
allbymyself87 Game profile


Jul 28th 2019, 15:01:35

Can add or enhance the following things?

1) Tag admin news - a link to hide/clear all tag admin news (still can view them back through See All News link).
2) Tag admin news - show harmful spyops done by own tag members on other tags (useful for tag admin to trace and detag/boot members that perform harmful spyops on other tags without approval).
3) Tag admin - block tag admin from detagging dying members or dead members.
4) Own country news - show in news if any of your ally got killed or changed tag (auto cancel the ally if possible).
5) Block players from spying/hitting other players from same clan/tag.
6) Block players from spying/hitting other players from previous clan/tag within 24 hours after getting detagged or leaving the clan/tag.
7) Auto Declare/Make Peace when the country you are at war with is dead.
8) Block players from declaring war if they are not within the networth range to hit the country.

9) Forum - limit the number of posts can be posted by each player per day?
It's kind of annoying/demotivating to see the same few players keeps on actively arguing/mocking/bashing other players while the forum mods seems like do nothing about it and let the forum continues to become toxic and making others to stop posting/commenting/reading/visiting the forum.
The forum mods really need to step up and do something or else the entire forum will just end up with posts coming from that same few players only while other players gave up and keep quiet.
I would love to see more positive/constructive posts in forum rather than all those ridiculous negative posts arguing/bashing on each other from those same few players.
All by myself
Don't wanna be
All by myself anymore

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jul 28th 2019, 15:06:26

I think attack specific DR would be epic. Remove DR completely if a turn is run or a purchase is made. With some math(tm) we can balance them so that a pure GS or pure BR kill is often unworth or at least not always the best option. A hybrid kill is slower and far more costly to the attackers, but with attack specific DR it can take half the turns or something, depending on how its balanced, thus creating a very strong benefit for those who can pull it off.

DruncK Game profile


Jul 28th 2019, 15:15:42

Originally posted by sinistril:
Originally posted by DruncK:
Just make it impossible to die without first logging in. As soon as your click the warning that you're gonna fluffin die then it opens to floodgates and gives you a chance to wall. Say 5000 population and you can no longer be attacked until you login.

Or make it so you can't be attacked with special attacks while not logged in. You log in to run turns? You're free to be attacked in the next 3 hours. Otherwise, you can't be hit. Thus people won't have to worry about walling at work or beside the wife/gf/Soviet (to be inclusive to galleri) late at night in bed

Ya I think that would make FS's pointless tho. Say you don't my way and have like an hour window to login or something? You could completely do away with restart bonuses if we are guaranteed to be able to have a chance at walling. I don't think many people nowadays will truly enjoy war when they can die in under 30 seconds.

Original Skywise L Game profile


Jul 28th 2019, 15:36:43

To make game fair to new players, bots should be easily found under a bot tag ( in alliance server ), so no more " I didn't realize there were bots or how to find them" fluff.
In Express, they could be alpha- numeric, or just something far more obvious.
You should get the current restart option, but only once...and/or, the option to restart should only be allowed using Same country name killed, or fresh start to change name.
Bots should in fact spend excess cash (down to say, $2bil on hand) on either military, tech, or even stock. I still would like to see them randomly retal, imo.
Bot DR should be less than actual countries.
Killing a country should give the 'killer' a land boost, even if cherry picked. Watch out bots:-)
Humanitarians should be able to be 'dispursed' with in- country turmoil at some cost to make others not really want to abuse going against them, but dems having less cost if successful in 'changing their minds' as they have a 3 turn attack cost already.
Kills can only be made on a country 'online', but near- death remain possible, giving the country just that slim chance... like when brought down to 500 pop, immediately goes into protection mode for 15 turns. ???


Neil Game profile


Jul 28th 2019, 20:45:32

Originally posted by Gerdler:

Make it impossible to just hold enter/space on a kill run by redesigning the attack again prompt. Should alone increase the duration of killruns by 10-25 seconds.

