


Apr 10th 2010, 19:58:22

Well, I surely haven't heard o read reports of people suicide while on weed.

Maybe they get themselves killed doing stupid things, but not suicide.

ICQ 43083642

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

Apr 10th 2010, 20:00:12

but i just leave this tab sitting open...
Finally did the signature thing.



Apr 10th 2010, 20:08:22

I am depressed.
I know because I've tried to kill myself while sober, from everything.

When I consume alcohol, I get depressed further, I let my problems out, I talk. I've attempted suicide while under influence of alcohol, I've driven at extreme speeds in city roads while under influence of alcohol. I just wanted to end it.

Then I gave up alcohol, because I knew that one day, it would kill me. And that I had friends who passed away due to car crashes caused by a natural disorder in his body.

Then I came in contact with Marijuana.
Weed lets me forget about my problems, I don't think about them anymore because they don't matter. I'm happy when I'm on weed. I've never even though of killing myself while I'm high on weed. I drive much slower while on weed because everything seems so important, and stuff.

When the day that weed gives me feelings of suicide, that's when I'll quit.

I'm not lying, I can tell you my story because no one here knows me in real life. And if you try and backdoor your way into my real life through the the amazing network of internets, and warn my friends about my suicidal thoughts, I'll find you, then I'll kill you.
ICQ 43083642



Apr 10th 2010, 20:31:57

No, depression was triggered by something else.

Alcohol was an escape.
ICQ 43083642

AoS Game profile


Apr 11th 2010, 9:50:55

An escape that didn't work, admittedly. Weed does have some amazing properties. I'm a smoker (cigs, in this instance), and whenever I have chronic sickness every spring and winter from it, I smoke a bit of pot, and for a couple hours, it's like I completely forgot I'm even congested, or have a headache.
The dreamer is banished to obscurity.



Apr 11th 2010, 10:08:22

Oh, it worked for a while. But once that initial stage passes by, and you stop reaching piss drunk status where you can't even think, the depression starts coming back in.

Also, piss drunk chicks don't put out, they just pass out. And then it's called rape.
ICQ 43083642



Apr 12th 2010, 4:48:09

This thread has dropped off too far.

And waaaaaay off topic
ICQ 43083642

NOW3P Game profile


Apr 12th 2010, 13:34:52

Well, to attempt re-attempt posting on topic...

Imo, the primary reason to legalize mj is financial. From the gov't point of view, they can redirect millions of dollars that are currently being spent on keeping mj out of the country to other more 'severe' drugs (I know some of you don't share that opinion, but let's face it mj is one of the weaker drugs out there). Additionally, they'd be adding tens, if not hundreds, of millions of dollars worth of taxes into the economy (at a time when that would be most helpful)

Of course, enforcement of regulations will provide some expense, but from my experience it won't be anywhere near what is currently being spent.

martian Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Apr 12th 2010, 16:53:05

tbh it's a combination of financial, practicality and enforceability.
Even if taxation was off the table. It's pretty much a no win battle to ban pot (just like it was for alchohol) and you are simply increasing the power and influence of criminal organizations by having it illegal. Just because something is against the law doesn't mean you can actually get rid of or even have any significant impact on an activity. There are *many* examples of this beyond drugs. Thing is we are brought up as kids to respect and obey the rules and that in the real world the rule of law usually works. When you get older/less sheltered you realize that this isn't really true.
you are all special in the eyes of fluff
( ._.) -----)-->
(_(' )(' )




Apr 19th 2010, 9:11:24

It makes so much sense that the governments won't do it.

Why? Because the politicians who endorse it will be responsible for the drop of general education level of the new generation.

Weed does make you stupider, when your not high on weed.

True story.
ICQ 43083642

AoS Game profile


Apr 19th 2010, 16:02:49

I'm pretty sure the level of general education isn't gonna go down too much if you legalize pot. You can only go so far below zero :P

Seriously though. Maybe it's just my town, but kids these days don't seem too bright.

