
Rokkie Game profile


Dec 1st 2024, 21:31:31

Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
Not my problem rokkie can't take a joke. See first post. water your plants. That is all.

This has nothing to do with a joke and you know it. Your initial OP in this thread is a childish reaction to finding out the reasons for me leaving the tag and discord.

either way, you can't seem to own what you have done or the reasons why I was unwilling to stick around and endure more insults and slurs towards friends of mine, instead you just seem to continue to try and attack me like I have done something wrong in all this, it is you who is the sensitive one, it is you who are the childish one, it is you who are the problem in all of this.

Your whole history here revolves around creating drama and trying to be a smartass in the process, sorry but you are not going to win this. I would suggest you just stop posting in this thread you created and let it die off.

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 1st 2024, 21:33:34

Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
Not my problem rokkie can't take a joke. See first post. water your plants. That is all.

Go away dude or Ima add you to the list of sympathy chasers who make threads like this just to have bleeding hearts like Req, Coalie, etc.. tell you “don’t leave, the community needs you”.

Just to save face you should disappear and come back a month later like the other person who just returned after leaving cuz the boys were mean to her. Don’t be a C*******s and a B*******e and gives us the amazing news that you are leaving but you aren’t. *if you 2 know that I am talking about your stfu and save it. Don’t want to hear your nonsense*

You stated publicly that you were leaving. Please honor your word and go now, don’t look back and run.

Come back with a new alias if you so choose and tell everyone you just found this game on old Reddit thread (made by BH of course) and pretend to be new and never unearth this username again

Edited By: SuperFly on Dec 1st 2024, 21:42:06

EmpyreanMKR Game profile


Dec 1st 2024, 21:55:28

ok buddy

Edited By: EmpyreanMKR on Dec 1st 2024, 22:05:27
M4D - IA/War


TAN Game profile


Dec 1st 2024, 22:10:57

Calling someone a "fluff" is not a joke, and you know it. Why don't you actually take responsibility for it? Just say "I'm sorry I called her that, I'll avoid doing so in the future", you could actually probably repair everything with DM and it'll be water under the bridge.

Honestly, I'm not sure why Leto isn't doing more to stop you from posting and further tanking M4D's reputation.

You might think I'm trying to attack you, but honestly I'M trying to do damage control on behalf of M4D because apparently no one there is trying to and Leto is a friend.

Drow Game profile


Dec 1st 2024, 23:20:27

Sorry Empy, this one's on you.
"It was just jokes" definitely doesn't fly, especially when you've come to the forums to make an attack thread.
The doubling and tripling down is helping you even less.

Paradigm President of failed speeling

"EE's DILF" - Coalie

EmpyreanMKR Game profile


Dec 1st 2024, 23:43:49

Thanks again drow and tan. I don't know what I would do without you.
M4D - IA/War


SuperFly Game profile


Dec 2nd 2024, 0:05:55

Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
Thanks again drow and tan. I don't know what I would do without you.

I know what you can do!

Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:

I am quitting M4D, MKR. And earth.

Thanks for making the return to the game as fluffty as possible.

Go buh bye! It’s been all day. What are you Deep Purple on fake farewell tour?

Again I got no beef with you personally. Just with all of the “I am leaving” posts that you drama queens make for attention

Red X Game profile


Dec 2nd 2024, 0:22:28

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Always a jerk BH. It’s my brand and I am 100% committed to it.
No flip flopping with this guy…

I love how he keeps the same energy
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

Red X Game profile


Dec 2nd 2024, 0:27:19

Also just to clarify the b word is fluff and not bastard or banana , correct?

Edited By: Red X on Dec 2nd 2024, 0:30:04
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

HRH Princess Tisya Game profile


Dec 2nd 2024, 13:22:03

*nibbles on popcorn*
Don't mind me. Superfly magically called me here by mentioning people who left but didn't. Also, bonus.
ex-HFA, forever Princess of Paradigm

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 2nd 2024, 13:34:19

Originally posted by HRH Princess Tisya:
*nibbles on popcorn*
Don't mind me. Superfly magically called me here by mentioning people who left but didn't. Also, bonus.

dont worry you are exempt as you actually did leave for a few days. Furthermore you didn't spend the entire day posting in your "i am leaving" thread or did you?

