
Sir Balin Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 21:19:29


We're suggesting

a) cross-server suiciding is stupid
b) on top of that, there wasn't even any reason to hit PDM

poor troll, 2/10

Chaoswind Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 21:28:05

Originally posted by Tertius:
It's interesting all of the PDMers who say the suiciding is stupid and then suggest that the issue is that the suiciders are hitting the wrong alliance. Way to pass the buck.

Suiciding is always stupid, but sometimes is justified, and is a counter balance for asshole behavior, suiciding on the wrong people is beyond stupid.

we asked what we had done to them, they said we killed them
we pointed out the fact that we had nothing to do with it and that they are super tards.

Pang is saying he doesn't understand why PDM is being hit when more prominent leaders of TSO are in other alliances and are laughing at the situation; i do understand why PDM is being hit (one side is full of retards and a country name).

Originally posted by Tertius:

I also think what TSO did was lame. I also agree with Bobby about the lack of moral justification for NOT retaling cross-server. The issue isn't that their countries died in team, it's that their enjoyment is gone. Not that I condone the idea, but if you are going to go an eye for an eye, the goal would not to be to fight on team (which is what TSO would like) but to reduce their enjoyment in some fashion (in this case cross-server retal). I would not participate myself, and I would not like myself or my alliance to be targeted, but in general this is exactly the tactics that suiciding entails. You cannot directly fight your enemy on common ground and you are forced to "fight dirty". Innocents are often casualties. It's sad, but it does bring focus on the situation...

While I am not sure of who all is part of TSO, I have doubts about Neofed members being involved as it is newly reformed and a lot of those guys don't seem to have ever played EE at all. If Neofed was mentioned because of Boltar specifically, he plays in SoF as has been stated before. I don't really know too many players in the other alliances or I would speak for them as well.

In general, I'm pretty sure that these suiciders are not attacking Pang in the hopes of affecting server change through him specifically. That seems like a rather egocentric view from Pang's part, as AxA insinuated. While it is easy to understand that admins in general only have so much free time and that it is split between making EE better and playing, I think it is poor form to allude to a player's in game actions as an attack on the game enhancement itself.

Pang: The extra personal attack on AxA also seems really uncalled for. It's like you were just waiting for him to comment on you in public so that you could play that 'card'. I wish that I could express how little respect I have for you without insulting you, because I am appreciative of the work you do for this game, but I very much disagree with some of your actions and statements.

What TSO did was the next step in the natural evolution of the worthless server, Team server has always been Alliance JR for the alliances that couldn't really make it in alliance server and wanted to be big toads eating the little flies in that turd of a server.

Just look at previous sets, there is always a team of people eating smaller ones, this time the toad is big enough to eat the whole turd and all the flies sticking to it, nothing more than that.

Team server is fluff, and now the flies full of fluff are flying away of the toad and landing on our heads, with their disease ridden selves.

I hope TSO destroys Team Server, then after that Pang/Qz will close it and replace it with something better.
Elysium Lord of fluff
PDM Lord of fluff
Flamey = Fatty
Crazymatt is Fatty 2

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 10th 2012, 21:28:08

Sir Balin:

I wasn't trolling.

I was suggesting:

a) cross-server suiciding makes sense if your goal is to ruin fun
b) Originally Pang didn't know who was in TSO and who wasn't, except that Boltar was in SoF and he repeatedly said to spread the love to them. Of course he included his patented happy face, so I'm sure it was just a joke. He then listed the locations of a few other players and another PDM member gave a list of alliances which might have some TSO players. All in all, how does this not seem like you're giving out names to protect yourselves? Why can't you just argue that a)they shouldn't be cross-server suiciding and b) there was no reason to hit PDM (as opposed to giving them names of people they should specifically hit...)

I rate your troll a 7/10 though. I'm sure you'll do better next time.

locket Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 21:30:03

PP this is fluffing pathetic dude? Aren't you a current or former Imag player? I could be wrong but either way it is stupid as hell.

Axa, just as sad what you are saying. I bet you anything if it was Sanct being suicided your mood would change. Pathetic.

And as for the team "heroes", all I can ask you is this. Where were you when other clans ruined the team server in the past? What about when RD was ruining it and killing anyone who landgrabbed any of their tags etc? Not much difference there.

