
BobbyATA Game profile


Jan 10th 2011, 19:01:31

I agree 100% with Klown. I worry that all the media attention given to people like Jared and their "views" that led them to such horrible actions at times encourages future crazies to do similar things. OTOH, I think its vitaly important that the FBI and other appropriate law enforcement agencies learn such details precisely so they can try to stop future tragedies such as this.

I wouldn't villify anyone who sent anything to the media regarding Jared, but I hope they would at least heed the comments by Klown me and others. This has been a sad couple of days now for this community:(

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jan 10th 2011, 19:10:09

i have doubts about people being able to prevent these types of things from happening. if they're cognizant enough to get the idea from the media, then they're probably cognizant enough to get it from the history classes that are taught in school. murdering people isn't exactly a new idea or fad.

oh, and i don't like the way cognizant is spelled, even though i checked the definition, so i might be using the wrong word.
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Junky Game profile


Jan 10th 2011, 20:47:46

Originally posted by swampy:
they would have enough evidence on him anyway, just media being greedy in info that they can claim, all about who can dish up the dirt on a big story.

if feds want info they will ask, but im sure they will go through his computer and find it on there. just sad really that it has happened and lives are lost, unfortunate that he so happened to play this game and most of us spoke to him and now this happened. life is twisted for sure.

no doubt, they'd break his eating habits into a reason they think he went apefluff and shot her if they could.
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jan 10th 2011, 20:58:33

from some of the news that i read, it sounded like the media was just trying to depict the actual story. plus it sounds like he went through an extreme change in behaviour.
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gwagers Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 2:54:34

I just watched the BBC news (the American version from Washington, anyway), and get the feeling that at least they are trying to pin the blame on vitriolic American politics (and from the interviews they were getting, it sounded to me like no one else was really playing along). I have no idea what the other news agencies are saying, but at least in this case, the bigger scapegoat is Washington. Let's hope it stays that way.
Peloponnese (PEHL-oh-puh-NEES): a mythical land of cheesecake

"We cannot enter into alliance with neighboring princes until we are acquainted with their designs..."--Sun Tzu

Who has time for that? BLAST THEM ALL!

Junky Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 2:56:36

no doubt.. they atleast havn't targeted Games.... or movies yet.
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Fooglmog Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 3:22:15

They won't target games unless he played FPSs or GTA. If it's just strategy games, they'll leave them be.

Guy with no clue.



Jan 11th 2011, 4:50:40

Originally posted by Riddler:
IRONMAN, dude I was laughing about the possibility of "The media and FBI" getting the game referrals, not about the crap this guy pulled. and I wasnt joking about that stuff at all, so dont get yer panties in a bunch alright? Just trying to keep the mood, light, no need in everyone here getting all freaked out about the FBI possibly looking into all of our computers

Dude if I had my choice I would like to avoid that little bit of joy



Jan 11th 2011, 5:01:24

In September, after five run-ins with campus police for disruptive behavior and the discovery of rantings on YouTube, Mr. Loughner was issued a suspension letter, delivered by police officers to Mr. Loughner's home. After he had already withdrawn from the school, the college sent him a letter informing him he would have to take a mental health exam if he were to return.
Meh that seems the point where some thing should have been done.

Junky Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 5:29:43

no doubt... "have fun being crazy... away from this campus."
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

warlorde Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 5:42:40

so now we are all suspect to every political hate crime from here on out..

Junky, you might want to change your signiture now

AxAlar Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 7:27:53

Their scapegoating of the political climate I wouldn't say is proper either.

The truth is Jared was disturbed; the interests he took up was in conspiracies. He hated all government according to his posts, even back to the constitution. As he became more disconnected from reality, his delusions likely grew and led him to this.

