
tellarion Game profile


Nov 28th 2012, 14:52:30

De facto ceasefire because nobody can afford to break anyone else with oil at $462.......

Xinhuan Game profile


Nov 28th 2012, 14:59:25

Have all your restarts go oiler!

tellarion Game profile


Nov 28th 2012, 15:01:42

Apparently :P

Duna Game profile


Nov 28th 2012, 15:10:50

Yeah, we now will have "restart killing competition":)

anoniem Game profile


Nov 28th 2012, 16:21:06

Originally posted by Duna:
Yeah, we now will have "restart killing competition":)


PG Game profile


Nov 28th 2012, 16:33:33


lets find tellarion restarter ;)
ICQ: 121286137
EE inside message

Bikerman Game profile


Nov 28th 2012, 16:49:14

Wau time to sell oil! - forgot all about it :p

tellarion Game profile


Nov 28th 2012, 16:53:50

I haven't died yet btw!

Well, technically that's not true since I died on the 3rd day of the that case, I was the FIRST CASUALTY ON THE SERVER!

PG Game profile


Nov 28th 2012, 16:58:06

ICQ: 121286137
EE inside message

Marshal Game profile


Nov 28th 2012, 17:03:46

and i sold my oil at 245 bucks 3 days ago.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

PG Game profile


Nov 28th 2012, 17:23:31

jup hope you enjoyed my cash

/slap Marshal
ICQ: 121286137
EE inside message

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Nov 28th 2012, 18:24:49

imag strat switch now!

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Marshal Game profile


Nov 28th 2012, 20:52:16

Originally posted by PG:
jup hope you enjoyed my cash

/slap Marshal

it was only bit over 7k barrels (all what 1 rig has produced since start of set).

/tickle pg

Originally posted by galleri:
imag strat switch now!

imag would fluff up that too.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

MADMARK Game profile


Dec 1st 2012, 22:34:04

LCN saved by oil. Hmmm

PG Game profile


Dec 1st 2012, 22:46:03

ICQ: 121286137
EE inside message

Marshal Game profile


Dec 1st 2012, 22:59:20

yea, 400 bucks oil makes warring too costy. :P
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Xinhuan Game profile


Dec 2nd 2012, 3:57:02

You guys could have a spy-op war!

PG Game profile


Dec 2nd 2012, 4:13:05

i already started that lonnnnnnng time ago
ICQ: 121286137
EE inside message

Rockman Game profile


Dec 2nd 2012, 4:25:05

Well, at least you guys killed the asshole who stockhunted me.

Won't make up for Evo costing me the networth record for explorers, but its better than nothing.

PG Game profile


Dec 2nd 2012, 4:26:07

good Rockman :)
ICQ: 121286137
EE inside message

tellarion Game profile


Dec 2nd 2012, 5:38:34

Originally posted by Rockman:
Well, at least you guys killed the asshole who stockhunted me.

Won't make up for Evo costing me the networth record for explorers, but its better than nothing.

Nobody stockhunted you. Quit your fluffing whining already. If you don't want a random person from an unpacted alliance who happened to be the same net and land to hit you when you have 5b cash on hand, over 100m bushels and low defence, then don't put yourself in that situation.

Rockman Game profile


Dec 2nd 2012, 6:01:39

Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by Rockman:
Well, at least you guys killed the asshole who stockhunted me.

Won't make up for Evo costing me the networth record for explorers, but its better than nothing.

Nobody stockhunted you. Quit your fluffing whining already. If you don't want a random person from an unpacted alliance who happened to be the same net and land to hit you when you have 5b cash on hand, over 100m bushels and low defence, then don't put yourself in that situation.

Who the hell goes around grabbing 11k acre 4.9m networth countries that have more defense than them? My defense was higher than that of the guy who grabbed me. I was not low defense. Also, I was an all-explore that hadn't grown for over a week.

