
Detmer Game profile


Aug 30th 2010, 22:55:28

As the title says PDM is now at war with the Fist. I don't know if this is an FS as they already declared war at us and have done many spy ops (CD, Sabotage missiles) although no attacks otherwise.

This is really a matter of retal policy disputes and conviction. We share the former and both independently possess the latter. Neither party would back down from their policy which culminated with TheFist killing a PDM country. We of course could not accept that outcome and thus we began our war preparations.

Please place both sides on WAR DNH while we reflect on the issues at hand. It is always refreshing to war as the champion of a cause but it is regrettable to war someone whom you respect and have no ill will towards. Such is the way of things. Good luck to TheFist.

Strife Game profile


Aug 30th 2010, 22:58:18

In b4 Ravi

Also good luck to TheFist.

TAN Game profile


Aug 30th 2010, 23:04:37

Good luck guys. :)

Murf Game profile


Aug 30th 2010, 23:05:37

thefist is gonna take a pounding

snawdog Game profile


Aug 30th 2010, 23:11:57

Good Luck..and see ya on the battlefield..
ICQ 364553524

Duke Game profile

New Member

Aug 30th 2010, 23:21:34

good luck to both sides

Acevan Game profile


Aug 30th 2010, 23:29:06

weirdest start ever

TAN Game profile


Aug 30th 2010, 23:38:01

FYI, our only female participant in the KR was not wearing pants during the KR.

That's right TheFist -- PDM is killing you...SEXILY.

snawdog Game profile


Aug 30th 2010, 23:42:12

**Confirms the 'No bloomers'
ICQ 364553524

TAN Game profile


Aug 30th 2010, 23:43:14

I'm actually being serious. She just told me on MSN. :D

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Aug 30th 2010, 23:52:17

This can't be PDM's FS because there are barely any AB's in the news.

Stay tuned for the real PDM FS! :p
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Detmer Game profile


Aug 30th 2010, 23:54:00

Originally posted by Pang:
This can't be PDM's FS because there are barely any AB's in the news.

Stay tuned for the real PDM FS! :p

Confirmed. This is just a precursor.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 31st 2010, 0:19:11

Go PDM!!!
I financially support this game; what do you do?

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Aug 31st 2010, 0:34:19

If by disagreement in policy you mean your own members constantly breaking even your own rules and 1 dispute regarding policy.... Your country had rored fist enough during the set to warrant a kill even without the latest dispute

Otherwise it was obvious you were just provoking fist with constant rors and unfullfilled promises to take care of the problems..
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

TAN Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 0:39:33

There was 1 RoR, and you guys failed to retal it within the 48 hour window. Everything else was legit.

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Aug 31st 2010, 0:48:04

I havent checked this but Id wager that # of PDM RoRs on Fist > Fist grabs on PDM for this set.
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

iXenomorph Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 0:54:18

Originally posted by TAN:
FYI, our only female participant in the KR was not wearing pants during the KR.

That's right TheFist -- PDM is killing you...SEXILY.

"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

Snarf Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 1:08:46

Finally. This waiting around to see who was going to jump first crap was really starting to annoy me. And despite my personal opinion of this whole war at least for once there was some bad blood first and not some stupid "We were bored" reason.

P.S. I'm not wearing pants either ;)

Detmer Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 1:33:55

Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
If by disagreement in policy you mean your own members constantly breaking even your own rules and 1 dispute regarding policy.... Your country had rored fist enough during the set to warrant a kill even without the latest dispute

Otherwise it was obvious you were just provoking fist with constant rors and unfullfilled promises to take care of the problems..

Well you see, by our policy you were the one constantly retalling retals. It works both ways. This was in no way contrived. We actually wanted to net from the beginning. We will always stand up for ourselves though, even when it is against not-bullies.

And I technically never promised to make the problems stop. I told the members who RoRed to stop and they did. (although that caused a philosophical discussion on someone taking a retal being immune to random grabs for 48 hours, but I digress). My point being I did everything I said I was going to do (talk to my members). I don't run all those countries.

Thomas Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 1:34:31

LoL - PDM trying to bully one of the only alliances they still can. The retal was how many minutes outside the retal window? 23? And you guys couldn't let it slide and avoid this entire situation. Had to be fluffs because you might actually win a war since 1998.

Maybe I should have farmed you guys again this set after all.

snawdog Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 1:37:28

Originally posted by Thomas:
LoL - PDM trying to bully one of the only alliances they still can. The retal was how many minutes outside the retal window? 23? And you guys couldn't let it slide and avoid this entire situation. Had to be fluffs because you might actually win a war since 1998.

Maybe I should have farmed you guys again this set after all.

