
mrcuban Game profile


Sep 26th 2016, 13:48:56

Sov, thanks for your reply. You are correct you are kicking ass so I can't fault you. Just looking at hpk and Hpm it just looked to me like elders were should have been targeted first. You may have seen imag with more stock / missiles which is why they were targeted first?

Either way well done to both sides.

Sov Game profile


Sep 26th 2016, 14:00:29

Our main priorities were based around SPAL, breaking power and stock.

Buch Game profile


Sep 26th 2016, 14:42:24

Mr Cuban that's y u never win a war u don't know who to kill

WArriOR Game profile


Sep 26th 2016, 15:01:18

SPAL > Than ALL.

Elders may have been hitting a lot but that is because they had been doing a lot of mid breaks and finishing. Elders had no Stock because they had already go to war once this reset.
Ninja Kicked the Dam Rabbit



Sep 26th 2016, 15:26:18

this war is so boring
~LaF's Retired Janitor~

The original Warho Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 26th 2016, 19:47:00

Thumb war is ON!

Plymmy11 Game profile


Sep 26th 2016, 19:54:17

I have more fun playing war with my three year old.

Soviet Game profile


Sep 26th 2016, 23:41:00

Originally posted by mrcuban:
Am i bitter about getting blindsided? Yes. Did i bring it into next set ingame? No. Did i not reach out to soviet ingame early in the set to clear the air and say we don't want bad blood? Yes.

I was simply telling soviet to take his bitterness elsewhere as Im not the one kicking his countries ass.

HAHAHA dude. It's only been 1.5 months since that conversation. I wish I still had my original country with you trying to clear the air, but I do have this gem.

Message from DoggyStyle (#313) sent on Aug 10, 6:54
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I don't care. Your move last set was disgusting. You deserve to die as a clan. But I hear you have bigger enemies to worry about, and was simply offering a pact so that you don't need to worry about us blindsiding you as pay back and us worrying about you pulling another fluff move.

What I sent:
And who do I have to worry about?

The way I see it, you're either going to hit us or not. I didn't lose any sleep over the matter last night. You messaged us saying you weren't going to hit us, but that "rolling imag" does sound like a good idea for you, yet you want a pact "so imag doesn't have to worry about us". I don't understand guy, why should I pact you when you have the tact of a cactus?

Bottom Line: If you're going to net in peace this set go on and do it. You don't need a pact with iMag to ensure that. You just need to keep your mouth shut and stay off our radar.

And guess what you did? You kept your fluffing mouth shut and you didn't get hit. Now look at you running it again. I may have to fix it.
Imaginary Numbers

Dissident Game profile


Sep 27th 2016, 0:10:24

ya, you guys played it really well SOF/MD

well played indeed.

mrcuban Game profile


Sep 27th 2016, 1:45:34

Soviet you don't have any targets you can actually win a war against, so it's probably right that you are looking at us noobs in LUST.... again.

We don't war nor do we claim to be good at warring, or netting. We're just not that good at this game.

If you come at LUST again, than so be it.

We don't have issues with any other tags in this game, we play respectfully...

ninong Game profile


Sep 27th 2016, 4:00:23

ninong, formerly Johnny Demonic

Colo Game profile


Oct 28th 2016, 5:48:28

You should kill elders, they suck :)