
locket Game profile


Aug 6th 2013, 19:41:25

Dont let them landgrab... demote them... send them to Evo... :P

euglaf Game profile


Aug 6th 2013, 19:50:43

Originally posted by Atryn:
Originally posted by euglaf:
If I knew of a way to actually punish them I would. Their behavior really disgusts me.

This one puzzles me. Really? You cannot think of any punishment?

well this is merely a game. any action i take can't stop them from merely leaving the alliance where they will be picked up by some other alliance who will let them act just as shady or worse. how does that punish the player? i suppose they lose the tag protection that laf has afforded them, but there are plenty of places you can netgain from (without the protection laf vets afford them).

public chastise is a pretty effective deterrent for some people. i'm not sure how well it will work with hao2, but who knows? he's a pretty accomplished netgainer as is so i dont know if he actually cares about other's opinions of him.

locket Game profile


Aug 6th 2013, 20:05:07

Well you used to try to at least punish/threaten some players. Is Hao simply one of the untouchables? Unless you take a harder stance on this it basically just means that Laf will accept FA to 1st if you are one of the longtime vets. So will there be complaints if someone gets FA all set long and reaches 600mill nw? Or what if someone just gets one package and gets to 1st. Will Laf complain about that? Where does it stop? You'd probably kill that person but it would be quite hypocritical. Perhaps it has been a harder stance insite but that is obviously impossible to tell. Laf used to stand firmly against this kind of fluff. Now all it seems to stand against is land trading -_-

NukEvil Game profile


Aug 6th 2013, 20:23:03

Originally posted by Over The Hill:
Kudos sodawater on your #1 finish!!!

But...he didn't get #1. He got #2. See, the ranks clearly indicate that oldman is the better player. I'm a n00b that has never played the game before, and I clicked on a random link and saw the ranks on eestats. See, LaF is the better alliance because their dude got a higher rank than monster's dude. That's how it works now, isn't it?
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

euglaf Game profile


Aug 6th 2013, 20:30:48

honestly, if i could edit the scores sheet so hao2 finishes 1 nw lower than sodawater i would do it :)

KriSatZ Game profile


Aug 6th 2013, 20:33:00

Locket, stop being an ass. You played on LaF long enough to know that the people in question will have been reprimanded internally. And you also know that this is a pretty sincere message from one of the best players in the game, carries some weight.

Soda's market ops, especially tech looked very suspect towards the end of the set, he was also telling people he had a "200m" finish so to add 80m on top of that to me also seems suspect. If he didn't profit from Market aid specifically for him, he profited greatly from it aimed at someone else.

The real question, is why such mechanics exist that you can freely exploit boosting mechanics right towards the end of the set. We are seeing lots of other changes but none to actually stop people NW boosting others, and that really confuses me.
Success is in the mind. You must believe you are the best and then make sure that you are.

LaFamiglia - zKriSatZwpn - LaFamiglia

XiQter MD Game profile


Aug 6th 2013, 20:40:03

Most of the techmarket play was another alliance who got their guy in the top10, if soda profited on their poor play thats their bad.


EE Patron

Aug 6th 2013, 21:17:24

Originally posted by locket:
So farming some clans who couldnt possibly kill you is more legit now Neal? It would be nice if Soda could prove he was legit or otherwise but assuming is just silly. You guys spied enough that if you could show something you would.

Accepting FA and then apologizing is a bit ridiculous no matter how you see it Oldman.

yes it is considered more legit by people in the clan server yes but did I not mention I'm leaning towards eug's stance on this issue, I'm kinda agreeing with you locket, hao's finish is not that great at all but whatever he did apologize for whatever its worth (even though it can be considered garbage, you would know mr. trash man hahahaha)

and we have a ton of spy records hence I said what I said, the only thing that is doubtful that I mentioned was the direct/indirect market aid which is harder to track, everything else I said was true and we have spyops to back it up

Warster Game profile


Aug 6th 2013, 21:23:08

i gained 17K land from Sof and DK does that mean i got my land less legit then laf?
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

Kalick Game profile


Aug 6th 2013, 21:48:03

Originally posted by Warster:
i gained 17K land from Sof and DK does that mean i got my land less legit then laf?

