
Detmer Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 2:39:12

Originally posted by Helmet:
That thread was clearly a joke. Did you even read the content? Are we seriously arguing about a thread?

PDM did the first harmful ops. PDM did the first special attacks. PDM declared war.

That thread was clearly a war declaration. That is what decides a war. Otherwise anyone can claim any news matter to be a declaration of war.

Flamey Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 2:39:55

1)What I am saying is that you are are calling us cowards for hitting with a member advantage when you did so yourself a few sets back...

2)Last set was an anti '2 countries mass grabbing each other several times a day to generate lots of acres' war. This set is partly that, but mainly fueled by your threats towards us in future sets and especially to our allies.

I don't like the open grab list personally, I think it takes all competition out of the game... it's like Pang has an obsession with Game Theory. This war is not about that though... if other alliances want that then whatever, it doesnt effect nw's that much, unlike the mass 'landtrading'. I wouldn't say that thread is a ringing endorsement of the whole server heaping praise on it though.

Helmet Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 2:42:35



Detmer Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 2:43:22

Originally posted by Flamey:
1)What I am saying is that you are are calling us cowards for hitting with a member advantage when you did so yourself a few sets back...

I am calling yourself cowards for a multitude of reasons. Please reference all previous posts and respond to them on those threads, rather than trying to cherry pick one point.

2)Last set was an anti '2 countries mass grabbing each other several times a day to generate lots of acres' war. This set is partly that, but mainly fueled by your threats towards us in future sets and especially to our allies.

I don't like the open grab list personally, I think it takes all competition out of the game... it's like Pang has an obsession with Game Theory. This war is not about that though... if other alliances want that then whatever, it doesnt effect nw's that much, unlike the mass 'landtrading'. I wouldn't say that thread is a ringing endorsement of the whole server heaping praise on it though.

It takes no competition out of the game - it just removes harassment from people who don't want to be harassed. A concept you don't understand will hopefully stand trial for some day.

lostmonk Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 2:44:00

The open grab list takes away competition? By making it where people grab again, rather than just farm untaggeds or small clans? I so very fail to see your logic there flamey.

nimrodix Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 2:44:29

omg so funny lmao

Alin Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 2:49:30

Sof you have such idiot leaders if you did this for the landtrading thing.

Detmer Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 2:50:10

Originally posted by Alin:
Sof you have such idiots leaders if you did this for the landtrading thing.

They have such idiot leaders no matter their reasoning.

Flamey Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 2:52:08

What is competative about people putting a hit me sign on their head and then hitting back, both countries with low defence. And when did being landgrabbed become a form of harrassment on this game?

I'm against this sandbox, simycity3000 style, but again this war is not about the 'open grab list'...

Flamey Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 2:53:13

Originally posted by Alin:
Sof you have such idiot leaders if you did this for the landtrading thing.

What about your leaders who have attempted to form 2 colaitions in the last two years and lost 4/5 wars as a result.

Alin Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 2:54:05

So let`s get this straight.

IF you fsed PDM because of the landtrading thread - instade of fsing the rest of the world for driving away every new single member/alliance with tons of farm hits - i oficially declare this decision the most stupid one in earth history ( earth 2025 included ).

Detmer Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 2:54:40

Originally posted by Flamey:
What is competative about people putting a hit me sign on their head and then hitting back, both countries with low defence. And when did being landgrabbed become a form of harrassment on this game?

I'm against this sandbox, simycity3000 style, but again this war is not about the 'open grab list'...

The abusive type wars SoF has lead against NA, Evo, and seemingly now PDM is harassment. I know you don't get it. You just can't get it. It's not your fault. Blame genetics.

lostmonk Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 2:58:32

Originally posted by Flamey:
What is competative about people putting a hit me sign on their head and then hitting back, both countries with low defence. And when did being landgrabbed become a form of harrassment on this game?

I'm against this sandbox, simycity3000 style, but again this war is not about the 'open grab list'...

I take it you can't even remember the drivel you try to pass off on here. Go back to your post, where you claimed THE LIST takes away competition. "I don't like the open grab list personally, I think it takes all competition out of the game".

So, once again, whats so non-competitive about that? Or can you not keep your own propaganda straight?

Flamey Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 3:00:05

You mean the wars where we took out the FDP of an alliance building a coalition against us, or do you mean the war where we hit an alliance for breaking a uNaP against us + other things... or do you mean the war where we had our missiles defused and got FSed?

Perhaps we should look at your recent record before this set. FSing Sanct over retal issues, FSing SoF over retal issues. As I said in the opening post, you cannot stand anyone disagreeing with your ideals and are in fact deluded enough to believe that everyone agrees with them and that it is impossible others can have a different viewpoint. Then you take it to the next level and insult people personally when they don't roll over.

Sov Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 3:00:07

Some of you should stockpile some tissues.

Flamey Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 3:04:58

Originally posted by lostmonk:
Originally posted by Flamey:
What is competative about people putting a hit me sign on their head and then hitting back, both countries with low defence. And when did being landgrabbed become a form of harrassment on this game?

