
Turtle Crawler Game profile


Aug 19th 2023, 1:02:23

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Coalie - how long do people get to grief others just because they don't see eye to eye?

3 months? 6 months? a year? 3 years?

At what point does it go from 'I'm attacking you cause of a disagreement and a war' to I want to ruin the game for you for no reason, for no benefit to myself, not in furtherance of an actual goal related to gameplay. But just to ruin it.

And when it becomes the latter, do any of you care? Or is it fine to just straight up ruin the game for others... just cause?

Probably until he gets laid, so we might be waiting a while.



Aug 19th 2023, 1:23:52

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Coalie - how long do people get to grief others just because they don't see eye to eye?

3 months? 6 months? a year? 3 years?

At what point does it go from 'I'm attacking you cause of a disagreement and a war' to I want to ruin the game for you for no reason, for no benefit to myself, not in furtherance of an actual goal related to gameplay. But just to ruin it.

And when it becomes the latter, do any of you care? Or is it fine to just straight up ruin the game for others... just cause?

As long as they damn well please.

It’s on you to lengthen your telomeres and adapt. Or die. either way, nobody cares

Git Gud .
SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m

BlackHole Game profile


Aug 19th 2023, 1:36:39

Originally posted by Chevs:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Coalie - how long do people get to grief others just because they don't see eye to eye?

3 months? 6 months? a year? 3 years?

At what point does it go from 'I'm attacking you cause of a disagreement and a war' to I want to ruin the game for you for no reason, for no benefit to myself, not in furtherance of an actual goal related to gameplay. But just to ruin it.

And when it becomes the latter, do any of you care? Or is it fine to just straight up ruin the game for others... just cause?

As long as they damn well please.

It’s on you to lengthen your telomeres and adapt. Or die. either way, nobody cares

Git Gud .

Literally the answer I expected.

You've got tertius running around talking trash about LaF wanting to 'run people off the server' thus that's the reason everyone dislikes them.

Meanwhile you, Getafix, and others, are openly admitting that running people off the server is LITERALLY WHAT YOU ARE ADVOCATING FOR.

Hypocrites, through and through.

SuperFly Game profile


Aug 19th 2023, 1:49:55

I think people just want to run you; Black Hole out of the game…..

But that is just my thoughts based on all of the dislike that you attract to yourself.



Aug 19th 2023, 2:04:24

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by Chevs:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Coalie - how long do people get to grief others just because they don't see eye to eye?

3 months? 6 months? a year? 3 years?

At what point does it go from 'I'm attacking you cause of a disagreement and a war' to I want to ruin the game for you for no reason, for no benefit to myself, not in furtherance of an actual goal related to gameplay. But just to ruin it.

And when it becomes the latter, do any of you care? Or is it fine to just straight up ruin the game for others... just cause?

As long as they damn well please.

It’s on you to lengthen your telomeres and adapt. Or die. either way, nobody cares

Git Gud .

Literally the answer I expected.

You've got tertius running around talking trash about LaF wanting to 'run people off the server' thus that's the reason everyone dislikes them.

Meanwhile you, Getafix, and others, are openly admitting that running people off the server is LITERALLY WHAT YOU ARE ADVOCATING FOR.

Hypocrites, through and through.

I beg to differ. If you’re going to call me a hypocrite at least prove it. Here are the facts.

TheBOMB has been suicided / greifed by LaF every single set they have existed.

They have NOT ONCE complained about LaF, it’s all fair play. The complaints have always come from moderator and admin abuse.

TheBOMB thinks they can win if the rules are fair and applied evenly.

Despite being outnumbered , TheBOMB always has a positive attitude and seems to overwhelmingly come out on top.

SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m

BlackHole Game profile


Aug 19th 2023, 9:31:45

Originally posted by SuperFly:
I think people just want to run you; Black Hole out of the game…..

But that is just my thoughts based on all of the dislike that you attract to yourself.

Ok... so it's fine to want to run some people out of the game... but not others?

We are ok with griefing if we are griefing someone that we don't like. But if someone is griefing us... that's not ok?

Do ya'll need to look up the word hypocrite in a dictionary?