People don't look at 11k acre 4.9m networth countries and say "boy that country looks fat, I bet he's a great landgrab target". They say "boy that country hasn't grown for over a week, I bet he's got a huge stockpile".

EL Kronos Game profile


Dec 2nd 2012, 6:03:53

Originally posted by Rockman:
Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by Rockman:
Well, at least you guys killed the asshole who stockhunted me.

Won't make up for Evo costing me the networth record for explorers, but its better than nothing.

Nobody stockhunted you. Quit your fluffing whining already. If you don't want a random person from an unpacted alliance who happened to be the same net and land to hit you when you have 5b cash on hand, over 100m bushels and low defence, then don't put yourself in that situation.

Who the hell goes around grabbing 11k acre 4.9m networth countries that have more defense than them? My defense was higher than that of the guy who grabbed me. I was not low defense. Also, I was an all-explore that hadn't grown for over a week.

People don't look at 11k acre 4.9m networth countries and say "boy that country looks fat, I bet he's a great landgrab target". They say "boy that country hasn't grown for over a week, I bet he's got a huge stockpile".

Yes, people do. :)

Rockman Game profile


Dec 2nd 2012, 6:04:08

11,107 acres and 4,937,852 networth right before I was hit. Not really the type of country you hit if you're looking for land.

But a democracy that hasn't grown in over a week. That's the type of country you hit when you're looking for stockpile.

Rockman Game profile


Dec 2nd 2012, 6:16:33

Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by Rockman:
Well, at least you guys killed the asshole who stockhunted me.

Won't make up for Evo costing me the networth record for explorers, but its better than nothing.

Nobody stockhunted you. Quit your fluffing whining already. If you don't want a random person from an unpacted alliance who happened to be the same net and land to hit you when you have 5b cash on hand, over 100m bushels and low defence, then don't put yourself in that situation.

I just checked the spy ops. I had over 250% of the defense of the guy who grabbed me (not including allies, because I'm not gonna try and track down that information). I didn't have low defense, I got hit by a stockhunter who had about 5x as many jets as turrets and was hitting an all-explore that hadn't grown for over a week.

Get your head out of your ass. I know evo is dumb, but you're overestimating how dumb I think you guys are. I know you're not that clueless.

Duna Game profile


Dec 2nd 2012, 6:48:15

Sry Rockman, but i can repeat for you what i told for Evo - its a war game and you should expect to get hit. If you dont hide your goods (wich is so easy with recall function) and lose some of it - then you play this game wrong.

But how its all related to our war?:)

iScode Game profile


Dec 2nd 2012, 6:51:11

wow stockhunting

thats a new one.

spend your fluffing stock if you dont want it taken by non-pacted alliances, or stop your fluffing complaining.

boy you netters piss me off.
God of War


EL Kronos Game profile


Dec 2nd 2012, 6:53:16

Long live ELScode!

tellarion Game profile


Dec 2nd 2012, 6:56:39

Originally posted by iScode:
wow stockhunting

thats a new one.

spend your fluffing stock if you dont want it taken by non-pacted alliances, or stop your fluffing complaining.

boy you netters piss me off.

Pretty much what scode said. If he was 'hunting' for stock, he must have hit the fluffing motherlode, seeing as how he did ONE OP. Laziest hunter I've ever seen.

You were around his networth, you had low jets, you were unpacted. He matched nw and grabbed, end of story. I'd be pissed too if I were in your position, but I wouldn't RAGE like you did and threaten to suicide if I didn't get reps like a fluffing child. Don't leave your stock at home, or someone might grab you.

tellarion Game profile


Dec 2nd 2012, 7:44:12

He was slightly below your networth, he was heavy jets because we get grabbed a lot and people take their own retals, he had slightly more land, he was the SAME strat as you. Those are some pretty legit reasons to landgrab someone, especially from an unpacted alliance. He got lucky while looking for targets to grab. You made a mistake and got unlucky. End of story.

