
Real_Man Game profile


Aug 9th 2020, 16:37:59

You guys seem to have a history about bullying the SMALL guys. (in country building and mental capacity...**cough** hellrush cough**)

But this time you bit off more than you can chew. When you mess with the brotherhood of man bros, don't expect conventional tactics to be employed.

We could have called in some allies to deal with you, but we decided to handle this ourselves, because real man take care of their own problems.

1.) First you grabbed us:

2020-07-16 15:16:36 PS ImNotSurprised (#333) EVOtmac Way of the Bearded Dragon (#397) TheBOMB 6698A (7155A)

2.)We reached out in good faith:

From: Real_Man
Jul 16, 2020
To: Marshal
So you grabbed us for 7k acres, how do you want to handle this?

From: Marshal
Jul 17, 2020
To: Real_Man
We can't offer you anything as we aren't pacted. but I can send you Galleri's name and home address

I don't know what you expected with a reply like that.


#333 taunted us both in the game, threatening to farm our entire alliance because "that is how real men play"..they "take what they want"

So you left us no choice but to bide our team, and fight back when it hurt you most.

I hope it was worth it. We took what we wanted and enforced 1000%L:L give or take. Because when you fck around and play stupid games, you win stupid prizes.


RM and Chucknorrisbeard


EE Patron

Aug 9th 2020, 16:54:09

Confirmed. Pretty poor MANners if you ask me. Man code dictated that we respond. We did.

#333 - now do you get the joke? Pretty funny imo.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 9th 2020, 17:11:44

Wow marshal, that was a fluffed up message is you really sent that in game.
- Premium Patron Member

JIM_DANGER Game profile


Aug 9th 2020, 18:13:01




KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 9th 2020, 19:40:56

Originally posted by Requiem:
Wow marshal, that was a fluffed up message is you really sent that in game.

Agreed, his obsession with galleri is disturbing at this point, I feel bad for the innocent bystanders in EVO, you have a fluffty FA, I would have lost my fluff and DOW them too if I got that kind of response from him, I would have hit the country involved and Marshal though LOL.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

archaic Game profile


Aug 9th 2020, 20:59:31

This kind of fluff is probably the reason Morwen left. If Marshal ever manages to get his fat ass up the stairs from his moms basement I fear for all of the little girls in Scandinavia. Well, the slow ones at least.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Marshal Game profile


Aug 9th 2020, 21:07:45

i haven't spoken to that "real man" aka chevs ever or any1 else in bomb on FA matters. they could have retalled INSIDE 72 hrs and everything would been ok but no, they just decided to suicide on EVO at end of set so they are just common suiciders.

i don't give a fluff if you believe me or don't.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

mrcuban Game profile


Aug 9th 2020, 21:21:05

550k acres is that a land record ?

Soviet Game profile


Aug 9th 2020, 22:01:31

Originally posted by Real_Man:

From: Marshal
Jul 17, 2020
To: Real_Man
We can't offer you anything as we aren't pacted. but I can send you Galleri's name and home address

Hey Marshal I have great news! If you really have galleri's address please drop by because Remington just developed a cure for Covid and is looking for willing participants for their study! This new advanced treatment actually uses an old delivery method in the form of their model 870 syringe to save cost!

So please stop by, stay safe, and above all healthy!
Imaginary Numbers



Aug 9th 2020, 22:11:54

Wow don’t bring me into this
SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m



Aug 9th 2020, 22:15:55

Originally posted by Soviet:
Originally posted by Real_Man:

From: Marshal
Jul 17, 2020
To: Real_Man
We can't offer you anything as we aren't pacted. but I can send you Galleri's name and home address

Hey Marshal I have great news! If you really have galleri's address please drop by because Remington just developed a cure for Covid and is looking for willing participants for their study! This new advanced treatment actually uses an old delivery method in the form of their model 870 syringe to save cost!

So please stop by, stay safe, and above all healthy!

Lol, this is outstanding.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 9th 2020, 22:24:59

Hey, is there a suppository version of that? Asking for a friend.
- Premium Patron Member



Aug 9th 2020, 22:29:10

Originally posted by Real_Man:
You guys seem to have a history about bullying the SMALL guys. (in country building and mental capacity...**cough** hellrush cough**)

I don’t need you fluffing tech stealing cowards fighting my battles for me.