Aug 19th 2023, 11:24:26

Or you can stop being a vagina and crying about griefing . It’s literally a made up term for people who suck at the game and can’t adapt
SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m

Anarchist Game profile


Aug 19th 2023, 12:19:47

Make bots retal screw it. Stop the whole i just want to hit bots and net and not really play the game routine yeah im to talking about you gerd its not a dig just true.

Anarchist Game profile


Aug 19th 2023, 12:23:22

BlackHole Game profile


Aug 19th 2023, 13:27:07

Originally posted by Chevs:
Or you can stop being a vagina and crying about griefing . It’s literally a made up term for people who suck at the game and can’t adapt

It's a made up term? News flash dumbass, all words are made up.

Holy fluff, you're the dumbest fvcking nutjob around.

You know why you guys don't like me? It's cause I make you look stupid. I've been doing it since I got here. And it cuts soooo deep.

yea yea I know your retort already 'who are you, you're a nobody, we don't even know you, you've done nothing'.

If that were the case why are all of you so damn concerned with running me out of the game?

I'm not crying, I'm pointing out facts. Ya'll want to say LaF deserves the hate due to them running people out of the game, while admitting you are doing that CURRENTLY to other players.

It's straight up hypocrisy. You literally have no defense other than to call me a vagina, which again... grade school language from someone who never grew up. I know your friends here are going to pat you on the back for that vagina burn. And it's going to feel good in your little circle jerk to talk about how badly you burned Blackhole on the forums.

But what's really funny is how fvcking lodge in all your heads I am. Hell, Getafix ruined his own set last set on team (and a few of his teammates) because he couldn't get over me. Ya'll are like a bunch of stalkers.

I broke up with you. We can't go on anymore dates. STOP FOLLOWING ME AROUND CREEPS. Go find someone else to be a weirdo with.

SuperFly Game profile


Aug 19th 2023, 14:40:05

Oh here we go again black hole with all of the insults as usual.

Good thing he knows he is a pathetic person per what he posted 2 minutes earlier on the other thread

Originally posted by BlackHole:
. It's bully mentality, that's all it is.

And if you think I'm mistaken.... look at how they act. Using the word retard, and simp, and incel, and fluff, and throwing out literally childish insults left and right. They TALK like grade school bullies. They don't realize that those juvenile insults don't really work with adults. It just makes them look... I don't know? Pathetic?

Now we just need him to realize that besides being a pathetic hypocrite he is also the games current biggest stalker following everyone around on the boards and sending them messages on IRC, Discord and ingame messages.

He is clingy ex stalker girlfriend level 10!

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 19th 2023, 14:55:08

Blackhole, I don't like you mostly because you post too much crap. There is a problem with this forum, because people like you can get far more attention than you deserve. There's no like/ dislike button to filter out garbage. I like to make up for that by attacking people who post excessive amounts of crap in-game.

I did say that you wouldn't be netting while I was around, in my in-game message in Team. It sounds like that scared you a lot, judging by your responses lol. But you don't have to worry, because I'm actually quitting the game over Clan GDI. I don't believe I've ever run anyone out of the game. Jj23 maybe, but he made real life death threats. Boltar couldn't drive me off, but I think he decided to quit all by himself. Gains has threatened to drive SoL off the server. He may succeed sith Clan GDI.

I see qzjul posting about allowing declare war between clans, so there may be hope for the game yet. I'll probably give you a break if I continue playing Blackhole since you are making countries and trying to learn, at least.

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 19th 2023, 14:55:08

Blackhole, I don't like you mostly because you post too much crap. There is a problem with this forum, because people like you can get far more attention than you deserve. There's no like/ dislike button to filter out garbage. I like to make up for that by attacking people who post excessive amounts of crap in-game.

I did say that you wouldn't be netting while I was around, in my in-game message in Team. It sounds like that scared you a lot, judging by your responses lol. But you don't have to worry, because I'm actually quitting the game over Clan GDI. I don't believe I've ever run anyone out of the game. Jj23 maybe, but he made real life death threats. Boltar couldn't drive me off, but I think he decided to quit all by himself. Gains has threatened to drive SoL off the server. He may succeed sith Clan GDI.

