
Vic Game profile


Jan 26th 2018, 3:47:00

lol you guys are setting yourselves up for server tag kills for life with stuff like this

From: farmer
Nov 27, 2017
To: Vic
A Unap is good with us. We are not looking at going after sol this set we hope to pact them as well. Like i said if we war this set we would like a friendly war with someone around our size,it is getting hard to have a war with like sized clans with out some joining the other side to make it even

Unap- Signed by farmer stones fa.

Vamps Game profile


Jan 26th 2018, 3:50:43

You're getting the delitz server treatment. Clean yourselves up and stop acting like douches and maybe you'll have a chance of netting again at some point.

But we both know you won't change.

Vic Game profile


Jan 26th 2018, 3:51:35

laf is the largest alliance on the server for a reason.
you are part of an untagged suicide crew that will get tag killed, again.

you are super emo, still!

Vamps Game profile


Jan 26th 2018, 3:53:43

Originally posted by Vic:
laf is the largest alliance on the server for a reason

Because you let your crew abuse the safelist and allow others to run multies? You're lucky pang loves cheaters (he's a brady fan, after all)

Just stfu and die my old friend :-)

Vic Game profile


Jan 26th 2018, 4:02:00

you played in laf when karnage was there, heh.

and karnage is surely kicked out after his first and only rules violation (per standard laf rules) and there is absolutely no way for him back in now. rl had been confused when we banned karnage a year prior due to (stupid) PACT violations (not rules), and then let him back in when we needed the turns to combat suiciders (that was our right, as he had never broken any game rules before).

after that he had a rules violation and was promptly banned from laf for life (he vehemently denied any wrong doing too, lol, pretty epic guy). but there's no conspiracy here, just 1 trainwreck of a member that gave leadership constant headache and less than 2% of the total alliance.

laf is a bunch of nice peoples, you on the other hand ... we gotta work on all that hate vamps!

Vic Game profile


Jan 26th 2018, 4:03:43

oh and eevil was an outpost in rd when rd was deleted. (to squelch those tantalizing anti laf/rd storylines)

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 26th 2018, 4:06:15

I like how 20 mins after the fs laf members were seen infiltrating Stones website yet you seem to think nothing of it. Wow. Surprise surprise.

Dissident Game profile


Jan 26th 2018, 4:06:54

ICN leadership had no knowledge of what the 4 of us were going to do.

Vic Game profile


Jan 26th 2018, 4:08:12


ingle Game profile


Jan 26th 2018, 4:09:02

Vamps is posting and not whining about me anymore? What happened? Where's the love?

Aren't you still blaming me for getting Archaic to suicide you? lulz. I need more emo please.

Originally posted by Vamps:
I think I'm going to go start an alliance and will dictate new policies to alliances 5x my size for my benefit. When it doesn't go well, I will complain until the alliance becomes so annoyed with me they surrender to my demands. Sounds like a solid plan, right? Who's with me?

Vamps Game profile


Jan 26th 2018, 4:09:37

I'm a super nice person. I still talk to a couple old friends over there. It doesn't change the fact that you have a few extremely dirty players and have made some extremely douchy moves over the past few sets.

But keep blaming everyone else for your problems. It's what LaF does best lately.

Dissident Game profile


Jan 26th 2018, 4:11:48

Originally posted by Vic:

i dont care if it's classy or not... i mean, i seem to recall you bragging about running Elders off the server. How was that classy?

Vamps Game profile


Jan 26th 2018, 4:12:32

fluff off Ingle. Go brag to someone else about how you finally convinced a woman to sleep with you and have a child. Your obsession with me is borderline restraining order at this point.

Vic Game profile


Jan 26th 2018, 4:15:10

lol you've kept at this weird storyline about laf being douches. we've been open and wanting to pact everyone and have. then we got suicided several times based on that same storyline but in reality it was just suiciders that didn't like getting retalled by laf when they hit laf, so we went to war over it, and suiciders died and had to abandon their own tag.

again laf is 45 members and mostly adults with families that don't have time for AT or even interact with other players so if you are talking about a booted loud mouth low level member in relation to the vast majority of nice and mature lafers, it just seems disingenuous

archaic Game profile


Jan 26th 2018, 4:16:52

Typical of ICN. Harboring tag jumpers during a war to hit a tag they are pacted with. Classy fake reunion. If ICN had any honor (which of course they don't) they would kill the tag jumpers themselves. Instead they will hide under a rock afraid to piss off any old members that came back for the reunion.

On the bright side Laf is getting curb stomped and does not have enough time left in set to turn it around. So, Laf will not net next set either. Justice for how often EVO and PDM get to net these days I guess.

In other news, pacting is now finally officially dead.

Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Vamps Game profile


Jan 26th 2018, 4:23:58

Originally posted by Vic:
lol you've kept at this weird storyline about laf being douches. we've been open and wanting to pact everyone and have. then we got suicided several times based on that same storyline but in reality it was just suiciders that didn't like getting retalled by laf when they hit laf

Did the random few people who tagged Elders deserve to die OOP without provocation? Did galleri's country deserve to die for a simple retal?

Forgive me for using the term douchebag, but I call it like I see it.

ingle Game profile


Jan 26th 2018, 4:24:29

Originally posted by Vamps:
fluff off Ingle. Go brag to someone else about how you finally convinced a woman to sleep with you and have a child. Your obsession with me is borderline restraining order at this point.

Children. Not child. I have 2 kids now.

Maybe if you weren't so emo you'd stop begin so hung up about this game and blame me for your miseries.

Vamps Game profile


Jan 26th 2018, 4:30:06

Originally posted by ingle:

Children. Not child. I have 2 kids now.

Maybe if you weren't so emo you'd stop begin so hung up about this game and blame me for your miseries.

I don't care about you, and your obsession with me is creepy. Please stop.

Vamps Game profile


Jan 26th 2018, 4:33:14

Originally posted by Vamps:

Did the random few people who tagged Elders deserve to die OOP without provocation? Did galleri's country deserve to die for a simple retal?

Forgive me for using the term douchebag, but I call it like I see it.

Ignoring the creepy dude in the room and getting back to my original point...

Serpentor Game profile


Jan 26th 2018, 4:36:06

Originally posted by Vic:
oh and eevil was an outpost in rd when rd was deleted. (to squelch those tantalizing anti laf/rd storylines)

EEVIL was in IX, not RD back in earth.
The EEVIL Empire

Serpentor Game profile


Jan 26th 2018, 4:38:11

Not sure about what’s going on right now on the server, maybe everyone just hates LaF?

The EEVIL Empire

ingle Game profile


Jan 26th 2018, 4:40:33

Originally posted by Vamps:
Originally posted by ingle:

Children. Not child. I have 2 kids now.

Maybe if you weren't so emo you'd stop begin so hung up about this game and blame me for your miseries.

I don't care about you, and your obsession with me is creepy. Please stop.

Originally posted by Vamps:
Originally posted by Hash:

Seems you will always find a reason to screw with LaF.

Despite Ingle being a slimy little fluff, I've never screwed with LaF before. There used to be a lot of people over there I liked.

You started screwing with me and my friends, and now you all whine when we screw you back.

You aren't ever going to net again until you stop acting like fluffs. I don't know why you all find this so hard to understand.

Originally posted by Vamps:
ingle - judging by the news, it actually appears that nobody likes you :-P

You still have people risking deletion just to kill you. One of these days you might learn to stop your whining and take a diplomatic attempt at solving your problems.

Never mind, I almost forgot who I was talking to...

Originally posted by Vamps:
Originally posted by archaic:
Vamps, you knew damn well that was me, but whatever.

Why do you think this? How are we supposed to know who is who if people don't tell us... Last time anyone in our tag talked to you, it was when you were requesting we help Weedy kill a couple of suiciders...

Why were you playing untagged anyways? Please don't tell me you let that slime ball ingle take your spot permanently...

Originally posted by Vamps:
Originally posted by Vic:
-vamps, azn, and several others that have been in elders for sets now were indeed in the recent RD and even got deleted the final set (and that set i did not get deleted ...) (and vamps' very grudging against laf has to do with vamps being in rd and laf hating on rd that set...)

Wtf are you talking about? I was never in RD, and I've never been deleted. I left LaF because Ingle is a shady douchebag. Since you want to make accusations about me in public though, let's explore my history with LaF:

I left LaF because of Ingle. Ingle abused his admin rights in LaF (as IA at the time) to delete my posts on the team board after multies associated with his team string were deleted, and I attempted to question him about it on the LaF team boards to see who was involved. Earlier that set he had also been deleted in express, so I felt I had some justified concerns. Shortly after I questioned him, I was "coincidentally" suicided out of top 10 on by one of his team alliances' members (see my post above for my thoughts on Archaic).

Archaic claimed that he suicided on me because I had a good country and that he had a problem with how PDM was treated by LaF. But he suicided on two countries specifically, and Candyman and Eug both confirmed that no one from PDM had attempted to contact them with concerns. It was a bullfluff excuse.

I left LaF quietly because I couldn't trust Ingle, but I didn't feel like making a public display, since I still had lots of friends there. Since you wanted to make this public though, let me be perfectly clear...