Aug 9th 2020, 22:35:11

Any reason why the mods continue to let fake hellrush post? I thought impersonating other players gets that account muted or is this a friend of a mod?

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 9th 2020, 22:37:42

I'm very skeptical of you, weird smiley face guy. If that's your real name!
- Premium Patron Member



Aug 9th 2020, 22:38:41

[quote poster=ツ; 49266; 955870] Any reason why the mods continue to let fake hellrush post? I thought impersonating other players gets that account muted or is this a friend of a mod? [/quote]

Wah wah weeaboo.


Aug 9th 2020, 22:41:25

I do not even think Hellrush has been on in over two weeks now.

Hellrushs Mom


Aug 9th 2020, 22:48:54

Helllrush with 3 L's is clearly not Hellrush with 2 L's.
Even a mother can tell the difference.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 9th 2020, 23:30:05


Originally posted by Soviet:
Originally posted by Real_Man:

From: Marshal
Jul 17, 2020
To: Real_Man
We can't offer you anything as we aren't pacted. but I can send you Galleri's name and home address

Hey Marshal I have great news! If you really have galleri's address please drop by because Remington just developed a cure for Covid and is looking for willing participants for their study! This new advanced treatment actually uses an old delivery method in the form of their model 870 syringe to save cost!

So please stop by, stay safe, and above all healthy!

Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Josey Wales


Aug 10th 2020, 1:25:33

Originally posted by Marshal:
i haven't spoken to that "real man" aka chevs ever or any1 else in bomb on FA matters. they could have retalled INSIDE 72 hrs and everything would been ok but no, they just decided to suicide on EVO at end of set so they are just common suiciders.

i don't give a fluff if you believe me or don't.

Josey Wales


Aug 10th 2020, 1:31:15

Originally posted by Real_Man:
You guys seem to have a history about bullying the SMALL guys. (in country building and mental capacity...**cough** hellrush cough**)

But this time you bit off more than you can chew. When you mess with the brotherhood of man bros, don't expect conventional tactics to be employed.

We could have called in some allies to deal with you, but we decided to handle this ourselves, because real man take care of their own problems.

1.) First you grabbed us:

2020-07-16 15:16:36 PS ImNotSurprised (#333) EVOtmac Way of the Bearded Dragon (#397) TheBOMB 6698A (7155A)

2.)We reached out in good faith:

From: Real_Man
Jul 16, 2020
To: Marshal
So you grabbed us for 7k acres, how do you want to handle this?

From: Marshal
Jul 17, 2020
To: Real_Man
We can't offer you anything as we aren't pacted. but I can send you Galleri's name and home address

I don't know what you expected with a reply like that.


#333 taunted us both in the game, threatening to farm our entire alliance because "that is how real men play"..they "take what they want"

So you left us no choice but to bide our team, and fight back when it hurt you most.

I hope it was worth it. We took what we wanted and enforced 1000%L:L give or take. Because when you fck around and play stupid games, you win stupid prizes.


RM and Chucknorrisbeard

I would be happy to join that fight.

Drow Game profile


Aug 10th 2020, 2:23:43

49k acres, 25k of which was from the original offender.
Impressive work.
1000% is overstating fairly solidly though :P

Paradigm President of failed speeling

"EE's DILF" - Coalie

Bug Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 10th 2020, 2:36:41

Gees, lots of Evo hate in here..

Drow Game profile


Aug 10th 2020, 3:00:44

Bug: Not sure if it's evo hate or specifically Marshal hate.
In this case, if the message logs are real, I can understand why the OP was pissed.
If I was an Evo member, and those logs were real I would also be justifiably pissed at my leadership.
Just observations.

Paradigm President of failed speeling

"EE's DILF" - Coalie

Josey Wales


Aug 10th 2020, 7:31:17

Marshal....what’s your country that we can annihilate you?

Josey Wales

Tmac Game profile


Aug 10th 2020, 8:51:23

#333 is me. These 2 chumps act like fluffes, not men. Chevs stole tech from me last set. His butt buddy tried stealing tech from me this set, then messaged me saying it was his anonymous friends idea of a joke. I smacked him for being a douchebag, then told him exactly why i retalled him. Chevs obviously doesn't realize what quotes mean because those are made up, feel free to post my actual messages. I laughed at the notion they were real men since they're tech stealing pussies and for blaming his actions on an anonymous friend's joke. I never grabbed them or threatened to, much less farm them, lol. Evo only grabs bots.