And it really is a moot point, Forgotten, because while weed may make you a bit dopey, alcohol kills your brain cells right out, and your liver, and pretty much your whole body. And it's perfectly legal.
The dreamer is banished to obscurity.



Apr 19th 2010, 20:34:45

AoS, cause you live in the states. That's why it can't go down.

It's a conspiracy!

Oh wait, what was I going to say...


if aliens come down, we give them alcohol and tobacco, they might think we're trying to kill them, but weed? they get high, show us new fluff, and we go fly away!
ICQ 43083642

becci Game profile


Jan 4th 2016, 1:14:15

legalize it

jjterrico Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 4th 2016, 2:48:24

Originally posted by NukEvil:
If marijuana were legalized, the price would plummet like a stone, because 97% of the risk associated with manufacture, possession, and consumption of marijuana would be eliminated.

End of thread.

Price would stay the same or go up, for those that actually use it properly, quality and cleanliness is key and if every weasel who thinks they can make a quick buck starts growing and selling the market will be flooded with garbage headache weed that does nothing for you. While the people with skill and talent will still be selling for the same prices as they are now...I know one guy who consistently sells for $600+/lb more than the rest of the kids and has had no problem getting rid of it, even at 2600 a lb here in bc....I can find other guys for 1400-2000 and it's all garbage, not flushed properly or dried properly or grown too long/not long enough...all said and done the guys who know what they are doing will not be affected.

dex Game profile


Jan 4th 2016, 6:37:12


Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 4th 2016, 13:45:15

Kidnapping people and putting them in cages for possession of a plant is about the stupidest thing going these days, but there's big money in it for the government's law enforcement agencies, and that's the fundamental reason it is still illegal in most states.

Now, just imagine the profit that could be made if they made grass clippings illegal. The cops would swarm suburban America and lock up almost every single homeowner until they paid the extortion to get themselves out of jail.

If you really think that it's about people getting high, you're wrong, it's about people getting rich, or having a job that they would otherwise not have.

As far as the rumors about the publisher pushing his agenda on the government, that's a big area to cover.

His war was primarily against Hemp, and not Marijuana per se. He had just bought the logging rights to a huge swath of northwestern timberland and didn't want to have to compete with Hemp for the lucrative paper making industry, since Hemp was much more renewable and eco friendly than using timber to make paper, and all his investments in the timberland logging industry would be diminished.

So, they promulgated the "Reefer Madness" agenda, and blamed Marijuana on getting the black men all riled up to whistle at and maybe molest and rape the white women. Thus establishing that level of fear required for people to make stupid decisions without seriously thinking about it first.

I used to be an anti-marijuana person myself. Then, I got older, and started to have those pains associated with getting older, and they wanted to make me take opioids for it, thus destroying my liver and kidneys in the process, not to mention what they do to your brain.

So, one day, I'm sitting in Rittenhouse Square park and a buddy of mine pulls out a joint and lights it, and convinces me to smoke it with him, and amazingly enough, almost all of those pains that existed in my knees and shoulder just disappeared, and I didn't have the dizzying side effects of the opioids going on. Wow, what an Epiphany.

Legalize it and numerous things will occur for the benefit of most Americans.

1. The statistical crime rate would drop since you are no longer imprisoning people for possession of a plant.
2. The revenue source for crime cartels that grow and distribute the plant will dry up, thus they will not be able to afford weapons and lawyers.
3. The costs for imprisoning largely non-violent criminals will drop precipitously.
4. The widespread use of opioids for the relief of pain will shrink and more people will remain functional members of society because of that.
5. The government would start collecting tax revenue that is now being lost to a criminal cartel based in Mexico thus reducing the need to add more taxation to the already over-taxed population.
6. People would be generally happier when they can wake and bake in the morning, thus brightening every single day from the beginning.
7. Stress levels would be much lower in society since it's very hard to be angry and violent while you're feeling good and having munchies to look forward to.

