


Oct 10th 2017, 22:29:05

There are a group of players, only playing alliance to prevent laf from netting

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 10th 2017, 22:58:38

Lol. Laf claiming victory now? Pretty rich. You guys got tked before the rest of the war even happened. Similar to if elders claimed victory in the ab fs set because laf was eventually killed off and elders finished with higher Nw. But no, even I'm not stupid enough to call that a win. You guys tk'd us way before any of that and war was won by LaF.

Claiming victory in two sets that you we're tag killed is silly.

Symbolic Game profile


Oct 11th 2017, 0:15:24

Next war please.

TipDaVampire Game profile


Oct 11th 2017, 1:10:53

Well... bonus

mrford Game profile


Oct 11th 2017, 2:54:50

Steeps is a nub.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Makinso Game profile


Oct 11th 2017, 9:26:39


War wins aren't standard. They are based on context. If 2 tags fight 1 gets tagkilled the other doesn't but the tagkilled tag comes out in hits kills and NW. Who's winning?

Similar if A fights B, C FSes A directly and D FSes C a week later. C and A, B and D are allies. A and C get tagkilled, D gets tagkilled. A and C have more hits and kills but B and D have the NW advantage by 150M.
Who's the winner?

In honest view I would say losers in this war would be stones, and elders. Both were ravaged completely, stones a few countries away from being tagkilled. They FSed 48 hours after the last FS and only hit SOL. 60 countries hitting SOL with massive breaking power and a ton of missiles should have decimated SOL.
SOL came out on top tagkilling Elders (with laf help) and demolishing Stones breaker lines completely.
SOL held the individual tag NW as #1 the whole war despite being the focus of the 65+ hitters on the elders/stones/imag side.

Elders had a win over LaF, but it was temporary. Both Elders and laf were tagkilled, LaF grew out of their tagkill and regained composure in NW and hitting. Elders was tagkilled kept composure in hits but couldn't keep composure in NW gains or control. Imag saw a solid political win, they had free roam in this war could steer whatever way they wanted. Kudos to them. Country builds in imag were strong (better then i've seen before) which is an internal win. Imags hitting or breaking performance was not the best they've done in history.

So as for winners: (counting from whenever they entered the chaos of this war till the last day)

SOL: Wins on multiple grounds, NW advantage, hitting performance etc.
Imag: Wins politically, internally (country builds), hitting / breaking performance was under average for there standards which added to their sides war loss.
Stones: Loses, due to losing their insane breaker line and a mediocre breaking / hitting performance.
Elders: Wins early, had a tagkill over LaF and NW advantage which they couldn't hold onto later, got tagkilled and lost all advantages so Loses late game and lost the total war.
LaF: Loses early, got tagkilled, wins in the later part of the war by regaining composure in hits / NW gains.

SC: was the most chaotic in this war. They killed/broke/tore people on both side a new one. So I'm not counting them.

Counting wins and losses overall you could say that the SOL / LAF side won the total war.

smikke Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 11th 2017, 11:59:51

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Lol. Laf claiming victory now? Pretty rich. You guys got tked before the rest of the war even happened. Similar to if elders claimed victory in the ab fs set because laf was eventually killed off and elders finished with higher Nw. But no, even I'm not stupid enough to call that a win. You guys tk'd us way before any of that and war was won by LaF.

Claiming victory in two sets that you we're tag killed is silly.

Obviously Elders won the first part of the war against LaF, LaF had just been hit by 10 suiciders and was in netting mode whereas Elders had prepped for a war against SOL. It fits in perfectly with the theme of "Elders only picks fights they can win." Once SOL, Stones and iMag came in (i.e. a fair war), LaF recovered to end up finishing with more net than Elders.

LaF was never going to win the war on their own, that's not what LaF had prepared to do that set. But with SOL, LaF won. And Elders lost, despite bringing in 2 war ready alliances. And unlike LaF, Elders came into this set with the goal of beating a war alliance, which it failed to do, yet again.

smikke Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 11th 2017, 12:05:55

Or to put it another way:

If this was the result of a war between a crippled LaF + SOL vs Elders and two war-ready clans, I'd love to see what would have happened if Elders had actually done their 1vs1 against SOL. Would have been a complete slaughter by the looks of it.