He's responsible for what he did, no one else. And if he committed his act while mentally competent, he deserves whatever the law and our federal prison systems throw at him. If he did so while mentally "insane," then I hope they never rehabilitate him, as I don't think any sane person would want to continue living life after committing a horrendous act such as his.
Mercenary for Hire
AIM: I The Brandon
ICQ: 167324517

gwagers Game profile


Jan 12th 2011, 3:03:43

Agreed. Scapegoating is never appropriate. That said, some targets are more able to shrug off the criticism than others. I don't know how well this game would hold up to a media scrum, so when the media's attention is elsewhere, I won't look a gift horse in the mouth.
Peloponnese (PEHL-oh-puh-NEES): a mythical land of cheesecake

"We cannot enter into alliance with neighboring princes until we are acquainted with their designs..."--Sun Tzu

Who has time for that? BLAST THEM ALL!

Junky Game profile


Jan 12th 2011, 3:06:14

Originally posted by warlorde:
so now we are all suspect to every political hate crime from here on out..

Junky, you might want to change your signiture now

I know right, lol... <.< >.> I'm a Food Junky... that may now go into the record of what type I am.
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

martian Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Jan 12th 2011, 16:57:28

it would be kind of funny if the FBI or a member of the media sent someone undercover to start playing this game in order to see if they could profile someone :P
you are all special in the eyes of fluff
( ._.) -----)-->
(_(' )(' )


TheORKINMan Game profile


Jan 12th 2011, 17:02:17

martian this is your chance to introduce fluff and m0m0 to the mainstream vernacular
Smarter than your average bear.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jan 12th 2011, 17:09:11

Originally posted by martian:
it would be kind of funny if the FBI or a member of the media sent someone undercover to start playing this game in order to see if they could profile someone :P

LOL, yeah, i can kinda see them getting their butts kicked to the curb for providing false information.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Jan 12th 2011, 17:13:26

Keep a lookout for users who put their name as Handsome B. Wonderful
Smarter than your average bear.

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jan 12th 2011, 17:17:14

well, we don't have to worry about it on these forums because we're not allowed to use periods in the username, plus it's too long to be a valid username.
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mrford Game profile


Jan 12th 2011, 17:17:20

Turd Ferguson
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

TheORKINMan Game profile


Jan 12th 2011, 17:21:18

Or Justin Credible
Smarter than your average bear.

mrford Game profile


Jan 12th 2011, 17:25:25

Buck Fudder
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jan 12th 2011, 17:27:35

i don't even know why you even bother'd suggesting this. most clans ain't going to let noobs have access to any information until they feel that they can promote them to vet status. noobs'd be lucky to get the time of day out of vets for the first 6 months.
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Klown Game profile


Jan 12th 2011, 17:49:35

Out of curiosity, what has this done to the traffic to the site?

mrford Game profile


Jan 12th 2011, 18:03:06


the forum traffic has gone up solely based on the views of these threads

I personally don't know anything outside of that
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Jan 12th 2011, 18:12:18

kinda makes me wonder about who has a better security model, the United States Government or an Earth:Empires clan...
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Helmet Game profile


Jan 12th 2011, 18:22:49

I never thought about that. You know what they say, even bad publicity if good publicity.

Junky Game profile


Jan 13th 2011, 6:42:01

Originally posted by martian:
it would be kind of funny if the FBI or a member of the media sent someone undercover to start playing this game in order to see if they could profile someone :P

be on the look out for anyone thats named RegPlayer, Notnewsguy, and ScoopgetR
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.

Patience Game profile


Jan 14th 2011, 2:22:27

What... no Deep Throat jokes? Y'all disappoint me... :p
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

gwagers Game profile


Jan 14th 2011, 3:06:32

I'm looking for someone that names himself Laffer or Soller or something clan-related because they see those names being thrown around all over in these forums, and make Ford Prefect's mistake.
Peloponnese (PEHL-oh-puh-NEES): a mythical land of cheesecake

"We cannot enter into alliance with neighboring princes until we are acquainted with their designs..."--Sun Tzu

Who has time for that? BLAST THEM ALL!

Junky Game profile


Jan 14th 2011, 4:39:51

Originally posted by Patience:
What... no Deep Throat jokes? Y'all disappoint me... :p

we would but that'd be sexual harrasment.... wait til this dies down, we don't want the world thinking we are people that like to have fun.
I Maybe Crazy... But atleast I'm crazy.