I think only LaF is allowed to grab land from other alliances?

The Cloaked Game profile


Aug 6th 2013, 21:51:56


Like hao said, it was a dumb move to take fa to move into first. But it's pointless to yap about what or what not construes a 'legit' finish. everyone agrees that neither oldman or soda cheated. Breaking down what each person feels is acceptable is a pointless exercise.

Oldman legitimately won. he just won in a fluffish way. A quarter of LaF was in the chat when oldman typed this post. Whether you believe in his sincerity or not, he is sincere. but all that can be done is that we not do this in the future. Can't do a fat lot about what's already done.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 6th 2013, 22:05:55

Lets use the ol' PDM argument: "It's a team server, it isn't cheating or lame."
I financially support this game; what do you do?

locket Game profile


Aug 6th 2013, 22:35:58

Cloaked, I just dont get why he accepts the FA and then apologizes for it? Was it done without his permission or knowledge? If so then this thread is a nice gesture... otherwise it is like me tripping someone in a race right at the end intentionally and then apologizing while telling them I did it intentionally.

@neal I think many people consider the fact that MD or whoever grabbing Soda without intent to friendly trade is more legit but I dont think either way of gaining land is invalid or unfair in the strictest sense so I wont argue any point there unless someone calls one of them a cheater for getting their land in a fair way. But yah I do believe you when you say certain Laffers were quite unhappy with this move since that was always the attitude that many of the vets had while I was there, and even the tech leaches(which is a questionable tactic but usually has minimal effects) are believable enough. Anyways I just would love to see netting into the top ten be less FA dependent, especially for the top place finisher, and I think that is something that most of Laf would likely agree with too.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 6th 2013, 23:46:48

@Locket in IRC he said he didn't wan't FA. He cannot control his allies that decide to send it.
I financially support this game; what do you do?

locket Game profile


Aug 6th 2013, 23:51:59

Then that is a douche move by his ally and he should have mentioned that in the post. Thanks for clarifying dude.

Servant Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 7th 2013, 4:51:30

While I definately agree, LAF is disappointed in themselves for their actions.

I also do not doubt, that they would go to war with another alliance for doing the same to them.

IN which case I do hope LAF goes out of their way to compesate to Monsters/Soda in some way.....for this action.
Z is #1

Cerberus Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 7th 2013, 5:09:27

You know, all this kvetching about FAing a country to a higher net is about stupid. This IS an alliance server, there is a thing called Teamwork. Some alliances have it, some alliances don't. If you don't and want to fluff about another alliance having it, the answer is simple, get it on your own on your own alliance, or move to an alliance that has it. Either way, STFU about something that is legally a part of the game.
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!

de1i Game profile


Aug 7th 2013, 5:24:52

Yes it is well within the written rules but when not only the recipient of the FA but the leader of his alliance condemns what happened then people should speak up. Does it change what happen, obviously not. But I'm sure it is helpful in some regard to eug to see the communities reaction, especially since he has made a comment about how he doesn't know how to stop it. You are the leader of your alliance, man up :)

Mr Snow


Aug 7th 2013, 7:41:54

Originally posted by euglaf:
honestly, if i could edit the scores sheet so hao2 finishes 1 nw lower than sodawater i would do it :)

Why don't you ask hlw to do it for you? He still plays in laf, right? ;)


tellarion Game profile


Aug 7th 2013, 13:30:29

Originally posted by Cerberus:
You know, all this kvetching about FAing a country to a higher net is about stupid. This IS an alliance server, there is a thing called Teamwork. Some alliances have it, some alliances don't. If you don't and want to fluff about another alliance having it, the answer is simple, get it on your own on your own alliance, or move to an alliance that has it. Either way, STFU about something that is legally a part of the game.

The only problem with this is that Laf can and does war over things like this when done to them. Double standard. Otherwise, nobody would be fluffing...well, not fluffing this much, at least.

goatpharmer Game profile


Aug 7th 2013, 21:43:10

congrats to Soda, true champ, as last set

dannydk Game profile


Aug 7th 2013, 23:50:58

yes congrats to the real winner
sodawater had no help at all, no FA, pure skill