
ericownsyou5 Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 16:10:07

Originally posted by zygotic:
How do you think I feel? I'm in omega I was in rd last set and I hate md


arthog Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 16:16:46

actually its just the usual invade and ruin someone elses country that they usually blame other people for doing but hey australia went along with it too , so we are just as guilty too

Edited By: arthog on Oct 27th 2012, 16:23:59
See Original Post

crest23 Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 16:22:01

And Rockman, an action done by one member of an alliance with the APPROVAL of it's leaders IS and act of war.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

Angel1 Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 16:36:51

Rockman, I think it's best to let MD decide whether they're upset or not. Funny thing, I haven't seen MD upset either on AT or privately. Amazing, isn't it?

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 27th 2012, 16:39:59

When Omega killed RD countries, that's war.

Whether or not you label it something else or not is irrelevant.

Point of this story is: RD farms MD with knowledge, MD is pissed but can do anything about it, Omega takes their back and kills the RD countries.

I'm not saying I wouldn't do it if I were Omega however I'm not sure they were in the right to do it based purely on the assumption of policing.

They did what they thought was right, even though it may have been wrong.
- Premium Patron Member

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 27th 2012, 16:42:10

Angel there is no reason for MD to be upset, they obviously don't like RD and well I'm sure they didn't like being their farmland.

I'm not sure you should have done it because now Omega will have to deal with the fallout one way or another.

That's what happens when you let de1i in your alliance :p
- Premium Patron Member



Oct 27th 2012, 16:44:06

If RD does nothing about this, I know I will have 0 respect for them. Doubt I am the only one.

Mr. Iris Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 16:46:51

Good luck to my friends in all 3 alliances. While the short shortsightedness of many have caused problems that likely can't be resolved in the near future, I hope that you are able to turn this unfortunate event into a resolution that is more long term.
Originally posted by archaic:
see many colors
fluttering in the spring winds
Iris blooms again

Boltar Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 17:00:37

I gotta agree with rockman on this one. Omega did do an act of war and broke a pact. Rd as well did a act of war on md. And I don't think they had a pact. There was no police at the time so omega had no right to touch rd. But either way to each their own and may every one lay in the beds they make



Oct 27th 2012, 17:03:27

Originally posted by Angel1:
Confirmed. Come what may, Omega has done what we believe is the right thing to do in this case.




Oct 27th 2012, 17:54:03

This is legend - Wait for it-



Oct 27th 2012, 17:54:13


anoniem Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 18:01:55

Originally posted by Boltar:
I gotta agree with rockman on this one. Omega did do an act of war and broke a pact. Rd as well did a act of war on md. And I don't think they had a pact. There was no police at the time so omega had no right to touch rd. But either way to each their own and may every one lay in the beds they make

if my clan declared war on sof, and we had our friends farm sof just before the war, then im sure you'd want some retribution, and would probably get your police to try and kill the offending countries.

farming MD because they knew they were going to get FSed is a disgusting and dishonourable act. RD should have killed/booted the countries themselves. but if one of the countries was really MrTan's, then you can see why that was never going to happen.

thankfully omega as an alliance of some honour did the necessary deed and the flufftards responsible for the farming of MD got what they deserved.

Edited By: anoniem on Oct 27th 2012, 18:04:44
See Original Post

Magellan Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 18:04:29

Sof told RD that they were hitting MD. RD farmed MD 10 minutes before the FS. SoF laughed about this. OMEGA has killed the RD nations who did this. Friends of RD now complain about how pacts where broken and OMEGA is wrong.

This is the CliffsNotes version.

Thats what happened. All your pacts, unaps, act of wars, blah blah blah is just spin from every side.

Its funny how people make all these posts about the politics of the game when there is no freaking politics anymore. Like there is some magic police or court system that is going to stop any alliance from doing anything they want. Pacts are broke all the time by every side and whoever has the biggest stick on that side wins. Sure there are the posts on AT that say blah blah blah broke their pact...but has it mattered recently?

Two alliances (SoF and Laf) have the biggest sticks and own the game right now. So all the pacts and such mean about as much as I had for lunch today. Which btw was some hot dogs and mac and cheese.

I do however applaud OMEGA for killing the RD nations, because pacts or no pacts, and even Sof and RD members have to agree, what the two RD nations did who farmed MD was shady. We shall think of it as insider trading and OMEGA is the SEC (and no not the football conference even tho they are way cooler then the other one!)



Oct 27th 2012, 18:14:46

I don't think anyone's doubting that the countries should have been killed. On the RD site there was discussion about those players running farms for MD the following reset even.

The cleanest solutions would have been to..
1. MD FS RD instead of retallling SoF. The same effect would have happened, but it would have been justified
2. MD kill those 2 countries then continue on
3. MD ask for reps (they would have received it)
4. Ask a alliance unpacted to RD to help kill those 2 countries (once again I think RD would have been fine with that)

what makes it messy...