Good point. Too much of the 'advancements' in this game have been about speeding stuff up and making people spend less time. To some degree it is understandable but I think changing the attack prompt is a good idea. Still I dunno if most would agree.....

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jul 28th 2019, 20:51:26

Originally posted by Original Skywise L:

Putting everyone on the same level shouldnt be done 'no matter the costs'. I agree with giving out all the bots in some fashion and I agree with bots spending down so they cant be stock-raped.

Not sure I agree with forcing people to run the same name, dont completely disagree either. There are pros and cons to that. I kind of think that the cat and mouse game we play with restarts is interesting at times in war. Like trying to find which restart is the guy who walled you so hard so you can pick him out when he is not able to wall or such.

Why should Bot DR be less? DR is calculated with formulas which players understand at a different level, putting separate DR formulas for different countries makes the game code more complex without adding any benefit. The reasons we hit bots over real players is that they dont retal, and once they start retalling the reason we will keep hitting the bots is that the bots will retal in a predictable way and can thus be outplayed with some effort.
I think adding complexity in this manner will make players that are already great far more superior at grabbing since they will know exactly when to hit a bot and when to hit a non-bot.

Giving the killer some sort of benefit is an interesting proposition but I dont think it should be a pure land boost as empty land is worthless in many cases.

Edited By: Gerdler on Jul 28th 2019, 20:55:46

Neil Game profile


Jul 28th 2019, 22:49:15

Make an alliance chat room ingame for each alliance.

sinistril Game profile


Jul 29th 2019, 2:01:10

Originally posted by DruncK:
Originally posted by sinistril:
Originally posted by DruncK:
Just make it impossible to die without first logging in. As soon as your click the warning that you're gonna fluffin die then it opens to floodgates and gives you a chance to wall. Say 5000 population and you can no longer be attacked until you login.

Or make it so you can't be attacked with special attacks while not logged in. You log in to run turns? You're free to be attacked in the next 3 hours. Otherwise, you can't be hit. Thus people won't have to worry about walling at work or beside the wife/gf/Soviet (to be inclusive to galleri) late at night in bed

Ya I think that would make FS's pointless tho. Say you don't my way and have like an hour window to login or something? You could completely do away with restart bonuses if we are guaranteed to be able to have a chance at walling. I don't think many people nowadays will truly enjoy war when they can die in under 30 seconds.

I agree. Actually, I think it makes FS's hurt a clan as to kill whoever is on they have to expose their entire clan to a counter strike. Maybe that's a good thing? But yeah, I agree about restart bonuses
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Karnage XZ


Jul 29th 2019, 2:11:38

Originally posted by sinistril:
Originally posted by DruncK:
Originally posted by sinistril:
Originally posted by DruncK:
Just make it impossible to die without first logging in. As soon as your click the warning that you're gonna fluffin die then it opens to floodgates and gives you a chance to wall. Say 5000 population and you can no longer be attacked until you login.

Or make it so you can't be attacked with special attacks while not logged in. You log in to run turns? You're free to be attacked in the next 3 hours. Otherwise, you can't be hit. Thus people won't have to worry about walling at work or beside the wife/gf/Soviet (to be inclusive to galleri) late at night in bed

Ya I think that would make FS's pointless tho. Say you don't my way and have like an hour window to login or something? You could completely do away with restart bonuses if we are guaranteed to be able to have a chance at walling. I don't think many people nowadays will truly enjoy war when they can die in under 30 seconds.

I agree. Actually, I think it makes FS's hurt a clan as to kill whoever is on they have to expose their entire clan to a counter strike. Maybe that's a good thing? But yeah, I agree about restart bonuses
Guaranteed walling is whack, that would totally change the dynamics of the game making it easier for alliances with all of the stonewallers to put up an everlasting stonewalling effect. Making kills too difficult will actually kill the game because netters don't have time to wait in war chat for an hour or longer so you can have your chance. That would no longer be a game worth playing. This idea of yours obviously came from a self-centered desire to place warring alliances back into a position of total advantage and netting alliances at their mercy.
Do as I say, not as I do.