I see qzjul posting about allowing declare war between clans, so there may be hope for the game yet. I'll probably give you a break if I continue playing Blackhole since you are making countries and trying to learn, at least.

Academus Game profile


Aug 19th 2023, 15:37:22

The real griefers are those who want to net in a war game and when they cannot defend or use diplomacy, they change the rules to protect themselves and then anyone who criticises them are labelled griefers - an old commie trick to call those who criticise you what you are yourself.

Sad to see the end of this once great game.

Please dont let the bots tag up, TC wants it to be really really easy.

mrford Game profile


Aug 19th 2023, 15:46:30

Are BlackHole and Celphi the same dude?
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

SuperFly Game profile


Aug 19th 2023, 16:24:39

Originally posted by mrford:
Are BlackHole and Celphi the same dude?

There is a greater chance of Celphi and Gerdler being the same person.

BH is on another higher level of incomprehension

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 19th 2023, 16:28:42

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by mrford:
Are BlackHole and Celphi the same dude?

There is a greater chance of Celphi and Gerdler being the same person.

BH is on another higher level of incomprehension

I’ll have to disagree with you Superfly. Celphi is nothing like gerdler at all. Celphi is.. honest. He’s not afraid of competition and is very passionate about the game when he plays. He doesn’t pretend to be nice to someone to accomplish a goal, he’s just honest all the way. Saying Celphi is the same as gerdler is like calling Celphi a TC.

Don’t ever insult Celphi like that again.

Edited By: Coalie on Aug 19th 2023, 16:31:20
Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

SuperFly Game profile


Aug 19th 2023, 16:34:38

Tell me why they both hog turns and rely on their team mates to use all their turns for war while they sit on 90% of their turns to be ready to wall

Why do they both praise each other on the forums or IRC.

Have you ever seen Gerdler publicly praise anyone else or Celphi praise anyone other than Gerdler? I do not recall if I have lol

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 19th 2023, 16:48:22

I wonder how many posts ago qz quit reading...

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 19th 2023, 17:05:08

Your #1 biggest problem I observe is there is no viral marketing or advertising bringing in new players. You need to be present on social media, tik tok. Get a marketing person if you do not have one.

Your issue isn’t the game play, it’s that your player base is grumpy boomers who have played against each other for decades and hate each other now, yesterday and tomorrow.

Any business that does not being in new customers and advertise will lose $$$ and shut down eventually. It’s the main mistake small business owners make. Restaurant people always do that and close down 12 months later.

Rookie mistake and an easy one to correct as well.

Find someone who does marketing, pay them to do it. It will pay for itself over time with the amount of new players and donations you will receive.

Suicidal Game profile


Aug 19th 2023, 17:08:34

Who cares ^^^ Wish he would have stopped reading all of the BS back in 2011

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 19th 2023, 17:17:44

Originally posted by Suicidal:
Who cares ^^^ Wish he would have stopped reading all of the BS back in 2011

QZ asked for feedback and I left it. Hard storyline to keep up with I know. Lot of plot twists there to navigate.

This is the type of behavior I am talking about Qz. A large portion of your player base go out of their way to be abusing to new players or just people in general.

My advice is ban all of these abusing anti social people who are running off your new players and make no mistake they are.

Any business in this day and age cannot allow their customers to be abused by the low life’s that any business will attract that like to hang around.

If you have to ban the entire player base and replace them I would. If they don’t care enough about this game to cherish and protect it then they don’t belong here.

I think a lot of people are thinking it and don’t want to say it and ruffle feathers but you have a lot of abusive bullies here. BH is absolutely correct about that. He also is an idiot that provokes everyone and kicks the hornets nest. Pretty funny to watch actually.

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 19th 2023, 17:19:37

Originally posted by Suicidal:
Who cares ^^^ Wish he would have stopped reading all of the BS back in 2011

I remember you. Do you remember me?

HH Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 19th 2023, 19:01:28

Am I the only one who is getting really tired of seeing the same names argueing about the same thing in every fluffin thread? It's crazy you guys have the energy.

As for qz's original question:

I say adding a cost similar to normal gdi for all members of a clan who is in clan gdi is needed.