HRH Princess Tisya Game profile


Dec 2nd 2024, 13:56:16

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by HRH Princess Tisya:
*nibbles on popcorn*
Don't mind me. Superfly magically called me here by mentioning people who left but didn't. Also, bonus.

dont worry you are exempt as you actually did leave for a few days. Furthermore you didn't spend the entire day posting in your "i am leaving" thread or did you?

Nah I gave myself 24 hours then left left. And I was gone for a whole set and a half?? Anyway, it's fine. Let me make it about me. :D
ex-HFA, forever Princess of Paradigm

VicRattlehead Game profile


Dec 2nd 2024, 17:27:01

Once you accept some language policing, you are at the mercy of the language police forever. Only fluffes cave on freedom of speech.

VicRattlehead Game profile


Dec 2nd 2024, 17:28:30

Holy crap TAN and Drow are coming out together to be scolding tonepolicing concern trolls? Nobody ever could have seen that coming!


TAN Game profile


Dec 2nd 2024, 18:01:46

Holy crap, Vic is also coming out publicly to support misogyny and boomer attitudes regarding women? Nobody ever could have seen that coming!

Do you also want to let AT know about your support for your white supremacist buddies or the fact that you constantly are talking about a boxer's genitals or any of your other trailerpark wisdom? Or should we keep that to Discord?

Red X Game profile


Dec 2nd 2024, 18:14:46

Originally posted by Red X:
Also just to clarify the b word is fluff and not bastard or banana , correct?

Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

VicRattlehead Game profile


Dec 3rd 2024, 2:23:03

TAN, if you did any more projecting, we could use you to open up a drive thru theater. Boomers would love it.

TAN Game profile


Dec 3rd 2024, 2:38:05

Originally posted by VicRattlehead:
TAN, if you did any more projecting, we could use you to open up a drive thru theater. Boomers would love it.

Ah yes, the "I'm rubber, you're glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you" defense. Your toddler logic is really putting the "rattle" in "Rattlehead".

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 3rd 2024, 4:40:13

i am just glad that Empy finally left the building!

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 3rd 2024, 6:38:54

Originally posted by SuperFly:
i am just glad that Empy finally left the building!

go get the Moet Chandon. Time to celebrate.
Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

EmpyreanMKR Game profile


Dec 3rd 2024, 12:41:38

Originally posted by SuperFly:
i am just glad that Empy finally left the building!

ILL TOAST TO THAT!!!! CHEERS!!!! Don't let the door hit yah on the way out empy, you piece of carp.
M4D - IA/War


Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 3rd 2024, 12:46:24

Originally posted by SuperFly:
i am just glad that Empy finally left the building!

Coalie and I talked him out of it so we can keeeellll him more…

- Premium Patron Member

TAN Game profile


Dec 3rd 2024, 16:17:41

We should not be celebrating ANYONE leaving the game, it's too small. We may disagree with people like Vic and Empy but they are valuable to the game, and we can't afford to lose more people. Encouraging anyone to leave is bad form.

EmpyreanMKR Game profile


Dec 3rd 2024, 17:25:28

Originally posted by TAN:
We should not be celebrating ANYONE leaving the game, it's too small. We may disagree with people like Vic and Empy but they are valuable to the game, and we can't afford to lose more people. Encouraging anyone to leave is bad form.

coulda fooled me TAN.
M4D - IA/War


Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 3rd 2024, 17:27:24

Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
Originally posted by TAN:
We should not be celebrating ANYONE leaving the game, it's too small. We may disagree with people like Vic and Empy but they are valuable to the game, and we can't afford to lose more people. Encouraging anyone to leave is bad form.

coulda fooled me TAN.

He’s called “Lyin TAN” in discord for a reason.
Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

TAN Game profile


Dec 3rd 2024, 18:25:26

Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
Originally posted by TAN:
We should not be celebrating ANYONE leaving the game, it's too small. We may disagree with people like Vic and Empy but they are valuable to the game, and we can't afford to lose more people. Encouraging anyone to leave is bad form.

coulda fooled me TAN.

It's because you allow yourself to be fooled by things that aren't really there. What have I said that gave you an indication I wanted you gone from the game? Can you find anything on AT or Discord that even loosely implied that even with the most liberal interpretation?