Chaoswind Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 21:31:33

What about my troll?
Elysium Lord of fluff
PDM Lord of fluff
Flamey = Fatty
Crazymatt is Fatty 2

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 10th 2012, 21:34:15

I'm okay with yours Chaoswind. You state your points; I agree that suiciding on the wrong people doesn't make much sense. Telling them that you are the wrong people is reasonable.

Your synopsis of team server is disputable and irrelevant, but as such I don't feel the need to respond. I hope you are not disappointed that am not offended by your "troll".

locket Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 21:35:37

Originally posted by Tertius:
Sir Balin:

I wasn't trolling.

I was suggesting:

a) cross-server suiciding makes sense if your goal is to ruin fun
b) Originally Pang didn't know who was in TSO and who wasn't, except that Boltar was in SoF and he repeatedly said to spread the love to them. Of course he included his patented happy face, so I'm sure it was just a joke. He then listed the locations of a few other players and another PDM member gave a list of alliances which might have some TSO players. All in all, how does this not seem like you're giving out names to protect yourselves? Why can't you just argue that a)they shouldn't be cross-server suiciding and b) there was no reason to hit PDM (as opposed to giving them names of people they should specifically hit...)

I rate your troll a 7/10 though. I'm sure you'll do better next time.

It appeared to me as an attempt to show them they were wrong to be targeting PDM but then you still hate Pang from his Laf days even though he tried to make peace with everyone.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 10th 2012, 21:39:50

I typically don't respond to you Locket because you constantly try to derail topics and distract from the point at hand, but since you're personally making this about me, I feel I should defend myself:

As mentioned above, I don't respect pang for a lot of reasons, and none of them have to do with his LaF days. I respected his sentiments about war alliances and how we all could work to make the game better and more enjoyable as a whole.

You're right though, I'm sure my disdain for Pang personally attacking someone who criticized a silly post of his is all about LaF... I'm sure you won't get the sarcasm since your response to any of my posts is to state I'm biased because I disagree with you. Please refrain from speaking with respect to my intentions because you are always wrong. I'm off for a few drinks with friends now though, so please don't waste either of our times by responding. Thanks.



Feb 10th 2012, 21:45:26

that's the TSO contact page, you can see boltar is listed as president. boltar has stated many times over the past set that he is in sof this set.

I'm not going to give a breakdown here, but there are signs elsewhere as to what the largest group in TSO is. If you really wanted to get at me, you could have asked for my number. as is you randomly hit people in a tag that 2 sets ago gave up a decent shot of winning TNW to go to war over a retal issue.

do you really think this is going to hurt PDM?
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

Chaoswind Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 21:48:01

Originally posted by Tertius:
I'm okay with yours Chaoswind. You state your points; I agree that suiciding on the wrong people doesn't make much sense. Telling them that you are the wrong people is reasonable.

Your synopsis of team server is disputable and irrelevant, but as such I don't feel the need to respond. I hope you are not disappointed that am not offended by your "troll".

You honestly can see team server as anything else besides alliance JR?

Alliances that have bullied Teams in the past:

LAE at some point

want me to keep going?

my synopsis of Team server is beyond accurate, and saying that the situation evolved naturally to this point is also accurate; saying the team server is turd is an opinion (an accurate one), saying that Team server imports nothing to this game is accurate, and saying the server should be killed is an opinion.
Elysium Lord of fluff
PDM Lord of fluff
Flamey = Fatty
Crazymatt is Fatty 2

locket Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 21:49:11

Originally posted by Tertius:
I typically don't respond to you Locket because you constantly try to derail topics and distract from the point at hand, but since you're personally making this about me, I feel I should defend myself:

As mentioned above, I don't respect pang for a lot of reasons, and none of them have to do with his LaF days. I respected his sentiments about war alliances and how we all could work to make the game better and more enjoyable as a whole.

You're right though, I'm sure my disdain for Pang personally attacking someone who criticized a silly post of his is all about LaF... I'm sure you won't get the sarcasm since your response to any of my posts is to state I'm biased because I disagree with you. Please refrain from speaking with respect to my intentions because you are always wrong. I'm off for a few drinks with friends now though, so please don't waste either of our times by responding. Thanks.