Oct 11th 2017, 13:42:47

Elders vs SOL... SOL for the win.
There can be no chosen one; only we can save ourselves.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Oct 11th 2017, 14:14:59

Originally posted by Makinso:

War wins aren't standard. They are based on context. If 2 tags fight 1 gets tagkilled the other doesn't but the tagkilled tag comes out in hits kills and NW. Who's winning?

Similar if A fights B, C FSes A directly and D FSes C a week later. C and A, B and D are allies. A and C get tagkilled, D gets tagkilled. A and C have more hits and kills but B and D have the NW advantage by 150M.
Who's the winner?

In honest view I would say losers in this war would be stones, and elders. Both were ravaged completely, stones a few countries away from being tagkilled. They FSed 48 hours after the last FS and only hit SOL. 60 countries hitting SOL with massive breaking power and a ton of missiles should have decimated SOL.
SOL came out on top tagkilling Elders (with laf help) and demolishing Stones breaker lines completely.
SOL held the individual tag NW as #1 the whole war despite being the focus of the 65+ hitters on the elders/stones/imag side.

Elders had a win over LaF, but it was temporary. Both Elders and laf were tagkilled, LaF grew out of their tagkill and regained composure in NW and hitting. Elders was tagkilled kept composure in hits but couldn't keep composure in NW gains or control. Imag saw a solid political win, they had free roam in this war could steer whatever way they wanted. Kudos to them. Country builds in imag were strong (better then i've seen before) which is an internal win. Imags hitting or breaking performance was not the best they've done in history.

So as for winners: (counting from whenever they entered the chaos of this war till the last day)

SOL: Wins on multiple grounds, NW advantage, hitting performance etc.
Imag: Wins politically, internally (country builds), hitting / breaking performance was under average for there standards which added to their sides war loss.
Stones: Loses, due to losing their insane breaker line and a mediocre breaking / hitting performance.
Elders: Wins early, had a tagkill over LaF and NW advantage which they couldn't hold onto later, got tagkilled and lost all advantages so Loses late game and lost the total war.
LaF: Loses early, got tagkilled, wins in the later part of the war by regaining composure in hits / NW gains.

SC: was the most chaotic in this war. They killed/broke/tore people on both side a new one. So I'm not counting them.

Counting wins and losses overall you could say that the SOL / LAF side won the total war.

I appreciate the nice comment about iMag Maki. The only thing I think you might be factoring in about our breaking power/hitting being under our average is you might be comparing to when we were bigger?

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Dissident Game profile


Oct 11th 2017, 15:42:41

Originally posted by Veritas:
Elders vs SOL... SOL for the win.

Weve already done that. In March actually you FSed Elders and Sof.

Solarwen 39
Elders/sof 41
It was a nice fs... you lost that war in spectacular fashion

Makinso Game profile


Oct 11th 2017, 17:01:54

Props Where due galleri
bigger this or previous sets galleri?

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 11th 2017, 17:20:51

Man. Lots of chest pounding in here. You guys are too cute.

Originally posted by smikke:

Obviously Elders won the first part of the war against LaF, LaF had just been hit by 10 suiciders and was in netting mode whereas Elders had prepped for a war against SOL. It fits in perfectly with the theme of "Elders only picks fights they can win." Once SOL, Stones and iMag came in (i.e. a fair war), LaF recovered to end up finishing with more net than Elders.

LaF was never going to win the war on their own, that's not what LaF had prepared to do that set. But with SOL, LaF won. And Elders lost, despite bringing in 2 war ready alliances. And unlike LaF, Elders came into this set with the goal of beating a war alliance, which it failed to do, yet again.

Lemme start just by pointing out that I did tell Maki I thought sol would win the war. Or at least I thought in advance elders would at least get rolled out. We also didn't bring in imag. They were already coming. Also stones was going to hit someone so having them come in on our side made more sense to make the war more fun than coming in and dropping a g on the other side. End of the day, I'm about fun factor. We managed to take a pile of unfair wars that were to happen this set, and made one big fun contest. And again, that's what matters most to me. Stones was ready to pound something and had they jumped imag or elders, we all would have had significantly less fun. Less chances to wall for your side and just a general smashing. Idk. I'm totally fine with losing if it is a good time. The set prior to this should be a good example of how to build a war that wasn't fun for either side because it was so 1-sided. This war was anything but and therefore was more fun for all, win or lose.