I hit you last set because you pissed off a player who I have a great deal of respect for, and I felt obligated to help. Your FA practices last set resembled that of a spam tag. You attempted to force your policies on others and followed it up by posting policies on AT.

You want to make this personal? Fine. But don't blame anyone but yourself and Ingle. LaF leadership is the sole reason why I've grown to enjoy hitting the tag.

Peace out, I'll be seeing you soon.

Seems like someone has a bit of an obsession with me actually...

Symbolic Game profile


Jan 26th 2018, 4:49:36

Really though where is the pop corn cart?

Vamps Game profile


Jan 26th 2018, 4:54:27

You creepy old fluff.

Jesus, for the sake of reputation, I suppose I'll point out the flaws in your post. God damn, you make my skin crawl...

1) I call you obsessive and creepy, which you... seemingly enjoy. Ugh.
2) I mention you as one of the reasons I left LaF, because of actions you admit you committed. So creepy.
3) Someone else you offended hit you in another server and I defended them. Are you stalking them, too?
4) I called you a slime ball. Because you are obsessive and creepy. Are you getting the message yet?
5) Vic was wrong about a few things in a post he made, and I corrected him. I suppose it's my bad for responding in the first place, but Vic and I used to cordial. But don't let facts get in the way, keep creepin' on.

myerr21 Game profile


Jan 26th 2018, 5:05:24

Thank god i didnt put salt on my popcorn... Theres enough here already.

gains [23:16:55] * Myerr!*@* added to ignore list

cloud-superfly: CP is ok

Vic Game profile


Jan 26th 2018, 5:06:05

^^ we remain cordial even when you go emo on me vamps, and in the following post I very clearly explained that I was speaking to you directly and said


azn and several others "

and you emo'ed on me thinking I was speaking broadly to all of AT about you.

Vic Game profile


Jan 26th 2018, 5:08:27

Originally posted by Dissident:
Originally posted by Vic:

i dont care if it's classy or not... i mean, i seem to recall you bragging about running Elders off the server. How was that classy?

you mean the elders tag that suicide topfed laf demo stockers to start this whole thing a year ago, lost 1v1s against laf to follow, then broke a NO FS pact, disparaged laf all along the way, and remains an unviable tag on this server? that one?

as donny trump would say, the failed elders tag. let's at least be honest here

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Jan 26th 2018, 5:11:41

Originally posted by Dissident:
Originally posted by Vic:

i dont care if it's classy or not... i mean, i seem to recall you bragging about running Elders off the server. How was that classy?

How does it feel to be the reason ICN will be run off the server as well now?
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

breeze Game profile


Jan 26th 2018, 5:35:24

Popcorn here, Ice Cold Beer here

DruncK Game profile


Jan 26th 2018, 6:10:03

Pretty sure this is how the EWPP was created...

Jayr Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 26th 2018, 7:17:11

Edited By: Jayr on Oct 30th 2020, 23:51:46
wasn't me...

Jayr Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 26th 2018, 7:21:10

Edited By: Jayr on Oct 30th 2020, 23:51:43
wasn't me...

sinistril Game profile


Jan 26th 2018, 7:23:43

Originally posted by Jayr:
I want in on this...somebody pm me

You all made a thread
You brought me to it
You made me read it
And now I have to pm this fluffing clown!
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 26th 2018, 7:29:30

Hahaha. I already did sin. Its good. Where serpenter and cerebus at?

Hell, where's archaic at? All you clowns are invited. Come to the laf kill party!

On the downlow I'd love to see archaic in elderswar. Thatd be so funny to see him getting verbally abused all day.

Makinso Game profile


Jan 26th 2018, 7:33:12

This fluff seems pretty Underhanded even for elders.

icn Should deal with Those tagjumpers

Jayr Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 26th 2018, 7:43:59

Edited By: Jayr on Oct 30th 2020, 23:51:40
wasn't me...

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 26th 2018, 7:51:32

Lol, but trying to run a clan off the server is a totally legit move maki? Come on bro. I'm not gonna see them try to run a tag off the server. Any tag for that matter. But especially not players like galleri and whatnot. You should know that.

We've done basically nothing to SOL except one set we decided to make a war more entertaining for everyone. But all you care about is the politics man.

Even now our topic in elders war room reads very clearly DNH SOL!!!! It will continue to read that way even if you hit us. Our qualms are not and never have been with you. And I'm gonna do everything I can to mend that apparent mar on our relationship if it can be done bro. Like I told you at the time, it was just players trying to make a fun war. Nothing more.

I respect the hell out of lots of players over there and there's no reason for us to be at odds at all. If you pulled your head out of the sand for a minute and listened to your membership you'd realize that hating us isn't what your tag wants. You're on the wrong side of this and by and large any SOL I talk to feels that way.