You can claim that I only view you as biased because you disagree with me but you'd be wrong. Enjoy the alcohol ;)

Helmet Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 21:53:52


I saw the suiciders and was actually going to suggest we help and then I read this thread.

Trife Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 22:03:42

Originally posted by toma:
when will LCNers stop being deleted for rule violations in single player servers?

Also FBI killed people for no reason in team is less worse than us killing for a bad reason in alliance? No way can you spin us as worse from that. You can just pretend they are random suicides.

Ah okay yes. When an alliance member gets deleted in primary/tournament then that means suicide his alliance on a different server. Makes sense! p.s. when did that happen? a year and half ago? :)

Pain Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 22:06:52

Originally posted by locket:
PP this is fluffing pathetic dude? Aren't you a current or former Imag player? I could be wrong but either way it is stupid as hell.

Axa, just as sad what you are saying. I bet you anything if it was Sanct being suicided your mood would change. Pathetic.

And as for the team "heroes", all I can ask you is this. Where were you when other clans ruined the team server in the past? What about when RD was ruining it and killing anyone who landgrabbed any of their tags etc? Not much difference there.

i wasnt aware killing people for attacking you was ruining a server? apparently in retardland killing off a whole server for fun with the express intent to ruin the server is the same thing.

awesome logic.
Your mother is a nice woman

archaic Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 22:08:58

Honestly, if I was in your shoes helmet, I'd stay as far away from this fluff as humanly possible. I'd love the help, but I'd rather not see any other tags get their sets screwed up by these guys. PDM did not start this - but I guess we'll finish it.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

toma Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 22:12:51

Originally posted by Trife:
Originally posted by toma:
when will LCNers stop being deleted for rule violations in single player servers?

Also FBI killed people for no reason in team is less worse than us killing for a bad reason in alliance? No way can you spin us as worse from that. You can just pretend they are random suicides.

Ah okay yes. When an alliance member gets deleted in primary/tournament then that means suicide his alliance on a different server. Makes sense! p.s. when did that happen? a year and half ago? :)

I never suicided on you for high leadership getting deleted on primary/tourney. I'm just throwing it out for fun ;) I can post names if you still want to wiggle around. Starts with A and an R.

I suicided on you for tag killing us on team for no reason like 5hours after you killed us. On 1 country who was playing a country there. This seemingly had no effect on you as. We were tag killed soon after again by FBI&WOG for no reason. Next set some of our members suicided whole of LCN as there were 5-10 of you playing in FBI. This time you seemed to get the message and we haven't had any trouble since then.
Originally posted by Slagpit:
Ruining peoples fun for no reason is okay, but ruining it for a reason I disagree with isn't okay. Never change, community.

Assassin Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 22:15:38

Originally posted by de1i:
TSO Members list:

really? i've never been in tso. i played in wildbunch this set, tso killed my country, i didn't restart. i don't think any of the other people listed even play team server, but i'll let them speak for themselves.

Pain Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 22:17:50

its pathetic how many other people joined TSO only to ruin the game for people they were playing with just a set or 2 before.
Your mother is a nice woman

dagga Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 22:19:44

A couple of suiciders on PDM and pang threatens to shut down the Team server. LOL

He has has made more statements about this then the fact that for the last 4 resets on Alliance, the exact same thing has been happening except on a coalition scale. i.e. wars for no reason apart from tryhing to get players to quit.

The reason for his hypocrisy and inaction? LaF/SOF are the ones doing it.

You are the wrong person to be leading this game. All you do (supposedly) is 'talk' about changes on your 'admin forum'. Less BS, less self interest, less hypocrisy. Do something.
signatures are stupid.
Months since LaF netgained: 22

Assassin Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 22:21:52

Originally posted by toma:
Originally posted by Trife:
Originally posted by toma:
when will LCNers stop being deleted for rule violations in single player servers?

Also FBI killed people for no reason in team is less worse than us killing for a bad reason in alliance? No way can you spin us as worse from that. You can just pretend they are random suicides.

Ah okay yes. When an alliance member gets deleted in primary/tournament then that means suicide his alliance on a different server. Makes sense! p.s. when did that happen? a year and half ago? :)

I never suicided on you for high leadership getting deleted on primary/tourney. I'm just throwing it out for fun ;) I can post names if you still want to wiggle around. Starts with A and an R.

