nov 22nd 2010, 1:14:20

Originally posted by Makinso:
All this flaming and love is bound to cause more war?

if only I was that lucky 8D
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.