so, they call themselves nipponese? me calling them that isn't racist, then. you just said its their name for themself?- i already suggested i used the wrong demonym, you either ignored it or didn't understand it.
now, it might be "nipponese" and not "nip", which is where i say i may have been wrong with my demonym. this isn't racism. it wasn't before, when foog had his issue with it, and it isn't now.
no matter which way you shake a stick at it, i spoke not out of hatred for a people, but out of hatred for something which they did, an action they chose to take (todays japanese people didn't bomb pearl harbor. when nippon was found on a map, however, they did)
i found, through a quick google search, five anthropologically distinct "races"
negroid (please, people of darker skin everywhere, i didn't come up with the name)
and capoid
fluff, i'd argue the term mongoloid is far more offensive than the term nipponese or nip.. mongol, the people, and oid, resembling.. resembling mongols. those cowardly mongoloids, better?
(NOT to be confused with mongrels, of course?)