I suicided on you for tag killing us on team for no reason like 5hours after you killed us. On 1 country who was playing a country there. This seemingly had no effect on you as. We were tag killed soon after again by FBI&WOG for no reason. Next set some of our members suicided whole of LCN as there were 5-10 of you playing in FBI. This time you seemed to get the message and we haven't had any trouble since then.

i like how toma conveniently omits the fact that ravi and i both got reinstated after having been (improperly) deleted. ravi was my d ally, some guy hit me, ravi went off on him without me even knowing about it. omgz0rs cheat0rz!!

Trife Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 22:28:26

^^ Read assypoo's response


'This time you seemed to get the message and we haven't had any trouble since then.'

I don't personally know of a single LCNer playing in TSO - like I said most of us just were completely heartbroken when ZEN left to the point of severe depression. I wouldn't be suprised if 1-2 LCNer's are over there as people are free to do their own thing, but it's not the 'OMG lets destroy team server as an alliance!' as you seem to think it is.

But meh, I doubt little is going to change until the game admins make some changes - you guys will just keep on beginning-of-set, cross-server suiciding folks whether they're the guilty parties or not.

Chaoswind Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 22:40:49

Originally posted by dagga:
A couple of suiciders on PDM and pang threatens to shut down the Team server. LOL

He has has made more statements about this then the fact that for the last 4 resets on Alliance, the exact same thing has been happening except on a coalition scale. i.e. wars for no reason apart from tryhing to get players to quit.

The reason for his hypocrisy and inaction? LaF/SOF are the ones doing it.

You are the wrong person to be leading this game. All you do (supposedly) is 'talk' about changes on your 'admin forum'. Less BS, less self interest, less hypocrisy. Do something.

Pang didn't threaten to shut down Team server, a bunch of us have been nagging him non stop about closing that place, and he said PDM as a whole doesn't acknowledge the existence of Team server or the cross server issue.

Nice Spin there Dagga, but you should read about who is posting what, the only one that wants Team server gone is me, Detmer wants to overhaul/replace it, and Pang is listing to us rant in IRC for hours and hours and commented on how most of us want that turd gone.

again I want people to counter my argument of Team server being alliance JR for alliances that can't make it, just close the place up, the FEW FEW players that only play team server (NONE) will only join Alliance server, with an alliance that is full of their friends and in rare cases will only be a new division on said alliances.


Also there is a problem with your logic, what is happening in alliance server is a self evolving situation on this server, SoL didn't FS LaF in team/FFA all that fluff happened in here, so is only normal for the revenge to happen here.

PDM got hit for something that happened on another server, and we had nothing to do with it.

If the guy you insulted/fought stabs you, you can see the unfairness of the cheap shot, but you drop dead without questions.

If a completely random person stabs you, you got to ask why

Edited By: Chaoswind on Feb 10th 2012, 22:49:38
See Original Post
Elysium Lord of fluff
PDM Lord of fluff
Flamey = Fatty
Crazymatt is Fatty 2

Assassin Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 22:41:43

and here's where my idiotic refusal to delete old e-mails finally pays off!

From: marvin D martian
Sent: Fri 7/30/10 2:01 PM
To: [cheat0r Assassin's e-mail]


I restored your country in Tourney along with Ravi's.

One of the other mods felt that two of you were cooperating in the tourney server so prematurely deleted both of you. Please be mindful of the fact that:
"Players should strive to play according to the spirit of the rules, especially on servers without clans. These servers are designed for individual play. To make the game fair for all players and accessible to new players, players in the primary, express, and tourney server should not engage in any outside of game organizing which gives them an advantage over what can be accomplished through normal, ingame diplomacy."



toma Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 22:45:44

Trife: we haven't hit you over TSO stuff? Why do you keep on whining about LCN associated with it.

Assassin: So you got undeleted once and that makes you a saint? What about the other times you got deleted by mods, did you get undeleted those times as well? I remember atleast 1 express deletion, and it wasn't the first time either.
Originally posted by Slagpit:
Ruining peoples fun for no reason is okay, but ruining it for a reason I disagree with isn't okay. Never change, community.

Trife Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 22:49:05

Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
Originally posted by Chaoswind:
mostly SoL, LCN and Neofed

Thanks. We have some countries left, this is useful information.