Not everyone is out to get you.

EmpyreanMKR Game profile


Dec 3rd 2024, 19:02:17

Actually yes I can, your first post in this very thread.

Let me put it to you this way.

You are in paradigm. You do not war. You do not run kill chats. I have spent 4 of the most BORING sets I have EVER played in 26 years in paradigm. 2 sets back in the day, and 2 just before M4D. Exception being Doug's antics...BORING.
You had no kill runs. Kill chats. Kill nothing. I am not insulting paradigm, because you net, and I can't net. Thats why I was BORED to tears. I dont do netting. Power to yah. But it isn't my jam, POINT BEING, you rarely KILL and you're entire leadership team is liberal, so, its kinda....fluffy netting clan over there. Used to call em tree huggin hippies back in the 2025 days....

I have been in hundreds upon hundreds of war rooms, warchats, killchats, killruns, rushes, this that and the next thing since 98-99 until now..

WARRIORS of this game, ALL swear, name call, and label their targets or have in the past.

"kill that mofo!" , "Chem his azz!", "Nuke the "shiz" out of that son of a B", Kill the bi*****"

Never have I ever just said to you or anyone that I thought DarkMere was a b-word.
We were running a killrun against two countries. There were 12 Male players in a room together. target #1 I said "kill that mofo" and country #2 I said "chem or kill the b-word!"

A rally cry. Something I have done in kill runs since 1998. I did it that way then, and Im gonna do it now. I even HOWL at the end of a successful kill like we did in the old UCN WOLF PACK.

So let me break it down for you all even more since you cant figure out what part of this was a joke, and what part of this was kill run banter, considering I am still talking to Darkmere as a friend every single day since then....

"Don't forget to water your plants or they won't send back accurate information. What a rokkie move."
THAT WAS THE JOKE directed at Rokkie, who was, by my estimation, planted in M4D in the past, as during a cleanse of inactives, I saw his name just hanging out in there, and kicked him from our member areas personally.

"kill the b-word" - that was a kill run rally cry. Same as any other rally cry I ever uttered. not changing now. Don't care. Not my job to sugar coat the world for you. That was your parent's job. If you're feelings are hurt by me having a kill run and talking in my member areas calling for a KILL on a KILL target, using My words in MY kill chat, that's your problem. Not mine. If you wanted to act like an adult about it, dont storm off, just send me a message real quick, say you didn't like that I did that, And ill explain to you oh, i didnt know youd be offended, my bad, shes my friend, ill try not to do it again, its not personal, i was just trying to push the guys to hit faster .... But you had to take off. Okay. You all calling me childish but messaging me instead of running off and saying we were bashin her, thats kinda childish because it wasn't like that.

But sure. You're choice. But it SURE did made you look like you were planted again. Anyways....

I am unapologetic for my rallying methods. Get over it. Darkmere and I are friends. politically, we kinda sorta differ, but we talk about alot of things, EVERY DAY up to and including TODAY talkin bout harry potter.

Youre welcome to come look at the chat room if you like. It is unedited, and untouched. I aint got time for that little kid screemshot edit BS.

So suck it trebeck.

This thread is over, done, and I will not return to it. Good day, good luck, and don't forget your ovaltene.

Edited By: EmpyreanMKR on Dec 3rd 2024, 19:27:39
M4D - IA/War


Dr Phil

EE Patron

Dec 3rd 2024, 19:44:56

Well, let me tell you something, partner. You just gave us the verbal equivalent of a 10-car pileup: loud, messy, and entirely avoidable. Here’s the deal: if your rally cries and war room nostalgia are the hill you want to die on, that’s your prerogative. But don’t act surprised when people call you out for dressing up juvenile insults as “banter.”

If you’ve got to explain your jokes this much, maybe the delivery’s the problem, not the audience. Now, take a deep breath, finish your Ovaltine, and maybe spend a little less time reliving the glory days.
How bout dat

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 3rd 2024, 20:27:57

Rokkie had a problem with the language to which he was entitled.

He didn't make this post you did. Not only did you call all this attention to yourself but you also implied that Rokkie is a spy ("Plant").