Stop pandering to people trying to kill the game and run off the players and start listening to your members.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jan 26th 2018, 10:10:42
See Original Post

myerr21 Game profile


Jan 26th 2018, 13:25:53

Pontius is so triggered. Who really cares if ICN goes away? I dont, thats for sure. I honestly dont think you will kill ICN. I would love it if you spent your turns killing netters that sign in one time a day instead of the people killing you.


gains [23:16:55] * Myerr!*@* added to ignore list

cloud-superfly: CP is ok

NoleICN Game profile


Jan 26th 2018, 13:33:15

Truth be told. We had no idea this would happen. I feel used by the whole situation. But don’t worry, ICN will stick to its original plan net for the remainder of the reunion set and disappear into the shadows again.



Vic Game profile


Jan 26th 2018, 13:35:22

archaic has played in laf for a few sets you ignoramus legend derrick lol. you guys just don't get it.

and nole so that means you are breaking 1a server practice in not killing the suiciders from your tag that didn't wait 72 hours after detag?

NoleICN Game profile


Jan 26th 2018, 13:38:59

With those guys gone. I don’t have the people to do it.


LittleItaly Game profile

Game Moderator
Alliance, FFA, & Cooperation

Jan 26th 2018, 13:56:24

Originally posted by NoleICN:
Truth be told. We had no idea this would happen. I feel used by the whole situation. But don’t worry, ICN will stick to its original plan net for the remainder of the reunion set and disappear into the shadows again.

You should have asked me Nole. It would have been an easy answer that the elders ppl were planning on disrespecting the ICN tag one way or the other. Pretty much the only reason I didnt tag with ICN this set.
-Discord: LittleItaly#2905
-IRC: #sol
-Apply today @ for Alliance

DruncK Game profile


Jan 26th 2018, 14:55:01

This is exactly what kind of FA should NOT be done on AT.

Shame on LaF, honoring the game my ass.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 26th 2018, 16:33:06

I had no intention of leaving the ICN tag until laf attempted to run a bunch of players off the game I have a ton of respect for. Every member of eevil also had no intention of jumping to hit laf until laf tried running off players they had a ton of respect for.

Its one thing to war people. It's another to attempt to run them out of the game. To that end, laf has 35 extra countries hitting them because no one condones someone trying to kill the game like this.

Ivan Game profile


Jan 26th 2018, 16:39:15

who did they try to run off the server?

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 26th 2018, 16:46:22

Set 1: elders topfeeds some laffers and eventually things break out into war

Set 2: war continues oop and elders gets slaughtered

Set 3: laf and elders remain peaceful a while but tensions grow over a couple issues. Attempts by elders fa to resolve issues are basically ignored. 3 laf leaders tell elders that the pact is voided over the issues (despite apparently not believing their own lies). 1 laf leader tells elders that war is on and laf will hit elders. Elders strikes preemptively.

Set 4: another ab fs

Set 5: another ab fs

Yeah. Idk Ivan. Seems like overkill to me. I've constantly been willing to work thru the nonsense.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jan 26th 2018, 17:02:07

You are fluffing nuts Derrick... :) first off you are missing a whole set, pretty significant stuff I would say. A set in which you ran at least one alliance out of the game that you FSed only for being our allies. You also FSed us out of the blue, not that we didn't expect it

Secondly your set 3 which is actually set 4; first off you detagged a suicider, thats not peaceful. Secondly we said we consider that the detagging of the suicider and aiding him while refusing to take responsibilty for that is breaking the pact. yeah you broke it twice. I think its not so strange, the 72 hour responsibility has been the standard in 1a since long before I started playing 1a in 2002, it has at times been extended for certain occasions but never removed.

Thirdly some other stuff happened on set 2 that you failed to mention conveniently. we tried to move past that and were FSed by you 2 sets in a row after.

KSFRekuyukai Game profile


Jan 26th 2018, 17:21:50

I know who Derrick is, he's Chucky from Rugrats, his entire life is based around being a dumbass and stating half truths.

Shweezy Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 26th 2018, 17:32:19

Originally posted by KSFRekuyukai:
I know who Derrick is, he's Chucky from Rugrats, his entire life is based around being a dumbass and stating half truths.

I just watched both movies wit my kids last nite and Chucky was cool, so no he aint no Derrick.. Derrick is more like Angelica.
Catch me on ir c



Jan 26th 2018, 17:45:58

Originally posted by Vic:
oh and eevil was an outpost in rd when rd was deleted. (to squelch those tantalizing anti laf/rd storylines)

EEVIL was NOT an outpost of RD when RD was deleted. We had already left.
Ragnarok's EEVIL Lady