
Purposeful1 Game profile


May 10th 2014, 2:53:42

Rage, you may have noticed that we have fired a first shot across your bow.*

We know that you have been engaged in psychological warfare against us for years, and you've been trying to convert our coveted (and slightly aging) Tony Stark to your meddling ways. But the madness must stop! This time, you have crossed the line, stealing away our INVINCIBLE IRONMAN and trying to add him to your ranks.

So, we, The Our Thing, demand that you release our thing: The IRONMAN. Relinquish the IRONMAN, old person spittle and all, or face destruction! Give him him back to our warm embrace, where he may live out the rest of his days in the LCN Home for The Aging and Slightly Deranged.

LCN President

*Our aim is a little poor these days, we may have hit a bow or two.

BladeEWG Game profile


May 10th 2014, 2:55:02

Kiss my arse



May 10th 2014, 2:55:35

Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

Scribble Game profile


May 10th 2014, 2:55:38

AxAlar Game profile


May 10th 2014, 2:57:43

I dont understand p1. HOW DID YOU DELETE MY WAR DEC?!
Mercenary for Hire
AIM: I The Brandon
ICQ: 167324517

AxAlar Game profile


May 10th 2014, 3:03:29

...oh and

Mercenary for Hire
AIM: I The Brandon
ICQ: 167324517

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

May 10th 2014, 3:15:03

This did not contain cats, trife or a haiku.
You all failed.

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.


EE Patron

May 10th 2014, 3:29:54

Ironman is coming back with his 12 cats

Suicidal Game profile


May 10th 2014, 3:47:41

He is coming back to poke Trife in the brown eye and pet Trife's little kitty

Edited By: Suicidal on May 10th 2014, 3:51:34
See Original Post

Trife Game profile


May 10th 2014, 3:49:03

Give us ironman back right meow

SpeedWood Game profile


May 10th 2014, 4:03:51

Thanks LCN.

You just made a oldie who came back to net, quit.

Bye EE.



May 10th 2014, 4:43:56

I mean these poor characters can hardly hold together and you are busting them up??
What did they ever do to LCN?
You guys had nothing better to do??
LaF,SOL,SOF and MD too big for you??

Boltar Game profile


May 10th 2014, 4:57:29

and while i am in LCN, i bet u thought i was fluffed up.. i had no hand in this

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

May 10th 2014, 5:03:36

Originally posted by Boltar:
and while i am in LCN, i bet u thought i was fluffed up.. i had no hand in this

That made me LOL, Bolty, drama follows you, bro...
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Boltar Game profile


May 10th 2014, 5:14:30

dude.. all i did was make missiles and launch them.. i didnt do any planning.. i didnt find out until last night who we were gunna hit. but thanks to qz finally getting a life.. the game was offline for over 3 hrs

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

May 10th 2014, 5:25:42

Ya, he was busy drinking at the local pub all while earth went down LOL.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Purposeful1 Game profile


May 10th 2014, 5:36:55

Originally posted by SpeedWood:
Thanks LCN.

You just made a oldie who came back to net, quit.

Bye EE.

this kind of stuff makes me sad, but i also am not sure what i am/was supposed to do about it to avoid it. Declare peace and understanding forevermore? I know that it sucks being hit in the middle of netting, especially by a larger opponent. I wanted to hit other alliances, too. But then others jumped the gun on that. Do we scrap our plans and say, eh, nevermind, or do we keep going? We opted to keep going, and made it no great secret (frankly, for days I've been hearing that Rage thought we were gunning for them, so it shouldn't have been a complete blindside).

As for "these poor characters can hardly hold together and you are busting them up"... I wish there were more alliances in earth that *weren't* in that same position. =/

Syko_Killa Game profile


May 10th 2014, 5:39:09

Actually purposeful1, you could declare peace and pay reps.
Do as I say, not as I do.

Zorp Game profile

EE Patron

May 10th 2014, 5:40:04

Originally posted by SpeedWood:
Thanks LCN.

You just made a oldie who came back to net, quit.

Bye EE.

If you joined RAGE to net, I think you're doing it wrong. Their fluffing name is RAGE!

I mean, seriously?

alexbajd Game profile


May 10th 2014, 5:56:53


How is your rusty-old ass? Hope you're doing well.

Diplomacy is the art of saying "Nice doggie" until you can find a rock.



May 10th 2014, 6:44:02

Alexbadass I heard you quit the game??
Yes Purpy if you look at the scores the population of the alliance server is dropping just like the limited server before.
I don't think these actions are helping.
Go find Fazer and kill him.
Bolty I always knew you were fluffed up

Purposeful1 Game profile


May 10th 2014, 6:52:23

Originally posted by INVINCIBLE IRONMAN:
Alexbadass I heard you quit the game??
Yes Purpy if you look at the scores the population of the alliance server is dropping just like the limited server before.
I don't think these actions are helping.
Go find Fazer and kill him.
Bolty I always knew you were fluffed up

I mean, that's been the trend for the last few years. What kind of "actions" are these? War in general?