Why do you wish to damage the reputation of Rokkie? Is it because he didn't like your language and silently removed himself from the situation without calling any attention to the issue?

- Premium Patron Member

TAN Game profile


Dec 3rd 2024, 20:52:59

Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
Actually yes I can, your first post in this very thread.

Here is my first post in this thread in its entirety:

Empy instead of ragequitting when someone calls you out for saying the "b word", why don't you just say "Sorry, you're right, I'll try not to use that language again".

You're a leader, you're supposed to lead by example. If you have players under you who are uncomfortable with that language, you're supposed to do your best to correct the behavior - whether it comes from you or anyone else in your alliance.

Don't ragequit, just try to be more understanding on why some people don't like that language.

If you read that and you took that to mean I am trying to run you out of the game, you are the biggest goddamn snowflake in the world. You are the ultimate sensitive boi.

Take whoever the most sensitive person in the world is according to your opinion, magnify that by 20, and that's you: complete ultimate sensitive boi who digs through poop to find diamonds.

That 679 word puke salad you responded with was you digging furiously through my poop to find a diamond, and you're a bitter sensitive boi because you found nothing.

One last word: I was part of the PDM-RD war back in 2006ish, we're talking about wars and getting tag killed every set for a year so that everyone else on the server could play without worrying about RD. We warred regularly for as long as I can remember outside of that. So if you're going to talk fluff about my war credentials and what behavior I've seen in a war room, you better back it up sensitive boi, because while you're sifting through my poop, you're inhaling the fumes and are now talking poop too.

You can talk all the smack you want, but don't talk smack about our war record.

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 3rd 2024, 21:25:06

Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
Actually yes I can, your first post in this very thread.

Let me put it to you this way.

You are in paradigm. You do not war. You do not run kill chats. I have spent 4 of the most BORING sets I have EVER played in 26 years in paradigm. 2 sets back in the day, and 2 just before M4D. Exception being Doug's antics...BORING.
You had no kill runs. Kill chats. Kill nothing. I am not insulting paradigm, because you net, and I can't net. Thats why I was BORED to tears. I dont do netting. Power to yah. But it isn't my jam, POINT BEING, you rarely KILL and you're entire leadership team is liberal, so, its kinda....fluffy netting clan over there. Used to call em tree huggin hippies back in the 2025 days....

I have been in hundreds upon hundreds of war rooms, warchats, killchats, killruns, rushes, this that and the next thing since 98-99 until now..

WARRIORS of this game, ALL swear, name call, and label their targets or have in the past.

"kill that mofo!" , "Chem his azz!", "Nuke the "shiz" out of that son of a B", Kill the bi*****"

Never have I ever just said to you or anyone that I thought DarkMere was a b-word.
We were running a killrun against two countries. There were 12 Male players in a room together. target #1 I said "kill that mofo" and country #2 I said "chem or kill the b-word!"

A rally cry. Something I have done in kill runs since 1998. I did it that way then, and Im gonna do it now. I even HOWL at the end of a successful kill like we did in the old UCN WOLF PACK.

So let me break it down for you all even more since you cant figure out what part of this was a joke, and what part of this was kill run banter, considering I am still talking to Darkmere as a friend every single day since then....

"Don't forget to water your plants or they won't send back accurate information. What a rokkie move."
THAT WAS THE JOKE directed at Rokkie, who was, by my estimation, planted in M4D in the past, as during a cleanse of inactives, I saw his name just hanging out in there, and kicked him from our member areas personally.

"kill the b-word" - that was a kill run rally cry. Same as any other rally cry I ever uttered. not changing now. Don't care. Not my job to sugar coat the world for you. That was your parent's job. If you're feelings are hurt by me having a kill run and talking in my member areas calling for a KILL on a KILL target, using My words in MY kill chat, that's your problem. Not mine. If you wanted to act like an adult about it, dont storm off, just send me a message real quick, say you didn't like that I did that, And ill explain to you oh, i didnt know youd be offended, my bad, shes my friend, ill try not to do it again, its not personal, i was just trying to push the guys to hit faster .... But you had to take off. Okay. You all calling me childish but messaging me instead of running off and saying we were bashin her, thats kinda childish because it wasn't like that.

But sure. You're choice. But it SURE did made you look like you were planted again. Anyways....