It's interesting to me, Maki, that you don't count SC. Granted their presence was chaotic but Stones was pretty focused on killing them while elders and imag essentially killed sol together. In a sense you aren't counting the ally that bailed you out haha. I still say they scored as good a win as any.

Also, after laf was tk'd, they we're virtually left alone while the other arms of the war raged on. I would hope they'd be able to salvage some Nw after hardly being hit at all. Just saying. Once you die once, we move on. No pride in killing busted up restarts. Sometimes we kill syko a couple extra times but we had, for the most part, moved on. Elders got tag killed much later in the set.

But yeah. I think we all won by having a fun war. That was good times. Two snaps. Sc will be along to confirm shortly.

Karnage XZ


Oct 11th 2017, 17:43:16

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Man. Lots of chest pounding in here. You guys are too cute.

Originally posted by smikke:

Obviously Elders won the first part of the war against LaF, LaF had just been hit by 10 suiciders and was in netting mode whereas Elders had prepped for a war against SOL. It fits in perfectly with the theme of "Elders only picks fights they can win." Once SOL, Stones and iMag came in (i.e. a fair war), LaF recovered to end up finishing with more net than Elders.

LaF was never going to win the war on their own, that's not what LaF had prepared to do that set. But with SOL, LaF won. And Elders lost, despite bringing in 2 war ready alliances. And unlike LaF, Elders came into this set with the goal of beating a war alliance, which it failed to do, yet again.

Lemme start just by pointing out that I did tell Maki I thought sol would win the war. Or at least I thought in advance elders would at least get rolled out. We also didn't bring in imag. They were already coming. Also stones was going to hit someone so having them come in on our side made more sense to make the war more fun than coming in and dropping a g on the other side. End of the day, I'm about fun factor. We managed to take a pile of unfair wars that were to happen this set, and made one big fun contest. And again, that's what matters most to me. Stones was ready to pound something and had they jumped imag or elders, we all would have had significantly less fun. Less chances to wall for your side and just a general smashing. Idk. I'm totally fine with losing if it is a good time. The set prior to this should be a good example of how to build a war that wasn't fun for either side because it was so 1-sided. This war was anything but and therefore was more fun for all, win or lose.

It's interesting to me, Maki, that you don't count SC. Granted their presence was chaotic but Stones was pretty focused on killing them while elders and imag essentially killed sol together. In a sense you aren't counting the ally that bailed you out haha. I still say they scored as good a win as any.

Also, after laf was tk'd, they we're virtually left alone while the other arms of the war raged on. I would hope they'd be able to salvage some Nw after hardly being hit at all. Just saying. Once you die once, we move on. No pride in killing busted up restarts. Sometimes we kill syko a couple extra times but we had, for the most part, moved on. Elders got tag killed much later in the set.

But yeah. I think we all won by having a fun war. That was good times. Two snaps. Sc will be along to confirm shortly.
Quit trying to make it sound like you made the server fun for everybody, LaF wanted nothing to do with your retarded redundant war, you tk'd a clan with ZERO DEFENSE who were LGing and building land, and not yet in stocking mode, only a few people had stock and it was used on that suicide alliance. Your pact breaking scum and you ran out on your arranged war. You are a bunch of cowards in elders! SoF is scum for joining you too. There was once an SoF that I enjoyed playing in but that group is gone, the ones that are left have disgraced the name by joining this elders crowd scum.
Do as I say, not as I do.

Suncrusher Game profile


Oct 11th 2017, 17:53:41

Confirmed. Was a fun war and we are the biggest winners. RLenga will be by to confirm.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 11th 2017, 18:09:15

Oh. I didn't mean laf. Laf never has fun. They copulate with a straight face. Or maybe more likely they cry during it.

But yeah... I'm thinking we are all aware laf didn't have fun. That's like my entire moral victory so I appreciate the shout out.

Ahem, everyone ELSE had fun lol

Edited By: DerrickICN on Oct 11th 2017, 18:18:19
See Original Post

DruncK Game profile


Oct 11th 2017, 18:14:24

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Oh. I didn't mean laf. Laf never has fun. They copulate with a straight face. Or maybe more likely they cry during it.

But yeah... I'm thinking we are all aware laf didn't have fun. That's like my entire moral victory so I appreciate the shout out.

Well said

Karnage XZ


Oct 11th 2017, 18:21:54

Originally posted by DruncK:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Oh. I didn't mean laf. Laf never has fun. They copulate with a straight face. Or maybe more likely they cry during it.