sinistril Game profile


Jul 29th 2019, 2:25:16

It seems to me the way things are has lead to warring alliances being in a position of total advantage and netting alliances being at their mercy. Do you honestly think if someone FS's Evo tomorrow that they will do anything at all? PDM? Omega? Come on. This would at least ensure that alliance isn't wiped out in one strike. As for the netters that do fight back, I regularly see them in chat for far more than 1 hour. The theory behind an online counter and time limit is to speed things up- see someone online? You can't sit around for 5 hours arranging a speedkill (tm), you have to strike quick. The worst part of war is bad wc leaders spending 1 hour to find and set up one target. The pace needs to pick up. There needs to be more spur of the moment chats and less reliance on guaranteed kills.

If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jul 29th 2019, 2:41:48

I think that will happen with some simple game formula changes.

You wanna take the kill run where the target walls closer in result and expenditure to the killrun when the target doesnt wall.

That would in turn make offline kill runs more viable even against strong wallers.

Modification to bioterror and the GS and BR civ kills will make turn walling far less potent. Left then is buying up. Stuff can be done to mitigate the power of that as well.

If walling is less powerful people will care less about making kills in 10 seconds and more about not oversending etc, to save resources, that will in itself promote slower kills and thus faster setup times. Because other things are more important now than being fast enough that the target can't wall.

sinistril Game profile


Jul 29th 2019, 2:51:42

Potentially. Although, nerfed walling means numbers are even more powerful than they are now. Last sets elders victory despite the lower numbers would not exist in a world where walling wasn't powerful. Is it fair that the clan with the most numbers always wins?

That said, the only thing that is almost as toxic to this game as restart bonuses is long wc times. Literally no one enjoys waiting around for hours to get a couple kills. Just like netters quit because of suiciders, wardogs quit because of slow war chats. So anything that can fix that would be a positive change

Edited By: sinistril on Jul 29th 2019, 2:55:26
If you give a man some fire, he'll be warm for awhile. If you set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Aphrodite Game profile


Jul 29th 2019, 3:04:05

As a netter i don't like any aspect of war. I believe there should be an advanced form of GDI for the all explorers that would prevent any LGs on them and any LGs on other countries including all spy ops therefore the all x can truly net in peace. Also restarts should be given a 1-3 day immunity so they can rebuild and actually stand a chance against a 30+ man tag.
Screw This Game
Derrick <3

Garry Owen Game profile


Jul 29th 2019, 3:18:28

I like being in an good chat room with friends. There is a lot of excitement and fun to a well run chat and getting a clean kill. :)

wasaba86 Game profile


Jul 29th 2019, 16:39:06

might ask too much but, can we get an App for this game? :P playing from mobile chrome isnt a 2019 stuff.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 29th 2019, 17:02:25

Originally posted by Neil:
Make an alliance chat room ingame for each alliance.

Nope, that is SKETCHY practice.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

maverickmd Game profile


Jul 29th 2019, 18:16:44

I haven't posted in years.... but big issues i always saw were early production values / profit of tech vs casher and farmer.

As well as Too high returns on BR and AB especially with regards to CS (early game)

Both of these things incentive early wars and techers alot of the time.

Also high SPALs are too effective IMO

You could try some things like BR and ABs cant reduces CS by more than 50%. Like if you have 400 you can never have less than 200.... something like that (or test some different values)
You could make it so that ABs are disabled for X number of days at the start of the round.
You could increase the base production of farmer/cashers under X land values to encourage startup (or alternatively decrease the Tech per acre requrired below 20k land and increase it above 20k land)

Edited By: maverickmd on Jul 29th 2019, 18:19:04

Ă„she Game profile


Jul 29th 2019, 21:11:34

We can FA military, cash, bushels.....why can't we FA oil?

Hessman123 Game profile


Jul 29th 2019, 21:47:44

The SPAL thing is the one unfair area.. I have 27k acres and over 3 million spies.. it sucks that some nub with 400k spies and 1k acres can do successful spy attacks on me