Is normal gdi even needed when there is clan gdi? I guess if your clan is not in gdi or if you are untagged it can still be usefull...

It would be nice if a country is labled a bot ingame so we dont accidently hit a player. This will probably happen this reset, people trying to mask themselves as bots in order to be hit and then being able to suicide back.

If bots could retal that would be awesome but I'm guessing that is a bigger change requiring alot of work.

The Indy strat needs to be looked at, going forward with Clan GDI, there will be little use of defense and the demand for tanks, turrets and troops will be pretty low. I got no good suggestion here though how to make the Indy strat better.


Auk Game profile


Aug 19th 2023, 20:40:36

Originally posted by qzjul:
1) If a clan wants to leave clan GDI, it will take 48 hours from clicking the button, and a message to *all* clans would go out that that is happening.

I'd appreciate such an announcement. Getting blindsided sucks.
Originally posted by qzjul:
2) Something restricting countries from leaving clans in Clan GDI. Unsure what restrictions.

Why would this be necessary? I wouldn't want to be locked into a clan when I am no longer affiliated with them.
Originally posted by qzjul:
3) Make a bunch of the bots (33%?) tag up, so there's an advantage to not hitting.

I think people will avoid hitting bots all together if it's not worth the risk.
Originally posted by qzjul:
I'd also like to hear from people as to how things went.

It's nice not having to worry about suiciders. On the other hand, there is less incentive to even have spies now.

In regards to marketing:
I don't believe that marketing this game will be wise while we haven't addressed the player retention problem.

This is part of the reason why clan GDI is a thing in the first place. In general, people don't like the idea of spending weeks building up something only to have it gone in a flash. I doubt any potential new player we may end up with would want to stick around for that.

To address this specific problem, it'd be a start to:
- Drastically decrease expenses and food consumption;
- Drastically decrease the cost to construct buildings; and
- Drastically increase build per turn.

I believe these changes would result in: players quickly recovering from attacks while still retaining the ability to finish with a good score; make griefing less effective; increase engagement between players/PVP; and allow other strategies such as industrial communist to be yet another good choice to play.

In regards to adding costs:
Adding expenses to clan GDI will likely result in a meta where most netters will stop using clan GDI to stay competitive for netting purposes. Then we'd be back to square one with problems unsolved. The perfect example of this is the GDI feature for individuals. The meta right now is to not use GDI to be able to attack more bots for land.

In regards to griefing in general:
It's a genuine problem, especially in games where it takes little to no effort to destroy than build. People in general would feel they're wasting their time. It'd be like building a house of cards while simultaneously dealing with multiple people armed with a leaf blower.

War game?
Can someone please link me to the exact page on the website that describes this game primarily as a "war game"? Please, no links to third party or user generate content. The home page does mention that we can engage in warfare, but it's not the primary objective.

Edited By: Auk on Aug 19th 2023, 22:54:18

mdevol Game profile


Aug 19th 2023, 21:24:32

Originally posted by mrford:
Are BlackHole and Celphi the same dude?

I thought Hellrush initially.
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 19th 2023, 21:40:14

I think BHole and Zack have more in common together than the other names that were dropped. For a while, I thought BlackHole was just another name for bushifo, moriarity, johnwick, ghost rider, and darkling.
Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

BlackHole Game profile


Aug 19th 2023, 21:42:25

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Suicidal:
Who cares ^^^ Wish he would have stopped reading all of the BS back in 2011

QZ asked for feedback and I left it. Hard storyline to keep up with I know. Lot of plot twists there to navigate.

This is the type of behavior I am talking about Qz. A large portion of your player base go out of their way to be abusing to new players or just people in general.

My advice is ban all of these abusing anti social people who are running off your new players and make no mistake they are.

Any business in this day and age cannot allow their customers to be abused by the low life’s that any business will attract that like to hang around.

If you have to ban the entire player base and replace them I would. If they don’t care enough about this game to cherish and protect it then they don’t belong here.

I think a lot of people are thinking it and don’t want to say it and ruffle feathers but you have a lot of abusive bullies here. BH is absolutely correct about that. He also is an idiot that provokes everyone and kicks the hornets nest. Pretty funny to watch actually.