I am unapologetic for my rallying methods. Get over it. Darkmere and I are friends. politically, we kinda sorta differ, but we talk about alot of things, EVERY DAY up to and including TODAY talkin bout harry potter.

Youre welcome to come look at the chat room if you like. It is unedited, and untouched. I aint got time for that little kid screemshot edit BS.

So suck it trebeck.

This thread is over, done, and I will not return to it. Good day, good luck, and don't forget your ovaltene.

Wow. This post gave me a good chuckle. I hope you don’t quit, your style of trolling is unique in this game. I’m going to miss your “diarrhea of the mouth” style posts and discord messages. You will be missed.
Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 3rd 2024, 23:50:03

Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:

This thread is over, done, and I will not return to it. Good day, good luck, and don't forget your ovaltene.

bets on him coming back once more? I cant trust Empy as far as I can throw him now. Said he was leaving and never left. What a B**** move.

His word is worthless to me now and I had him in such high regard after the C*******ns drama.

Red X Game profile


Dec 4th 2024, 1:44:07


Originally posted by Red X:
Originally posted by Red X:
Also just to clarify the b word is fluff and not bastard or banana , correct?


I need answers, no one should ever be called a banana.
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

TAN Game profile


Dec 4th 2024, 2:53:35

Empy called her the female dog b-word.

But it was just a prank bro why are you so mad it's not like he called her the n word or a bundle of sticks.

It just a joke geez.

EmpyreanMKR Game profile


Dec 4th 2024, 12:10:58

M4D - IA/War


EmpyreanMKR Game profile


Dec 4th 2024, 12:11:50

New last post.
All of this is made up.
I don't give half the fluffs about any of this that you do, but it was a wonderful time stringing you along for a ride.

M4D - IA/War


D Trump

EE Patron

Dec 4th 2024, 13:04:02

Wow, all made up? A true master of imagination, folks! You must be exhausted carrying around that ego, pretending not to care while typing paragraphs. Don’t worry, though, I’ll let you take a break.

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 4th 2024, 13:27:36

Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
New last post.
All of this is made up.
I don't give half the fluffs about any of this that you do, but it was a wonderful time stringing you along for a ride.


Called it. He would be back!

The only made up thing that I have factual proof of is that this thread about him leaving is fake cuz he ain’t leaving.

Too bad Red X gave up his mod powers to join this one sided joke war or I’d ask him to ban Empy for 2 weeks just so that he could save face and then make a post about how he is back from his cancelation

Drow Game profile


Dec 7th 2024, 0:38:31

Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
Thanks again drow and tan. I don't know what I would do without you.

Be Vic, I guess.

Paradigm President of failed speeling

"EE's DILF" - Coalie

Drow Game profile


Dec 7th 2024, 0:54:29

Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
Actually yes I can, your first post in this very thread.

Let me put it to you this way.

You are in paradigm. You do not war. You do not run kill chats. I have spent 4 of the most BORING sets I have EVER played in 26 years in paradigm. 2 sets back in the day, and 2 just before M4D. Exception being Doug's antics...BORING.
You had no kill runs. Kill chats. Kill nothing. I am not insulting paradigm, because you net, and I can't net. Thats why I was BORED to tears. I dont do netting. Power to yah. But it isn't my jam, POINT BEING, you rarely KILL and you're entire leadership team is liberal, so, its kinda....fluffy netting clan over there. Used to call em tree huggin hippies back in the 2025 days....

I have been in hundreds upon hundreds of war rooms, warchats, killchats, killruns, rushes, this that and the next thing since 98-99 until now..

WARRIORS of this game, ALL swear, name call, and label their targets or have in the past.

"kill that mofo!" , "Chem his azz!", "Nuke the "shiz" out of that son of a B", Kill the bi*****"

Never have I ever just said to you or anyone that I thought DarkMere was a b-word.
We were running a killrun against two countries. There were 12 Male players in a room together. target #1 I said "kill that mofo" and country #2 I said "chem or kill the b-word!"

A rally cry. Something I have done in kill runs since 1998. I did it that way then, and Im gonna do it now. I even HOWL at the end of a successful kill like we did in the old UCN WOLF PACK.