I'm against this sandbox, simycity3000 style, but again this war is not about the 'open grab list'...

I take it you can't even remember the drivel you try to pass off on here. Go back to your post, where you claimed THE LIST takes away competition. "I don't like the open grab list personally, I think it takes all competition out of the game".

So, once again, whats so non-competitive about that? Or can you not keep your own propaganda straight?

Originally posted by Flamey:
What is competative about people putting a hit me sign on their head and then hitting back, both countries with low defence.

lostmonk Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 3:09:30

Originally posted by Flamey:
What is competative about people putting a hit me sign on their head and then hitting back, both countries with low defence.


The open grab list has nothing to do with landtrading. Your screaming about something with no idea even what it is. Maybe you should actually read the post about it and get some understanding before including it in your reasons for a FS.

Flamey Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 3:13:38

Yes, but this wardec is nothing about the open grab list... What is so hard to understand about that?

My reply about the open grabbing list was a reply to a post on this thread where I stated that I personally don't like the open grabbing list for the reasons I posted, but that our issues were over the abuses in landtrading and not the open grabbing list...

Jiman Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 3:15:34

I thought the war was because PDM is a bunch of commies or something.

Detmer Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 3:18:10

Originally posted by Jiman:
I thought the war was because PDM is a bunch of commies or something.

SoF is bad at comedy.

Sov Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 3:19:02

Flamey there was more to it than the land-trading. For me personally this is about failed politics and intentions.

Pride Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 3:20:08

That's a lie Detmer, I found the statement that your alliance is communist VERY funny :)

Alin Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 3:25:21

many of you don`t even know what communism is ... lmao.

You wouldn`t be here posting your toughts if the admins of this game would have been comunist.

But is funny it is brought into discussion - this comunism thing.

So can anyone explain for the rest of the world the reason for this war ( the public reason - because most of us know there are always a public reason and a "private" reason ).

braden Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 5:41:44

Originally posted by archaic:
did you write that all by yourself flamey? wow, I'm impressed

i was thinking junior senator from wisconsin demagoguery, but six of one half dozen of the other

Reckless Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 5:44:56

fluff SoF

Ivan Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 5:46:51

Several reasons Alin

1 landtrading

2 Detmer threatening us saying that we wouldnt be able to help our allies if they needed us

pretty sure all of it is in the war dec


cgr4 Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 5:53:13

Originally posted by Flamey:
You mean the wars where we took out the FDP of an alliance building a coalition against us, or do you mean the war where we hit an alliance for breaking a uNaP against us + other things... or do you mean the war where we had our missiles defused and got FSed?

Perhaps we should look at your recent record before this set. FSing Sanct over retal issues, FSing SoF over retal issues. As I said in the opening post, you cannot stand anyone disagreeing with your ideals and are in fact deluded enough to believe that everyone agrees with them and that it is impossible others can have a different viewpoint. Then you take it to the next level and insult people personally when they don't roll over.

Netters Anonymous made no agressive actions towards SoF and had no intention of doing so. We made this clear to SoF leadership prior to our wars and the server after. Just to clarify.

Reckless Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 5:56:32

Originally posted by cgr4:
Originally posted by Flamey:
You mean the wars where we took out the FDP of an alliance building a coalition against us, or do you mean the war where we hit an alliance for breaking a uNaP against us + other things... or do you mean the war where we had our missiles defused and got FSed?

Perhaps we should look at your recent record before this set. FSing Sanct over retal issues, FSing SoF over retal issues. As I said in the opening post, you cannot stand anyone disagreeing with your ideals and are in fact deluded enough to believe that everyone agrees with them and that it is impossible others can have a different viewpoint. Then you take it to the next level and insult people personally when they don't roll over.

Netters Anonymous made no agressive actions towards SoF and had no intention of doing so. We made this clear to SoF leadership prior to our wars and the server after. Just to clarify.


Xintros Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 6:03:14

I remember when Flamey was just a little tike.
I always considered him the son I never wanted.........wait
*scratches head*

"If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a killrrun" - Xintros

Ivan Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 6:03:52

If i remember right cgr4 you were prewarned and asked to drop said pact before we hit you so the choice was definately given to you, either way it was 1 war on pretty even numbers, unfortunately the numbers arent even in this war but one cant always get what one wants

cgr4 Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 6:49:15

Ivan if i remember correctly, NA was completely blindsided in our first war. You even admitted this when poking fun at the majority of our countries for running little to no defense. Forgive us for not wanting to give up our sovereignty for a little temporary security. Also the fact is we attempted to pact SOF multiple times throughout that reset but were repeatedly denied.

In our next war SOF outnumbered us worse than they outnumber PDM, the ratio was almost 2:1. After continous baiting and agressive grabbing we declared war on a fully prepped war alliance.

Im not really to interested in this fiasco between pdm and sof now but the truth should be told.

CeyLonTEa Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 6:56:14

Let us not remember anything and focus on the war.