I do provoke people. I am not an idiot though. People just haven't taken the time to get to know me.

Jayr Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 19th 2023, 23:24:16

Who is this blackhole kid, and has he always been this much of a tard?
wasn't me...

Real Man


Aug 20th 2023, 1:47:24

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Your #1 biggest problem I observe is there is no viral marketing or advertising bringing in new players. You need to be present on social media, tik tok. Get a marketing person if you do not have one.

Find someone who does marketing, pay them to do it. It will pay for itself over time with the amount of new players and donations you will receive.

b1tch I make earth videos for free for the lulz

just wait till chucknorrisbeard buys the game

Real Man


Aug 20th 2023, 1:47:37


Aug 20th 2023, 4:25:54

Originally posted by HH:

The Indy strat needs to be looked at, going forward with Clan GDI, there will be little use of defense and the demand for tanks, turrets and troops will be pretty low. I got no good suggestion here though how to make the Indy strat better.

Increase commie jet production or change bot code to produce less jets.

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 20th 2023, 11:22:54

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Suicidal:
Who cares ^^^ Wish he would have stopped reading all of the BS back in 2011

I do provoke people. I am not an idiot though. People just haven't taken the time to get to know me.

Sorry I just meant the way you came in and kick the hornets nest. You strike me as highly intelligent actually. Kind of like Sheldon lol

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 20th 2023, 11:27:14

Originally posted by Real Man:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Your #1 biggest problem I observe is there is no viral marketing or advertising bringing in new players. You need to be present on social media, tik tok. Get a marketing person if you do not have one.

Find someone who does marketing, pay them to do it. It will pay for itself over time with the amount of new players and donations you will receive.

b1tch I make earth videos for free for the lulz

just wait till chucknorrisbeard buys the game

Oh yea we played on team. You run some impressive countries. I’m just being honest. Some of (a lot of) guys here take things too far. I see it on both sides as well and a lot of people don’t want to play a game if your going to be abused and have mean people try and hurt your feelings.

I sound like a woman or lefty I know but it’s true.

Earlier in this thread a user I’ll refrain from naming because I don’t know the guy mentioned yadda yadda about a users personal life and wife and home.

I just think they game would be way better off if everyone swallows their ego and drops the beef at this level.

Everyone here seems to be an *** except for like a handful of guys so you guys have more in common than not it seems.

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 20th 2023, 11:32:55

That’s your problem. No matter what Q does the players and your hatred for each other is your issue.

Fix it or destroy the game. I bet the stress of it makes the owner contemplate is it worth it dealing with you crazy people.

New players come and walk out because half of you are jerks and then Q tries to use a fire extinguisher to control your arson of the community and everyone hates on him for it

Real Man


Aug 20th 2023, 12:12:20

Originally posted by Cathankins:
That’s your problem. No matter what Q does the players and your hatred for each other is your issue.

Fix it or destroy the game. I bet the stress of it makes the owner contemplate is it worth it dealing with you crazy people.

New players come and walk out because half of you are jerks and then Q tries to use a fire extinguisher to control your arson of the community and everyone hates on him for it

Listen up hank, you make a lot of assumptions here. Primary is some Kumbaya lame crap like you suggested and it’s down to 60 players. So you’re wrong. Conflict is empirically good for the game.

Second of all. We don’t hate anybody. TC is one of my current favourites because he has the balls to duke it out in AT and talk sh1t. The rest of his tag are spineless cowards hiding under a pile of crusty socks, who only come out when it’s time to gloat about something meaningless.

Lastly, new players leave because they get rekt and we can all play the game blindfolded after 25 years, not trash talk.


EE Patron

Aug 20th 2023, 12:45:12

Originally posted by Cathankins:
That’s your problem. No matter what Q does the players and your hatred for each other is your issue.

Fix it or destroy the game. I bet the stress of it makes the owner contemplate is it worth it dealing with you crazy people.