Edit: I thought it was toma that posted this, not PP. If Toma isn't PP, they're part of the same little suicide squad.

I guess my point is that you're going after the wrong guys, but meh, short of game admins making some changes, I doubt you guys are going to stop pulling this fluff.


Edited By: Trife on Feb 10th 2012, 22:52:59
See Original Post

Chaoswind Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 22:50:51

well I was acting up on the list Deli posted, didn't know he was faking it
Elysium Lord of fluff
PDM Lord of fluff
Flamey = Fatty
Crazymatt is Fatty 2

toma Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 22:52:48

Well you really had 2 options.

1. Talking to us and correcting our mistake.
2. Have few of your members come to the boards and call us idiots.

I'm sure one of them is way more effective.
Originally posted by Slagpit:
Ruining peoples fun for no reason is okay, but ruining it for a reason I disagree with isn't okay. Never change, community.

Chaoswind Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 22:54:48

if it moves like a duck, swims like a duck and looks like a duck, is a swan?
Elysium Lord of fluff
PDM Lord of fluff
Flamey = Fatty
Crazymatt is Fatty 2

Assassin Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 22:55:44

following up on del1's bald-faced lie

Posts: 563 Feb 9th 2012, 5:00:09
rage/sanct/LCN/MD those would prolly be the tags on the alliance server i do not have in TSO

Assassin Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 22:58:52

Originally posted by toma:
Trife: we haven't hit you over TSO stuff? Why do you keep on whining about LCN associated with it.

Assassin: So you got undeleted once and that makes you a saint? What about the other times you got deleted by mods, did you get undeleted those times as well? I remember atleast 1 express deletion, and it wasn't the first time either.

no, toma, it doesn't make me a saint, it makes you a teller of (at best) half-truths by noting that ravi and i got deleted, without noting that we were both immediately reinstated.

your statement that "I remember atleast 1 express deletion, and it wasn't the first time either," by contrast, isn't a half-truth, but a bald-faced lie. i've NEVER been deleted in express.

Terror Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 23:00:35

I find all the people calling PP a moron rather amusing. You say he didn't address the issue, but he hit where people noticed.

A couple powerful and influential people in PDM went and did abusive things with disregard for the consequences for their community and now they are crying because some of those abused people lashed back in a way that might lead to change.

I fluffing hate it when people claim to be a different person on this server or that or in game or out of game like the rules of right and wrong change. Hi, my name is Mike Bartlett and I don't pretend for anyone. It's too bad for those in PDM who do not recognize what they did wrong, but they deserve to know: They kept company with people who behaved badly and took no responsibility their people.

PP didn't lash out at all the people who deserved it, but 4% isn't blameless. What he did do was lash out at people who have the power to lead trends and set standards for behavior. That was smart PP.

So PDM doesn't tell its members how to behave? Well maybe they should start. You reap what you sew.

Boltar Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 23:00:49

also add monsters and omega to that list assassin.. (unless some people are in tso from them that i dont know about) i dont ask where they play if i dont personally recruit them

archaic Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 23:03:42

Originally posted by toma:
Well you really had 2 options.

1. Talking to us and correcting our mistake.
2. Have few of your members come to the boards and call us idiots.

I'm sure one of them is way more effective.

Hey Toma, you and PP are idiots.

I already gave you my country numbers, what the fluff else do you want?

'I don't always play on the team server, but when I do - it will be to ruin it for you guys'

- Terror, its two different servers, two different games, how is that not within your ability to understand?

Edited By: archaic on Feb 10th 2012, 23:06:10. Reason: added note to terror
See Original Post
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Chaoswind Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 23:13:08

Originally posted by Terror:
I find all the people calling PP a moron rather amusing. You say he didn't address the issue, but he hit where people noticed.

A couple powerful and influential people in PDM went and did abusive things with disregard for the consequences for their community and now they are crying because some of those abused people lashed back in a way that might lead to change.

I fluffing hate it when people claim to be a different person on this server or that or in game or out of game like the rules of right and wrong change. Hi, my name is Mike Bartlett and I don't pretend for anyone. It's too bad for those in PDM who do not recognize what they did wrong, but they deserve to know: They kept company with people who behaved badly and took no responsibility their people.