Rasp Game profile


Aug 10th 2020, 12:35:10

Originally posted by Real_Man:

1.) First you grabbed us:

2020-07-16 15:16:36 PS ImNotSurprised (#333) EVOtmac Way of the Bearded Dragon (#397) TheBOMB 6698A (7155A)

I call shenanigans here. TheBOMB got caught stealing tech from evo early on.

Dr. Tmac
#397, thebomb 2 man alliance

Jul/15/20 20:49:46
He attempted to commit espionage. Said some1 i may know told him to do it as a joke(he can't say who), and he deserves to be ridiculed for his actions. I responded by making fun of their poor attempt at humor. I think me doing a 7k acre retal would be funny though. Lmk if you guys want me to retal or not.

Originally posted by Chevs:
Wow don’t bring me into this

Don't act like you're innocent. You're part of this too.
[16:18:00] znc-rasp: We can kill bushido, but not bushifo, zack, moriarty, ghost rider, or darkling
[16:18:07] Req: Is that all the same person?
[16:18:12] symba: yea
[16:18:25] mob: my kids are like dad why are you laughing so much


EE Patron

Aug 10th 2020, 14:30:13

Honestly, your countries were so bad that we did you a favor. At least you get some attention instead of subpar finishes. This coming from a guy who is horrible at this game.

Did a 7k land grab and someone actually gets even. Poor poor Tmac. Looks like your panties are in a bunch. But hey - i'm still laughing.

archaic Game profile


Aug 10th 2020, 14:48:05

Fun fact, I just topped 1B bushels on the last day of the set, not much by big boy standards, but a nice way to go out IMHO. I'm not going to miss this fluffhole. I stuck around for the memes for a long time, but this place has turned into a salt mine. A teeny tiny itty bitty salt mine. I'm sure I'll be back eventually, but fluff this cancer wagon for the rest of 2020.


Just got PM'd in game by somebody that wants to kill all of the bots next set . . .
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov



Aug 10th 2020, 14:58:02

Originally posted by Rasp:

Originally posted by Chevs:
Wow don’t bring me into this

Don't act like you're innocent. You're part of this too.

I am flattered that you think its me.... i really am. I am an exemplary member of this community. I am sadly, however, not involved.

I wish I was tbh, again I'm flattered. evo suicided on me a few sets back while i was in Post Script like the douches they are.

HOWEVER, Here's how you know its not me:
1. Id be rubbing it in that I have the land record
2. I would have farmed more than just evo because why not

these guys however, seem to have a different set of principles than me. They didn't hit omega or PDM or Laf or Monsters or any of the other defenseless fatties. I can admit my faults and I wouldn't have been able to resist. tell me im wrong?

I don't know why my name is being thrown out there and i really dont care, but its not me
SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 10th 2020, 15:31:11

My guess is it's clan DANGER

When is the last time Jim Danger has posted.
- Premium Patron Member

Drow Game profile


Aug 10th 2020, 21:12:45

Originally posted by Chevs:
Originally posted by Rasp:

Originally posted by Chevs:
Wow don’t bring me into this

Don't act like you're innocent. You're part of this too.

I am flattered that you think its me.... i really am. I am an exemplary member of this community. I am sadly, however, not involved.

I wish I was tbh, again I'm flattered. evo suicided on me a few sets back while i was in Post Script like the douches they are.

HEY!!!! I wasn't defenceless!! I had a whole 1 tank defending my lands!!!!

HOWEVER, Here's how you know its not me:
1. Id be rubbing it in that I have the land record
2. I would have farmed more than just evo because why not

these guys however, seem to have a different set of principles than me. They didn't hit omega or PDM or Laf or Monsters or any of the other defenseless fatties. I can admit my faults and I wouldn't have been able to resist. tell me im wrong?

I don't know why my name is being thrown out there and i really dont care, but its not me

HEY!!!! I wasn't defenceless, I had a whole 1 tank defending my lands!

Paradigm President of failed speeling

"EE's DILF" - Coalie



Aug 10th 2020, 21:29:25

Post Script killed me a few sets ago and were generally pretty reasonable guys about it.