FailDiegoFail Game profile


May 10th 2014, 6:56:56

idk who told you we thought you were gunning for us...maybe last set when we fought laf but thats all good now

SpeedWood Game profile


May 10th 2014, 9:49:53

we were still green and i was in the midst of jumping.

P1, blindsiding alliances that are netting are always the downfall of this game.

If you want war, just say. We always welcome a fair war with a timeline. We don't mind you guys with more countries.


Purposeful1 Game profile


May 10th 2014, 11:03:54

Originally posted by SpeedWood:
we were still green and i was in the midst of jumping.

P1, blindsiding alliances that are netting are always the downfall of this game.

If you want war, just say. We always welcome a fair war with a timeline. We don't mind you guys with more countries.


let's talk.

sent you a PM. also added FDF on skype, if he's the one to reach out to.

Riddler Game profile


May 10th 2014, 11:12:44

P1 this was chickenfluff to say the least... double our numbers with war builds and still blinside a netting alliance? I have been away for 2 weeks for class in my new job and have 1 more week to go... you sir are a bunch of fluff smokers!
I used to respect LCN...meh, no use...I guess this is a war game.....

BladeEWG Game profile


May 10th 2014, 11:33:14

we start off dealing with friggin suiciders and now this.
Purposeful, you can go ahead and post a cutsy little thread and try for the warm fuzzies from ironman.
Still doesn't change the fact you're an asshat.
Everyone in this d@mn game knows the disfunction going on at Rage as they try to regroup again.

FDF you deal with these jack@sses in a diplomatic way and this ends with no revenge you can color my arse gone from this game also. I came back here to help, not to deal with jerks and bend over for them.
LCN if I have anything to say about this you can expect war for the next 2 rounds
But the way this game has "changed" I doubt that will happen. Everyone just bends over here usually just to LaF but guess for wannabes like LCN too.

Have a great time, I'm done with these Forums, theres nothing worth me reading
LCN you can find me easy I'll be the guy grabbing and dropping your friggin land.

Edited By: BladeEWG on May 10th 2014, 11:41:45. Reason: was just too friggin polite

Sov Game profile


May 10th 2014, 12:40:12

Where is Servant now with all his rhetoric about fair wars and not blindsiding small alliances? Or does his philosophy not apply to his own alliance?

Ratm Game profile


May 10th 2014, 13:44:11

I just got LASIK I shouldn't even be on here how in the fluff am I supposed to fight back lol

I didn't realize LCN was a bunch of pussies...poor Sui....LCN is turning that patented "Woof!" Into a queef

Boltar Game profile


May 10th 2014, 14:06:22

Originally posted by INVINCIBLE IRONMAN:
Alexbadass I heard you quit the game??
Yes Purpy if you look at the scores the population of the alliance server is dropping just like the limited server before.
I don't think these actions are helping.
Go find Fazer and kill him.
Bolty I always knew you were fluffed up

But u love me regardless



May 10th 2014, 18:06:36

True Bolty I have a weak spot for old Valks.
"try for the warm fuzzies from ironman."
LOL!! ,Me and Purp never had this fuzzy thing going on.
Purp if you wanted a war you should have grew some balls and fought one of the bigger clans.
Our so called war against LAF should have been proof of this clans not ready for prime time status.



May 10th 2014, 18:24:30

Rage complaining about war? wtf, lol
Ragnarok's EEVIL Lady



May 10th 2014, 18:53:03

Originally posted by elvesrus:

ARRRGH I just noticed thanks Elves
Ruth this is 2014 not 2004 or 94



May 10th 2014, 20:33:31

lol ... i dont think Rage was around in 1994
Ragnarok's EEVIL Lady

Garry Owen Game profile


May 10th 2014, 20:44:29

Guys, I love a good war. But it is a suck move to blindside someone just because you are bored and figure that you **might** win with a 2v1 advantage and the FS.

For petes sake fight for a CAUSE. Its easy to start a war with a cause -- find someone landgrabbing you and go to war over it. Or start landgrabbing and be pissy about the FA to fire up a war. Hell, half the fun of the war is the build-up and trash-talking that can be done before the shooting even starts! You young pups have no idea how to really have fun with this game.

Also, if you fire up a war with a purpose then some fair notice goes out to the target. Because killing unprepared netting countries proves NOTHING, except how insecure you are about your ability to fight and win something fair.

Garry Owen Game profile


May 10th 2014, 20:49:18

Ruthie, I have only been Rage and think I started someone around there. Old age and alcohol have caused a lot of details to fade but I know I started playing while still assigned to Ft. Leavenworth - so that narrows it down firmly to the mid-90's. :P

Youngsters take note: diaries are a good thing. Wish like hell I had some notes to remind me of what I was doing and what was important way back when.



May 10th 2014, 21:42:11

So if I've read some of these replies right there are 2 possible outcomes.

1: No diplomatic solution leads to RAGE losing members because they got killed while netting.

2: A diplomatic solution leads to RAGE losing members because they gave up.