PP didn't lash out at all the people who deserved it, but 4% isn't blameless. What he did do was lash out at people who have the power to lead trends and set standards for behavior. That was smart PP.

So PDM doesn't tell its members how to behave? Well maybe they should start. You reap what you sew.

a newly appointed HoW (love him!!!) and a silly drunkard porn star member are prominent members? if you mean Archaic he isn't in TSO, he just finds the situation in that server hilarious and so do I.

Also behave? Team server is ABOUT coalitions gang banging others, tell me of a time in with this has never happened in team server?

Team server has always been broken, is like you suddenly saying Alliance server has unfair wars and going to ruin the sets of people on other servers because of it.

News flash

Primary is slow paced boring and a small pond for players to fell big.
Tourney requires skill.
Express is fast phased and broken
Alliance is full of redtape and revenge
FFA is full of revenge and randomness
Team server is full of fluff
Elysium Lord of fluff
PDM Lord of fluff
Flamey = Fatty
Crazymatt is Fatty 2

hanlong Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 23:15:11

so much hate :(
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

Sir Balin Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 23:18:02

Originally posted by Terror:
I find all the people calling PP a moron rather amusing. You say he didn't address the issue, but he hit where people noticed.

A couple powerful and influential people in PDM went and did abusive things with disregard for the consequences for their community and now they are crying because some of those abused people lashed back in a way that might lead to change.

I fluffing hate it when people claim to be a different person on this server or that or in game or out of game like the rules of right and wrong change. Hi, my name is Mike Bartlett and I don't pretend for anyone. It's too bad for those in PDM who do not recognize what they did wrong, but they deserve to know: They kept company with people who behaved badly and took no responsibility their people.

PP didn't lash out at all the people who deserved it, but 4% isn't blameless. What he did do was lash out at people who have the power to lead trends and set standards for behavior. That was smart PP.

So PDM doesn't tell its members how to behave? Well maybe they should start. You reap what you sew.

I generally respect you, Terror, but this is asinine. All I can agree with is that PP et al lashed out indiscriminately at players completely unrelated to the issue, and people took notice of his cause. Not unlike a terrorist. (Not trying to raise the stakes by mentioning terrorism, though it's probably the best conceptual definition of what took place here.)

At various times I've thought LaF/Evo/IX/SOL/etc. were ruining the alliance server with their political bullying. Never have I thought about going to FFA or something and targeting tags their leaders play in. It just doesn't make any sense.

Basically your argument boils down to the fact that you think one PDMer (elves) has a character flaw that was manifested in gameplay on a different server, and you think PDM should proactively monitor his behavior on different servers and make sure he's behaving. Most of us had never heard of TSO before today. How far can you see up on that high horse? Get a grip, man.

Chaoswind Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 23:20:25



I am just a troll and my dream is to cause heart attacks, I am actually smiling at everything being posted in here :D

but one thing of what I said is what I honestly feel, and that is the worthlessness of Team server, there is always someone complaining about gangbangs/suicides in there, If something happens 90% of the time, then that is commonplace, if you can't play nice with each other, then close the place up.
Elysium Lord of fluff
PDM Lord of fluff
Flamey = Fatty
Crazymatt is Fatty 2

Assassin Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 23:22:12

just for the record, toma and i have kissed and made up. he had me confused with someone else (neither of us knows who). i apologize for my harsh words.

BattleKJ Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 23:25:54

I'm not a huge PDM Fan, but their members dont deserve anything like this. They are good guys compared to most (You're potentially suiciding on people like Sir Balin who is quite possibly a saint as he sought no revenge or payback when I tried to screw him :P). I could understand if you were just targetting the alliance countries of whoever plays in TSO but targetting a whole alliance with 99% 'innocent' members is just wrong.

EDIT: My only experience of playing Team involved me farming one of DBD's tags that looked pretty weak. In return I got killed by guys in all of their tags. Team isnt a 5 player team server, its a smaller version of alliance with alliances broke up into different tags.

Edited By: BattleKJ on Feb 10th 2012, 23:28:52
See Original Post

Sir Balin Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 23:29:22

Originally posted by toma:
Well you really had 2 options.

1. Talking to us and correcting our mistake.
2. Have few of your members come to the boards and call us idiots.

I'm sure one of them is way more effective.