Tmac Game profile


Aug 10th 2020, 21:48:06

Originally posted by ChuckNorrisBeard:
Honestly, your countries were so bad that we did you a favor. At least you get some attention instead of subpar finishes. This coming from a guy who is horrible at this game.

Did a 7k land grab and someone actually gets even. Poor poor Tmac. Looks like your panties are in a bunch. But hey - i'm still laughing.

Check my news. I was already suicided earlier in the set and spent a couple days helping to kill the guy. Your attacks maybe took me from 12th to 15th(we'll see how it plays out). If you really think im upset about that, you're wrong(although i would have rather you guys did all your hits on me). I only posted to set the facts straight since you guys tried saying i grabbed you and threatened to farm you. You tried a harmful op so my hit was a retal. I hope you 2 jump higher because i still nearly beat your combined nw, lmao.

Edited By: Tmac on Aug 10th 2020, 22:04:01

iScode Game profile


Aug 10th 2020, 22:17:10

Sooo they fabricated a claim to try and justify a war and claim to be real men?

Real men would do what they want and make no apologies for it. They wouldn't lie and try to manipulate. Those are woman traits.

Real men sound like they are really a bunch of pussies. Big hairy, no ball vaginas, probably as wide as a hallway.

Not a fan of any alliance with Marshall as an fa. But at least he doesn't claim he is a real man. He knows he is a fluff :). You guys will learn your place too...
God of War



EE Patron

Aug 10th 2020, 22:17:46

Originally posted by Tmac:
Originally posted by ChuckNorrisBeard:
Honestly, your countries were so bad that we did you a favor. At least you get some attention instead of subpar finishes. This coming from a guy who is horrible at this game.

Did a 7k land grab and someone actually gets even. Poor poor Tmac. Looks like your panties are in a bunch. But hey - i'm still laughing.

Check my news. I was already suicided earlier in the set and spent a couple days helping to kill the guy. Your attacks maybe took me from 12th to 15th(we'll see how it plays out). If you really think im upset about that, you're wrong(although i would have rather you guys did all your hits on me). I only posted to set the facts straight since you guys tried saying i grabbed you and threatened to farm you. You tried a harmful op so my hit was a retal. I hope you 2 jump higher because i still nearly beat your combined nw, lmao.

The sad part is. You were trying.


EE Patron

Aug 10th 2020, 22:24:05

Originally posted by iScode:
Sooo they fabricated a claim to try and justify a war and claim to be real men?

Real men would do what they want and make no apologies for it. They wouldn't lie and try to manipulate. Those are woman traits.

Real men sound like they are really a bunch of pussies. Big hairy, no ball vaginas, probably as wide as a hallway.

Not a fan of any alliance with Marshall as an fa. But at least he doesn't claim he is a real man. He knows he is a fluff :). You guys will learn your place too...

This might have been hurtful. But I ask you, if nothing throws a stone, does it hurt?

iScode Game profile


Aug 10th 2020, 22:29:37

Originally posted by ChuckNorrisBeard:
Originally posted by iScode:
Sooo they fabricated a claim to try and justify a war and claim to be real men?

Real men would do what they want and make no apologies for it. They wouldn't lie and try to manipulate. Those are woman traits.

Real men sound like they are really a bunch of pussies. Big hairy, no ball vaginas, probably as wide as a hallway.

Not a fan of any alliance with Marshall as an fa. But at least he doesn't claim he is a real man. He knows he is a fluff :). You guys will learn your place too...

This might have been hurtful. But I ask you, if nothing throws a stone, does it hurt?

Wasn't trying to be hurtful. Just stating facts. You should change your name to chuck Norris vagina ya fluff.
God of War



EE Patron

Aug 10th 2020, 22:38:58

Originally posted by iScode:
Originally posted by ChuckNorrisBeard:
Originally posted by iScode:
Sooo they fabricated a claim to try and justify a war and claim to be real men?

Real men would do what they want and make no apologies for it. They wouldn't lie and try to manipulate. Those are woman traits.

Real men sound like they are really a bunch of pussies. Big hairy, no ball vaginas, probably as wide as a hallway.