You increased the Scope of what Policers can do.
You had an alliance break a UNAP to do it, as written by Angel1
Omega showboated it by having De1i/Diamond post for them

Ivan Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 18:23:08

Regarding the messy part

You increased the Scope of what Policers can do.
You had an alliance break a UNAP to do it, as written by Angel1
Omega showboated it by having De1i/Diamond post for them

1 not that much
2 Theres no UNAP between Omega and RD?
3 doesnt really matter who posted it?
4 F L U F F

Magellan Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 18:27:11

So we should have wasted the 450 to 500 turns to kill the RD nations instead of trying to fight SoF, who btw was hitting us?

Don't forget that Sof has a 30 nation advantage on MD.

Magellan Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 18:32:17

Originally posted by Magellan:
So we should have wasted the 450 to 500 turns to kill the RD nations instead of trying to fight SoF, who btw was hitting us?

Don't forget that Sof has a 30 nation advantage on MD.

Oh and as far as next reset getting reps next reset, last reset I was suicided on by a member of Sanct, which cost me a top 25 finish, which is crazy because I do not know anybody in that allinace. They claimed I did a bunch of bad spy opps on them but didn't show any of it (funny how that works because I didn't do it). I am supposed to get 10 million networth in reps or something like that for that this you think Mr. Silver i'm going to get that now with the war going on?

Hey I quoted myself because I was trying to edit! Go me!

Pride Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 18:33:57

What's done is done.

RD, you know what happened to us was wrong. I think you guys should move on rather than make this a huge deal..

crest23 Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 18:44:08

BTW, why didn't RD go ahead and kill the 2 countries? Why didn't RD detag them? Why isn't anyone talking about that? Instead they are here whining. That's a fluff clan if I ever saw one.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

crest23 Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 18:45:47

Also, why are all these disgusting acts seeming done set after set by only LaF, RD, or SoF? Are these the only tags on this server? fluff clans all three of you.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

highrock Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 19:08:57

[quote poster=de1i; 21009; 387378]I'm merely a member in Omega, the decision was not mine to make. RD is welcome to be mad at me all they want, but it was their leaders not mine that made the selfish decision to farm MD right before SoF FSed them and do it in and brag about in IRC. If the other leaders and members of RD want to redirect their anger at Tan/Clear for doing it without their endorsement towards me then that is their own shortcoming not mine.

(17:50:34) (MrTan) okay, I am going to start the land raping of MD
(17:50:45) (damatt) commencing now!
(17:50:46) (MrTan) I assume your warchat is in 10 minutes?
(17:50:50) (Guldfisken) wc in 5 min?
(17:50:51) (Guldfisken) 10*
(17:51:00) (Ruthie) nice
(17:51:12) (MrTan) going in
(17:51:29) -› Join: Son_Goku ()
(17:51:29) -› ChanServ (+o) Son_Goku
(17:51:37) (@Flamey) oh come on
(17:51:46) (@Flamey) you could have waited until we hit lol
(17:52:03) (@cypress[home]) ..
(17:52:03) (@Flamey) I wanted to surprise highrock with the first kill [/quote]

what the heck...i'm not even playing this reset...whose country did you kill first?
formerly Viola MD

Pride Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 19:12:33

Slash was the 1st guy who got hit but he walled.

Not sure why he said your name?

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 19:18:52

Originally posted by Rockman:
Originally posted by NukEvil:
But Omega haven't declared war on RD...they said that in their first post on this thread. And what you consider really doesn't matter between Omega and RD (unless you happen to be in leadership in one of the alliances).

But, like I said, it doesn't matter. Omega will pay for it one way or the other.

Killing another country is an act of war. Regardless of whether or not there is an official declaration of war.

I suppose the US was never at war with Afghanistan, because there was no "official" declaration?

we kinda just had to shove them aside so we could police the area. wasn't really a war kinda thingy.
There are no messages in your Inbox.
Elvis has left the building.

locket Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 20:20:03

Originally posted by anoniem:
Originally posted by Boltar:
I gotta agree with rockman on this one. Omega did do an act of war and broke a pact. Rd as well did a act of war on md. And I don't think they had a pact. There was no police at the time so omega had no right to touch rd. But either way to each their own and may every one lay in the beds they make

if my clan declared war on sof, and we had our friends farm sof just before the war, then im sure you'd want some retribution, and would probably get your police to try and kill the offending countries.

farming MD because they knew they were going to get FSed is a disgusting and dishonourable act. RD should have killed/booted the countries themselves. but if one of the countries was really MrTan's, then you can see why that was never going to happen.

thankfully omega as an alliance of some honour did the necessary deed and the flufftards responsible for the farming of MD got what they deserved.

I'm sure they would have been quite unhappy but having pacted police do it for policing duty which was not active at the time was a declaration of war, not of policing :P I thought MD should have just killed them themselves or perhaps fought RD instead of Sof or something personally. Now their revenge was taken by someone else who had to break a pact to do it.

Pride Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 20:24:19

I think we're waiting for a pact? I heard RD has yet to provide a pact.