But yeah... I'm thinking we are all aware laf didn't have fun. That's like my entire moral victory so I appreciate the shout out.

Well said
You first must have morals before you can have a moral victory. What you had was in fact an immoral victory. I know..I know.. well said right?!
Do as I say, not as I do.

Dissident Game profile


Oct 11th 2017, 18:24:48

We dont claim moral victory.... if any elder claims moral victory, its a joke.

Elders is happy cuz we got to make vic eat his words. Never forget that.

NukEvil Game profile


Oct 11th 2017, 19:17:51

Edited By: NukEvil on Oct 11th 2017, 19:22:48
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

sinistril Game profile


Oct 11th 2017, 19:20:52

People are putting way to much excuses into this thread. I think the joy of fighting and dying for your country was a good enough answer but.....

This is a more accurate way of looking at it, I guess....

SC half way to tag killed, but they entered set to war and create chaos, clearest winners.
SOL almost tag killed, but they entered set to war, they're winners.
Stones almost tag killed, but they entered set to war, they're winners.
Elders tag killed, but they entered set to war, they're winners.
iMag not close to tag killed, and they entered set to war, they're losers.
LaF tag killed, and they entered set to net, clearest losers.

Why is this true? The only ones that really didn't get what they wanted is LaF. iMag got what they wanted but they wanted even more of it cause they were told they were next and they were never next.
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Oct 11th 2017, 19:39:39

Originally posted by Makinso:
Props Where due galleri
bigger this or previous sets galleri? when you played before.
I will be honest, while we still like a war, our membership has gone down, mainly due to the fact that people grew up, graduated either high school or college....flat out decided graphic games were better or got married and had kids....(this part I keep telling soviet is why we need to quit playing lol). But due to life etc, time schedules our members and that includes both Soviet and I barely and sometimes cannot show up to warchat. So we aren't that active as back in the day. Now I will give props to our people this set. We tried and we did show more than we have in a bit.
I keep trying to get iMag to have a netting set....never seems to work :p

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Symbolic Game profile


Oct 11th 2017, 20:03:03

Originally posted by sinistril:
People are putting way to much excuses into this thread. I think the joy of fighting and dying for your country was a good enough answer but.....

This is a more accurate way of looking at it, I guess....

SC half way to tag killed, but they entered set to war and create chaos, clearest winners.
SOL almost tag killed, but they entered set to war, they're winners.
Stones almost tag killed, but they entered set to war, they're winners.
Elders tag killed, but they entered set to war, they're winners.
iMag not close to tag killed, and they entered set to war, they're losers.
LaF tag killed, and they entered set to net, clearest losers.

Why is this true? The only ones that really didn't get what they wanted is LaF. iMag got what they wanted but they wanted even more of it cause they were told they were next and they were never next.

I don't think this could have been put any better.

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Oct 11th 2017, 20:15:45

lol @ elders claiming ex-post that they enjoyed it because it was a challenge

clearly enjoyed it, as can be seen by the falling restart rates and HPM towards the end of the set as the balance of the war tilted

clearly enjoyed it, as can be seen from how much they normally enjoy fair wars (i.e. not a lot)

we all know that falling warchat participation rates are the best sign that your clan is really enjoying their war
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

Symbolic Game profile


Oct 11th 2017, 20:37:49

Lol you just don't get it. I just wanna see the server burn. It's working.

Also, you should not shame people for being a good sport about it. I think this game needs more of that. I can read earthgraphs too. GG

Edited By: Symbolic on Oct 11th 2017, 22:34:40
See Original Post

Taveren Game profile


Oct 11th 2017, 20:58:10

Originally posted by sinistril:
People are putting way to much excuses into this thread. I think the joy of fighting and dying for your country was a good enough answer but.....

This is a more accurate way of looking at it, I guess....

SC half way to tag killed, but they entered set to war and create chaos, clearest winners.
SOL almost tag killed, but they entered set to war, they're winners.
Stones almost tag killed, but they entered set to war, they're winners.
Elders tag killed, but they entered set to war, they're winners.
iMag not close to tag killed, and they entered set to war, they're losers.
LaF tag killed, and they entered set to net, clearest losers.

Why is this true? The only ones that really didn't get what they wanted is LaF. iMag got what they wanted but they wanted even more of it cause they were told they were next and they were never next.