New players come and walk out because half of you are jerks and then Q tries to use a fire extinguisher to control your arson of the community and everyone hates on him for it

I also like TC. I even use to like Gerd before his little panties got stuck and frozen up his wawa. He actually trash talked instead of just cried, deeply, in his very lonely basement. I think they are actually the ones who have an issue with us. We got killed by them for like a year. I don't even really remember why, probably something to do with us being better at everything. But man, you'd think Frenchie and I eiffel towered their sisters the way they go out of their way to get at us.

It's been the best part of my game experience for years.

Leto Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 20th 2023, 13:29:26

I would limit Landgrab returns by 50% for countries in Clan GDI so the incentive is to not be in it if you want to get the best score possible.
M4D Founder

BlackHole Game profile


Aug 20th 2023, 14:00:50

Originally posted by Real Man:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
That’s your problem. No matter what Q does the players and your hatred for each other is your issue.

Fix it or destroy the game. I bet the stress of it makes the owner contemplate is it worth it dealing with you crazy people.

New players come and walk out because half of you are jerks and then Q tries to use a fire extinguisher to control your arson of the community and everyone hates on him for it

Listen up hank, you make a lot of assumptions here. Primary is some Kumbaya lame crap like you suggested and it’s down to 60 players. So you’re wrong. Conflict is empirically good for the game.

Second of all. We don’t hate anybody. TC is one of my current favourites because he has the balls to duke it out in AT and talk sh1t. The rest of his tag are spineless cowards hiding under a pile of crusty socks, who only come out when it’s time to gloat about something meaningless.

Lastly, new players leave because they get rekt and we can all play the game blindfolded after 25 years, not trash talk.

Conflict is good for the game, being an absolute raging prick is not. Vowing to run people out of the game is not good for the game, nobody how you try to spin it. Claiming you will never leave someone alone is not good for the game, no matter how you try to spin it.

And this 'I like TC, cause he fights with me on the forums' reeks of you just making an argument that seems convenient for you right now. Ya'll have been calling him a virgin or whatever for weeks on this board. I don't know why, it's a weird insult, but you have been. Yet you're going to claim you like him cause he fights on AT?

Sh!t, Getafix just admitted the reason he DOESN'T like me is because I fight with you all on the boards. That's why he told me he was never going to let me play on Team.

So which is it. Do you like people who call you on your fluff, or do you hate people for it? I just think you're all a bunch of bulls in a china shop, smashing everything as you spin in circles. You're fine with destroying everything, including the game itself, and have no care for your actions or how they affect everything around you.

As for the whole 'why do new players leave'? You're kind of right, real man. It's because they get rekt.

But you're also kind of wrong. They don't get 'rekt' because your so insanely awesome. They get rekt because they are outnumbered, never have the chance to learn, and then don't have fun.

Look at my existence here. I came in the game and got wrecked my first round in team. I made mistakes in attacking people, not understanding the histories and norms that I should abide by. 2nd round I got a team, and lost again. Not realizing that the WRITTEN RULES in the team server weren't actually enforced, lol. So third round I got an even bigger team. We lose again because the team we were fighting recruited more of their friends. I didn't realize that Mercs, Fast Cars, and eveyrone else basically worked as one team if they needed.

I think it was our 4th set when Coalie joined us and we had kiiinda sorta close to even numbers - and we got a bunch of kills. At this point I had learned a lot, and had a decent size team. But you know what happened while we were learning? We lost... I don't know, 60% of our players? We lost a TON. We kept recruiting and recruiting, but so many people hated losing over and over and over to teams that were yes, better, but also MUCH BIGGER. That was the big difference, the fight was NEVER FAIR.

That has been my complaint since day fluffing 1 here. The fights haven't ever been even numbers.

So I moved our team over to alliance to join up with LaF and actually have an even fight. And guess what happened? We WON! And our team did a fluff ton of adamage. We were more productive in that war than every alliance except I think Mercs and LaF. And I personally had more hits that I did than 90% of the people in the war, while being kill'd 14 times, I think it was.

I'm going down a rabbit hole... but the point I'm trying to make is that people aren't quitting because they aren't good enough. People are quitting because, due to the stratification of the player base, they cannot even get a fair fight.

They either join up with Mercs et al., like our friend Captain Control did, or they join up with LaF.

