Apr 16th 2014, 16:20:14
It wouldn't actually be free because someone (backers) are paying.
I have looked at Kickstarter before and there are a couple of issues for companies/individuals that want to start a project and does not belong to 1 of the 5 countries that Kickstarter supports. Essentially, you need to get someone else with 1 of those 5 citizenships to start the project, and he is the guy that all the money will go to should a project succeed (and you have to trust that guy won't run away with it).
Then there is taxes to bring the money across from that country to your country. And then there is the 10% Kickstarter cut, and then backer rewards. And a portion of the pledges are with invalid credit cards and/or are bogus. It's pretty painful to do a KS project. For any typical KS project, the actual amount of money that goes into a project is usually only about 50%-60% of the amount displayed on the project.