Rossoneri Game profile


Dec 2nd 2012, 8:08:36

Originally posted by Duna:
Sry Rockman, but i can repeat for you what i told for Evo - its a war game and you should expect to get hit. If you dont hide your goods (wich is so easy with recall function) and lose some of it - then you play this game wrong.

But how its all related to our war?:)

Lol Duna, woe betide you if you ever FS Rockman while he's netting! You've been warned!
Evolution Head of Internal Affairs

EL Kronos Game profile


Dec 2nd 2012, 8:19:02

Originally posted by tellarion:
He was slightly below your networth, he was heavy jets because we get grabbed a lot and people take their own retals, he had slightly more land, he was the SAME strat as you. Those are some pretty legit reasons to landgrab someone, especially from an unpacted alliance. He got lucky while looking for targets to grab. You made a mistake and got unlucky. End of story.

Tella! Stop giving Rockman a hard time! It is hardly his fault...

I've noticed this seems to happen quite a bit. If only there was some way, in which you could get an alliance to not attack another alliance. You know, something where both alliances agree to avoid hitting each other for an entire set.... perhaps by offering them some sort of formal agreement between individuals or parties involved, which would have severe consequences for the offending party if such an agreement were broken... Look at me though, I am probably not making any sense (well, less sense than usual).

Rockman Game profile


Dec 2nd 2012, 13:05:24

Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by iScode:
wow stockhunting

thats a new one.

spend your fluffing stock if you dont want it taken by non-pacted alliances, or stop your fluffing complaining.

boy you netters piss me off.

Pretty much what scode said. If he was 'hunting' for stock, he must have hit the fluffing motherlode, seeing as how he did ONE OP. Laziest hunter I've ever seen.

You were around his networth, you had low jets, you were unpacted. He matched nw and grabbed, end of story. I'd be pissed too if I were in your position, but I wouldn't RAGE like you did and threaten to suicide if I didn't get reps like a fluffing child. Don't leave your stock at home, or someone might grab you.

I didn't threaten to suicide, I threatened to stockhunt back. But apparently those are the same thing. Either that, or you're lying. You tell me. It's typical Evo. When you do something, its 'legit', but when LaF does the exact same thing as you, you have a completely different name for it.

Should I start claiming that Evo suicided me this set, since you consider stockhunting to be suiciding?

He didn't do just one OP, he hit another stocking techer in LaF earlier that week. You're lying out your ass AGAIN.

Edited By: Rockman on Dec 2nd 2012, 13:09:18
See Original Post

Rockman Game profile


Dec 2nd 2012, 13:06:31

Originally posted by Duna:
Sry Rockman, but i can repeat for you what i told for Evo - its a war game and you should expect to get hit. If you dont hide your goods (wich is so easy with recall function) and lose some of it - then you play this game wrong.

But how its all related to our war?:)

Right, as a techer, I'm going to waste 3 turns each day recalling goods, just incase someone decided to grab an 11k acre techer that hasn't grown for over a week.

Duna Game profile


Dec 2nd 2012, 13:29:53

Its a price of calm. Exactly same as EVO top stockers stayed without SDI, spal and troops and got catched with it:)

tellarion Game profile


Dec 2nd 2012, 13:38:20

Originally posted by Rockman:
Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by iScode:
wow stockhunting

thats a new one.

spend your fluffing stock if you dont want it taken by non-pacted alliances, or stop your fluffing complaining.

boy you netters piss me off.

Pretty much what scode said. If he was 'hunting' for stock, he must have hit the fluffing motherlode, seeing as how he did ONE OP. Laziest hunter I've ever seen.

You were around his networth, you had low jets, you were unpacted. He matched nw and grabbed, end of story. I'd be pissed too if I were in your position, but I wouldn't RAGE like you did and threaten to suicide if I didn't get reps like a fluffing child. Don't leave your stock at home, or someone might grab you.