Any new player who wants to war and tries to carve out an existence outside of those spaces is doomed to fail because Mercs et al., will use their superior numbers to make sure that entity never has any fluffing success.

There is a word I would use for this... it's called bullying. Sound familiar? I've been extremely consistent with this messaging. This community bullies others out of the game, both new and existing. And they hide behind the 'get gud noob' rhetoric.

Real Man


Aug 20th 2023, 14:34:19

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by Real Man:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
That’s your problem. No matter what Q does the players and your hatred for each other is your issue.

Fix it or destroy the game. I bet the stress of it makes the owner contemplate is it worth it dealing with you crazy people.

New players come and walk out because half of you are jerks and then Q tries to use a fire extinguisher to control your arson of the community and everyone hates on him for it

Listen up hank, you make a lot of assumptions here. Primary is some Kumbaya lame crap like you suggested and it’s down to 60 players. So you’re wrong. Conflict is empirically good for the game.

Second of all. We don’t hate anybody. TC is one of my current favourites because he has the balls to duke it out in AT and talk sh1t. The rest of his tag are spineless cowards hiding under a pile of crusty socks, who only come out when it’s time to gloat about something meaningless.

Lastly, new players leave because they get rekt and we can all play the game blindfolded after 25 years, not trash talk.

Conflict is good for the game, being an absolute raging prick is not. Vowing to run people out of the game is not good for the game, nobody how you try to spin it. Claiming you will never leave someone alone is not good for the game, no matter how you try to spin it.

And this 'I like TC, cause he fights with me on the forums' reeks of you just making an argument that seems convenient for you right now. Ya'll have been calling him a virgin or whatever for weeks on this board. I don't know why, it's a weird insult, but you have been. Yet you're going to claim you like him cause he fights on AT?

Sh!t, Getafix just admitted the reason he DOESN'T like me is because I fight with you all on the boards. That's why he told me he was never going to let me play on Team.

So which is it. Do you like people who call you on your fluff, or do you hate people for it? I just think you're all a bunch of bulls in a china shop, smashing everything as you spin in circles. You're fine with destroying everything, including the game itself, and have no care for your actions or how they affect everything around you.

As for the whole 'why do new players leave'? You're kind of right, real man. It's because they get rekt.

But you're also kind of wrong. They don't get 'rekt' because your so insanely awesome. They get rekt because they are outnumbered, never have the chance to learn, and then don't have fun.

Look at my existence here. I came in the game and got wrecked my first round in team. I made mistakes in attacking people, not understanding the histories and norms that I should abide by. 2nd round I got a team, and lost again. Not realizing that the WRITTEN RULES in the team server weren't actually enforced, lol. So third round I got an even bigger team. We lose again because the team we were fighting recruited more of their friends. I didn't realize that Mercs, Fast Cars, and eveyrone else basically worked as one team if they needed.

I think it was our 4th set when Coalie joined us and we had kiiinda sorta close to even numbers - and we got a bunch of kills. At this point I had learned a lot, and had a decent size team. But you know what happened while we were learning? We lost... I don't know, 60% of our players? We lost a TON. We kept recruiting and recruiting, but so many people hated losing over and over and over to teams that were yes, better, but also MUCH BIGGER. That was the big difference, the fight was NEVER FAIR.

That has been my complaint since day fluffing 1 here. The fights haven't ever been even numbers.

So I moved our team over to alliance to join up with LaF and actually have an even fight. And guess what happened? We WON! And our team did a fluff ton of adamage. We were more productive in that war than every alliance except I think Mercs and LaF. And I personally had more hits that I did than 90% of the people in the war, while being kill'd 14 times, I think it was.

I'm going down a rabbit hole... but the point I'm trying to make is that people aren't quitting because they aren't good enough. People are quitting because, due to the stratification of the player base, they cannot even get a fair fight.

They either join up with Mercs et al., like our friend Captain Control did, or they join up with LaF.

Any new player who wants to war and tries to carve out an existence outside of those spaces is doomed to fail because Mercs et al., will use their superior numbers to make sure that entity never has any fluffing success.

There is a word I would use for this... it's called bullying. Sound familiar? I've been extremely consistent with this messaging. This community bullies others out of the game, both new and existing. And they hide behind the 'get gud noob' rhetoric.