So let me break it down for you all even more since you cant figure out what part of this was a joke, and what part of this was kill run banter, considering I am still talking to Darkmere as a friend every single day since then....

"Don't forget to water your plants or they won't send back accurate information. What a rokkie move."
THAT WAS THE JOKE directed at Rokkie, who was, by my estimation, planted in M4D in the past, as during a cleanse of inactives, I saw his name just hanging out in there, and kicked him from our member areas personally.

"kill the b-word" - that was a kill run rally cry. Same as any other rally cry I ever uttered. not changing now. Don't care. Not my job to sugar coat the world for you. That was your parent's job. If you're feelings are hurt by me having a kill run and talking in my member areas calling for a KILL on a KILL target, using My words in MY kill chat, that's your problem. Not mine. If you wanted to act like an adult about it, dont storm off, just send me a message real quick, say you didn't like that I did that, And ill explain to you oh, i didnt know youd be offended, my bad, shes my friend, ill try not to do it again, its not personal, i was just trying to push the guys to hit faster .... But you had to take off. Okay. You all calling me childish but messaging me instead of running off and saying we were bashin her, thats kinda childish because it wasn't like that.

But sure. You're choice. But it SURE did made you look like you were planted again. Anyways....

I am unapologetic for my rallying methods. Get over it. Darkmere and I are friends. politically, we kinda sorta differ, but we talk about alot of things, EVERY DAY up to and including TODAY talkin bout harry potter.

Youre welcome to come look at the chat room if you like. It is unedited, and untouched. I aint got time for that little kid screemshot edit BS.

So suck it trebeck.

This thread is over, done, and I will not return to it. Good day, good luck, and don't forget your ovaltene.

"we dont war"
pretty sure that's EXACTLY what we did a couple of sets ago... Funnily enough, because we spoke up about something that we felt was unfair to *gasp* M4D.

"we don't run kill chats"
We've done kill runs on suiciders every single set I've been back. I'm almost certain you participated in a bunch of them. If you didn't, why not?

I'm not sure when exactly you played with us way back, and that's not intended to be an insult, to be clear, but we spent plenty of time at war back then too.

But what would I know?
Ive only been playing the game off and on for 20 years in Paradigm.

Paradigm President of failed speeling

"EE's DILF" - Coalie

Drow Game profile


Dec 7th 2024, 2:52:21

Originally posted by VicRattlehead:
Holy crap TAN and Drow are coming out together to be scolding tonepolicing concern trolls? Nobody ever could have seen that coming!


Oh look, it's Vic coming out to defend publicly smearing someone who chose to quietly leave over toxic behaviours, what a surprise.

Paradigm President of failed speeling

"EE's DILF" - Coalie

Devestation Game profile


Dec 7th 2024, 8:44:27

Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
Actually yes I can, your first post in this very thread.

Let me put it to you this way.

You are in paradigm. You do not war. You do not run kill chats. I have spent 4 of the most BORING sets I have EVER played in 26 years in paradigm. 2 sets back in the day, and 2 just before M4D. Exception being Doug's antics...BORING.
You had no kill runs. Kill chats. Kill nothing. I am not insulting paradigm, because you net, and I can't net. Thats why I was BORED to tears. I dont do netting. Power to yah. But it isn't my jam, POINT BEING, you rarely KILL and you're entire leadership team is liberal, so, its kinda....fluffy netting clan over there. Used to call em tree huggin hippies back in the 2025 days....

I have been in hundreds upon hundreds of war rooms, warchats, killchats, killruns, rushes, this that and the next thing since 98-99 until now..

WARRIORS of this game, ALL swear, name call, and label their targets or have in the past.

"kill that mofo!" , "Chem his azz!", "Nuke the "shiz" out of that son of a B", Kill the bi*****"

Never have I ever just said to you or anyone that I thought DarkMere was a b-word.
We were running a killrun against two countries. There were 12 Male players in a room together. target #1 I said "kill that mofo" and country #2 I said "chem or kill the b-word!"

A rally cry. Something I have done in kill runs since 1998. I did it that way then, and Im gonna do it now. I even HOWL at the end of a successful kill like we did in the old UCN WOLF PACK.