Assuming this is geared toward PDM (can't keep track of all the mud being slung from your corner), I have been in private communication with PP. I explained how silly it was to target PDM when we had nothing to do with his beef on another server. He acknowledged as much, and then offered that if we didn't kill the suicider countries (ostensibly so that they could hit another tag), the would give us reps in the form of letting us two-step them as they hit other tags. lol. hence we came here calling you idiots, idiots.

Sir Balin Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 23:32:24

Ah, KJ, I forgot that I owe you some payback. Do you have countries on any other servers? I want to hit your clanmates.

de1i Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 23:38:20

I was joking guys! I copy and pasted LCN's contact list from your boxcar page :P

BattleKJ Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 23:43:56

I'm going to join TSO on Team Sir Balin, I wonder if you suiciding us there will create a black hole.

Chaoswind Game profile


Feb 10th 2012, 23:57:44

hopefully the server will implode instead :D
Elysium Lord of fluff
PDM Lord of fluff
Flamey = Fatty
Crazymatt is Fatty 2

archaic Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 0:00:12

Originally posted by Sir Balin:

Assuming this is geared toward PDM (can't keep track of all the mud being slung from your corner), I have been in private communication with PP. I explained how silly it was to target PDM when we had nothing to do with his beef on another server. He acknowledged as much, and then offered that if we didn't kill the suicider countries (ostensibly so that they could hit another tag), the would give us reps in the form of letting us two-step them as they hit other tags. lol. hence we came here calling you idiots, idiots.

Balin, you have to be bullfluffting, right? He apologized, and wants us to let them live so they can suicide other tags?

PP, I drastically underestimated your stones my man. You sir have a set. Seriously, the offer stands.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

toma Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 0:02:13

Originally posted by archaic:
PP, I drastically underestimated your stones my man. You sir have a set. Seriously, the offer stands.

He works at goldman sachs in the investment banking division. This is probably his smallest swindle of the day.
Originally posted by Slagpit:
Ruining peoples fun for no reason is okay, but ruining it for a reason I disagree with isn't okay. Never change, community.

archaic Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 0:06:46


PP is smikke?
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

locket Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 0:22:45

Originally posted by Pain:
Originally posted by locket:
PP this is fluffing pathetic dude? Aren't you a current or former Imag player? I could be wrong but either way it is stupid as hell.

Axa, just as sad what you are saying. I bet you anything if it was Sanct being suicided your mood would change. Pathetic.

And as for the team "heroes", all I can ask you is this. Where were you when other clans ruined the team server in the past? What about when RD was ruining it and killing anyone who landgrabbed any of their tags etc? Not much difference there.

i wasnt aware killing people for attacking you was ruining a server? apparently in retardland killing off a whole server for fun with the express intent to ruin the server is the same thing.

awesome logic.

A 1 to kill policy with cross tag killing etc? Don't even bother trying to justify that dude :P

locket Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 0:23:15

Originally posted by dagga:
A couple of suiciders on PDM and pang threatens to shut down the Team server. LOL

He has has made more statements about this then the fact that for the last 4 resets on Alliance, the exact same thing has been happening except on a coalition scale. i.e. wars for no reason apart from tryhing to get players to quit.

The reason for his hypocrisy and inaction? LaF/SOF are the ones doing it.

You are the wrong person to be leading this game. All you do (supposedly) is 'talk' about changes on your 'admin forum'. Less BS, less self interest, less hypocrisy. Do something.

Funny... considering they made a huge change to warring just today. Man you need to grow up.

Terror Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 1:00:17

I also generally respect you Balin, but you are failing to help yourself. Forgive me if I misquote this anecdote since I read it some time ago, but the meaning is clear: a journalist once asked in his column who is to blame for the social problems of the world. One of his readers responded, "I am".

I fully agree with this notion. For you or anyone to set yourself apart from the needs of other earth players is a wanton abandonment of social responsibility.

PP's demands may be based in terrorism, but they were rather small. He wanted two people to self-delete. I can't put words in his mouth, but I suspect if that actually happened, PDM would then satisfy his code of good sportsmanship and move on to someone else.

It shouldn't be hard to get everyone in PDM on the same page as far as being respectful and playing fair on any server. Most of you are classy people. Maybe PP picked you because he thought you would be an easy fix. Would it be so bad if he were right?