There are more, but those should be sufficient for most people.

And as far as the violent crimes ascribed to Marijuana use, I put forth the following reasoning.

The only thing in danger from a guy smoking some weed, is a bag of Doritos. The little old lady with her social security check is more likely to be able to overcome the high asshole who would somehow be motivated to rob her so he could buy more weed.

So, who's the victim here? I'll tell you who, the guy smoking the weed. ( and the bag of Doritos).
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!



Jan 5th 2016, 15:55:15


i have smoked for years, however I don't wake and bake since it limits my productivity for the day, lol

it helps me with some medical issues and now I hear it helps against diabetes (which I have) so I wont be giving it up anytime soon.

My Dr told me that when it is legal to do so, he will be writing me a prescription for medical weed.

Edited By: Ruthie on Jan 6th 2016, 15:20:23
Ragnarok's Green Eyed Lady

slip Game profile


Jan 5th 2016, 19:28:43

cool to see some old names in this thread.

almost 2 years ago i moved from Chicago to Seattle. Potheads are still potheads. People that dont smoke, still dont smoke. Weed is such a freely distributed drug that the only difference between the two cities is people smoke more in public.



Jan 6th 2016, 13:46:36

Why did you guys raise this topic, it's like you guys know I'm in a depression battle again.
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

drkprinc Game profile


Jan 7th 2016, 5:12:48

forgotten come smoke a big fat blunt with me and cruise the highways blaring music :)
(<(<>(<>.(<>..<>).<>)<>)>) - 0.o - LaF - IMP

SAM_DANGER Game profile


Jan 7th 2016, 5:30:34

Great post, Cerb.

Personally, I'm opposed to the use of marijuana, but very much in favor of its legalization.

I don't like what *I believe* the long term effects of marijuana use are, but I absolutely do not believe that the government has any place telling people what risks they are allowed to take with their own body/mind. Leave people alone and let them make their own decisions.



Jan 7th 2016, 5:32:39

SAM is not typing in CAPS, thus it's not true
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

SAM_DANGER Game profile


Jan 7th 2016, 5:36:16



Trife Game profile


Jan 7th 2016, 5:36:38

Big Rig


Jan 7th 2016, 5:39:35

Yes, for it practically saved my life!

Tokyousr Game profile


Jan 8th 2016, 9:21:08

money isnt the biggest issue imo. weed doesnt have a positive effect on everybody, so when it gets legalized u have to consider the number of people who can get negatively effected by it.

a long time ago, me and a few friends were at a hotel having a giant spliff, and one person who had some slight schizophrenic traits and who was very homophobic completely went ape fluff, ripped off his cloths, ran out of the hotel and started chasing cars. he almost got killed. we pinned him down forced him to take a cold bath to calm down and he kept saying the world is trying to make him gay and he would rather die than turn homo. pretty scary when he is screaming this at the top of his lungs, veins popping out and eyes dilated. thats when i realized this drug can have a very negative effect on certain people.

I can see the headlines : " Crazy schizophrenic person unloads 500rounds into a crowd at a shopping center, toxicology report reveals he had huge amounts of THC in his blood. Who is to blame !? "



Jan 8th 2016, 9:38:01

Originally posted by Tokyousr:
a long time ago, me and a few friends were at a hotel having a giant spliff, and one person who had some slight schizophrenic traits and who was very homophobic completely went ape fluff, ripped off his cloths, ran out of the hotel and started chasing cars. he almost got killed. we pinned him down forced him to take a cold bath to calm down and he kept saying the world is trying to make him gay and he would rather die than turn homo. pretty scary when he is screaming this at the top of his lungs, veins popping out and eyes dilated. thats when i realized this drug can have a very negative effect on certain people.

I'd be shocked if that doesn't happen multiple times every night just about everywhere with alcohol involved.
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

Vic Game profile


Jan 8th 2016, 14:22:31