If there is a pact it has an out clause for MD.

locket Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 20:40:25

I wasn't referring to a pact between you guys.. Omega and them are pacted from what I read here :P

Fuji Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 20:42:33

MD was literally moments away from taking a 85 country first strike. Not to mention some of our players had just been farmed into the ground. We're busy defending ourself from a larger and capable enemy. To think or throw out there that we could have or should have killed the offending RD countries is a joke. We don't play this game to roll over and SoF is going to get our best.

And about the pact Omega and RD have, it was posted that one of the pact clauses is...
"The pact is void if RD declares war on MD."

Those countries in RD committed an act of war against MD, and I think Omega was in their right to use that clause against them in this case if that actually exists in their agreement.

Ivan Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 20:50:41

I have yet to see a signed pact between omega & RD once RD provides logs with one i will be happy to admit that there is such a pact in place until then its just hearsay from RDs side



Oct 27th 2012, 21:01:27

As Pride said Highrock, I was the first person targeted though I don't exactly know why. I had just bought up at least 10 minutes before and a quick check would have shown that. I've been running with the same country name since time began, so they obviously knew I wasn't you.

I walled pretty poorly in the end, so it's probably a wash.

iScode Game profile


Oct 28th 2012, 1:40:32

Imaginary numbers supports and endorses Omega's action. Farming an alliance before an FS imo is a despicable action, unless your the alliance fs'ing.
God of War




Oct 28th 2012, 1:46:00

This lasted wayyyyyyyyyyyy too long is there a recap??

Havoc Game profile


Oct 28th 2012, 2:41:43

That pact posted by Silver earlier wasn't signed by anyone in Omega fyi.
Unholy Monks | The Omega

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 28th 2012, 2:46:20

Havoc u can't deny the wolf pack man! You remember that night in vegas! CMON BRO Wolf pack
- Premium Patron Member

aponic Game profile


Oct 28th 2012, 3:22:28

de1ar in omega?

what? when?

hawkeyee Game profile


Oct 28th 2012, 9:01:06

1. There was no pact between Omega and RD when the policing action took place.
2. MD spoke with Omega regarding the action they thought we should take in response to the hits.
3. Omega and RD have a friendly relationship and have spoken at length regarding the policing action.

This will be the last public comment from Omega on the matter.
The Omega
Omega Retal Policy/Contacts: (Earth Wiki)
Apply: (Boxcar)

echlori Game profile


Oct 28th 2012, 13:30:21

Originally posted by Havoc:
That pact posted by Silver earlier wasn't signed by anyone in Omega fyi.

What's new. Silver always posts fake pacts.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Oct 28th 2012, 14:29:18

When I first saw this thread, I read it as "Obama's message to RD"
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

TAN Game profile


Oct 28th 2012, 14:39:58

Hah. Same, Pang.

What I don't understand is why is everyone poking their nose's into RD's business? Let Omega and RD settle their own issues. If anything, this political commentary from parties that aren't even involved just inflames the situation.

NukEvil Game profile


Oct 28th 2012, 14:42:54

I'm pretty sure that that's the sole intention of certain people that have posted on this thread.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

Rossoneri Game profile


Oct 28th 2012, 15:50:30

Originally posted by NukEvil:
I'm pretty sure that that's the sole intention of certain people that have posted on this thread.

Evolution Head of Internal Affairs

Vic Game profile


Oct 28th 2012, 16:01:15


Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 28th 2012, 16:04:02

Originally posted by TAN:
Hah. Same, Pang.

What I don't understand is why is everyone poking their nose's into RD's business? Let Omega and RD settle their own issues. If anything, this political commentary from parties that aren't even involved just inflames the situation.

When a member of Omega post's a thread to a public message board and titles it "Omega's message to RD" for everyone to see... Well that opens it up for public discussion. Of course I wouldn't expect you to understand that.

If this was a message for only RD then it would have been a private message, not a public declaration.
- Premium Patron Member

anoniem Game profile


Oct 28th 2012, 16:42:09

i find it funny how members of omega's dps are posting here and trying to instigate a "war".

friendship at its best!

Red X Game profile


Oct 28th 2012, 17:29:59

Originally posted by anoniem:
i find it funny how members of omega's dps are posting here and trying to instigate a "war".

friendship at its best!

Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

zygotic Game profile


Oct 28th 2012, 21:13:49

fluff is a real stupid word to use.

How's it going tan?



Oct 29th 2012, 4:54:07

The whole premise is ridiculous. However, de1i you are dumb, so I am not surprised by the stupidity of it all.

de1i Game profile


Oct 29th 2012, 5:10:17




Oct 29th 2012, 5:21:16


Darakna Game profile


Oct 29th 2012, 7:29:15

Originally posted by TAN:
SoF... Why would you do this?? What fluffing business is it of RD that you would let them know your FS in the first place??

Anyway, I agree with Omega's stance. Good luck guys.

Maybe it is SoF's business who they decided can know about the FS... Ye know since it is there business.