Please figure out which one will lead to less member loss
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

voltron Game profile


May 10th 2014, 21:49:12

damn some old players



May 10th 2014, 21:55:13

Originally posted by elvesrus:
So if I've read some of these replies right there are 2 possible outcomes.

1: No diplomatic solution leads to RAGE losing members because they got killed while netting.

2: A diplomatic solution leads to RAGE losing members because they gave up.

Please figure out which one will lead to less member loss

A diplomatic solution to what? 2 countries land trading, and LCN initiating all but 1 grab and then FSing them?
What the fluff even is this?



May 10th 2014, 21:57:23

Originally posted by voltron:
damn some old players

LOL you should talk Volty
You running a country this set?



May 10th 2014, 22:07:03

Originally posted by Symac:
Originally posted by elvesrus:
So if I've read some of these replies right there are 2 possible outcomes.

1: No diplomatic solution leads to RAGE losing members because they got killed while netting.

2: A diplomatic solution leads to RAGE losing members because they gave up.

Please figure out which one will lead to less member loss

A diplomatic solution to what? 2 countries land trading, and LCN initiating all but 1 grab and then FSing them?
What the fluff even is this?

seriously, read the thread.

Originally posted by SpeedWood:
You just made a oldie who came back to net, quit.

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
FDF you deal with these jack@sses in a diplomatic way and this ends with no revenge you can color my arse gone from this game also.
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.



May 10th 2014, 22:12:01

I read that part, I agree with both sentiments.
One just had their netting set ruined for absolutely no reason, and the other one wants LCN to pay for several sets for it.
Not contradictory at all.

tenshim0 Game profile


May 10th 2014, 23:10:24

what the hell, iron man?
Your forces invaded tiekoon (#447)!
They broke through the defender's defences!
They took:
30,503 Acres(31,175 Gained)
1395 Buildings(672 Destroyed)

Im MrB

The Cloaked Game profile


May 11th 2014, 0:15:45

A) mehul designed this game in a pique of boredom in 96 I believe. It took him 6 weeks. He didnt have high speed internet and thus couldnt stream porn.

If you played 1a he got rid of missiles on the market in 97 and added tags in late 98. The theo govt was added in 99. Basically everyone on these boards started in 97/98. I think the only new players from since then are named vingthor or play ffa.

b) this is bullplop. I hope rage trolls lcn for the next year. If youre gonna blindside someone do it to make it fun. Post fs rage is outnumbered what? 23 to 8? Thatd be like laf blindsiding lcn. Thats just a lopsided week.

now if laf blindsided md and sol THAT would be brilliant fun.

-rage should troll lcn, hard.

SpeedWood Game profile


May 11th 2014, 1:40:06

No, there will be no revenge war.

What Blade mentioned is to sort this out politically right.

Boltar Game profile


May 11th 2014, 4:29:28

Originally posted by The Cloaked:
A) mehul designed this game in a pique of boredom in 96 I believe. It took him 6 weeks. He didnt have high speed internet and thus couldnt stream porn.

If you played 1a he got rid of missiles on the market in 97 and added tags in late 98. The theo govt was added in 99. Basically everyone on these boards started in 97/98. I think the only new players from since then are named vingthor or play ffa.

b) this is bullplop. I hope rage trolls lcn for the next year. If youre gonna blindside someone do it to make it fun. Post fs rage is outnumbered what? 23 to 8? Thatd be like laf blindsiding lcn. Thats just a lopsided week.

now if laf blindsided md and sol THAT would be brilliant fun.

-rage should troll lcn, hard.

hey i started in 04 and i hate ffa

Suicidal Game profile


May 11th 2014, 10:17:25

You guys crack me up! As though this "Game" can dictate real life. As though past actions, or future actions mean that much in a game. We took it from Rival AND SOF in a single set....we showed balls and stayed in the fight.

PP1's original intent was to hit a few Rage countries and back off. What he failed to realize is that we have uncontrolled warmongers amongst the LCN members (myself included) that were recovering from an illness called a netting set. I think PP1 made it clear that we went overboard to both our members and the world of EE.

I joined Rage in 1998 and never recalled us being a whiny clan. I respected LCN when we didn't whine against SOF and Rival hitting us. So, if Rage wants to work with PP1, then do it. If you want to war over this for the next few sets, so be it. But, for pete's sake, stop all the whiney, baby bullfluff. Stop all the chest puffing. Everyone is a badass from behind a computer, but in the end we must is just a game.

voltron Game profile


May 11th 2014, 12:13:45

I probably should have my head checked. But felt weak when I got a call asking if I would Try the game and see if it is better then when I left. I already know my answer. I am still waiting for someone in TIE to accept my application. But mostly came back for the reason most did not leave. The friendship in the group. Though most of my original mates are scattered all over and or retired like I was.

Kaos Game profile


May 11th 2014, 12:58:09

What I don't get is why you GS AND CM'd me. I mean, I had no troops, and no SDI. Just pick one. Kill me in 178 when it could have been 50!

That is what is wrong with this game. noobs.



May 11th 2014, 13:12:44

probably running low on CMs
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.