Let's add a little context here. LaF's conditions for victory are significantly more difficult than any of the above. A 10 country tag making the right move at the right time could have prevented LaF from netting effectively. The win condition for the warring alliances was pretty easy.

Also consider that Elders has been very vocal in its dislike for LaF for some time. Elders has fought and beat LaF three sets in a row yet LaF maintained end set tag numbers for the past 4 sets. The April May 2017 set is a bit of an outlier since we don't have accurate numbers there. Thus far, it doesn't seem like Elders continued campaign against LaF has been very effective. The last time LaF took a significant hit to their tag count, dropping from 35 to 25, was after dealing with untagged suiciders. Only time will tell how successful Elders has been.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Skype: som3thingclassy

sinistril Game profile


Oct 11th 2017, 21:14:27

I don't disagree with LaF's conditions for victory being more difficult, but I don't believe that's a reason to give them a handicap. Everyone else last set wanted a fun war, and they all got one, LaF wanted to net and didn't get it. That's kind of the conditions everyone set for themselves. I personally don't understand the animosity for LaF, it's a history that happened when I was on an extended break from this game, so I'm not trying to be flippant, it's just the honest truth as to what transpired. It's like if a group of friends went out for food... SC, SOL, Elders, Stones, and iMag all wanted pizza, and LaF wanted steak. Everyone got pizza. If LaF had wanted pizza, then there are no true losers here and the best you can say is some people got more or less pizza than they wanted, but LaF wanted steak and they didn't even get steak pizza.
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.



Oct 11th 2017, 21:24:27

All I know is the more countries I lose, the more I win. 'tis the imag way
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

Akula Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 11th 2017, 22:18:07

the posts in this thread are way too long - too much time spent not having a beer, or picking yer nose

Originally posted by elvesrus:
All I know is the more countries I lose, the more I win. 'tis the imag way

the more time an enemy expends killing you for zero reason or strategic gain, the bigger the win ! ;)
"Astra inclinant, sed non obligant"


Dissident Game profile


Oct 12th 2017, 5:03:06

Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
lol @ elders claiming ex-post that they enjoyed it because it was a challenge

clearly enjoyed it, as can be seen by the falling restart rates and HPM towards the end of the set as the balance of the war tilted

clearly enjoyed it, as can be seen from how much they normally enjoy fair wars (i.e. not a lot)

we all know that falling warchat participation rates are the best sign that your clan is really enjoying their war

how many detagged to join SC? That affects the restart rate shown in earthgraphs too.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 12th 2017, 7:16:11

It is interesting Tav. Even more than a little to me. War seems to bring them together-ish...and stand up for each other etc. Getting wasted by suiciders all set seems like oddly not tolerable. Which is ironic to me considering all we faced in this game together a dozen years ago.

Mr Gainsboro Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 12th 2017, 8:03:15

Laf was not tag killed in the war vs elders before elders!
Don of LaF

Syko_Killa Game profile


Oct 12th 2017, 14:51:25

Originally posted by Mr Gainsboro:
Laf was not tag killed in the war vs elders before elders!
True statement, just ask how this was possible.
Do as I say, not as I do.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 12th 2017, 16:24:26

Talking about hellrush tagging over late? Laf was tag killed before he tagged over. Or are you referring to the tag that you jumped from? Oh well. Just spin it is.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Oct 12th 2017, 17:06:33

I don't know what the definition of tag kill is and I dont care much about it. TNW is the best indicator of who is winning anyway as it includes restart rate, restart strats, tech levels, military levels, spies and land and indeed also originals if those are still around. The war did not end when you say LaF was tag killed, so basing it on that time is like saying a marathon is decided by who leads after half the distance.

Elders did not kill Relax though and he was tagged with us for the entire war. I didn't invent the tag kill definition and I think it is kinda useless anyway so you tell me.

Why is it more important to kill the 3m NW inactive original that has not logged in for 4 weeks than the 10m NW restart that is online every day and doing dmg to you. That's what the 'tag kill = war win' does to you and indeed you made that choice when you killed Ignition (well I killed him but you did the other 200ish hits :)).
Had you killed an active restart maybe you would have stayed relevant in the war for a longer time.

So yeah if you think it is important to you please explain why Relax is not counted.

Dissident Game profile


Oct 12th 2017, 19:07:16

Lol... who cares!!!!! Obviously this is just laf trying to maintain their dignity. I get it...

But we dont care about that.