
enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 7th 2010, 4:02:10

i think its worth seeing how tpt changes things first before raising food floor, i think it may get a bit more extreme but we should wait and see first

the thing about food peak is the biggest countries will always have the most change in how much food they switch from selling to stocking

thats what makes food prices go up more so than techers starting to stock

the farmers only need so much income for growing, expenses, tech and defence, after that they have no incentive to sell any, and farmers should have more income available for stocking before cashers

and with the tpt change tech should be lower earlier letting everyone dedicate portions of income to stocking earlier (if there isnt enough land and particularly expensive land to be grabbed)

right now cashers use about 5-10% of income buying food that is used each turn when stocking, for farmers to work like that you need to consider they are probably selling food for 80 at the at point so can afford perhaps 5% of that income as expenses

the problem is that fascism makes $25/acre with 0 tech assuming selling food at 30.08, if you sell it at 75 that drops to about $16, this situation isnt important though, its the tech one that matters

keep in mind the numbers i post usually exclude fixed $10/acre land costs so its $15 and $6 after that (i excluded them becasue they are the same for everyone so easy to remember and you have to assume a certain level of mil and alliance expenses anyway on top)

using after commision numbers here, just do price*(1/.94) for before commision

max bus res:
$91 @ 30.08
$74.5 @ 75

but what we really want is an intermediary level, ill use forgottens 150

150 bus res:
$61 @30.08
$47 @75

but that food use is just food your not producing not food you need to sell so the 30.08 number is bettr once your stocking

that means you still need $51 in expenses before you have to sell any food on a non cashing turns (cash vs csite vs explore is a seperate issue)

$14 extra cashing roughly

tyranny has PCI penalty, fascism has both probably because a massive pop penalty makes you a lot quicker to kill

to go negative you need a lot of mil, remember food use of mil doesnt matter for the food market, it only affects farmer income


that means youd need ~15m turrets on 35k acres to go negative

but to make you have to sell a lot of food youd need a lot more than 15m turrets

the problem is i dont think theres a good way to force farmers to sell food while they go into stocking stage without screwing them up before that without new mechanics, ill post an example of a possible way to do it in another post

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 7th 2010, 4:26:17

farmers never want to sell food once they have 2b cash and tech and arnt grabbing because theres nothing better to buy

oil and tech work sometimes but definately not if a large enough amount of farmers to make a differance to the food market started doing it

therefore there has to be an incentive to sell food while stocking

i suggest we create an effective double food floor, 1 floor for early set and one floor for destocking

farmers would need to sell food during stocking to convert it to something else which gives them a slight advantage at destock time in either convenience or networth or a combination of both

the trick is how to do this without completely killing food peak, you probably ideally want to turn food peak into a normal supply&demand relationship rather than supply basically being turned off soon before demand peaks (otherwise we might have to actually start thinking about how to boost techer, although i did win team last set without using food peak at all as techer so it is possible at least in some servers)

if normal food sells for 32 end of set guaranteed with use of demo clearers

but the vast majority of food sold receives only 30.08 and the vast majority of farmers do that

then all you need to do is make them be able to sell the food for slightly more than 30.08 to make them want to sell it early in the set during food peak

i suggest "canned food" or spam if you like, which because its preserved better doesnt suffer commision losses when selling on public, or receives a slightly boosted sale price on private, call it $33 on private or 3.125% united nations food subsidies for feeding the worlds hungry on public redicing commision to 2.875%

demo could have a kickback or you could just ignore demos with mil tech and let those with 0mil tech make a bit of money reselling it

so you could sell your food on public with a special order that turns it into canned food, you lose 6% now but because you can sell it for 3.125% more its better than just holding on to it during food peak

Ivan Game profile


Aug 7th 2010, 7:29:23

"right now cashers use about 5-10% of income buying food that is used each turn when stocking, for farmers to work like that you need to consider they are probably selling food for 80 at the at point so can afford perhaps 5% of that income as expenses"

Food doesnt peak at 80 per bushel, besides farms actually can destock high as well most people just dont think about it or play their strategy that way its also posible to sell bushels during the food peak and invest in something else tech/oil for farmers but again most of them doesnt think about it


enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 7th 2010, 7:54:03

the point of that particular section was more that if more than about 5% of farmers food has to be sold to pay for cash expenses it gets very uneven

and even 5% would probably be unfair, so its hard to increase supply during stocking that way

tech/oil have been more risky historically, oil having the floor of 15, and tech being round 650 per point

with the change in tpt tech should be a lot closer to 650 a lot quicker than it has been for quite a while, and tech does sell late set to restarts and what not for perhaps 1k, so it should be more viable

i dont know that it will be viable and safe enough for a whole pile of farmers to invest in tech at what they feel is food peak though

Ivan Game profile


Aug 7th 2010, 16:20:13

An all X farmer can hit 110m net + easily i really cant see why this should be uped anymore by any means of floors or fluff I dont recall seeing an all X techer or indy to reach those levels so easily hm maybe not even a casher will it feels like you repeatedly try to fix things that arent really broken



Aug 7th 2010, 17:23:37

Too much math, I declare bankrupt
ICQ 43083642