So let me break it down for you all even more since you cant figure out what part of this was a joke, and what part of this was kill run banter, considering I am still talking to Darkmere as a friend every single day since then....

"Don't forget to water your plants or they won't send back accurate information. What a rokkie move."
THAT WAS THE JOKE directed at Rokkie, who was, by my estimation, planted in M4D in the past, as during a cleanse of inactives, I saw his name just hanging out in there, and kicked him from our member areas personally.

"kill the b-word" - that was a kill run rally cry. Same as any other rally cry I ever uttered. not changing now. Don't care. Not my job to sugar coat the world for you. That was your parent's job. If you're feelings are hurt by me having a kill run and talking in my member areas calling for a KILL on a KILL target, using My words in MY kill chat, that's your problem. Not mine. If you wanted to act like an adult about it, dont storm off, just send me a message real quick, say you didn't like that I did that, And ill explain to you oh, i didnt know youd be offended, my bad, shes my friend, ill try not to do it again, its not personal, i was just trying to push the guys to hit faster .... But you had to take off. Okay. You all calling me childish but messaging me instead of running off and saying we were bashin her, thats kinda childish because it wasn't like that.

But sure. You're choice. But it SURE did made you look like you were planted again. Anyways....

I am unapologetic for my rallying methods. Get over it. Darkmere and I are friends. politically, we kinda sorta differ, but we talk about alot of things, EVERY DAY up to and including TODAY talkin bout harry potter.

Youre welcome to come look at the chat room if you like. It is unedited, and untouched. I aint got time for that little kid screemshot edit BS.

So suck it trebeck.

This thread is over, done, and I will not return to it. Good day, good luck, and don't forget your ovaltene.

You post with the energy of a man who de-sexes raccoons on the shoulder of the interstate.

EmpyreanMKR Game profile


Dec 7th 2024, 14:03:26

You know what? None of this is worth it. People go to sleep and don't wake up ever again. None of this matters and you're all dust in the wind.
M4D - IA/War


EmpyreanMKR Game profile


Dec 7th 2024, 14:05:34

Originally posted by Drow:
Originally posted by VicRattlehead:
Holy crap TAN and Drow are coming out together to be scolding tonepolicing concern trolls? Nobody ever could have seen that coming!


Oh look, it's Vic coming out to defend publicly smearing someone who chose to quietly leave over toxic behaviours, what a surprise.

This is over.

Edited By: EmpyreanMKR on Dec 7th 2024, 16:01:33
M4D - IA/War


Drow Game profile


Dec 7th 2024, 15:05:14

Originally posted by Requiem:
Rokkie had a problem with the language to which he was entitled.

He didn't make this post you did. Not only did you call all this attention to yourself but you also implied that Rokkie is a spy ("Plant").

Why do you wish to damage the reputation of Rokkie? Is it because he didn't like your language and silently removed himself from the situation without calling any attention to the issue?

Requiem is right on the money.

Paradigm President of failed speeling

"EE's DILF" - Coalie

TAN Game profile


Dec 7th 2024, 15:23:19

Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
Originally posted by Drow:
Originally posted by VicRattlehead:
Holy crap TAN and Drow are coming out together to be scolding tonepolicing concern trolls? Nobody ever could have seen that coming!


Oh look, it's Vic coming out to defend publicly smearing someone who chose to quietly leave over toxic behaviours, what a surprise.

Smearing.... Lol. Youre lucky my cousin died. You're nothing. A Im done defending your a**. To think I got banned in discord for you. Toughen up.

Are you on drugs? Drow wasn't even talking to you.

VicRattlehead Game profile


Dec 7th 2024, 15:27:39

Originally posted by TAN:
Encouraging anyone to leave is bad form.

Is this why you spend all your time looking for things to be offended by and searching for narrative breeches to point and shriek at?

Originally posted by TAN:

Are you on drugs? Drow wasn't even talking to you.

Um, he obviously was, by describing the initial post as "smearing." Old Lyin' TAN, at it again.
Originally posted by Drow:
Originally posted by VicRattlehead:
Holy crap TAN and Drow are coming out together to be scolding tonepolicing concern trolls? Nobody ever could have seen that coming!


Oh look, it's Vic coming out to defend publicly smearing someone who chose to quietly leave over toxic behaviours, what a surprise.