Did you miss the memo? They declared on us...Go blow a wand..
ICQ 364553524

Detmer Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 1:41:05

Originally posted by Thomas:
LoL - PDM trying to bully one of the only alliances they still can. The retal was how many minutes outside the retal window? 23? And you guys couldn't let it slide and avoid this entire situation. Had to be fluffs because you might actually win a war since 1998.

Maybe I should have farmed you guys again this set after all.

Well actually being a RoR we would normally take two retals but we only took one to even things up with land since it was only 20 minutes late. Things escalated from there. This was not case of bullying - we had a legitimate issue and it devolved to war. They are the one who escalated things to killing. They are actually the ones who declared war first.

I don't see why you think this concerns you though. Just another attention grab I guess.

Thomas Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 1:51:21

Originally posted by snawdog:
Originally posted by Thomas:
LoL - PDM trying to bully one of the only alliances they still can. The retal was how many minutes outside the retal window? 23? And you guys couldn't let it slide and avoid this entire situation. Had to be fluffs because you might actually win a war since 1998.

Maybe I should have farmed you guys again this set after all.

Did you miss the memo? They declared on us...Go blow a wand..


Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 31st 2010, 1:56:13

Hey Thomas I can teach you how to LG if you would like?

Looking at your clans LG to Retal ratio looks like most of you could use some training on how to effectively gain land.

Next time you want to run your mouth back it up.

PDM > Thomas
I financially support this game; what do you do?

snawdog Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 2:00:43

Ok Detmer my response bows to yours..
I just have no patience for trolls,especially those that have no idea what the bigger picture is..

@TC,since you attempted a failed coup on one of our great leaders,have you ever seen PDM back away from a policy(right or wrong in your mind)?
We have gotten smacked down,no doubt..This is nothing more then an issue over retal policies..Now you go back to your lil' cage before you make everyone think Sanct is are the crazy for allowing you to speak on the forums...
ICQ 364553524

Yamaha Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 2:10:42

PDM could probably find the cure for AIDS and Thomas would be on AT the next day saying we invented AIDS in the first place...

*Throws hands in the air*
Paradigm - The Nuthouse
IMP - Haters Gonna Hate

Sir Balin Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 3:07:41

it's hard to believe so much ignorance and misplaced ill will can be crammed into one thomas.

good luck to the fist. pdm has the numbers and the FS but we're notoriously bad at finishing what we start. :P

kemo Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 3:23:28

well if youd like to actually learn how to war collab can show you :P its funny how much you go on about thomas but this is the first time in how long since you did anything but ab in a war?
all praised to ra

Yamaha Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 3:35:38

We AB FS'd once. One time. Singular. 1...

Also, if OGT is any indication of your fighting then that's pretty weak. Tag jumping and all...
Paradigm - The Nuthouse
IMP - Haters Gonna Hate

Thomas Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 3:40:09

Originally posted by Requiem:
Next time you want to run your mouth back it up.

Is that seriously a challenge? lolz

Originally posted by Requiem:
Hey Thomas I can teach you how to LG if you would like?

I gained 6K acres in 5 days doing 1 PS a day. I'm all set, but thanks.

Originally posted by snawdog:
Now you go back to your lil' cage before you make everyone think Sanct is are the crazy for allowing you to speak on the forums...

I'm pretty sure causing wars and pissing people off IS my job.

Originally posted by Yamaha:
PDM could probably find the cure for AIDS and Thomas would be on AT the next day saying we invented AIDS in the first place...

Because you infected me.

Originally posted by Sir Balin:
it's hard to believe so much ignorance and misplaced ill will can be crammed into one thomas.

I try.

Edited By: Thomas on Aug 31st 2010, 3:46:07
See Original Post

Thomas Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 3:43:06

Originally posted by Yamaha:
We AB FS'd once. One time. Singular. 1...

Also, if OGT is any indication of your fighting then that's pretty weak. Tag jumping and all...

Referring to Fist or Collab?

madjsp Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 5:13:36

I think PDM wants to war Collab again. we'll take your membership, and get our best however many you have, and war it out.

I'm down with that.

joe3: bater sucks so bad imag could teach him a thing about war

Strife Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 5:29:28

[quote poster=Thomas]
Originally posted by Yamaha:

Referring to Fist or Collab?

Not sure how it can be construed as Collab being weak at all, obviously Yama meant Fist

Yamaha Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 5:29:40

That's great, except we're warring the Fist... Hence the purpose of this thread.

Also our membership vs. Your best. Right, that would be even since 100% of a clans membership completely commits of any war...sheesh

We don't want to war Collab, but since Collab is trolling in our war dec post obviously you're pretty desperate to war anyone even if they're currently warring someone else.
Paradigm - The Nuthouse
IMP - Haters Gonna Hate

Yamaha Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 5:32:44

Originally posted by Thomas:

Referring to Fist or Collab?