Do it, give us some stress

IXNeo Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 7:09:33

wow! love the declaration.

goodluck to both.
Illuminati X
Division: EoS

Ivan Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 7:11:28

Tenth round: Jun 05, 2011 - Aug 04, 2011


end numbers SOF 54 and NA 17

set before that you had 89 tagged and we had 73 tagged

"Eleventh round: Aug 05, 2011 - Oct 04, 2011"


end of that war we had 44 tagged and you had 34 tagged, so doubt it was that scewed numbers to begin with

Ivan Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 7:11:55

Unless im confusing the sets up but i dont think im

dLpLow Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 7:25:42

Originally posted by Flamey:
TLTR version:

SoF declares war on PDM, because they are communists.

PDM is trying to impose their communist ideals on the server, despite spectacularly failing last reset.

Such communist policies include state controlled grabbing and the elimination of all individual competition in the server.

PDM's crappy countries are examples of the pitfalls of communism.

Last set we tried to compromise on our differences, but they refused to budge an inch. We topfed one of their landtraders and they responded by diffusing our missiles. We did not respond to this provocation, but they first striked us anyway.

Despite being annihilated, they vowed to get back at us. They said they would be unconventional and they have threatened to make our allies hurt. They have also been trying to turn our allies against us and talking with most alliances with a view to form pacts against us.

We are left with no choice for our own good and also for the good of the server to lay another blow against the forces of communism.

are u smoking crack again? i mean seriously..... are u the polioe? you gonna attack EVO next bc we openly landtrade with them? how about RD? i mean seriously...get a life....what we do in PDM is what weve always done....had fun and innovate. and if u losers over there had any common sense....youd see ur actions are the ones of the agressor.

wait until the whole server tag kills u set after set for a year then see how ur actions feel then

love pLow
poor laf
10:36 ee: GS pLow is HERE (#422) [SoF] --> Oslo 1952 (#201) [LaF] -- 2C/81F
And for you freaks.

dLpLow Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 7:27:32

on a side note

poor laf
10:36 ee: GS pLow is HERE (#422) [SoF] --> Oslo 1952 (#201) [LaF] -- 2C/81F
And for you freaks.

cgr4 Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 7:31:57

Lol ivan were just going to have to agree to disagree on this one

dagga Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 7:42:17

This ridiculous strategy of just writing more words in your fluffty war dec fools no one. hanlong loves a 1000 word war dec as well. The thing they have in common is the fact that bullfluff squared still equals a lot of bullfluff.
signatures are stupid.
Months since LaF netgained: 22

agusjo Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 7:51:05

SOF FS PDM, because PDM don't want to landtrading with them.

Pain Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 8:02:52

SoF is the only alliance that is so insecure about themselves that they have to get revenge on someone that they beat in a war the prior set, a set that they had 100% intentions of warring, just because they didnt get the FS.

its pretty pathetic if you ask me.
Your mother is a nice woman

Murf Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 8:12:33

Lol Pain

Funniest line in this thread is when Detmer claims PDM didnt diffuse our missiles last set a day after the topfeeding

CeyLonTEa Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 8:12:42

my reaction to above post - ok, so what's next?

Pain Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 8:17:52

Originally posted by Murf:
Lol Pain

Funniest line in this thread is when Detmer claims PDM didnt diffuse our missiles last set a day after the topfeeding

PDM didnt diffuse SoF missiles, so i dont get what your point is?
Your mother is a nice woman

dLpLow Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 8:18:49

Originally posted by Pain:
SoF is the only alliance that is so insecure about themselves that they have to get revenge on someone that they beat in a war the prior set, a set that they had 100% intentions of warring, just because they didnt get the FS.

its pretty pathetic if you ask me.

completly agree with u for once.....thought that tactic of i whooped yer ass last set ima try to tagkill oop.......days where over
poor laf
10:36 ee: GS pLow is HERE (#422) [SoF] --> Oslo 1952 (#201) [LaF] -- 2C/81F
And for you freaks.

Murf Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 8:23:20

lol Pain clearly they did, since we caught them in the act

100's of failed diffuse missile ops by PDM not to mention the hundreds of successful ones, they expected us to FS them over it so they could call in a FDP, but it never happened so they FSed us :)

Pain Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 8:24:36

idk i been playing this game for well over a decade and i still have never seen anyone diffuse a missile before. can you explain to me how i would go about diffusing some missiles?
Your mother is a nice woman

Murf Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 8:29:00

sabotage missile then :)

Seems this war is over, PDM enjoy vacation for the rest of the set

toma Game profile


Apr 21st 2012, 8:34:52

Originally posted by Flamey:
1) Actions such as informing suiciders (international terrorists) what alliance certain players played in, so that they direct their fire away from them.

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Ruining peoples fun for no reason is okay, but ruining it for a reason I disagree with isn't okay. Never change, community.



Apr 21st 2012, 8:36:46

dif·fuse [v. dih-fyooz; adj. dih-fyoos] Show IPA verb, dif·fused, dif·fusing, adjective
verb (used with object)
1. to pour out and spread, as a fluid.
2. to spread or scatter widely or thinly; disseminate.
3. Physics . to spread by diffusion.
verb (used without object)
4. to spread.
5. Physics . to intermingle by diffusion.
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.