Don't be salty because I brought all the receipts of what a toxic liar you are.

TAN Game profile


Dec 7th 2024, 16:28:15

The redneck philosopher is back! You really love responding to me, almost as if you have a secret crush. And combined with your obsession with repeatedly posting about genitals...well I'm flattered Vic, but not interested.

It's like a Destiny and Nick Fuentes situation.

VicRattlehead Game profile


Dec 7th 2024, 17:08:35

TAN will insult me over and over, but doesn't deny that he's a liar. He asked me to stop calling him a liar, I said I would agree if he agreed to stop lying. He wouldn't agree to that.

Then he went unhinged because he said I was insulting his kids - I never said one word about his kids, only about him, and I've consistently pointed out he's a liar, because, well, he lies. About everything, all the time. It's really impressive dedication.

paladin Game profile


Dec 7th 2024, 17:26:30

Originally posted by Devestation:
Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
Actually yes I can, your first post in this very thread.

Let me put it to you this way.

You are in paradigm. You do not war. You do not run kill chats. I have spent 4 of the most BORING sets I have EVER played in 26 years in paradigm. 2 sets back in the day, and 2 just before M4D. Exception being Doug's antics...BORING.
You had no kill runs. Kill chats. Kill nothing. I am not insulting paradigm, because you net, and I can't net. Thats why I was BORED to tears. I dont do netting. Power to yah. But it isn't my jam, POINT BEING, you rarely KILL and you're entire leadership team is liberal, so, its kinda....fluffy netting clan over there. Used to call em tree huggin hippies back in the 2025 days....

I have been in hundreds upon hundreds of war rooms, warchats, killchats, killruns, rushes, this that and the next thing since 98-99 until now..

WARRIORS of this game, ALL swear, name call, and label their targets or have in the past.

"kill that mofo!" , "Chem his azz!", "Nuke the "shiz" out of that son of a B", Kill the bi*****"

Never have I ever just said to you or anyone that I thought DarkMere was a b-word.
We were running a killrun against two countries. There were 12 Male players in a room together. target #1 I said "kill that mofo" and country #2 I said "chem or kill the b-word!"

A rally cry. Something I have done in kill runs since 1998. I did it that way then, and Im gonna do it now. I even HOWL at the end of a successful kill like we did in the old UCN WOLF PACK.

So let me break it down for you all even more since you cant figure out what part of this was a joke, and what part of this was kill run banter, considering I am still talking to Darkmere as a friend every single day since then....

"Don't forget to water your plants or they won't send back accurate information. What a rokkie move."
THAT WAS THE JOKE directed at Rokkie, who was, by my estimation, planted in M4D in the past, as during a cleanse of inactives, I saw his name just hanging out in there, and kicked him from our member areas personally.

"kill the b-word" - that was a kill run rally cry. Same as any other rally cry I ever uttered. not changing now. Don't care. Not my job to sugar coat the world for you. That was your parent's job. If you're feelings are hurt by me having a kill run and talking in my member areas calling for a KILL on a KILL target, using My words in MY kill chat, that's your problem. Not mine. If you wanted to act like an adult about it, dont storm off, just send me a message real quick, say you didn't like that I did that, And ill explain to you oh, i didnt know youd be offended, my bad, shes my friend, ill try not to do it again, its not personal, i was just trying to push the guys to hit faster .... But you had to take off. Okay. You all calling me childish but messaging me instead of running off and saying we were bashin her, thats kinda childish because it wasn't like that.

But sure. You're choice. But it SURE did made you look like you were planted again. Anyways....

I am unapologetic for my rallying methods. Get over it. Darkmere and I are friends. politically, we kinda sorta differ, but we talk about alot of things, EVERY DAY up to and including TODAY talkin bout harry potter.

Youre welcome to come look at the chat room if you like. It is unedited, and untouched. I aint got time for that little kid screemshot edit BS.

So suck it trebeck.

This thread is over, done, and I will not return to it. Good day, good luck, and don't forget your ovaltene.

You post with the energy of a man who de-sexes raccoons on the shoulder of the interstate.

That is a mental imagine I didn't need before breakfast, or at any other time for that matter.
No, I don't know what I'm doing. That much should obvious by now.