Sorry for the confusion, that was pretty much aimed at OGT for tag jumping at the onset of a war and anyone else that would condone such actions. Especially when he was one of the two countries at the center of the dispute.
Paradigm - The Nuthouse
IMP - Haters Gonna Hate

Imperial Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 5:34:44

I missed this thread somehow.

LCN Policing INC is available to both sides should you need the policing.

All posts above mine lack merit. Therefore I'm the only one in before Ravi but that's ok because I represent the same corporation.

That is all.

Imperial 1 - LCN Vice Ghall
AT Supreme Head Ghall
Head of too many people and too tired to list names.

Thomas Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 5:36:14

Originally posted by Yamaha:
Originally posted by Thomas:

Referring to Fist or Collab?

Sorry for the confusion, that was pretty much aimed at OGT for tag jumping at the onset of a war and anyone else that would condone such actions. Especially when he was one of the two countries at the center of the dispute.

Only reason I asked is because OGT is a dedicated Collaber, but was playing in The Fist this reset. So that comment could go to either alliance.

Yamaha Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 5:39:46

I don't have anything against OGT personally, I exchanged a few messages with him ingame when we were LG'ing back and forth before everything got this heavy.
I just simply find it very suspect that he jumped back to Collab instead of fighting with the Fist since he started the set with them. Standing by them seems the honorable thing to do.
Paradigm - The Nuthouse
IMP - Haters Gonna Hate

spawn Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 6:35:38

about time...

LCN will be policing for The Fist. icq msges on its ways

/slap iZarcon

All your deleted countries are belong to me!

Mr Charcoal Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 7:07:59

Originally posted by Yamaha:
PDM could probably find the cure for AIDS and Thomas would be on AT the next day saying we invented AIDS in the first place...

The monkeys got aids from PDM.
I'm rooting for PDM, smack'em down!
Originally posted by NOW3P:
Religion is like a penis - it's perfectly fine to have one, but you're best served not whipping it out in public and waving it in people's faces.

spawn Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 7:12:30

your last grab on us will be retalled by LCN anyways, so it doesnt really matter who you're rooting for
/slap iZarcon

All your deleted countries are belong to me!

Mr Charcoal Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 10:20:18

That's ok with me, I'm just picking on someone who has difficulty fighting back. I know the fist can relate.

I don't mind if *LCN* takes your land ;-) I like them. You guys on the other hand, with the little-big-man act...a mid sized alliance picking on a small alliance? I'll help myself to some acreage.

I mean what happened to you spawn? I never used to mind dealing with you or the fist. I 'spose times have changed eh?
Originally posted by NOW3P:
Religion is like a penis - it's perfectly fine to have one, but you're best served not whipping it out in public and waving it in people's faces.

spawn Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 10:39:51

us picking on little clans? lol

we were simply grabbing everyone we were not pacted too, dont feel special, because you are not
/slap iZarcon

All your deleted countries are belong to me!

paladin Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 10:40:34

The Fist are going to.... Oh screw it. I hate cheesy puns.
No, I don't know what I'm doing. That much should obvious by now.

TAN Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 11:13:13

Thomas, everyone here knows you are anti-PDM and you'll do anything to insult us.

Therefore, you're irrelevant.

toma Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 12:21:58

I heard some rumuors that PDM - collab pact was breakable. ;)
Originally posted by Slagpit:
Ruining peoples fun for no reason is okay, but ruining it for a reason I disagree with isn't okay. Never change, community.

Strife Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 12:25:03

Any pack is breakable, dont be silly. The only question is to what end, and/or the factors leading to the breaking.

OGT Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 12:56:35

Originally posted by Requiem:
Hey Thomas I can teach you how to LG if you would like?

Looking at your clans LG to Retal ratio looks like most of you could use some training on how to effectively gain land.

Next time you want to run your mouth back it up.

PDM > Thomas

Ill start here, I think i was plus 25k off pdm last set, PDM=FAIL.

I hit 23 minutes after the retal window on a sunday after the weekend, which believe it or not some people do have lives and live it on the weekend, people with jobs especially, secondly your twisting this to justify your fs, your fsing thefist to make your clan mates feel good about the stomping they recieved last reset at the hands of a much better clan, but just like the reset before this one a much better clan will come along and plow you guys and make you realize that all you did the reset before was bully a peaceful netgaining clan.

feel real big pdm, since you haven't felt that way since 2001

GL to the fist, send me a pact if you guys need FA, thanks.

Sir Balin Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 13:15:01

tee hee

i personally enjoyed

"I think i was plus 25k off pdm last set, PDM=FAIL."

followed by

"make you realize that all you did the reset before was bully a peaceful netgaining clan."

OGT Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 13:19:48

gotta love it, someone here has to feed the trolls, and literally I was about 25k up last set.. 37k acres and i started farming pdm at 12k.. anyways balin your still cool, same with tan, detmer has his moments.
I understand why it came to this 100%, but it could have easily been avoided if pdm wanted it to be.