I didn't threaten to suicide, I threatened to stockhunt back. But apparently those are the same thing. Either that, or you're lying. You tell me. It's typical Evo. When you do something, its 'legit', but when LaF does the exact same thing as you, you have a completely different name for it.

Should I start claiming that Evo suicided me this set, since you consider stockhunting to be suiciding?

He didn't do just one OP, he hit another stocking techer in LaF earlier that week. You're lying out your ass AGAIN.

I am just reporting what I heard from Tob. He was faced with the unsavory task of trying to work something out on behalf of one of his members who was threatening to suicide the crap out of us and was raging on your boards. His words, reporting what you were saying, not mine.

As far as hitting another laf country, you're right, he did! He hit a laf country that was once again A) Slightly higher than his nw(which I'm sure you realize provides optimal land gains), B) Around the same acres, C) Not particularly high on defense, D) THE SAME STRATEGY

Gosh, there's not a single valid reason I can see for him to hit that laf country either! Saying he was stockhunting implies that he spent time trying to find a laf country that happened to have stock at home. You're right, he did more than 1 op, but that first op was TWO fluffING DAYS EARLIER. So he spent 2 turns on 2 targets that met optimal conditions to do a landgrab, and only one of them was stupid enough to leave 5b in cash lying around.

Quit trying to paint some sinister picture where one of my members was intentionally trying to ruin your set. You took a risk by having that much stock on hand, hoping you would fly under the radar and not get caught. Unlucky for you that you perfectly fit the criteria of another techer that wanted to get some land, and happened to have a ridiculous amount of cash on hand when he hit you.

And I know you're going to claim I'm lying AGAIN, but he said he didn't even notice the stock until after he took the hit and I pointed it out to him. But whatever, Evo is evil, I'm a liar, and you were the recipient of a callous act of aggression that can never be justified!

bertz Game profile


Dec 2nd 2012, 13:47:47

This is nice. The last Evo LaF thread was ages ago.
Good to have the "friendly" chats back

Rockman Game profile


Dec 2nd 2012, 13:50:28

I guess when the Evo country with 15m turrets and 20b cash on 20k acres got hit by SoF, that was just being "lucky"? All I threatened to do was to get "lucky" because apparently Evo is such a dumb fluffing alliance that they have no clue how to find someone with stockpile on hand. I'm supposed to think you guys really are that dumb. Just like I was supposed to believe that qzjul had no idea that his ghost acre changes would nerf bottomfeeding and boost landtrading.

It's real easy to go around stock hunting. If you hadn't pacted LaF (probably partly out of fear of my threat to stockhunt you, which you consider to be suiciding), then I would have stockhunted you this set once I started jumping.

It's 23 days into the set, and he's grabbing an 11k acre techer. And you're claiming its for land?

Your guy was suiciding me. In your words. Not mine. But I can start calling it suiciding, if you'd like.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Dec 2nd 2012, 13:50:34

Originally posted by iScode:
wow stockhunting

thats a new one.

spend your fluffing stock if you dont want it taken by non-pacted alliances, or stop your fluffing complaining.

boy you netters piss me off.

Scode you don't even know what the hell the term stockhunting means let alone....netting. :P I am shocked you knew how to use either of those two words in once post.

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

tellarion Game profile


Dec 2nd 2012, 14:11:24

Originally posted by Rockman:
I guess when the Evo country with 15m turrets and 20b cash on 20k acres got hit by SoF, that was just being "lucky"? All I threatened to do was to get "lucky" because apparently Evo is such a dumb fluffing alliance that they have no clue how to find someone with stockpile on hand. I'm supposed to think you guys really are that dumb. Just like I was supposed to believe that qzjul had no idea that his ghost acre changes would nerf bottomfeeding and boost landtrading.

It's real easy to go around stock hunting. If you hadn't pacted LaF (probably partly out of fear of my threat to stockhunt you, which you consider to be suiciding), then I would have stockhunted you this set once I started jumping.

