
Thomas Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 3:40:09

"Next time you want to run your mouth back it up."

Is that seriously a challenge? lolz

"Hey Thomas I can teach you how to LG if you would like? "

I gained 6K acres in 5 days doing 1 PS a day. I'm all set, but thanks.

"Now you go back to your lil' cage before you make everyone think Sanct is are the crazy for allowing you to speak on the forums..."

I'm pretty sure causing wars and pissing people off IS my job.

"PDM could probably find the cure for AIDS and Thomas would be on AT the next day saying we invented AIDS in the first place..."

Because you infected me.

"it's hard to believe so much ignorance and misplaced ill will can be crammed into one thomas."

I try.

Edited By: Thomas on Aug 31st 2010, 3:46:07
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