I stopped reading at the first false thing you said so
I didn’t make it very far.

I feel bad for people who have to deal with you in real life, you are one of those people who aren’t very bright yet you double down on every retarded thing you say.

Frankly I’m embarrassed for you.

Lol git Gud.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 20th 2023, 17:05:02

Yeah, it's git gud, not get gud, get it right BH lol
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

BlackHole Game profile


Aug 20th 2023, 17:58:06

Haha, my bad Ko.

And Real Man, don't lie. We all know you read every word of it.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 20th 2023, 21:46:20

Guys, don't worry this is the last set for at least 90% of the 'other side' if you view it that way.

You can have your bot farming game as Qz has given it to you.

At this point the game has gone too far from the original for me.


- Premium Patron Member

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 20th 2023, 21:56:48

*shakes head*

See y'all in a year and a half.


Hope y'all still hang around a Lil here and there. It's been a fun 25 years.

Turtle Crawler Game profile


Aug 20th 2023, 23:16:31

One other note would be to fix the gap in clan GDI where people are pretending to be bots so they can tag up and grief all reset, then if people hit back their entire alliance can hit.

To fix this people should lose the ability to hit clan GDI countries when they tag up.

allbymyself87 Game profile


Aug 20th 2023, 23:45:28

Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:
One other note would be to fix the gap in clan GDI where people are pretending to be bots so they can tag up and grief all reset, then if people hit back their entire alliance can hit.

To fix this people should lose the ability to hit clan GDI countries when they tag up.

Just make qzjul to limit the Attack button on bot countries only!
No one is allowed to attack any human players!
There! Solved all your grief problems!
All by myself
Don't wanna be
All by myself anymore

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 21st 2023, 1:11:18

Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:
One other note would be to fix the gap in clan GDI where people are pretending to be bots so they can tag up and grief all reset, then if people hit back their entire alliance can hit.

To fix this people should lose the ability to hit clan GDI countries when they tag up.

Or just mark the bot countries like in express.
- Premium Patron Member

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 21st 2023, 2:42:49

Originally posted by Requiem:
Guys, don't worry this is the last set for at least 90% of the 'other side' if you view it that way.

You can have your bot farming game as Qz has given it to you.

At this point the game has gone too far from the original for me.



It doesn’t have to be either or. One could very easily have a war server, a netting server, and a beginners server for n00bs to learn and actually have a chance
At winning. They don’t even have a chance the way it is.

It seems both sides are only thinking about what they want personally rather than the good of the actual game and if one side wins the other side loses when in actuality both sides can win.

1. War server

2. Netting server

It’s already happening with team and alliance naturally anyways

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 21st 2023, 3:00:11

That has been brought up _many_ times already, Cath. It's not a novel idea you mention here. They would instead enforce artificial gameplay on the Alliance server.

It's Qz's/Pang/Slag's game, so they can do as they please. At least I won't be a part of it for much longer.

I will vote with my daily active user count or lack thereof. Not to mention a patron, coin-buying user. Not that it matters much :p

I don't see the Patron badge under your name...
- Premium Patron Member

Shweezy Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 21st 2023, 3:10:55

Originally posted by Cathankins:
That’s your problem. No matter what Q does the players and your hatred for each other is your issue.

Fix it or destroy the game. I bet the stress of it makes the owner contemplate is it worth it dealing with you crazy people.

New players come and walk out because half of you are jerks and then Q tries to use a fire extinguisher to control your arson of the community and everyone hates on him for it

Dont be a suck up Cat, you're not gonna become a mod or get any extra acres

The fact is if "Q" as you warmly call him woulda kept his clan gdi to himself there would of been a 6 month peace pact between all sides. He knows this now and sprints to save his girls from the bad guys, like with his 'hotfix' that was imposed midset, because he felt he left his hoes down. "Q" just wants to be Captain save a hoe

Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:
One other note would be to fix the gap in clan GDI where people are pretending to be bots so they can tag up and grief all reset, then if people hit back their entire alliance can hit.

To fix this people should lose the ability to hit clan GDI countries when they tag up.

Catch me on ir c