Not a fan of any alliance with Marshall as an fa. But at least he doesn't claim he is a real man. He knows he is a fluff :). You guys will learn your place too...

This might have been hurtful. But I ask you, if nothing throws a stone, does it hurt?

Wasn't trying to be hurtful. Just stating facts. You should change your name to chuck Norris vagina ya fluff.

It would be Chuck Norris' or Chuck Norris's vagina, you illiterate little man. I know you have seen an apostrophe before because you used it in the previous sentence. Maybe you've never actually owned anything or maybe your boyfriend writes the check. Either way, try talking like an adult.

iScode Game profile


Aug 10th 2020, 22:44:33

Originally posted by ChuckNorrisBeard:
Originally posted by iScode:
Originally posted by ChuckNorrisBeard:
Originally posted by iScode:
Sooo they fabricated a claim to try and justify a war and claim to be real men?

Real men would do what they want and make no apologies for it. They wouldn't lie and try to manipulate. Those are woman traits.

Real men sound like they are really a bunch of pussies. Big hairy, no ball vaginas, probably as wide as a hallway.

Not a fan of any alliance with Marshall as an fa. But at least he doesn't claim he is a real man. He knows he is a fluff :). You guys will learn your place too...

This might have been hurtful. But I ask you, if nothing throws a stone, does it hurt?

Wasn't trying to be hurtful. Just stating facts. You should change your name to chuck Norris vagina ya fluff.

It would be Chuck Norris' or Chuck Norris's vagina, you illiterate little man. I know you have seen an apostrophe before because you used it in the previous sentence. Maybe you've never actually owned anything or maybe your boyfriend writes the check. Either way, try talking like an adult.

The fluff that is chuck Norris doesn't deserve an apostrophe. And I'll talk however the fluff I like. If you don't like it you can suck my fluff. That way you can claim to have achieved something worthy this set...
God of War



EE Patron

Aug 10th 2020, 22:50:28

Good one.

iScode Game profile


Aug 10th 2020, 23:01:40

Oh no trying to be witty or condescending. Ran out of insults? Or is that all your brain power used for the day?

Poor buttercup. I apologise. My mother always said I should treat woman with respect.
God of War



EE Patron

Aug 10th 2020, 23:09:28

Its like trading insults with a baby. Half the time I imagine you drooling and soiling yourself. Witty isn't something you're capable of and condescending would imply you have any real standing in the world. The only thing your mother taught us is that a coat hanger wasn't worth ruining.

iScode Game profile


Aug 10th 2020, 23:17:35

Originally posted by ChuckNorrisBeard:
Its like trading insults with a baby. Half the time I imagine you drooling and soiling yourself. Witty isn't something you're capable of and condescending would imply you have any real standing in the world. The only thing your mother taught us is that a coat hanger wasn't worth ruining.

Yet here you are still lowering yourself to my level.

Reading comprehension is as important as grammar I never claimed to be witty or condescending. Unlike you I don't have such an arrogant bloated opinion of myself.

Keep trying though. You are slowly improving. Soon you might actually come up with something decent.
God of War



EE Patron

Aug 10th 2020, 23:34:10

Originally posted by iScode:
Originally posted by ChuckNorrisBeard:
Its like trading insults with a baby. Half the time I imagine you drooling and soiling yourself. Witty isn't something you're capable of and condescending would imply you have any real standing in the world. The only thing your mother taught us is that a coat hanger wasn't worth ruining.

Yet here you are still lowering yourself to my level.

Reading comprehension is as important as grammar I never claimed to be witty or condescending. Unlike you I don't have such an arrogant bloated opinion of myself.

Keep trying though. You are slowly improving. Soon you might actually come up with something decent.

Ha. That was pretty good. I even laughed a little.

iScode Game profile


Aug 10th 2020, 23:35:53

Typical american. Quitting again. Do you guys ever see anything through to the finish?
God of War


KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 10th 2020, 23:41:32

20 minutes away from me finding the perp who stole my tech....
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Suicidal Game profile


Aug 10th 2020, 23:50:48

who won ur war?

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 10th 2020, 23:52:58

I'm alive in top 50.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Hellrushs Mom


Aug 11th 2020, 0:56:43

Originally posted by iScode:
Typical american. Quitting again. Do you guys ever see anything through to the finish?

Only on your mom's face.