It's 23 days into the set, and he's grabbing an 11k acre techer. And you're claiming its for land?

Your guy was suiciding me. In your words. Not mine. But I can start calling it suiciding, if you'd like.

Yes, the Sof guy that got over 4b in stock was lucky. If he had done one grab and left it at that, there would have been nothing we could do about it. That's how this game works, smart guy. Instead, he did like 10+ harmful spyops, declared war and grabbed 4 times.

And stop being a complete MORON. Go read what I wrote(probably for the first time). The person who said you were threatening to suicide was YOUR OWN FA. From what he told me, you were throwing a tantrum on your forums. HE said you were going to suicide, not me. So no, 'stockhunting' is not suiciding. Nobody in my alliance was doing it, so it doesn't matter whether we 'know how to' or not, we don't do fluff like that.

As far as pacting laf, I'm not going to drag your leaders into the mud where you apparently live. I have been impressed with your FA team and leadership all set, and we've been able to work through a lot of issues caused by members on both sides. I'm not gonna bring up details which you probably aren't even aware of. All I can say is, thank god you're not an FA, cause Laf would be in wars every set if this is how you react to things.

It was 23 days into the set, he was low on land, had lots of cash(being a techer, ya know), so he pretty much found two of the most optimal targets to grab and did so. Stop trying to create excuses for being a complete noob and having that much cash on hand at home.


PS: If you hate the game so fluffing much, why don't you just quit??? I really can't think of anyone else on these boards who fluff so much as you do...

Akula Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 2nd 2012, 14:39:13

shorter posts, less caps numb nuts - my head hurts ;P
"Astra inclinant, sed non obligant"




Dec 2nd 2012, 15:44:38

Tella, I'm surprised you have devoted this much time to replying to Rockman as it's not even worth it. It seems all he wants is an excuse as to why he isn't finishing as well as he could have.

Also, why was the evo country with 15m turrets and 30b cash on hand even brought up? What sort of comparison is RM trying to conclude here? Luck? I was that country. I took that risk, and I would have paid for it dearly if SoF had not been so greedy. Unfortunately, it didn't work out anyway as we were blindsided. You don't see me complaining on the forums...

anoniem Game profile


Dec 2nd 2012, 15:51:18

rockfluff crying again trololol

MADMARK Game profile


Dec 3rd 2012, 12:13:07

LOL LCN are getting deaded again

Tin Man


Dec 3rd 2012, 12:57:47

This game is gonna give you an aneurysm Rockman, you need a nice long break

Rossoneri Game profile


Dec 3rd 2012, 15:33:48

I like to eat raspberries!
Evolution Head of Internal Affairs

PG Game profile


Dec 3rd 2012, 15:36:02

haha good Ross ;)

you got me =D

i still say raspberries over blueberries =D
ICQ: 121286137
EE inside message

Chand Game profile


Dec 3rd 2012, 17:48:11

Since the set ends in 30 some hours, here is a clan wide challenge for EVO/LCN.. I bet you guys can't kill ---I love recruiting (#229)---, if you do, I'll actually consider you decent warmongers.

It's the country of one of our war heads. Kill him please (or at least give him some stonewalling practise, otherwise he'll get rusty)
-Rival HC-

trumper Game profile


Dec 3rd 2012, 17:54:25

Originally posted by PG:
haha good Ross ;)

you got me =D

i still say raspberries over blueberries =D

Blackberries (as I noted ingame).

PG Game profile


Dec 3rd 2012, 18:50:05

Originally posted by Chand:
Since the set ends in 30 some hours, here is a clan wide challenge for EVO/LCN.. I bet you guys can't kill ---I love recruiting (#229)---, if you do, I'll actually consider you decent warmongers.

It's the country of one of our war heads. Kill him please (or at least give him some stonewalling practise, otherwise he'll get rusty)

Tellarion know who that country belongs too =D
ICQ: 121286137
EE inside message